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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11860504 No.11860504 [Reply] [Original]

I held Lisk $1 all the way to $34, and now back at $1, I made $300k+, and I now have 16k, basically what I started with.. any of you neets fuck up this hard? Oh, this is just a picture of my hooker I can't afford anymore.

>> No.11860526
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We all fucked up quite badly. We were so close to being made, yet so far.

>> No.11860550

She doesn't have tits anyway anon, next bullrun they'll be massive, you'll see

>> No.11860554


So close.. Greed got the best of me.. Was so close to pulling out at the top but decided to let it roll... so close.. lambo's vanished before my eyes

>> No.11860562

Hahaha, I hope. I think I'm just going to be holding these bags for years

>> No.11860571

You're a survivor. Right now we're the faggots who bought the bottom in 2015. Stock up on the mainstays right now. Lots of us fucked up but this is accumulating season.

>> No.11860581

you might be right, but I just don't trust crypto anymore. I feel so fucking stupid, I want to stay away from it. I used to be such a try hard believer of the stuff. I have no faith in crypto market coming back anytime soon .

>> No.11860640

That's @taymayxo on Instagram you faggot virgin

>> No.11860689
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Crypto will rise again, probably sooner than we think. Yes, the current reality is hard to handle. But the truth is that the closer we are to being made, the harder it is to exercise sober judgment. Particularly when crypto is literally the only chance most of us have of ever being made.

Easy to say in hindsight that we should have sold the top. But the only feeling that could be worse than the current one would be to have sold too soon, and the knowledge that you could have had everything you want if you had just held on a little longer.

>> No.11860700
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>I made $300k+
the thing is though you didnt

>> No.11860747
File: 553 KB, 286x498, boomer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accumulating season.

>> No.11860756

Sold 16k ether at 1.80

>> No.11860777

Case in point. This guy is infinitely more rekt.

>> No.11860792

JUST. Ultimate Just.

>> No.11860865

Why would you hold Lisk through that? Seriously, it takes five seconds to see how big a piece of shit it is.

>> No.11860900

holy shit, how do you sleep at night

>> No.11860983

bro, how are you still alive?
I cashed out 3x my initial in March as suicide insurance for what is going down now. Wouldn't have guessed then how bad it will get, glad I had some foresight though. If I hadn't done that I would be just as fucked as most right now.

>> No.11861600
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>one day they'll say "sold 16k link at .33"

>> No.11861634

Started with $20k in may 2017, bought dgb and xrp right before it mooned and had 24 btc by early june. But I never sold and I watched that go down to 4 btc again. Then during the second pump at the end of 2017 I went up to 7 btc, which was $120k at the time. Didn’t learn my lesson from the first time and didn’t sell again. Now I’m back down to $20k where I started a year and a half ago. Difference is I lost my job and now I’m a neet, so once I deplete all my savings I’m unironically killing myself.

Basically at one point in 2017 I had what amounted to half a million dollars and I just let it slip away.

>> No.11861635

Can't time this shit at all. But that had potential for $22 million.

>> No.11861640

> be me
> be a beta teenager in 2009 and hear about this thing called bitcoin.
> for shits and giggles buy £200 worth at 3 pence each.
> for the next years forget about then in cold storage.
> December last year shit goes wild.
> decide to put fully out and sell all coins.
> be me now. And be a richfag with own house, cars and no job needed for the rest of my life..
> best £200 investment in history

>> No.11861837

This definately this for me.
>be me
>looking to get out of hard labor
>36years old
>bought silver instead of bitcoin
>circa 2014
>btc price surpasses gold
>wtf I need in
>like now
>May 2017
>by ripple
>tell everyone I missed the boat
>average buy in 7 cents
>run to gas stations every night to max out liberty pin 500$
>get 6000$ in
>Build to 15-20k for first few months
>Read forums everynight till eyes bleed
>finally unstand what a satoshi means when used in conjuntion with other coins
>1st ripple
>2nd siacoin
>3rd bnb
>sell 10000bnb for 25k
>dumps to .67
>finger over button to buy 30000 bnb
>instead invest into shot icos shilled by shit anons
>4th gvt
>5th dbc
>tfw all moonshots I rode I fucked up terribly
>tfw btc is dead now beacause if I get another chance I know now how to do it right
>tfw I know now btc is dead

>> No.11861865


>> No.11861911

>ID is BAG
>is capitulating
What did kek mean by this

>> No.11861927

I don't believe you

>> No.11862026

sold 20k, and used savings to pay 35k tax bill
still hodling, they're not taking my internet coins away

>> No.11862898

>you might be right, but I just don't trust crypto anymore.
>I used to be such a try hard believer of the stuff.
I feel exactly the same way.
Experiencing the crypto space this whole year, on social media, crypto billionaires and "celebrities", the scams, slowly realizing how centralized almost everything actually is, and how this shitshow is being run by noveau riche narcissists and sociopaths (and even on /biz/ there were lots of them, or at least larpers acting as such), has made me lose a lot of faith in the stuff. And I'm not even talking about gains here. There was many times, I've read and watched things that just made me wish, even if only for a few moments, that the entire crypto space just crashed and burned to 0.

Now we're witnessing the crypto market tanking even more because of this bullshit hash war between two clowns with 100 times more money and power in their hands than they should ever have (I know some believe this downtrend isn't related at all to these events, but I'm sure it is, at least partially). How fucked up is that? And some people still believe the "institutional investors are just at the door" meme? If I was one, I wouldn't dare touching this shit with a 20 foot pole.

This is what's supposed to be the "biggest transfer of wealth in history"? What a joke. Assuming crypto has the potential of replacing fiat, if scamming narcisistic sociopaths like Craig Wright, Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, the Bitmex nigger and the Binance chink are going to be in control of a large portion of mankind's wealth, I believe we might actually be better off just staying with the black nobility pedo satanist kikes who control the banking system, at least they have some class.
Sorry if this was a bit of a rant, but I've been waiting an opportunity to get this off my chest for some time now.

>> No.11863839

feel better?