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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 400x400, qvSHhRyC_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11854525 No.11854525 [Reply] [Original]

Who else wasted an entire year of their life getting anxious and excited over this piece of shit?

>> No.11854539

It's not even out yet

>> No.11854573

I've been using filters for months now so link doesn't even exists in my 4chan feed

>> No.11854582

Yep, +1, back to discord for high fives. Send a few of the others here too for some more zero effort shit like this, it really livens the board up.

>> No.11854586

lmao imagine falling for this retard shit

It's a CRYPTO PRICE FEED which any CHILD can create with a few lines of code.

>> No.11854588

Well it's better than being 95% down

>> No.11854601

LOL Chainlink is taking a play out of Vechain’s book with the endless partnership announcements, all of which are all bullshit. Such an elaborate scam to take advantage of boomers and zoomers.

It’s all made sense now. They’ve been marketing and spamming /biz/ for MONTHS now with the “1000 EOY” bullshit nonstop.

Now this project could’ve appeared as legitimate, but too many boomers have lost money with this. They know the SEC is watching them and their virtual office that’s supposedly in the Cayman Islands.

Sergey is nothing more than an old /b/ tard who knew how to make himself a meme. He would make fun of his weight and try to make it a meme. He’s possibly one of the most strategic scammers of all time, spreading low-effort FUD himself in an effort to make all people who don’t like his scam look like complete idiots.

It’s an elaborate scam and very nicely done, but are you guys realizing that we’re in the “partership era” phase of the scam?

What’s next? BMW partnerships? I don’t think Sergey would go that far, I think he’ll play it safe by keeping these paid “partnerships” between Chainlink and other shitcoin projects.

Using that ICO money for paid partnerships is exactly what Vechain has done.

Now the 2018 goal is coming to a close. Once 2018 ends, the real dump can finally begin.

If you’ve caught yourself in this ridiculous echo chamber of Chainlink spam, please think to yourself about the seriousness behind the convos on here. It’s a spammy echo chamber made to influence gullible fools LIKE YOU into believing it. Fooling gullible fools LIKE YOU into shilling it just because you saw others do it.

>> No.11854605

Yep, +1, back to discord for high fives. Send a few of the others here too for some more zero effort shit like this, it really livens the board up.

>> No.11854648

Imagine being such a delusional shitbag spammer where you accuse others of doing what you've been doing for months.

Imagine getting paid for shitting up the board with endless spam. Imagine worshipping a neckbearded loser with the hair of a middleschooler who memed himself and fooled fucks like you.

>> No.11854667

Oof, nice. +2. Lots of high fives waiting for you back at discord. Send a few more of the guys over.

>> No.11854683

Fuck off Mario, this pasta is already stale

>> No.11854684
File: 5 KB, 250x174, cringe pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11854698

Nice meme, maybe add the Delphi watermark and then you can get a gilded frame on your avatar picture. Keep it up. Send a few more of the other over.

>> No.11854706

Fuck sergey. Fuck steve. Fuck thomas. Fuck ari juels. Fuck linkpool Fuck openlaw. Fuck aaron wright. Fuck wanchain. Fuck swift. Fuck gartner. Fuck IC3. Fuck town crier. Fuck World economic forum. Fuck zeppelin_os. Fuck accord project. Fuck market protocol. Fuck factom. Fuck Clintex. Fuck bravenewcoin. Fuck morpheus network. Fuck Fuck kaleido. Fuck hydrogen. Fuck kaiko. Fuck bZx. Fuck gamedex. Fuck Fuck web3. Fuck gavin wood. Fuck anyone who shilled chainlink. It's over.

>> No.11854722
File: 258 KB, 604x555, hg0wsyksgh2z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11854729

Yep, +1, back to discord for high fives. Send a few of the others here too for some more zero effort shit like this, it really livens the board up.

>> No.11854774
File: 80 KB, 813x551, B884F13A-154A-4AE1-827A-8BAFE1D36F36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11854779

Yep, +1, back to discord for high fives. Send a few of the others here too for some more zero effort shit like this, it really livens the board up.

>> No.11854826

Imagine how you'll feel when you check CMC and it's $50 out of the blue lmao

>> No.11854834
File: 141 KB, 250x250, 1533892538530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11854852

That could only happen during a bullrun and even then I wouldn't touch your shitcoin with a ten foot pole. I rather buy bitbean instead honestly.

>> No.11855067

Delusional Linkies

>> No.11855150

fuck off delphi

>> No.11855223

This is the gayest larp group in the world

>> No.11855238

I refuse to take it over into another year and waste another
New year with an old mind where the devil is alive

I will rejoice the day that Chainlink will be $1000 each

>> No.11855296

x4 from the bottom 3 months ago.

What other crypto is as bullish

>> No.11855307


um....you do realize they aquired town crier. and you can see many of their partners connecting to their testnet.

p.s. Vechain is a scam.

>> No.11855498

Lifting gym my gf and link

I am happy.

>> No.11855599

Yep, +3, back to discord for ass slaps. Send a few of the others here too for some more high effort spanking like this, it really livens the ass up.

>> No.11855842

but most importantly fuck trump and FUCK white ppl.