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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11882225 No.11882225 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11882328

pity reply

>> No.11882345


>> No.11882356

>i'm going to be rich!

>> No.11882641

What ever made it worth anything besides pure speculation? It's backed by hopes and dreams, and nothing else.

>> No.11882681
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To be fair it does takes a high degree of independent thought to lose all your money on internet meme coins.

>> No.11882713
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>> No.11882832

you are a fucking idiot, bitcoin is backed by a immutable blockchain, it has a limited supply, a disinflationary protocol which rewards the people who ensure the blockchain is immutable, adjusts the block time and block reward to ensure harmony, and you're telling me it's backed by goddamn hopes and dreams. fuck off you absolute npc.

>> No.11882882

>it's backed by a database!

lmao this guy

>> No.11882915

>t. tech illiterate retard

>> No.11882936

I put 750 dollars into a shitcoin and held all the way down. I'm on this board all the time still because it's so entertaining to see everybody talk about losing hundreds of thousands.

>> No.11882959

t. december buyer

>> No.11882967

sounds like gold

>> No.11882977
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one day bitcoin cryptocurrency will be worth 1mln per coin

>> No.11882979

>hell yeah I'm a real human bean who has internal monologues let's hear what I have to say to myself
>>put all your cash in funny internet money

>> No.11882987

>buying lines of code
When did you realise you were no better than a 13 year old lootbox 'investor'?

>> No.11883012

oh no no no

>> No.11883014

>limited, fixed supply
doomed to fail as a currency from the beginning lmao
any currency that encourages herding to raise the price is absolutely shit

>> No.11883024

>t. newfag who can't into "t." and calls himself a december buyer

>> No.11883067

>believes Blockchain "technology" is a good idea
>calls someone else tech illiterate retard

>> No.11883072

Maybe the real value was the hope it gave us in some of our darkest moments? ;_;

>> No.11883082

>believes Blockchain "technology" is a good idea
okay so you don't believe that, explain yourself.

>> No.11883086

yep, pretty much

>> No.11883136

the burden of proof is on you lmao
name one area where Blockchain is better than currently existing solutions

>> No.11883151

>People who called this a scam are NPC

So being down 80% over the course of a year is a good thing?

>> No.11883381

Real estate is en example,
Wire fraud scams from 2016 was some XX Millions dollars, (maybe 60$ mill), then in 2017, FBI stats showed increase of wire fraud transfer scams to 969$ mill.
Blockchain technology can provide stronger secruity in ways that old paper trails and paper land titles are easy to get duped on.

>> No.11883470

>name one area where Blockchain is better than currently existing solutions

>> No.11883477

>you can't commit wire fraud with crypto

>> No.11883520

that's correct, at least with bitcoin (which is all that really matter desu)

>> No.11883547
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Oh yeah, I'm a real fucking idiot for investing my money in actual growing industry that isn't a dumb fad and has a future. Meanwhile, you can cross your fingers and hope that the arbitrary value of your limited internet currency will continue to increase for no reason. My advice to you would be to invest in things that enable the culture of mindless credit spending we see today, like railroads, shipping companies, or producers of proven goods. Good luck in life, man. You're going to need luck at this rate.

>> No.11883561

>extremely volatile
>not regulatable, meaning worst case scenario is the possibility of a small minority holding the majority of crypto and using it to manipulate the market on previously unthought levels
>encourages you not to spend it and hoard because the supply is limited and fixed, meaning the price increases with less crypto in circulation
>transactions literally waste 100x more energy than they need to

>> No.11883597

do you even know what wire fraud is you retarded fuck

>> No.11883633

i never said you were a fucking idiot for investing in those companies you projecting r*dditor, but when the usd collapses and suddenly you realise the whole goddamn world is fucked don't come running to people like me. get fucked

>> No.11883722
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Never mind him anon. Just look at the board with your own eyes, biz is changing. The board that has always been supportive of crypto is now turning its back on it hard. In the coming months we might actually see biz having a comeback in actual business and finance.

Personally id say were gonna stay down for a while boys, shit not goign back the 20k for the next 2 years or so..

>> No.11883727

If you're counting on the world coming crashing down to justify your decisions, you'd better re-evaluate your investment strategy.

>> No.11883748

>might actually see biz having a comeback in actual business and finance
>coinfags consider this a bad thing

>> No.11883752

You dont seem to know actually, hes right. With a public ledger we all could know. Bitcoin can change with consensus you understand..?

>> No.11883805

underrated top kek

>> No.11883854

>Just look at the board with your own eyes, biz is changing. The board that has always been supportive of crypto is now turning its back on it hard.
exactly what i'm thinking right now. 4channel really fucked /biz/ for good desu.

except it will, highly likely in the next 100 years. it's just not sustainable.

>> No.11883873

>public records are something exclusive to cryptocurrency and the police don't have access to your bank transactions
I'll repeat the question
do you even know what wire fraud is

>> No.11883884

When shitcoins started flooding this board en masse the original user fled. You fucks weren’t the original posters. Please take your cryptocurrency snake oil and go.

>> No.11883921


Except for the fact that anyone can randomly create their own "disinflationary" coins to glut the market with.

>> No.11883948


>> No.11883984

how new are you faggots, biz always turns megabear on these dips, its part of the show to make you sell

>> No.11884003

>i-its part of the show
coinfags are literally on the same level as flatearthers

>> No.11884076

doesn't take a lot to lose all of it to gambling addiction. which what most people buying bitcoin are doing.
addicts are just slaves to their primal desires.

>> No.11884095

>its part of the show to make you sell
do you really believe that though? i know biz has been in bear mode for months but only recently does it seem most people are actually becoming anti-cryptocurrency altogether

>> No.11884284

Y-yeah! j-just HODL guys, w-we are gonna be rich~

>> No.11884290

>using a braindead meme to push a braindead ponzi
Nah man its not a scam. Buy more bitcoin, it'll turn out grrreat.

>> No.11884329

took me a little to understand your response.
Blockchain can be implemented into land titles, mortage payments, in a secure block. For all to see quick and easy. Im not talking about cryptocurrency as that is just all speculation and bubble/hype thing.
The public ledger in a blockchain can be controlled and situated properly for such markets.

remember kids, blockchain doesn't necessarily always mean cryptocurrency, bitcoin, dogecoin....

>> No.11884653

thats because we're near the turning point, you'll know we crossed it when the entire board is laughing at the people who panic sold. Its literally a cycle.
nobody knows how low we'll go, but majority of those shitting on crypto here now sold long time ago and are as anxious to buy again, many are probably already DCAing in

>> No.11884688

i mean, i wouldn't personally sell at a loss if you invested into bitcoin what you could afford to lose.
fair enough you do have a good point and admittedly, i am a newfag (~2 years)

>> No.11884764

International trade. Read about CargoX and Uncitral's model law on electronic trasferable records (MLETR)

>> No.11884967

Right, hard to walk without stepping on blockchain projects these days. Except no, there are about 5 in the whole world. Worthless, shortsighteda and absolutely a solution looking for a problem.
Cnrist what are people reading/ living/ doing that they think that this is the next big thing? Ugh, this board should have a time limit for some people.

>> No.11884995

No, just no -the infrastructure of that project is NOT blockchain -did you have some read you something, or did you sk8m the art8cles? Fucking nevermind, it just makes me happy that you’ ll waste time and money on this bullshit.

>> No.11885017

I cry everytiem

>> No.11885020
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Don't worry guys, this is all part of the master plan. Once bitcoin starts falling hardest, it'll enter a hyperbolic orbit around the 0$ point and we'll all be rich


>> No.11885108

>we might actually see biz having a comeback in actual business and finance
Thank God. Crypto should be one or two generals and that's it.

>> No.11885114

Arizona is at the legal forefront when it comes to blockchain. A newly enacted Arizona law stipulates that digital signatures on smart contracts, a prominent feature of blockchain, are valid and legally enforceable. Arizona is the first state to approve this law in the United States. Legal experts agree that most real estate transactions will be done with “smart contracts” in the near future. And according to a recent Forbes magazine article, “Blockchain technology makes information in real estate more accessible, cuts out middlemen and reduces the risk of fraud and theft. A more secure, speedier, trusted process for buying and selling property is good for everyone involved."

Realblock is partnering with top title insurance and escrow companies, and the founder of the Blockchain lab at Arizona State University. Proprietary software will streamline and decrease the costs of the escrow and title insurance process…a byzantine paper-heavy and rubber stamp process, that has seen little change in decades.

>> No.11885148


I don't know you guys but those guys at delphi are really really awkward, cringe, and childish

>> No.11885156

Bitcoin's intrinsic value is zero. Immutability, limited supply, and deflationary protocol have precisely zero value. This is the opposite of what money should be outside of autistic libertarian fantasies. Sane people want mutable transactions, arbitrary supply, and low but nonzero inflation.

>> No.11885184

XLM :)

>> No.11885206

Are Stellar's transactions reversible?

>> No.11885224

The only value bitcoin had was the time, money, and electricity wasted calculating numbers. A literal pot of sunk costs that greedy normalfags thought could make them rich.

>> No.11885248


well it kinda is. It's not like the Russian conspiracy or some other load of leftist npc horseshit where +80% of the dots are missing.

>> No.11885269

well gold at least has some kind of actual industrial value, bitcoin is literally nothing

>> No.11885317


i always find it funny how people saying "it was always a scam" weren't the ones profiting from it by shorting

If they really believed it was all a scam and going to 0 then they should have been (and should be now) shorting the shit out of it all the way down to 0

>> No.11885525

I don't have a fucking clue about cargox specifically, but if you read the mletr and don't understand they're talking exactly about blockchain you're fucking retarded

>> No.11885589

it's not a scam because the price is going down. it's a scam because people are saying bitcoin is a reliable way to make a lot of money when in reality the price is completely random. it's a scam because it's gambling disguised as investment. people have been pulling this shit for decades.

>> No.11885682

You can't short it safely because of extreme price manipulation. A whale group could pump BTC back to 6k in an hour if they wanted. Bitcoin is a scam, and blockchain is useless.

>> No.11885704

who is the NPC?
>chad who knew it was a ponzi and manipulated gullible retards promising it would moon
>retard who believed it and spent his shekels

>> No.11885806

That's literally part of people's strategies. How can you not factor in a currency collapse when making investment decisions.

>> No.11885853

>this is your brain on /biz/

>> No.11886299

I do—It's called risk management. The risk of the United States, much less the world as that poster was concerned, coming crashing down economically is pretty damn low. If some crazy socialist revolution occurs in the United States (the only thing aside from a defeated United States in a WW3 scenario that would cause such a total loss in USD value), I'm simply going to pull my stocks and put more into precious metals. If you're concerned about having something that retains value in such circumstances, then precious metals will be your way to go, not cryptocurrency. Especially when governments can decide on a whim to ban the very use of cryptocurrency.

>> No.11886345

The real bitcoin was the frens we made along the way

>> No.11886385

Or buy at $0.00001

>> No.11886830

>support lines
The only support is $0

>> No.11887050

>(((they))) can't ban gold and haven't ever before
nice history pal.

>> No.11887123

So everything is worthless so we should just give up, right? Great idea! Wait, that's retarded! I'll put my trust in the country's industry, thanks.

>> No.11887195

transfer of wealth across the globe without use of an intermediary third party

>> No.11887264


>> No.11887265

>I'll put my trust in the country's industry, thanks
you sound like such a fucking dumb cunt. trusting a country... good one

>> No.11887333


>> No.11887378


>> No.11887479

You're better of literally trading tf2 hats because people can actually put the hats on and wear them in a vritual space.

Tell me what your bitcoins do besides appreciate and depreciate in value causing you to feel suicidal or manic?

>> No.11887728

hopes and dreams become something, databases just collect dust then become obsolete..

>> No.11887783

g-guys be nice to anon. He's taking the loss pretty hard

>> No.11887967

More like laughing at his bro and friends who tried to tell him to buy in months ago. I followed my grandfather's advice for investing, and it's treating me very well.