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11881187 No.11881187 [Reply] [Original]

why is chainlink performing the worst of all coins during this crash?


is the dream over??? because i was 100% into link both finanically and mentally, i might as well just kill my self if link is over

>> No.11881211

Piece of shit technology built on an inherently flawed protocol which doesnt solve the problem it set out to

>> No.11881266

Hey it's still top 50

>> No.11881280
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>the worst performer....
That's cute anon but get on my level of failing

>> No.11881296


babby's first PND

>> No.11881298

Its an erc20 security token anon.

>> No.11881318

Whales want to accumulate. Fundamentals didn't change.

>> No.11881360

Memelink is backed only by faith, and the faith of retards wavers in the face of pink wojacks.

>> No.11881402

There is no problem to solve to begin with.

>> No.11881442

Try to buy any significant amount and it'll go back up real quick. Just because some whale is willing to sell 5% of his stack at 27 cents doesn't mean everyone is doing it

>> No.11881449

time to buy ... i have 30euro ez link

>> No.11881463
File: 9 KB, 224x216, NOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want your Linkies. Screen Cap this. They want all the BTC and LINK... they will get it any way possible.

>> No.11881518

goddammit pajeet, all you do is cry about the toilet. waa waa waaa.

>> No.11881530

You know it's bad when you're -8% in eth lol

>> No.11881650

This isn't the normal P&D where people try to make buying it self-evident. This was different and not really reflective of a first P&D. This is more baby's first time seeing that fundamentals have zero influence on this market. In crypto, every movement is manipulation and every narrative is after the fact.

Enjoy libertarianism at its finest.

>> No.11881675

It was a pump and dump by a whale group. Now is the "dump" phase, and the market is already dumping.

>> No.11881712
File: 65 KB, 720x912, 1 star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, you guys ACTUALLY bought LINK?


>> No.11881757

Protip: It's a meme coin.

>> No.11881778
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$1000 EOY

>> No.11881827

I’m buying in at .12USD

>> No.11881888

im gonna double my bags at 20cent, i hope it's going to go there

>> No.11881905

With only 15 USD you can get 500 thousand dollars EOY 2019 with Link, since it'll be worth 1K

>> No.11881909

Checked. So will 1000 other Marines. Better get in at 21 cents Anon.

>> No.11881967

Recent Reddit sourced purchasers are selling like the weak handed faggots that they are.
It's like a mini-nano/raiblocks run.

>> No.11881968

Why would someone want all the BTC and Link?

>> No.11882058

It is just a fear now.
Sergey's stack is now worth $94 million, down from 200. Doubt he will risk going back to philosophy / mcdonalds fryer two jobs.
Panic sell of couple million coming soon.

>> No.11882075

daily reminder: LINK $1,000 EOY (((only))) requires a non-stop daily +24.17% for 38 consecutive days, "I feel the first cum drops just already here, oh yeah!" kek

>> No.11882092

He only needs to smell a tiny fraction to be set for life.

>> No.11882105
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*Sell. Freudian slip

>> No.11882125

the no lambo problem

>> No.11882130
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> because i was 100% into link both finanically and mentally, i might as well just kill my self if link is over


>> No.11882140
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>> No.11882167


Stinky 0.05$ EOY

>> No.11882205
File: 21 KB, 300x300, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that I was proven 100% correct, and yet none of you will have learned anything

If you listened to me back then, you would have sold the top and would now be able to buy over double the amount of STINK you held then

>> No.11882206

this dump literally happened 30 minutes i bought in. i'm cursed.

>> No.11882283

People are starting to understand that while cool, the actual applications of public blockchains is limited to some really niche uses, and chainlink is no different. the more I've read about "does my company need blockchain" the more I've realized stuff like Maker is the actual most promising thing going on in ethereum and chainlink is missing the forest for the trees in terms of WHY crypto is actually interesting and what it's actually useful for (why vitalik doesn't like to talk about it).

All in all I still hold link, but the sentiment has changed so much it's hard to see it getting the hype it used to.

>> No.11882319

Can you at least donate your organs to fund "make GPUs cheap again"?

>> No.11882326

unironically based and redpilled

>> No.11882359

That fraction however, is becoming less and less tiny.
It would be a smart thing to sell in order to lock-in being set for life.

>> No.11882375


This. You'd unironically be better off buying Tron it's that shit

>> No.11882413
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>less and less tiny.

>> No.11882437
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Because linkies are stinkies

>> No.11882459

Sergei bought both BTC and ETH early. He is already set for life.

>> No.11882484

Negating his quote, hence double negative, nigger. It's not inherently a wrong statement.