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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 286 KB, 1600x1200, 4chan ancient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11869932 No.11869932 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen too much. I can never go back.

>> No.11869945
File: 98 KB, 1322x644, 4chan birth of a titan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11869960

ffs 4channel wont save my style preferences at all and the styles never ever transfer over to the catalog view

>> No.11869974

remember all those times you said fuck off back to plebbit

youre in it now, 4chan is gone

>> No.11869975


Someone needs to create an updated/modded XPI file for Firefox for 4chanX.

>> No.11869982


it's a weird feeling knowing that while you were playing with crayons someone out there is fapping to the most degenerate shit

>> No.11869985
File: 1.45 MB, 312x346, 4chan moot talks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sure it'll work eventually.

>> No.11869993

and today's faggots think using "XD" is synonymous to being a plebbitor. get XDDDDDDDDDDDD'd newfags

>> No.11870004

I haven't notice any difference goys

>> No.11870013


I was going to write a reply... but now i'm just thinking "why the fuck am i still posting on this dead sfw board?"

Not a joke. This is my last post. Cheers lads.

>> No.11870018

This image is too painful. I want to go back.

>> No.11870032

Be thankful you never got to experience the golden age of the internet. The one you love and are used to is shit and can't get much worse.

>> No.11870036
File: 66 KB, 593x466, 4chan moot family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can't go back. It's just a whisper in time, anon.


>> No.11870045

this sadly.
4chan was always more tame than pre 9/11 internet but it felt like the last stand for me.

>> No.11870084
File: 29 KB, 657x527, 1542920334480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit complaining, memes change. Leave this place if you lament change. We've come so far and done so much, growing with this place. You dishonor our times together over these years by wanting the past?

Be the future you cucks. Make the memes that will carry us forward. The spirit of 4chan never died over the years, it grew and evolved but it was always there. It's in us. No change in a site will change who we are and what we've done here

>> No.11870097
File: 19 KB, 600x337, adam eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Once upon a time, downloading any random video clip carried a risk.

You could be downloading a renamed vicky clip. Back then, it was little more than an inconvenience. No one cared, fewer said anything. At worst, you'd declare that you'd wasted your time or bandwidth.

Now, in the futuristic, dystopian year of current year, such things would get you jailtime.

>yfw you imagine all that old shit you have squirreled away on your ancient quantum fireball 4 gig harddrive.

The people who were there are the most jaded generation. Nothing stirs the emotions of an ur-shitposter.

>> No.11870113

That sidebar gave me nostalgia. Those were the good days

>> No.11870114

>Make the memes that will carry us forward.
Fuck memes. Memes weren't even a thing before normies took over this place.

>> No.11870132
File: 192 KB, 711x633, 1542848874636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you some sort of asshole? Habbo hotel was a notable meme. Participating in a group troll WAS the meme. Your definition is too narrow

>> No.11870144

Those were lulz not memes. Memes are for facebook and reddit.

>> No.11870153

>No change in a site will change who we are
it will, ive seen it 100 times over the years.
today ive never seen so many posts deleted in one, the catalog will slow to a crawl in a month

>> No.11870164
File: 43 KB, 591x643, 1542760792883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can any of you shmucks be upset about the past when we've made things like bizonacci happen.

Our own memes, well done. Known mostly just to us. Pure, well done entertainment released frequently and entirely anonymously and you want the early days?

Nostalgia is powerful, don't let it blind you

>> No.11870171
File: 42 KB, 306x184, 4chan death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we have our memes, and our memes are eternal.

>> No.11870173


Come on guy, it's the same thing. Lulz is another word for meme

>> No.11870191

Need an extension that makes 4chan boards display on 4channel. Make this fork irrelevant.

>> No.11870238

listen to this anon
for the first time on earth we have a real time crucible of thought for intelligent people
dumb people hate it cos it scares them
all of the best ideas for the next 100 years will start as someone calling OP a fag on this imageboard

>> No.11870264

>all of the best ideas for the next 100 years will start as someone calling OP a fag on this imageboard
that was 4chan, this is 4channel.
new site, new rules

people will cling on to the old ways for a while but will eventually be jaded and move on

>> No.11870298
File: 162 KB, 680x763, 1537229904796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We'll keep doing what we've done for years, you can go

>> No.11870320

Is moot autistic?

>> No.11870330

It's hard when ever new meme is another fucking wojak variation.

We've reached creative bankruptcy.

>> No.11870380
File: 5 KB, 240x160, cats base.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Recycled and repurposed memes are the best memes.

>> No.11870401

>what we've done for years
>site is 0 days old
nobody knows whats going to happen from here but at least take a warning from history, communities do change when site splits like this happen.
maybe youre right and even more heavily moderated advertiser safe 4channel will thrive or it could turn into reddit.
the patriot act eventually killed places like totse and zoklet was a shit imitation of it, 1000s of irc communities went the same way when they moved onto more controlled sites, its not just a restriction on shitposting its a restriction on creativity.

time will tell, i hope for the best

>> No.11870409
File: 74 KB, 590x590, 1542771243611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'll find your creativity again, but we still have it

>> No.11870607
File: 78 KB, 600x717, metallica fuel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But seriously, this was just a nostalgic retelling of things that were.

The future has, and always will be, the final frontier. I put my nostalgia on /biz/ because this is as far as the bleeding edge of shitposting gets. When you post in ten years, maybe you'll post screenshots of the day Hiroshimoot impotently sundered the boards. Maybe you'll get a reply from someone being nostalgic about Mootxico. Maybe it'll be nightmare city, or sageman. Maybe it'll be screenshots of my screenshots. The details of the future are something we can't accurately predict.

But at the end of the thread, someone will post one of the many outright ancient 'remember, you're here forever,' and 10 years from now, it'll still be true. Some of us will not live to see that day, but we'll be replaced by others.

Memes and shitposts truly are forever. As long as there exists even a single person to repost them, they, and the people who made them, will never actually be forgotten, and if you're not forgotten, you have a legacy. With a legacy, you're never truly dead.

>> No.11871218

you say that shit while posting this fucking dumbass frog that every fucking normalfag posts
how about you come up with something unique
doesn't need to be OC, just post something else instead of copy pasting this NIGGER fad

>> No.11872006

4chan nostalgia thread? 4chan nostalgia thread.


>> No.11872342

No man I get what he's saying. Memes are memes low effort shitposts that anyone can do

Now lulz that those took planning and coordination between anons. Be it habbo raids loic cannon ddos attacks or voting moot first place for the moon camp thing or the Time magazine thing. We used to do things and organize massive trolls. But now it's just memes and edgy shitposts culture.

>> No.11872846

>Quantum fireball
holy shit I still have an 18GB one.

>> No.11872859

probably fapping to thinking of you playing with crayons

>> No.11872920

>The one you love and are used to is shit and can't get much worse.
It can. Imagine the government requiring every poster to provide his id to the site.
Looking at China they are going to be the first, UK will probably follow.
The next step is for everyone to have a government trojan that allows the state to see everything you do and have. I also expect that to happen in China and UK.

Anonymity is going to be a crime in that circumstances, obviously.

>> No.11872927
File: 153 KB, 500x638, 1497349206156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god old fags are fucking degenerates.

Bring in more newfags with wicked sense of humours XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.11873277
File: 16 KB, 427x250, thefirstofmany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no OP of OPs
consider yourselves lucky i'm a nonstalgiafag

>> No.11873505

Yeah, the term meme began popping up way more after 2008. I don't remember hearing that word at all before 2007 in fact.