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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11882410 No.11882410 [Reply] [Original]

Is it time to accept that the problem is not jews, it's whales - the Bourgiouse, the rich elite manipulating markets to screw you out of your money?

Join the communist revolt.

Reject whale dominance.

>> No.11883275


>> No.11883299

Talking about a revolution?

>> No.11883301

>literally Jews wanting to destroy nations

Sure thing. Year zero amirite?

>> No.11883375

Harpoon the whales!

>> No.11883595
File: 1.08 MB, 350x182, e81edb03cc28f473c19cb841f7b5af72c8c315d9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's important to realize that even though the rich almost certainly do manipulate markets to their advantage when they can, not even they can control the bigger picture. the horror of capitalist society is exactly that no one is in control. Even the most brutal dictator fears the sword of damocles, but the market has no such concerns.

The market, of course, is just a reflection of ourselves, but it's a reflection of the part of ourselves that we believe is not a part of ourselves. Cruel calculating equivalency between different objects is something we think exists in a purely non ideological realm, but that non ideological realm, it's calculating nature, is just our base psychology, so primitive we cannot even recognize it for what it is.

Bitcoin is perhaps the most pure, distilled version of this nature. Everyone wants to believe that value is real, something that can be isolated from the rest of the world.

Let me ask you all something, after all the numbers going up and down, what did you actually want to use your investment for? Want did you actually want in your life that you believed investing in bitcoin could get you?

>> No.11883613
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yes goyim give up all you land and resources give them to me mr sheckelstein in the government . I'll make sure good goys like you get your "fair share". But me being a card carrying member of the party, being in such a position would warrant a few benefits. #
After all god's chosen.

>> No.11883627
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>> No.11883644
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Nice try Chatzkel.

>> No.11883654
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>> No.11883665
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>> No.11883685
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>> No.11883699
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>> No.11883743

It's not very well known but the reason the USSR became what it was, the reason the government took control, was not because of Bolshevik party or any leader at all. The workers had begun nationalizing industry left and right during the civil war in such a chaotic fashion that the russian economy had plunged into anarchy. Lenin was forced to issue an edict making the nationalizations formal or else he would have lost control.

Another common misconception, after WW2 the average soviet citizen had a higher caloric intake than americans (the obesity crisis only really took off in the late 80s).

There were many horrible things done in the USSR, but people should understand the facts of history instead of bland talking points.

>> No.11883773
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imagine typing this drivel out all the while being completely serious

>> No.11883788
File: 1.53 MB, 1122x834, Communist-Breadlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea thats why your leader said wtf I love capitalism now the moment he saw US supermarkets in the 80s.

>> No.11883812

die communist, better dead than read, rather die standing up than live on my knees

>> No.11883830
File: 472 KB, 500x281, slav party laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In 1989 Russian president Boris Yeltsin's wide-eyed trip to a Clear Lake grocery store led to the downfall of communism.

It was Sept. 16, 1989, and Yeltsin, then newly-elected to the new Soviet parliament and the Supreme Soviet, had just visited Johnson Space Center.

RELATED: The true story of when Dennis Hopper came to Houston and nearly killed himself

At JSC, Yeltsin visited mission control and a mock-up of a space station. According to Houston Chronicle reporter Stefanie Asin, it wasn't all the screens, dials, and wonder at NASA that blew up his skirt, it was the unscheduled trip inside a nearby Randall's location.

Yeltsin, then 58, "roamed the aisles of Randall's nodding his head in amazement," wrote Asin. He told his fellow Russians in his entourage that if their people, who often must wait in line for most goods, saw the conditions of U.S. supermarkets, "there would be a revolution."

>He told his fellow Russians in his entourage that if their people, who often must wait in line for most goods, saw the conditions of U.S. supermarkets, "there would be a revolution."

>> No.11883849

Dude what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.11883858
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The source for the first fact is the economic history of the soviet union by alec nove, a mainstream economist and the foremost expert on the topic during the cold war.

The second source is the CIA itself

>> No.11883888


that's an acceptable option, 4channel is commie now deal with it

>> No.11883919
File: 32 KB, 394x415, tfw-lefty-btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the Chronicle photos, you can see him marveling at the produce section, the fresh fish market, and the checkout counter. He looked especially excited about frozen pudding pops

>"Even the Politburo doesn't have this choice. Not even Mr. Gorbachev," he said. When he was told through his interpreter that there were thousands of items in the store for sale he didn't believe it. He had even thought that the store was staged, a show for him. Little did he know there countless stores just like it all over the country, some with even more things than the Randall's he visited.

>The fact that stores like these were on nearly every street corner in America amazed him. They even offered him free cheese samples.

>By contrast, this is what a Russian grocery store looked like at the same time.

>According to Asin, Yeltsin didn't leave empty-handed, as he was given a small bag of goodies to enjoy on the rest of his trip

>About a year after the Russian leader left office, a Yeltsin biographer later wrote that on the plane ride to Yeltsin's next destination, Miami, he was despondent. He couldn't stop thinking about the plentiful food at the grocery store and what his countrymen had to subsist on in Russia.

>In Yeltsin's own autobiography, he wrote about the experience at Randall's, which shattered his view of communism, according to pundits. Two years later, he left the Communist Party and began making reforms to turn the economic tide in Russia.

>> No.11883952

If you didn't win the crypto lottery and cash out in december 2017 you have missed your last chance to escape capitalist slavery. Final solution is to slaughter the bourgeoise and take all their shit. Or there's always your wage cage and suicide

>> No.11883980

A revolution against boris yeltsin would have been most welcomed.

You should probably note the steep drop off in that graph in 1989/1990. That was the collapse of the soviet union that Yeltsin and Gorbachev presided over.

>> No.11883983

go back to 4chan

what movie is that?

>> No.11884093

planes trains and automobiles

>> No.11884197
File: 66 KB, 800x800, emiliano-zapata-quote-i-would-rather-die-standing-up-than-live-life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The person you're quoting literally inspired a militant libertarian socialist group

>> No.11884854

>The workers had begun nationalizing industry left and right during the civil war in such a chaotic fashion that the russian economy had plunged into anarchy.

That's an outright lie. The workers didn't do that. The leaders did. They were confiscating food from the people. So much for labor theory of value.


>Another common misconception, after WW2 the average soviet citizen had a higher caloric intake than americans (the obesity crisis only really took off in the late 80s).

Mainly because they stopped their unscientific agricultural policies. After Stalin's death, the leaders reversed course on many of his insane policies.


>> No.11884869


>time to accept that the problem is not jews, it's whales

hi rabbi

>> No.11884897

>Is it time to accept that the problem is not jews, it's whales - the Bourgiouse

lmao not making that mistake again retard

>> No.11885027

>That's an outright lie. The workers didn't do that. The leaders did. They were confiscating food from the people.
This is a non sequitur, as it was both the case that the workers nationalized industry and that the bolshevik's forcibly expropriated food from the peasants.

The proletariat and the peasantry were two distinct groups in the early soviet union, and there interests were directly opposed. Both Stalin and Lenin were faced with a various obvious problem: how do you feed a massive industrial workforce and army, first, in the middle of a massive civil war, and then under stalin, to fuel a massive industrial expansion. The fact of the matter is if Lenin did not expropriate the peasant's surplus the workers in the cities would have starved as well as his soldiers, and thus the war would have been lost. The same goes for Stalin, who needed to greatly build up industry in preparation for world war 2. There was little illusion about what they were doing, about whether it was theft or not. It was called primitive socialist accumulation, in direct reference to what Marx had called primitive capitalist accumulation, the vast theft of tools, surplus and land from the peasantry and primitive foreign people's to fund industrial capitalism.

Stalin, as I'm sure you might know, actually had far less control over agricultural policy as he let on. He was unable to stop the peasants from slaughtering their animals and cutting back on surplus production because they were under the impression it would just be taken by the state. They were of course, correct. The situation was indeed very dire.

>> No.11885158

In the case of Holodomor, they were taking food from peasants who didn't have enough food to begin with. War or not, this doesn't justify what the Soviet gov't did.

The bottom line is that the Soviet gov't's collectivization didn't work and they had to pass on the consequences of their mistakes to the people.

>> No.11885268

It worked to industrialize Russia, just as primitive capitalist accumulation worked to industrialize western europe. I'm not trying to justify it, it indeed was a great horror to live through. I think it is supremely arrogant, however, to imply this redeems capitalism in some way.

I'm opposed to forced collectivization. The market has already greatly collectivized things, and I simply believe what it has monopolized should be socially owned so that these enterprises can maintain their efficient economies of scale without overcharging by abusing their market power.

>> No.11885305

can you point me to the mass starvations in capitalist societies?

>> No.11885335
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Sure thing bucko

>> No.11885372

>comparing a step-or-two-above-feudal shithole with industrialized capitalist powerhouses

>> No.11885418
File: 38 KB, 952x565, Soviet_Union_GDP_per_capita.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeltsin's shock therapy caused 7 million excess deaths during the 90s.

>> No.11885479

>I think it is supremely arrogant, however, to imply this redeems capitalism in some way.

Most people don't starve to death under capitalism. That itself is a huge difference compared to capitalism. It's more arrogant to make a claim that a hypothetical system will work when all the real world attempts ended in failure. China and Russia don't count as successes because they all ended up going back to capitalism. All it proved was that central planning doesn't work.

>> No.11885498

For the counter-revolutionaries here

Abolish the government

Abolish power structres

Abolish the monetary system

Abolish capitalism

Power divided, power shared.

No Gods, No masters, No Whales.

>> No.11885508
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>Famines caused by natural disasters and wars are the same as famines caused by agricultural policies of the government

>> No.11885541
File: 22 KB, 720x60, Screen Shot 2018-11-24 at 9.07.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another common misconception, after WW2 the average soviet citizen had a higher caloric intake than americans
source to that statement

>> No.11885554
File: 70 KB, 1428x106, Screen Shot 2018-11-24 at 9.07.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot source fuck

>> No.11885569
File: 58 KB, 1398x90, Screen Shot 2018-11-24 at 9.07.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other pic

>> No.11885587

I don't give a fuck, I don't want communism, I want to become a whale.

>> No.11885605

There were droughts and other natural disasters involved in in the communist bloc famines as well. In countries with food security due to more developed agriculture and higher surplus, however, these things do not cause famines. The ultimate cause of famines is a lack of development, as the fact that there were none in post ww2 USSR shows. Capitalist countries too were once this under developed, and it's also the case that their agricultural policies contributed to the disaster, as was the cases in Ireland, India in ww2 and turn of the century China.

>> No.11885609

funny since that picture is a part of a soviet wartime parade in 1944 where 40,000 nazi soldiers were forced to march down the streets of moscow

>> No.11885631
File: 681 KB, 1444x1348, Screen Shot 2018-11-24 at 9.10.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/DOC_0000498133.pdf another source

>> No.11885645

>Sourced from CIA
>During Cold War period
>Totally not for propaganda purpose to portray the average Soviet citizen as being healthy and well-fed

>> No.11885674

lmao they were at one point going to try to use this as a talking point that socialism makes you fat and lazy but gave up as americans kept getting fatter.

>> No.11885675
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>> No.11885721
File: 1.15 MB, 1423x2332, muhjewishbolsheviks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
Uh no sweetie

>> No.11885746

>Growing some potatoes in your backyard counts as wealth accumulation
>Saving cans, bottles, and cardboard boxes counts as wealth accumulation
>Creating natural fertilizer from vermiculture counts as wealth accumulation
>Saving money counts as wealth accumulation

>> No.11885748
File: 318 KB, 1135x516, Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at 1.19.33 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leftypol raiding a board about accumulating wealth.

Good stuff

>> No.11885756

non cia source
>russian food consumption 700 calories lower than soviet times

>> No.11885764

If you fuckers become communists, it would be the most hilarious thing in the world.
On the other hand seeing /biz/ shit itself when the stocks also crash would also be something amusing.
I can't decide which one is better DESU.

>> No.11885891

>Slaughtered millions of russians

>> No.11885907
File: 52 KB, 1024x452, IMG_20181007_221458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.11886542


The last part about consuming more calories is correct though, it's even in some Cia documents which you can look up on Google right now.