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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11863129 No.11863129 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ so boring when burgers are sleeping.
Tea drinking crooked teeth muslim invaded faggots have little to no humour

>> No.11863146

I don't think there are many Europeans using the site. 4chan in more of an American thing.

>> No.11863172

t.salty german that is upset the anglo master race is dropping their eu bags on them

>> No.11863173

Nah there are plenty of them
You can tell because they're quick to tell everyone how they are not American and how obsessed they aren't with America

>> No.11863197

go to /pol/, everyone there loves Trump.
no one likes Trump in Europe, literally no one

>> No.11863206

Speak for yourself dickface.

>> No.11863257


finn here, it’s true this place sucks without the burgers


nice cope pussy

>> No.11863459
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>> No.11863467
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Fuck off mutt

>> No.11863741
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Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!

>> No.11863759

This board is dead snd mostly American zoomers post here, no shot its quiet while they sleep.

Most of the best shotposts happen between 09:00am-13:00pm GMT then yankies start spamming low quality link shill

>> No.11863788
File: 92 KB, 717x960, 42701590_10217072427633400_96892241699667968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans truly are the Chads of the world. When Burgers are online, Euromutts fire back with nothing but salty comments and insults out of jealousy, and guess what happens when the burgers are offline? Eurocucks STILL talk about them! When they're not even in the room! You just can't get us out of your minds, can you?

>> No.11863909
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Yeah, nah cunt. Fucking burgers, even on a weeb site, run by a gook, with half the posts by pajeet & chink shills you somehow think it's all about you. This is why we need flags. That and so we can see who keeps dropping SJW shit, willing to bet it's leafs.

>> No.11863930


That image is just insanely cucked - was that supposed to represent burger masculinity? Ah well, if it was a eurocuck it'd mention him being happy his wife was having fun with Abdhul, so that's something.

>> No.11863966


The same retards that think being "culturally enriched" is a good thing? Yeah, let's all bow to their opinion. Personally, I'd like to organise a mass trip of Aussie cunts to fly to California where there's no voter ID so we can vote for him on 2020. Fucking tacos do it, why can't I?

>> No.11863999

nah too distracting
if /biz/ has flags it will literally turn into /pol/ jr. nearly everything will become invalidated. the points made matter less than the flag they're behind. it is kinda like how people on reddit refute someone's arguments because of their post history