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File: 134 KB, 768x510, ukhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11853016 No.11853016 [Reply] [Original]

So I was curious about property prices in the neighbouring countries after reading about how property prices in the UK mean that Bong millenials will never own their own home.
I checked out Rightmove (a property search website in the UK) and there are fucking thousands of 2/3/4/5-bedroom houses in France and Spain that cost literally like 1/4 or in some cases 1/8 of what they cost in the UK.
Why is property so cheap in France and Spain?
And why is it so high in the South of England? Even the North is very expensive compared to France and Spain.
Is the UK in a huge fucking bubble right now and is that why the kikes want to flood us with more brown people, so that there isn't a massive fucking crash that affects the global economy?

>> No.11853052

idk but i had $450k in january. i was literally going to buy a house in greece but i was only 17 at the time so a lot of legal troubles. then it dumped and now i only have $20k. fuck this market. seriously. ruined my life. dropped out of school and cut all my friends off, lost my gf for nothing

>> No.11853080

That is a comfy looking house

>> No.11853082

It's cheap in France yes, except in Paris because Paris have "borders" so everyone want to live "intramuros".

That said, I think Bongs make more money than French people no?

Same for Spain.. Or may be they are just less deluded

>> No.11853090

Here's an example of a French house https://www.rightmove.co.uk/overseas-property/property-58008423.html?currencyCode=GBP

UK equivalents


What stopped you cashing out or just jumping to tether?

>> No.11853110

>Why is property so cheap in Minnesota and so expensive in the heart of New York
>It doesn't make sense
>is New York in a bubble now

>> No.11853116

>Bongs make more money than French people no?
Not by much. Thats the weird thing. Us Bongs probably make about 15% more than you on average. Yet our houses cost like 800% more on average. Something isn't right about this picture and I don't know what it is. It's not just about wages.
read what I wrote above

>> No.11853143

Two words

>mud people.

People seem to be in denial abou the simple market forces of supply and demand. Unless you're a roastie with a half breed or a junky white peopl need no apply for social housing. When the UK government carried out the racial disparity audit hey found 50% of Pakis to be unemployed. They all work cash jobs claim houing benifit and sub let the ounil houze they've stolen. Just check out air BNB I have a hard time beleiving people are booking houses for a year straight. S

>> No.11853157

*council house. Sorry for the typos phone fagging with a coffee in my hand.

>> No.11853170

>What stopped you cashing out or just jumping to tether?
scared off by the fud around it.

>> No.11853173

Mud people are the symptom or the reaction to an already-existing situation though. How did this disparity in prices come about?
I haven't seen many /biz/ threads about this, possibly ever.

>> No.11853210

As a bong you have to understand that a house is the most important thing in the world to the people here. Living in a good house is important but much more important is the location, for work, social life and education of kids.

It's completely fucked but that's how it is, combined with massive foreign investment coming in, more people and no houses being built, plus the super poor can't buy houses and they often just get given a place for free.

They can also charge much higher rents because of this, so property is seen as a safe investment so you will also find that some people have massive number of properties.

It's ridiculously fucked btw with no change in sight and the problem has basically been ignored for decades.

>> No.11853232

Pretty much this, it's really messed up here. Milennials and Zoomers are screwed.

>> No.11853253

low interest rates since the 2008 crisis. There is a giant housing bubble in the entire western world

>> No.11853269

its a good time to invest in spain actually.

att: spaniar who cant afford a 70k flat.

>> No.11853275

yeah its messed up

but a ponzi so to speak

anyone with a house aint gonna want to pop the bubble and wreck their investment

>> No.11853301

>Why is property so cheap in France and Spain?
Because it's attached to shit countries

>> No.11853304

>Buying house in W.EU especially France

>> No.11853311

Yeah but there is pretty much open borders in France and Spain too. So how is the situation in the UK so different? I'm a bong in case I didn't mention.
I also worry how Brexit will affect the prices here.

>> No.11853332


Reminder: tether FUD was literally a psy op by whales to prevent you cashing out. Bitfinex’d friends are all whales, the whole thing was engineered.

>> No.11853354

Paki anon here from UK and I confirm this is true. I personally know pakis with multi millionaire property portfolios in Manchester.

My dad owns 3 houses and my brother is planning on buying a few.

It’s very easy. All you need is a paki mortgage broker, paki surveyor and paki mortgage advisor. You bribe them all and you can easily purchase buy to let properties.

Unemployed? No problem, my sister bought pay slips from a paki accountant showing she’s making 40k a year. She used her income to get a mortgage on a buy to let property.

Pakis and Indians were first doing this and now somalians/Africans have started.

Literally, most of east London is owned by Indian and pakis.

You whiteys fucked up, too busy smoking, drinking and wasting your money.

>> No.11853374

Also, we pakis are like Jews. We only buy and never sell.

>> No.11853402

>never sell.
Even when value goes to 0?

>> No.11853403

It mostly depends on the location in France. Condos in Paris can go for up to 15-20k€/sqm, around 4k€/sqm in Lyon, houses in the countryside for under 1000€/sqm.

>> No.11853448

In Essex outside London people want 125k to live in a fucking caravan, the whole system is fucked if your white and working you can wont get a council house, rent payments tend to be more expensive than having a mortgage but no cunt wants to give you a mortgage. in London your looking at half a mil for a 2 bedroom terrace house in a rough area

>> No.11853455
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If you're single, don't want to live in the middle of nowhere and don't have 80k AT LEAST.. you can't buy a house in this country.

Even the shitty ones are 250k right now. It's insane, never seen anything like this. The people buying now are going to kill themself in 15-20 years.

>> No.11853459

Especially britain you mean ? At least France has decent weather and food.

>> No.11853485

Britain is really bad choice too
France is in really bad spot
>Even the shitty ones are 250k right now
>tfw shitty tiny flat in Moscow (not even in the centre or good part of it) costs 250k USD

>> No.11853493

This. Who the fuck wants to live in Spain? Ghost towns... unemployent rate disgustingly high

>> No.11853502

>France is in really bad spot
Says the incredibly nervous anglo for the billionth time.
Right now all the brits pharma companies are moving to my city. With brexshit it seems that french attractivity is on the rise.

>> No.11853529

>Says the incredibly nervous anglo for the billionth time.
Nigga read my post
Im not anglo

>> No.11853557
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Guys look at this shit. 300 M2


If I only made it from crypto..

>> No.11853558

What are you, german, the country with 0 white kid ?

>> No.11853607

UK is insanely centralized around London, it's mind-boggling.
It reflects the most on property prices and train prices in the south-east.
Average price of a house in London is 650k (this includes dogshit terraced houses 1 hour away from central London next to a highway). 650K would get you a castle or a 15 bedroom manor in France.
Return train ticket from Reading to London is 50 quid (that's a 25 minute train ride). You can get a plane from London to Vienna for less.

What confuses me the most are the subhumans who work London minimum wage jobs. Like what drives them to work in a London McD instead of a Cardiff McD where the costs of living are much lower.

>> No.11853610

Pretty sure you're larping. However pakis and kashmiris I know have comfirmed this to me.

>> No.11853633

>650K would get you a castle
wait wut

>> No.11853634

Are you baiting?

>> No.11853637

>650K would get you a castle or a 15 bedroom manor in France.
In the middle of nowhere maybe. It's the price of a 120sqm condo in central Lyon or a 50sqm cuckshed in a meh parisian district.

>> No.11853648

Nope, I've worked there. Germany has no youth unemployement because it has no youth, it's a ageing, crippled country.

>> No.11853649
File: 91 KB, 994x383, metsovo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No country has land more underrated than Greece. It's been FUDed for decades now enough so that even the residents have started to believe it. The land itself is extraordinary in both mountainous terrain and beachfronts.

It's a country like NZ, minus the foot-long spiders and scorpions and a 3-2 hour flight from any civilized country.

I think mountainous Greece and actual villages is the most underrated part of the country, making it the no1 buy long term. I plan to solidify a part of my folio in land ~500-1000m from sea level as a long term investment.

Short term it's all about the vacation hotspots either in the mainland or one of the many islands of the Aegean.

>> No.11853651

> M O S C O W

>> No.11853658


>A*glos are getting reverse-colonized by former subjects of the Empire

can't make this shit up

>> No.11853664

Where can I check out prices in France/Spain?

>> No.11853673

middle of nowhere is infinitely better than living in London

>> No.11853675

Ow my condolences
Then you know a lot about failed countries I guess

>> No.11853689

>Then you know a lot about failed countries I guess
That why I will not go to UK, France, Germany and W.EU/Scandi countries in general

>> No.11853707

It started with Tony Blair importing voters much like the dems are doing now. Fast forward to today and London is minority English. The main factor for the "white flight" is housing fraud by muds. With no "affordable housing" up for grabs the pressure on private rents makes things like raising a family nigh on impossible.

It wont take very long to find someone wih a paki landlord despite only 50% of.them officially in work.

>> No.11853723


I like Greece. Would love to move over there but I don't know how I would get a legit job over there lol.

>> No.11853728

This is probably EXACTLY why the kikes are flipping out about Brexit.
They won't have the ability to bring endless streams of mudshits in to do those jobs and the CIty itself will be prevented from having access to European markets and so the whole financial power of London is effectively over on 29th March 2019 (and that's a good thing, fuck London desu).
>confuses me the most
Are you actually expecting logical choices from nigger subhumans?
Cardiff is almost as expensive as London btw.
Whats the paki word for shoah?
Thats why that whore chancellor brought 1 mil niggers in
We have this thing called a car, not sure if you've heard of it. Considering yours are so shit after all.
Looks beautiful. Would I get a complimentary qt greek waifu in the deal?
Ghost towns sound better than nigger towns. At least I could play my videogames in peace.

>> No.11853735

>middle of nowhere is infinitely better than living in London
Except you have to drive 30 minutes to go to any shop or commodity, and that bad weather can cut your internet off.
I wonder if I can make money selling castles and manors to anglos

>> No.11853740

l2read, dumdum

>> No.11853763
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>We have this thing called a car, not sure if you've heard of it. Considering yours are so shit after all.

What the fuck are you talking about? The only houses single starters can still pay are in the earthquake ridden part up north. But you are going to spend a lot rebuilding your house from all the damage, so you will end up fucking yourself.
>Considering yours are so shit after all.

Are you high?

>> No.11853772

I live in Herts and commute to London. Over £400 a month travel and 1k plus for a shitty flat. I'm seriously considering jacking it all in and moving to.Devon.

>> No.11853828

>tfw renting a flat for 200 pounds a month.

Feels good. Gonna hold on to this flat tooth and nail while I save up for a housing crash.

Only problem is that it's not registered in my name and if the real tenant decides to"move out", I will have to too :(

>> No.11853847
File: 135 KB, 1200x468, lyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

London prices seem awful desu. I'm not even sure the salary difference is that important to make up for the price.
I own with my gf a 3br 100sqm flat close to public transport I use to commute, its pretty comfy.

>> No.11853852

French cars are complete shit, everyone knows this. I have had the misfortune to drive a few.
m8 if a housing crash comes, money itself is going to be pretty fucked, not to mention the state of the country in general, it will have a knock-on effect to the country's economy and we'll get riots and shit like in 2011, only countrywide. Not saying it's unlikely, just don't think your money will save you in that situation.

>> No.11853862

>French cars are complete shit, everyone knows this. I have had the misfortune to drive a few.
But that guy is from NL if Im not mistaken

>> No.11853870

>French cars are complete shit
>coming from a brit

>> No.11853877

>expecting bongs like me to differentiate between different types of toothpaste

>> No.11853881
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>French cars are complete shit, everyone knows this. I have had the misfortune to drive a few.

I'm not sure if you trolling but I'm dutch. We don't even make cars so I drive Audi.

>> No.11853888

you need a better flag desu desunay

>> No.11853894

Anglo countries all have expensive af real estate. It's a cultural thing.

>> No.11853895

Brits can't differentiate between food and shit, I don't expect much of them.

>> No.11853927

>Us Bongs probably make about 15% more than you on average.
If we compare Greater London and Paris, the median income is similar. Why the housing prices are so different is beyond me.

>> No.11853941

>What confuses me the most are the subhumans who work London minimum wage jobs.

what i don't get is how the fuck do they afford to move to, survive, and flourish in the city? i want to move to london but the initial outlay is going to be a lot.

>> No.11853944

City status probably

>> No.11853993

>live 10 to a flat
>get paid in cash
>dont pay taxes
>get welfare

>> No.11853997

>what i don't get is how the fuck do they afford to move to, survive, and flourish in the city? i want to move to london but the initial outlay is going to be a lot.
They live paycheck to paycheck I guess.

>> No.11854044

Not sure why some companies in the UK relocate to other cities in the UK instead of just London. At least you guys have alot of walkable cities, most places in the US are car dependant

>> No.11854120

Most of the brit economy is banking and finance, and you need to be close to the government for that.

>> No.11854135

Plenty of businesses in other cities around the UK. Life in the smaller cities is not so bad, pretty chill and commuting from outside the city is not a multi hour ordeal. London is a megacity though so it's where the money is, where the biggest labour market is, where the biggest businesses and the people with the most money are. So it's the natural place to want your business. Maybe not your entire business but almost certainly your HQ.

>> No.11854219

Population Density + Housing Demand
It's the same reason that a bombed out hellhole in New Jersey costs 2x what a nice house w/some acreage in the midwest goes for.

>> No.11854238

They manage it because we're the ones fucking paying for it!

We are literally paying rent for 3rd worlders and then paying them to breed. And eventually become our landlords at taxpayers expense.

>> No.11854249

That's always going to be centered in the square mile.

>> No.11854267
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shit is utterly FUCKED in the UK, yank tier cost of living with mainland europe-tier salaries, tax increases on the way, brexit looming over our economy

Seriously just wish I could take my UK salary and go to somewhere like spain and just siesta in the sun, a place where i can actually AFFORD to live

>> No.11854276

Yeah but why haven't hordes of immigrants gone to France/Spain considering they are as equally open-borders as the UK?
I get that there's demand now, but the situation was the same in France and Spain for so long.
It makes sense though because since Brexit got voted on the housing market has basically started to decline.

>> No.11854291

The whole thing is held together by housing benefit from councils, which is why they need an endless supply of useless people, they prop up the whole property bubble.
If a local authority is dishing out £500-1000 a month, it means that a slumlord can charge that amount for any old shithole, the income is guaranteed.
Banks like guaranteed income, so they will always lend more and more on the back of it, which the slumlord can then use to buy more properties, they dont care about the interest rates, the money is free.
For years now thats been the case, virtually every property in the country has dozens of people fighting with each other to fill them with low paid workers and immigrants, 4/5 bed houses can be converted into studio flats or used for council families, the chain reaction up the property market has obliterated social mobility.

It has very little to do with wages or demand sadly, its all gibs.

>> No.11854293

>property developers won't build houses unless they can get maximum profit so they build slow and solely for middle/upper class people
>every cunt with a bit of money is now a landlord since due to immense demand you can be guaranteed tennants even in a borderline dilapidated house
supply and demand innit

>> No.11854299

Yeah that anon who mentioned taxes rising to fund all this marxist madness is probably right, sadly.

>> No.11854316

Also worth saying that the government are in the hole for trillions with future unfunded pensions (9trillion alltogether i think?).
telling everyone their property is an investment for their pension eases the pressure, so they will never address the housing benefit problem.

>> No.11854330

Simply put there are better job opportunuties in the UK. You can get a job in a day since a lot of the locals are so fucking shit any immigrant with an ounce of work ethic will outperform the average tooth-rotting Brit.

The truth is that the UK has always had a class system and the rich upper class care more about that than anything else. Keep the pov's marginalised. Society is then kind of built around that.

I won't completely diss the UK though. Things generally work here and compared to most euro countries the system just works better.

>> No.11854336

Yes afrench houses are "cheap" compared to Bongistan, but they are in bumfuck nowhere and if you are lucky enough to find a local job you will be raped by taxes and gas prices.
That said the only good thing our government did was keeping the immigrants in commie blocks so they don't expand too much in surfaces which means white flight is still contained while native brits must pile onto each others to not live with the diversity.

>> No.11854352

Its not even as if we have the opportunity to become the slumlords ourselves, we missed that boat 20+ years ago.
Short of making big money out of thin air or inheritance we are properly fucked, if you want to earn a good wage its goign to take an ever increasing length of time grinding and saving in some shithole in London.

People in their 40s sharing flats in London is normal ffs.

>> No.11854360

80% of the parisian upper-middle class want to leave this hellhole for Lyon, Bordeaux or Nantes.

>> No.11854369

I live in Hertfordshire. I've commuted to london for 12 years now.

>> No.11854383

The number of clearly 30+ year olds I see working in the likes of McDonalds these days is pretty depressing too. Maybe more depressing than the fact I eat at McDonalds.

>> No.11854385

That's not completelt true. Easy money isn't easy anymore but there are opportunities out there. Start a business, do shit online, get skills or free uni and go abroad.

There is a lot of shit in the UK, but also a lot of good. Don't just put all your problems on society (like certain people)

>> No.11854395

>There is a lot of shit in the UK, but also a lot of good. Don't just put all your problems on society (like certain people)
Solid advice.

>> No.11854412

Can't say that isn't one of the largest factors. You failed.to mention the muds go on to sublet them illegally though. Housing fraud is rife here

>> No.11854430

They have to include mud huts in every new estate they build now.

>> No.11854436
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Its the royals, we have the same problem in the NL, but theyre not building because these guys own so much property they want to keep demand up and supply low.
Pic Dutch prince who owns 600 buildings, and his whole family and others they interact with have huge amounts of property.

>> No.11854460
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The worst part isn't the state of it all

the worst part is that the generation who grew up with great job prospects and cheap property call us lazy and entitled

>> No.11854490


Larp or otherwise that’s exactly how it goes, at least without getting into the organized crime/trafficking/money laundering side of things. That dodgy looking off licence or takeaway that’s always deserted is probably reporting income of 25k a month

This country is so screwed

>> No.11854492

Sounds like what the blackies tell about dem whites.

>> No.11854509

>all your problems
Of course blaming all our problems on external forces is retarded but its also a dangerous habit to own responsibility for everything hindering progress to where we want to be in life, sometimes other forces are to blame.
I mean none of us wanted an extra 9 million shit coloured or slavic people here in the past 15 years, none of us want our local authorities doling out countless millions a year to house them.

There are things we can do, legally and illegally but as you say none of it is easy and the options are limited.

>> No.11854518

Pakis in particular will always choose a cash job over a P.A.Y.E one. All of their income is laundered. In my small town at least 1 in 3 Pakistani taxi drivers isn't the one on the photocard in the cab. Fair play and honesty are anglo traits and we're getting raped for it. I still.know alot of pakis and they all know someone who fraudulently obtained housing to rent

>> No.11854536

Well i'm an immigrant (technically always British citizen, and white) that moved here in the last 10 years and i managed to outperform most of my peers without any gibs or natural advantages.

Things aren't great, but its too easy to blame the paki next door or the jew at the bank.

>> No.11854537
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>> No.11854538

My dad earned 25,000 a year as a mechanic in the 80s and due to the cheaper foreign options the salaries have barely fucking moved in 30 years, with the cost of everything else going through the roof over the same period. In the 80s the house he spent 20,000 on is now valued at 300,000.
In terms of social mobility, thats one route cut off for us but its the same for all trades, its sadly the case you can add 100 other jobs to the list, any creative or business opportunities are putting you in competition with people who are starting with a balance of millions.

Even online opportunities are virtually null as youre competing with people in vietnam or burma who are looking to make 20p profit from trading/creative work.

>> No.11854547

M8 if you're friendly with them they openly admit it.

>> No.11854558

There's two sides of the coin. When they grew up, they didn't have all the commodities. Real estate was cheap, but also very shitty, standards are much higher today.They had also huge inflation (8+%) shitting up their savings so buying a house was the most clever thing they could do. The welfare state didn't exist either. Not saying anything of that is good, but most of them simply don't understand the present.
My granddad was asking at a family dinner why there was not any daily milk delivery anymore. I asked him if we agreed with the minimum wage ('bout 10€/hour). He said it was even too low considering the prices. Then I asked him how much he through milk delivery should cost to the customer ("free"). Good luck getting a FREE delivery of a 1€ milk bottle.
Boomers will tell you that you have it good with all that welfare they fought to get it installed, not even understanding that welfare is killing the middle class (you included).

>> No.11854618

Dude i know, i got Iranian friends and it's all the same. I fucking hate the corruption.

There is an indian dude that owns 100+ properties because he has friends (not even Indian) that work for the estate agency that give him the info first when houses come on the market so he gets first pickings and the estate agent makes quick money on the sale.

That's fucked, but is it so different to the old white dude who gets a contract because he's at the same gentlemen's club as the minister of whatever? No, curruption is on every level, everywhere. It's just the game and it's the same the world over. It just **feels** un-British.

>> No.11854619


>> No.11854630

>Fair play and honesty are anglo traits

>> No.11854643

>Fair play and honesty are anglo traits
That was fucking hilarious to read.

>> No.11854655

>feels un British

Because it's mudlander behaviour. Islam plays a role, like the Jews they think you should pay for them. Housing benifit is the new Jizya tax.

>> No.11854664

>Here's an example of a French house https://www.rightmove.co.uk/overseas-property/property-58008423.html?currencyCode=GBP
Look at the pics, that house needs major refurbs

>> No.11854673

It's not victorian times anymore m8. We're too kind and it's been mistaken for weakness and exploited.

>> No.11854675

There are no legit jobs in Greece fool, didn't you read my first post? The country's destroyed. Get rich with crypto then buy land in Greece. It'll only go up from now (land in Greece will literally never be this low ever again)

>> No.11854687

qt's are most always bitches, but you can find a good woman that will raise you a good family and cook well instead

>> No.11854690

It's not, we've raped and pillaged half the world for hundreds of years. Have a look at the history, all is fair in love and war. Brits just don't like it when it's brown people doing it.

Open your eyes and go compete.

>> No.11854700

T marxist

>> No.11854703

>Get rich with crypto

capitulated out at $5.1k, oh what could've been

>> No.11854708

That's true, there's some work to be done, but that wouldn't push the price much higher.
The house is however away from everything even remotely interesting. It's nice if you want a crib to wither in after cashing out on crypto gains, but that's mostly it.

>> No.11854723

I own a business you pleb. What part of competition is Marxist?

>> No.11854769

I refering to this "history" of yours.

India wouldn't be a single country and a future superpower wihout the Raj

We were the last to slave wogs and the first to stop at great expense to ourselves.

We never had to share the spoils of the industrial revolution either.

Not just Anglos, but Euros are just better people.

>> No.11854791

"we" didnt or not the majority of the working or even middle class people from history at least.

the people who did the raping and pillaging have their money already, the sad truth is that the most of this country has always been dirt poor.
its not an excuse today of course but cheating your way out of poverty by illegally lying to money lenders has never been part of the average bongs make up, or they wouldnt have been so fucking subservient to shit like the class system through history.

>> No.11854820

So, you can now buy back lower? Well played, you're halfway on your dream life in Greece already

>> No.11854823


The crushing irony is, all the laundered money makes such a significant contribution to local police budgets, it’s no wonder they are so very compliant when it comes to dealing with these ‘communities’

>> No.11854855

I secretly agree, I'm just saying that the upper classes have always behaved in the same way as the local paki cartlel.

True, but the world has changed. Markets have opened up and that pandora's box won't be closed and people in power don't want it to close.

The upside is that for an intelligent averagw Brit there is enormous opportunity out there to make something of themselves.

>> No.11854867

>The upside is that for an intelligent averagw Brit there is enormous opportunity out there to make something of themselves.
For sure. Starting from £0 seems to be the biggest hurdle to unlocking potential.

>> No.11854914
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>everything we did was fine because one day India will be a super power

>> No.11854926

can you advise a website for land listings?

>> No.11855026

American go...boys I mean
Tell me about Montana, Oregon, Colorado and Wisconsin

>> No.11855071

We gave them their system of goverment, a common language, a legal system prevented widows from being barbecued and built that massive fucking railway they're still fucking using, in some areas the signals are even victorian. We.also.improved their agriculture and gave themmodern medicine, cow piss isn't a great cure. We might have been bastards but we left it civilised and better developed than before we came.

>> No.11855084

>We gave them their system of goverment, a common language, a legal system prevented widows from being barbecued and built that massive fucking railway they're still fucking using, in some areas the signals are even victorian. We.also.improved their agriculture and gave themmodern medicine, cow piss isn't a great cure. We might have been bastards but we left it civilised and better developed than before we came.
Should have just genocided them with other shitskins and colonized their lands

>> No.11855091

*more civilised.

You can't say they had it better under the Muslims. Creating pakistan also created a future home for a nuclear warhead.

>> No.11855112
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London is fucked.
Australia is fucked
New Zealand (mainly Auckland, but soon Wellington) is fucked

I refuse to put up 35% deposit for a buy-to-let in New Zealand. Absolute cuck.

>> No.11855129

I actually like Indians. We have alot here, they generally hardworking non degenerate decent people.

>> No.11855132

>Real estate was cheap, but also very shitty, standards are much higher today.
who cares if real estate standards were shit back then, the value of the land is what's gone crazy high. In my area a shit tier house goes for 450k and an empty plot of land the same size on the outskirts of the city goes for 360k.
>They had also huge inflation (8+%) shitting up their savings so buying a house was the most clever thing they could do.
savings accounts paid upwards of 10%, inflation aint mean shit

I fucking wish I could buy a shit tier house outright with just 1 years salary, cheap debt has inflated prices to stupid levels. 1 years salary is now a fucking 10% down payment.

>> No.11855687

Listings are mainly for houses, if you want to see the land I suggest airbnbing to some parts of greece that you find interesting and see them live. I guess you could try spitogatos.gr but the interface (like most greek websites) is shit

>> No.11855742

"I've never seen a society more doomed and ripe for a catastrophe than the UK" (from 11:00)


So is he exaggerating about it or is he spot on?

>> No.11855815

Yeah nah

>> No.11855821

>So is he exaggerating about it or is he spot on?
Everything is even worse

>> No.11855829

is this uniform in the UK and ireland, or specific to england?

>> No.11856004
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>so you will also find that some people have massive number of properties.

My boomer day has 7 properties that he rents out and hasn't worked since he was 40. He just leeches money from rentcucks and hordes property like a greedy cunt.

>> No.11856014

>My boomer day


>> No.11856043

Imagine all the spiders in those plants, imagine looking out from your window and seeing spiders all over the fucking vine right there in front of you. Fuck nature
and fuck white people

>> No.11856098

75 years is not enough for you?

Speaking of Bali, there are a ton of shit areas in Bali as well. Nice villas but a sea of poverty around them. You gotta be on the ground to evaluate it before buying anything.

t. been in Bali and considered buying property

>> No.11856195



>> No.11856836

it's totally fucked, tho past few months it has 'stabilized'. I was looking to buy the previous year but decided not too because of this hyperinflation. beyond retarded and with banks giving no interest on your savings anymore, anybody with some cash will buy property and rent it out. not even talking about the hordes of immigrants who also need housing, keeping this bubble well afloat.

how long will this last nederbro, will it crash or are we fucked?

>> No.11857129
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It's the foreign investors who bought up almost everything since 2008. Nobody bought shit back then so they tried to make it ''attractive'' for people to buy real estate.

The housing market is heading towards a total meltdown. The hordes of immigrants get all the cheap social housing, starters can't afford to buy anymore and now even renting is starting to get too expensive.

The only hope is that they must demand foreign investors to LIVE in the house they bought.

>> No.11857182
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You guys can complain as much as you want, it's your fucking problem
>be moroccan
>studying CS in Paris
>could have stayed there to work
>decide morocco is better than expensive nigger infested paris
>now live in casablanca
>fuck muslim roasties from tinder everyday
>can afford rent and food
Plus, white people are automatically thought of as honest here, so you can easily find a well paying job, and all the girls on tinder will be all over you, a plane ticket from casablanca to paris is like 50 euros with transavia and not even 3h flight, and when you've had enough with degeneracy you can marry a conservative girl.

>> No.11857191

pls help me to migrate there.

>> No.11857198

Come back in a year or two.

>> No.11857203

t. lazy negro

>> No.11857206

>Living in Morocco
But probably I would've preferred it to living in Paris/France

>> No.11857338

Jesus. It might be because France is 5 times bigger than England with only 10% bigger population, which means you have way more empty villages in middle of nowhere where no one wants to live. London is in its own orbit, but Paris is also very expensive.

>> No.11857671

I live in Somerset it's great here

>> No.11858061

Heh this thread.

I'm a near-31 y/o Yorkshireman, been wagecucking since I was 17. Now earning £26k Software Engineering. Saved every fucking penny I could, now got about 80k.

However since 2000, wages have risen ~66% (mine not at all since public sector and below inflation "rises", if at all, so wage cut essentially). House prices have risen 300-400%..

My boomer landlord bought my shitty terraced house for ~20k in 2000, renting it to me for £400, (near Rotherham. Yes, that one). Now I have to move out next year as he wants to sell it, for 80k+. It has holes in the walls where the wind blows through, and was built before the world war.

Saved all my fucking live, and I can't even afford this shithole. How the fuck am I supposed to start a family?

Trying to get a business started up, but pretty hard when working full-time, also chinks have completely annihilated all markets.

>> No.11858152

>How the fuck am I supposed to start a family?
You are not supposed to.
Get away from UK