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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11853981 No.11853981 [Reply] [Original]

>family members keep knocking on my door and asking why I'm not downstairs socializing with everyone

>> No.11853984

just kill them lmao

>> No.11853988

Kek. Go down there you fucking autist.

>> No.11853996

tell them to fuck off. fuck normies.

>> No.11854011

tell them youre masturbating

>> No.11854026

Go down but don't say a word and phone post on /biz/

>> No.11854194

Keep calm and listen to Horst Wessel Lied (it'll make you feel better):




>> No.11854271

>having dinner at noon

>> No.11854308

Say that biz is a part of your family, and you'd like to collectively browse it with you.

>> No.11854329

My plan in a few hours.

>> No.11854384
File: 80 KB, 250x244, 1536606017430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep your door locked anon
Today is the perfect day to play rdr2 all day

>> No.11854391


>> No.11855216


>> No.11855284
File: 3.30 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a white shirt and write 4chan /pol/ in black marker on it and go downstairs and blow their fucking heads off

>> No.11855541
File: 52 KB, 908x703, it's over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11855569

are are admitting guilt by not going downstairs you faggt. Go downstairs and give everyone a firm handshake/hug , before admitting to them that you told them to invest in the greatest ponzi of all times, and that you should of sold in January, Thanksgiving time

>> No.11855585

>problems yanks have

>> No.11855623

HAHAHA, holy fucking shit i love this board

>> No.11856051

go back to plebbit.

>> No.11856159

anon we know you are still holding your imaginary internet money ahahahahaha

>> No.11856198

just do it then say youre going to take a nap

>> No.11856203

Tell them you are a introver anon

>> No.11856239

The sense of belonging I feel knowing other anons are in similar situations as I am is why I still come to 4chan. Bless you anons.

>> No.11856294

most here are retards that find weird shit funny. If you show this thread or other pink wojak "AAAA" threads to high functioning individuals with integrity it just won't be the same

>> No.11856339

4chan rotted my brain. I can only talk in memes

>> No.11856361

>Hey Grandma you want me to hodl that bag for ya?
>Wow sis that cardigan is very based
>Hey James you based boy
>Oy vey who shoad all the milk?
> Hey wyboi show me wut dat mouf do

>> No.11856448


>> No.11856474

Go in the bathroom and lock the door say you’re sick. Proceed to shitpost.

>> No.11856491

Or just not be a spaz lmaooo

>> No.11856517

It's working. They talk about new cars they bought after having a previous one "taken back" by someone whatever that means (repo?).
How do you interact with plebs, mates?

>> No.11856573

Show them your meme collection and screenshotted greentexts

>> No.11856619

My brother didn't come down during the whole dinner either. It used to bother me, but the whole thing is so NPCish I understand his actions.

>> No.11856829

>are you dating anywhere
>are you still working that one job
>you still live by yourself right
>what do you do in your free time
Fuck this shit man

>> No.11857401

the wprst feeling ever is when they actually stop trying and give up.

Don't let the situation reach that point. Go socialize and theyll welcome you.

>> No.11857984

Grow a pair of balls if you aren't a woman and go talk to some people you idiot

>> No.11858010

What do I say? Looking good? Heh

>> No.11858048

Proceed to sickpost imo

>> No.11858218
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fordi det er middag

>> No.11858242
File: 156 KB, 709x595, 1537322551905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh hello family good to see you all! Yes I still have that money that you gave me to invest in cryptocurrency for you last thanksgiving, its totally not lost at all.

>> No.11858288
File: 138 KB, 396x752, catalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too afraid to admit you bought the link meme & own thousands of dollars worth of wind & ghosts that will never appreciate? Or are you a precious millennial with 'social anxiety'?