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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11861190 No.11861190 [Reply] [Original]

There was that idiot who made a nice little profit trading crypto and then proceeded to stay at home living a comfy life, ordering junk through delivery apps and proceeded to get diabetes. It was funny as fuck and he even posted some pics.

Anyway, let's hear some memorable moments and stories in /biz/ history

>> No.11861247

He blamed his diabetus on bitcoin, KEK. nevahfohget

>> No.11861266

Digibyte Sharpie

>> No.11861275

Remember that guy who announced his huge short back in march-ish and price spiked extremely hard up to his liquidation point a few hours later

>> No.11861282
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There was that one guy who actually recovered his 2010, 100,000+ BTC wallet back in January this year then proceeded to format the drive instead of partitioning it

I'm pretty sure he streamed himself OD'ing

That chatroom was a riot, got some really hot porn gifs out of it.

>> No.11861289

that $40k worth of ETH scam with the shitcooin transaction

>> No.11861300

gonna need more info on that, that sounds hilarious. so he basically deleted 100 million dollars minimum?

>> No.11861303

post some details as well, since not everyone would have read the original posts

>> No.11861304

That Guy who was doing reverse arbitrage or that dude who scammed pajeet with that etherdelta link

>> No.11861306

That guy who scammed that pajeet on etherdelta

That australian who beat his wife for selling his BTC

>> No.11861322

That was a classic

>> No.11861330
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>> No.11861335
File: 380 KB, 1101x696, biz found a way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That Guy who was doing reverse arbitrage

>> No.11861344

for hyperfaggots who can't read

>anon puts up order for 50k ZRX
>price is .03 ETH
>users think they're about to fuck him
>sells him 50k ZRX for .03 ETH total

>> No.11861380



>> No.11861402

Also that Guy who made those chainlink cubes who gambled and lost all the money he was given. He then ran away after anons threatened his life

>> No.11861404

so OP lures people thinking they're going to scam him, but get scammed? genius.

more info plz

>> No.11861419

>format the drive instead of partitioning it
what an idiot, you can still recover the data on the drive

>> No.11861428
File: 412 KB, 1402x783, biz summarized in 3 posts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11861446

He started off making plushies of pink wojak and link cubes before anons asked if he would sell them. He ended up accepting payments on Etsy or something. After ages of no response a few threads were made calling him out and he showed up again. He said something like he lost all the money gambling and he tried to say he'd fulfill all the orders or refund which I don't believe he did. In the end I think he got a job at McDonald's and moved out of his parents place

>> No.11861452

That's fucking brutal and totally deserved.

>> No.11861459

how much money are we talking?

>> No.11861470
File: 294 KB, 970x365, biz gets a $100 tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11861476

The guy who bragged about his new house. got doxed. And he posted pics of himself with guns

>> No.11861480

Probably over a thousand dollars

>> No.11861492
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>> No.11861494

i'm gonna need more info on that one and if anyone has a link to the archive, it would be wonderful

>> No.11861495

i was there for that. im the comment saying everyone to leave comments on the etherscan address. lol i thought this was a usual thing at the time

>> No.11861508

kek. great thread

>> No.11861510


>> No.11861521

no fucking way. link?

>> No.11861523

Then anons but the Boomer pic on him. Fucking glorious to be part of that thread

>> No.11861567

This was amazing. Cunt went to sleep with it up.

>> No.11861573
File: 328 KB, 3000x5000, 1532378860702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like besides getting trolled nothing really happened though right?

IDK why you would post info about what you bought with crypto. I bought a house but I would never post it on 4chan what am I retarded.

>> No.11861585

Fuck me, that's beautiful

>> No.11861708
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Found it

>> No.11861736

Thanx for the archive anon that was out fucking standing

>> No.11861747


>> No.11861757


>> No.11861763
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>> No.11861781


Based and redpilled

>> No.11861877


>> No.11862038

What about the one where they guy said he was gonna buy stocks for a penny and immediately flip for 2 pennies. Anons ask him, what if there aren't any buyers? He says, whaddaya mean? There has to be buyers? I thought you just his sell.. Anybody have the screencap?

>> No.11862056

Hi Raddit!


>> No.11862063


>> No.11862123
File: 60 KB, 969x544, FB_IMG_1542878137917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This story is totally bullshit. No way hotel policy prohibits an employee helping a guest especially for concierges who have way more leeway.

>> No.11862204

There was an anon, who treated his coins as a soldiers in his army. Whenever there was a spike, he would tell them "HOLD! HOLD THE LINE!".

>> No.11862225

The thread where indian exchange due to pajeet code sent eth withdrawals with ridiculously high gas fees and actual pajeet in thread tried to reach exchange support in the middle of the night to warn them

>> No.11862229

>when you realize he probably lost it all when BG went down

>> No.11862257

Hahahahha oh fuck how could I forget this one. He was begging to not abuse it also.

>> No.11862282

As a brainlet thanx for the thread guys

>> No.11862533

i remember that one. that was one of the first etherdelta scams iirc. i wonder if i'm in that thread. ha, i literally have no idea now what i would have posted or said. thanks for saving. back then was some crazy days. it wasn't that long ago even and it feels like forever has gone by since then, so much has happened.

>> No.11862550

this is honestly the best one so far. thanks for saving. i actually laughed out loud for real just now.

>> No.11862557

the anon that predicted the drop 1 week ago

>> No.11862580

The great crash of [insert date]

>> No.11862609

Also, the guy that scammed 50k with 0x to a whale.

>> No.11862641

This happened many times

>> No.11862670

Remember that guy who bought a dip, LOL.

>> No.11862673

That balding faggot who went to some conference that Sergey attended and took a pic holding up a sign that said
/biz/ with a timestamp, but he did a horrible job blocking his face and anons shopped it to make his big shiny head and faggot grin easy to see