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File: 24 KB, 360x496, Let the games begin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11891036 No.11891036 [Reply] [Original]

The days of getting by as a low IQ trader are over. In this new paradigm only high iq traders will be making money, the days of just riding the wave are over, this is now like the stock market. Only the best will win. Acquire an investment strategy or perish plebians

t.ashkenazi jew

>> No.11891105

we remind to inform you that askenazites are imbred poles

that shabbat breakers should be stoned to death

That the name of the yahudi is generally ben zona

that the holocaust is fake
but i'd do that for real

ve ath kol ha daberim yehova le-moshe lemor
anoki yahova eloheka
asher hozetika me-arez mizraim
me-bet ha-a3bdin

lo eheye lekha elohim akherim al panai

death to all jews
death to all jews
death to all jews
and then sheo'l, jahannat ve mmet
she'ol, jahannat w met

I will rape female jews once and twice more
I will rape them
I will pay them after

>> No.11891186

I will cum inside of jewish vagina with my 8x6er

I will impregnate them with copious amounts of seed. my sperm is thick and allmost yellow. it makes barren females conceive.

>> No.11891194

I enjoy also when the earth eats up young jews

when the flash flood kill some teenagers in the desert

this is very good


>> No.11891203
File: 405 KB, 1427x701, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found you

>> No.11891209


>> No.11891219

>nazi jew
what did he mean by this?

>> No.11891221

italians have the highest IQ among white tribes with avg. 111

israelis score 97 average. they are imbred with cousins. a race to exterminate by impregnating females. true biological warfare. give me an ugly jew, I'd fuck her now.

>> No.11891246

I speak hebrew because HaShem has privileged me and redpilled me about the jews. me and yehova have a tight relationship and I am holy to him. I hope you get shoa'ed again from hashem, like he did in 1940's to filthy shabbat breakers, homosexuals, heretics, atheists and poles.

ashkenazi wish they were mizrahim
they try to fuck with them
they want to be holy too.

too bad.
they are stupid, evil, made for hell and at risk of survival. trust me, jews are not men. they can be killed. no problem.

>> No.11891259

>italians have the highest IQ among white tribes with avg. 111

Idont doubt that, Italians are very closely related to ashkenazim

>israelis score 97 average. they are imbred with cousins. a race to exterminate by impregnating females. true biological warfare. give me an ugly jew, I'd fuck her now.

Israel is only 30% ashkenazi jew and they record any one with european origins as ashkenazi (so sephardi and white converts are included in that total)

>> No.11891267

its a group of imbred poles who invaded germany to exploit the resources.

now they are fleeing to new york, new jersey and back to israel. they think they made it, but it's just gipsies in exile.

they cheer a new moshiakh every 10 years and fuck up all they have, their religion.

so they are divided and afraid.

personally? I'd slaughter all of them, even the newborn ones. its halal for me to kill jews, hashem will grant me gan eden for each kill I strike in this life. I am a true prophet. not a fake one like fake messiahs, like lubavitcher. that sick old man. unholy dogman. kelev koffer

>> No.11891276
File: 424 KB, 1218x1156, Swarthy Nordics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take the jew pill

This is what the master race looks like

>> No.11891288

There has literally never been a large scale iq test of Jews showing they have a higher avg iq. The largest study of ashkenazi iq is a sample of a few hundred and the 115iq figure comes from a study with a sample size of 33 ashkenazis.

>> No.11891290


I look way better than jews
I am a navi
chose by ha qadosh baruch hu

I take the gmara, pirke avot, talmud, zohar, kabalah and I shit in it. be azrat hashem I dump a huge crap in it. I was told so by yehova in person. I am his oracle. fuck jews. its over. new paradigm.

Sappru vagoyim shiru ladonai kol ha arez

its over for you
hell is your nation
am ha jahannat

>> No.11891294

women can't partecipate because they are busy with their (((marriage)))


the last litle jew I raped, in new jersey, actually had an orgasm. I doubt moshe and shlomo could make her

>> No.11891295

The bell curve theory uses sample sizes as low as a couple hundred for many of its testing groups

Are you saying the bell curve theory is psuedoscience? based.... im a liberal too

>> No.11891346
File: 58 KB, 677x1024, 1543128877924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and the studies with the larger sample size had much lower results.
The average ashkenazi iq is about equivalent to whites.
Obviously this is the case since ashkenazi are Eastern European/North Western Asian in origin.
The difference is ashkenazim have high verbal iq whereas whites excel in spatial.
It is absurd you are simultaneously smug about iq while claiming it is bullshit and proudly proclaiming you're liberal knowing full well that word has lost its meaning.
You weren't supposed to drink your own kool aid freshman.

>> No.11891383
File: 507 KB, 690x5604, 1533616870526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average IQ is equal to whites

explain this then?

>> No.11891426

What I don’t understand is why nazis can’t comprehend the obvious superiority of the Jewish race over the filthy nordics, by every relevant metric.

>> No.11891442

They can comprehend it, they just cant reconcile it

>> No.11891450
File: 203 KB, 381x424, 1543127345724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking your own kool aid still.
Nepotism and religion.
Judaism is built to make Jews in exile thrive.
Everything from kosher to sitting shiva forces Jews to be together and band together.
Teamwork is powerful.
The fact I have to explain this to someone convinced by their own delusion is ridiculous.
Do you genuinely think the smartest team in a strategy sport would beat a team with the best team work? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11891456

The butt hurt whitebois SEETHING about the fact that ashkenazi jews are, bar none, the smartest collective in this world.

No real intention of having kids but if I did the dream is to score the old khazar milkers.

>> No.11891462
File: 38 KB, 1324x824, 1542452929615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related: its you

>> No.11891480
File: 84 KB, 720x960, 1543129132697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally never said Jews aren't smart.
That is the first line of your gay meme.

Nice ad hominem showing you're in fact fucking retarded and an embarrassment to Jews. I bet you're a dirty Ethiopian nigger larping.

>> No.11891509
File: 346 KB, 1666x904, average.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have that illusory superiority syndrome

Very common for the middle child to feel that way

>> No.11891514

you might think rambam and ramchal are good, smart people.
actually proceed reading their works.
hitler was nothing compared to them.
ramchal is luzzato, from fucking Padova.
the other is a spanish who also fakes to be muslim, somehow accepting christ, not to be killed. there is no such a thing as a jew no more. I alone and my torah put any of the fathers to shame. I will eat the supper with Eeshoa mshika, avraham and Yitsqaac. you will go to hell.

>> No.11891533

judaism is over with the internet, the earth won't eat Korach a second time, wallah.
I alone have enough info to start a new religion and kill, utterly sterminate the old fake jews.

>> No.11891871

Ok super jew, how about this:
Let's just assume the average Ashkenazi IQ is 110,
and the average white IQ is 100.
There are about 10 Million Ashkenazi Jews, and around 700 Million whites on the planet.
If we assume that the 0.75 quantile marks the amount of white people with an IQ higher than 110, then that leaves 25% of the white population with an IQ higher than 110.

In Absolutes we would have around 175 Million white people with an IQ higher than 110,
a number significantly higher than the whole Jewish population.
So how could IQ explain the absolute overrepresentation of Jews in influential positions ?
No it's your nepotism, which is astonishingly effective.
You play the game well Jew, have my respect.
But of course don't complain when we try to fight back.
All the numbers I used are just assumptions, but I guess I even chose them in your favor.

>> No.11891906

Because a higher average IQ = more people in the upper echelons of IQ will be jewish. People with IQ above 180 are the people who push society forward. That is why jews are 25% of nobel peace prize winners

>This suggests that either the “bell’s curve” is lifted for the Ashkenazi a bit longer at the high end or there are additional factors that enhance their ability to succeed. Regarding the first possibility, Charles Murray notes that “the proportion of Jews with IQs of 140 or higher is somewhere around six times the proportion of everyone else.” Harpending, Hardy and Cochran sport roughly the same equation; “4 out of every 1,000 Northern European is 140+ IQ, but 23 out of every 1,000 Jew is 140+.” Murray also relays a report from sky-high up in the genius range, when he notes that a 1954 survey of New York public school children with 170+ IQs revealed that 24 of the 28 were… Jewish.
>24 of the 28 were… Jewish.
>24 of the 28 were… Jewish.
>24 of the 28 were… Jewish.

>> No.11891908

lets just exterminate them why bother talking and taking the jewpill? just supreme death

>> No.11891915

You already tried that, it only sealed your fate

Now you live as our servants in your own countries

>> No.11891917

>i'm a jew
memes aside, why should i give a fuck? you're down 60%

>> No.11891922

Trading is a form of talmudism. It's creation of value through sleight of hand and manipulation.
I refuse.

>> No.11891939

>He doesnt know how to make money in a bear market

Anon I......

>> No.11892012

I wasnt even born ;) you take the faults of the father to the generations because you all have a sick heart. you will pay for this before 2200 jews will be exterminated <3

>> No.11892046

>you will pay

Not physically possible. Think about it like this. The difference in average height between a chinese man and a swedish man is only 6%. Sounds small right? On a societal level that 6% difference in height translates to a day and night difference between the two countries in terms of height. Even an average swede will absolutely tower over the chinese and a tall swede will be shocked upon entering china and seeing just how small they are

Now imagine if that difference was 15%....
Well 15% is the difference in average intelligence between a white and jewish man. Ashkenazis are absolutely towering over you on an intellectual level. To the point theres no set of circumstances you could ever win against us in a free market scenario.

To be born white in a world of ashkenazis is like being born handicapped. You're a fish in a barrel for us. You cant win

>> No.11892062

If my nose was that big i'd do anything for power as well

>> No.11892068

I don't read, man. you think im larping? i legit want to kill jews. go to hell

>> No.11892085

My point is its not physically possible

You are like monkeys compared to us

>> No.11892096

>So how could IQ explain the absolute overrepresentation of Jews in influential positions ?

White culture. Whites care more about feelings than about profit.

>> No.11892124

Jews in New York, a city with more Jews than tel Aviv... That can't be right.

>> No.11892149

ashkenazi subhuman

t. Rh- negative real God's chosen human being