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11857688 No.11857688 [Reply] [Original]

Why did we go to war with Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya?

Why does the US and Israel want war with Iran and Syria?

>> No.11857738
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>> No.11857777

>Iraq and Libya
ditching the USD in commodities trade and not being good lil puppets, and more importantly, making nice with countries that are in the way of total global domination of the US.

>Iran and Syria
Kinda same shit but more about that they (Iran Syria and Hezbollah alliance) are an actual threat to the domination of the middle by US, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Any developed economy, they must control and exploit. The people behind US foreign policy seek nothing less than having no credible future threat to their absolute domination of the planet. Even if not explicitly allied with the biggest threats to this (Russia and China), any meaningful country (resource wise or economy wise) that tries to break ranks and not pay indirect tribute to the US in the form of political and economic submission is to be made an example of.

Look at the history of south america to see how zero sum the US deep state looks at things.

>> No.11857967

Well Saudia Arabia wants all of those neighbor country's to be wiped out so they become even more dominant as a oil exporter.

>> No.11858292

checked. also;

>> No.11858332
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>> No.11858374

Afghanistan is strategically important for invading iraq and iran, containing russia. I'm not an expert but that region has been important militarily for hundreds of years.

>> No.11858518

Why is containing Russia so important anyway?

>> No.11858866

The petrodollar. But you already knew that

>> No.11858881

>Why does the US and Israel want war with Iran and Syria?

Because that's what the Saudis and Jews want.

>> No.11858963

Why do you make pol threads on biz?

>> No.11858987

Instability props up the value of the dollar.

>> No.11859024


>> No.11859058

i was army eod in rc south in 2012 ama. bullard and sperwanghar.

>> No.11859079
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muslims there pissed people off. 9/11 was supposed to be in London
honestly thought we could steal oil. I know I know. Bad idea but hindsight is 20/20
ask the EU fuck me I dunno wasn't our idea lol

>> No.11859100

Afgan has opium and heroine. Also has immense thorium deposits which will be important nuclear fuel in the future.

The others are either oil or gas pipelines.

Syria also has one of Russia's naval bases in the region, and hobbling that denies them much of their naval force projection capabilities in the middle East.

Energy, drugs and military needs

>> No.11859119

stupid dumb honkie! go eat ur fagit turkey

ask here you uncivilized nigger

>> No.11859131

to help iran

>> No.11859367
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a joint israeli, quatari, and saudi venture, genie energy, wants to run through syria into europe. this will hurt russia's economy because europe currently buys a lot of gas and oil from russia. also destabilizing israel's enemies and fracturing their countries will make it easier for the jews to exert control over the middle east. the port of tarsis in syria is one of very few warm water ports that the russian navy has access to. it's also a major reason why crimea was reannexed.
poppies. it isn't a coincidence that heroin and painkiller abuse skyrocketed in the u.s. after 2002. another reason is because afghanistan borders iran and could be a staging area for a possible iranian invasion.
in addition to saddam pissing of the u.s. by selling oil in euros part of it was the same thing as syria. by fracturing the country israel will be able to exert greater influence over small states by being able to play them against each other.
gaddafi also wanted to stop selling oil in dollars. he wanted to create a unified currency for all of africa like the euro, except it would have been gold backed. also he had a shitload of gold that went 'missing' after he was toppled. russia was also using some of libya's ports; this could not be allowed to continue.

unironically, all of our meddling in the middle east has actually strengthened iran's position. the shia now control massive portions of iraq, whereas under hussein they were suppressed. also iran's ties to syria

putin isn't playing ball.

>> No.11859625

They didn't trade oil for usd

>> No.11860000

>No Rothschild central bank
>Petro dollar
>Israeli security
>Defense contractors like to make money

In that order

>> No.11860074

Checked. OP needs to get redpilled on Jews.

>> No.11860201 [DELETED] 
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We went to secure access to a number of working artifacts from previous civilisations. The technologies were retrieved and reverse engineered. Humans have had many advanced civilizations here, our ignorance to them is intentional.
Of course there were other advantages as many of you are aware, but access to artifacts were the main reason.

>> No.11860682


>> No.11860697


>> No.11860727

The Afghan war is hilarious. Everyone just pretends like it didn't happen.
>We went in to get bin Ladin!
>Didn't they find him in pakistan?
>Yeah. What's your point?

>> No.11860759
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>> No.11860761

even more: osama had been jailed by the pakis, and he was killed while imprisoned in cold blood by the "elite" navy seals... after they almost fuck up their own bullshit operation

>> No.11860822
File: 79 KB, 700x609, 516A70CB-5C14-4A8F-BC2A-8257147F12D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check em

>> No.11861669

So they say. The official story is that Bin Laden's body was then jettisoned at sea like Mr Spock and all the navy seals involved in his death were themselves tragically killed in a helicopter crash shortly after.

>> No.11862414
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