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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 835 KB, 749x830, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11888506 No.11888506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm killing myself /biz/
I lost everything, I put my life savings into crypto.
I dont have anyone so this is goodbye.

>> No.11888522

Nah mate just wait and watch.

>> No.11888527

Sweet dreams OP.

>> No.11888531

Dude just wait a few years

>> No.11888532


>> No.11888536

where's the damn livestream?

>> No.11888538

What's that OP?

Helium? Carbon monoxide? Cyanide gas?

Also don't do it.

>> No.11888539

stream it

>> No.11888542

later fgt

>> No.11888545
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>> No.11888550

So he can kill himself then? Crypto isn't coming back you dumbfuck.

That said, OP should not kill himself. Just GTFO of crypto with whatever you have left and start over.

>> No.11888551

If it's not at $0
Don't an hero

>> No.11888554

You have frens here. Don't do it.

>> No.11888557

better luck in next life OP.

need stream link

>> No.11888560

sounds like a mistake OP. think of how many thai ladybois you could be fuckin' this time next year??

How you gonna do that if you're dead?

>> No.11888563

its probably helium which they put oxygen in now so op will live but just be a little more retarded than usual.

>> No.11888564

Send me your stacks

>> No.11888565

op fell for the money is everything meme

>> No.11888569

Lol, livestream?

>> No.11888570

I went all in on Linkchain.
200 grand.

Its over for me.

>> No.11888573
File: 97 KB, 504x514, 1474101052306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into her eyes. Crypto is temporary, waifus are forever.

>> No.11888577

damn, nigga

>> No.11888578

Funds are safu

>> No.11888582

Money is overrated.

>> No.11888589

ALSO THIS >>11888563


>> No.11888590

Also, this seems like a buy signal. People are literally killing themselves, perhaps this is marking we are close to the bottom.

>> No.11888596

>I went all in on Linkchain.
>200 grand.
holy fuck.

>> No.11888597

Im not going to tell you not to kill yourself.

But do you mind giving us some info?
How much you lost? What you invested in? Sex life? hobbies?

>> No.11888600

>I went all in on Link
Absolute state of linkies.
Also this thread is a huge buy signal.

>> No.11888607

Send me stinkies before you do it

>> No.11888612

OP is a faggot, this is from when BITCONEEEEEEEEEEEECT was revealed to be a giant scam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY8rq1AyCPY

>> No.11888617

This anon is right, you've proved the final stages of the bear, don't die

>> No.11888622

this. use a gun. I’d rather be dead than braindead. gun is painless

>> No.11888630
File: 116 KB, 1000x897, hank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clean burning propane

>> No.11888632

I know you are smart, but be smart enough to know that this helium tank will not kill you anon.

>> No.11888633

How do we report this? I dont know if its a prank

>> No.11888639

I used to be a developer and took a fulltime job as an Esports academic because of the pay.
Spent a lot of my time shilling for altcoins at the student LANs.
I'm done with life.

>> No.11888640

stop it OP, money is not everything, i lost $175k myself but I know if I work hard enough I'll make everything back and more, yeah not in crypto maybe..
you have no idea what you can actually achieve.
why just give up? you are free rolling right now. you can try and make it happen. we are all going to die eventually so just push it and dont be a pussy. you have no idea how many people lost everything and then became billionaires.

>> No.11888645

dude use a gun

stream it

>> No.11888648
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Here, use my backup.

>> No.11888656

also this

dont do it you fucking retard

rape some girl at least before offing yourself, or rob a bank

>> No.11888657
File: 219 KB, 937x485, ballsack suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


really this time

>> No.11888659

This is where we buy

>> No.11888666

what the fuck is an esports academic? does that mean you study twitch streamers?

Thats still a job. Theres still more in life

>> No.11888667

Aand op is a faggot.

>> No.11888668

I don't think it's a prank. There have already been confirmed crypto suicides. Crypto has unironically completely ruined many lives at this point.

OP, I said it before and I'll say it again: don't kill yourself. Sell, get a job, find a qt3.14 gf. It may take a few years but you can recover financially.

>> No.11888677

this is bullish. just went 100k long

>> No.11888678

dont do it man. you can come back from this. Life is way more precious than those shitty coins. You are loved.

>> No.11888682

>ruin the life of other human beings before killing yourself like a pussy cause you couldn't deal with your bad decisions and failures in life
the absolute state of incels betting on crypto with their monthly autismbux

>> No.11888683

Craig Wright is responsible for this, how is he still alive? People would rather kill them selves than get revenge.

>> No.11888685
File: 15 KB, 684x448, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op, you only had to listen

>> No.11888686


Dude don’t do it, but if you do at least use the farts of a hot asian hooker instead of helium

>> No.11888688

Oh. Carry on, then.

Also, fake and gay.

>> No.11888692
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You have almost everything you need to do great things, OP. Choose wisely.

>> No.11888695
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>> No.11888703
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anon theres so much more to live for, im an anti social retard that browses a chan board when im not working a wage cuck job. but i enjoy my hobbies and the little things in life. this crack in the road of riches is only a crack. cracks can and are filled in due time. a crack in this road isnt worth losing the one thing that is most precious and irreplacible. that is your life anon. hell if we can all bear the bullshit every day so can you. where on this train together anon, dont leave.

>> No.11888710

he said to rape her, not to ruin her life, dumbass

>> No.11888711
File: 50 KB, 1000x1000, 1518245915187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are going to tell you not to do it and money is not everything blah blah blah.

There are plenty of people on this planet, we will chug along without you. Enjoy the peace and serenity.

>> No.11888714


>> No.11888716
File: 253 KB, 1080x1283, 1460643191941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those faggots that lost money and giving advice on how to handle it


>> No.11888729

linkchain is not chainlink retard, if he actually bought chainlink he'd be better off than anyone else on this board

>> No.11888731


>> No.11888739

How much do you hold? Thanks for the coin burn btw.

>> No.11888740

Post another photo with your trip hash or I don't believe you.

>> No.11888742

fuck off pajeet. just because your shithole country has no police system, doesnt mean women arnt emotionally scarred for life from rape.

>> No.11888759

very edgy

i lost $175k in a bad investment and still $500k+ this year revenue
so fuck off idiot

>> No.11888760

I honestly don't understand what is everyone's objection to suicide. We are fucked, fucked beyond saving. There's no way into to the middle class any more, and the people that have the power to change things are too disgusted at suffering to make decisions that help their self-interest. It's over, absolutely, inexorably over. Suicide is the rational choice, and anyone who doesn't see that is in a very deep state of denial about how bad things actually are. Storm clouds and hurricanes made of fire on our horizon.

>> No.11888768


>> No.11888783

OP you’re a faggot and link is a meme

>> No.11888824

science shows that 90% of women orgasm during rape

>> No.11888844

buy low, sell high, silly.

>> No.11888864
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>> No.11888895

stream it

>> No.11888913

>carrying a backup

fucking larp more

>> No.11888919

I'm saving this for banner season

>> No.11888923
File: 372 KB, 1019x1019, 1384359739909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats because the physical body parts are still being simulated. You are completely ignoring all the mental torture thats associated with it.

Imagine eating a bunch of insects or fresh cooked human flesh. On paper, insects and human flesh are good for your body. You will gain health benefits from eating those. But would you still feel no mental damage at all?

Or how about eating your boogers? yeah, boogers have nutrients in it. On paper, you'd benefit from eating boogers. Would you still fucking feel no mental pain?

Yeah. fine.
How about you go fuck a dead cow's corpse? I mean, you'd reach orgasm because your penis is rubbing against a fleshy inside. But would you feel no mental damage at all? you fucking creep.

And guess what, even when the woman orgasm during rape, its a very forcsive orgasm. Even though you are hitting the insides, it still hurts like a fucking bitch because the body is rejecting it at the same time its inserting.

God. When you autists go on your edgelord rants, its always the most cringiest shit ever.

>> No.11888969
File: 8 KB, 225x225, smug tuxedo pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw have a similar suicide kit in my closet and plan to use it if parents threaten to kick me out
>mfw respawn and try again

>> No.11888972

Until the (((media))) starts showing real crypto related suicides on a regular basis I'm not buying

>> No.11888986

boogers are actually tasty you uncultured swine

>> No.11888992
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>> No.11888993

Harvest those losses now, and buy back your position tomorrow. You can use those losses to your advantage. Talk to an attorney and see.

Also, a lot of speculators still think crypto will reach trillion+ marketcap in the next few years.

If this were 200k savings, then it was money not being used any way. wait it out, friend. You'll see it will come back! 3 years...trust me!

>> No.11889014


godspeed OP.

may you find peace.

>> No.11889036

You don't know what the future holds OP, you may think you'll never recover from your losses but truth is life can be surprising, why the rush? Don't give up anon

>> No.11889043

*** meant to say ACCOUNTANT, not attorney.

Crypto is no considered securities so the wash rules do NOT apply! Just wait one day, and rebuy, and report the losses. Pretty sure you can carry over losses for next year.

That means when you hit it big, your tax burden wont be so high! Think about that, this is what investors do around the end of the year! Just wait it out!

>> No.11889051

Don’t kill yourself
The parties just fucking started
You won’t want to miss a global justing

>> No.11889063

Dont kill yourself OP. Life is full of possibilities. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Not to mention the terrible karma you get for doing it as it is technically murder...

actually, since you lost everything you may as well do something life changing like walking the camino de santiago in spain. Assuming you can get there ofc. good luck OP and i hope you dont go through with it. you are certainly not alone in this mess

>> No.11889069

How come? They don't put substantial amounts of oxygen into helium.

>> No.11889071

OP is a tripfag faggot

>> No.11889092

>Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem

everyone who says that ignorant buzz phrase should kill themselves.


>> No.11889101
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there's a whole lot of newfags itt.
you know who you are. you have to go back.

>> No.11889103
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dont kill yourself OP.

Jesus loves and he will forgive. Find a job, working a job and slowly building yourself back up is much better than killing yourself. Killing yourself doesn't achieve anything.

Think of your family.

>> No.11889125

also OP stop larping and actually DO IT FAGGOT

>> No.11889127
File: 111 KB, 804x887, no way out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
universe is a fucking cycle formed like a torus, just kill yourself and respawn somewhere better or repeat and do better either way its a win/win

>Not to mention the terrible karma you get
you don't get bad karma for suicide, thats a normie lie to keep the sheep in the system

>> No.11889129

At least share your links with us so that we may carry your legacy linkmarine bro

>> No.11889177

Just go for a dib in the ocean bro. It will clean your aura. Thank me l8r

>> No.11889249
File: 68 KB, 749x830, fakeasfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just in case someone else is in this situation, and on the fence. I'd like them to know that you are just a lying shitposter.

that is all.

>> No.11889258

Thrive pilled

>> No.11889271

busted. but we all knew

>> No.11889275

tl;dr - It will take approximately 13 minutes for OP to die. The author of the article I'm linking to recommends using a bigger 15 cubic foot tank. OP may lose consciousness, run out of gas, and wake up with a bad headache.

>> No.11889290


great. glad. i didnt read the entire thread of kids talking to one another with limited knowledge that would benefit me, as much /biz/ threads.

good day

>> No.11889364

"rape some girl"? Shame you don't kys and do the world a favor you scummy cunt.

>> No.11889389
File: 23 KB, 653x566, Brainlet with BTC chart for brains 1517768559706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing the name of his $200k investment
Absolute brainlet.

>> No.11889435
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>> No.11889480

fuck of boomer
kys and go back to facebook

>> No.11889490


>> No.11889500

Don't do it.

Cash out all your crypto, use a bit of it to do something fun and the rest just keep on you and when BTC hits a $100 buy in.

>> No.11889519

It will rise and then you’ll be rich what are you whining about?

>> No.11889553


>> No.11889562

LINK didn't even drop that much.

I lost $250K+, it's all I had and it's fucking depressing but I'm not giving up on life.
Stop being a faggot OP.

>> No.11889669

before or after tax? KEK

>> No.11889734

chain link is a scam btw... they hire pajeets with vpns to make posts and reply to each other. you shoulnt be in crypto if you bought any. cut ur losses. hold chx own. only thing that will save your portfolio. dont sell for 4-5 years.

>> No.11889735

> killing yourself right before the bull run of a lifetime

>> No.11889755

Fake and gay

>> No.11889768

Bullshit. What are all those other lines?

>> No.11889789

You sound like a pussy and behave like a pussy. Grow some balls or die. Weak men should be culled.

>> No.11889888

How about you just wait a few monthes for mainnet and then kill yourself. Unless you sold at the bottom in which case you might as well get it over with.

>> No.11889903
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>> No.11890000

>worth something in two weeks
he doesn't have a fucking clue

>> No.11890220

hey, lets make gay porn instead?
I heard that shit sells better than hot pockets.

>> No.11890264

Don't you fucking do this, ballsack, you fucking retard.

Wait to 2020 and in the meanwhile wagecuck and chill and find solace knowing you will make it one day not too far away. chill

>> No.11890277

Wait, soon, you'll only need 2 eth for one hour with a Filipina hooker. Living the dream!

>> No.11890328

>We are fucked, fucked beyond saving.
Hitler didn't think that for germany and it was pretty fucked after ww1

>> No.11890341

This is an ICO. Except he dropped 200 grand while the market tanked, meaning the ICO will raise jack shit, and is now waiting to get worthless shitcoins at best.

>> No.11890385

Livestream it faggot.

>> No.11890412

Just kill yourself already and stop being such an attention whore,honestly I don't even know why are you telling us,you're not even going to stream it.

Not even fucking reddit r/suicidewatch is this pathetic ,christ

>> No.11890459

Life is more than fucking money. See, I lost all my hair due to alopecia and I want to kill myself every day. Id throw 200k down the drain just to get my fucking hair back (im 25)

>> No.11890516

Bro don't do it, this is just temporary, the market will return i promise. think about all these institutions coming to the crypto market like fidelity. 2019 will be a bullish year and you'll miss out. love you bro plz dont

>> No.11890535

If I can't get helium, can I use propane instead?

>> No.11890544

> killing self over kike paper prints

>> No.11890601

Your life is fucking done, dude.

>> No.11890613

Don't do it Anon... Give life another chance. Go travel. Go to another country and start over. Go talk to a psychaitrist if you have depression.

>> No.11890635

Maybe you should kill yourself too,your situation is fucking sad,ask OP about the method.

>> No.11890637
File: 65 KB, 788x850, 1541612954082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my hair too, also 25.
You get over it.

>> No.11890729

Hope it was nitrogen my dude. Godspeed