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11851433 No.11851433 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't they get skills and a comfy office job?

>> No.11851469

Because they were lazy obviously. Pieces of trash couldn't even apply to a good university.

>> No.11851611
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I drive forklifts. I prefer it over data entry any day.

>> No.11851619

Because I'm too fucking stupid to do college.

>> No.11851621

This. Human filth

>> No.11851655

Data entry is the most inhuman job ever. It rots you mind within months. Folks who have been doing it for years are unironically braindead. Better be asbestos welder at Backbreaking Inc. than that.

>> No.11851667

The manual labour part can often be because some people really just prefer a simple, physical job over something where you have to think and are under some kind of pressure or responsibility.
I guess it's kind of appealing in the same way the idea of being a farmer is appealing to some people. Having a job where it's just a physical thing that you do and there's not much else too it means lower mental stress.

>> No.11851724

Not really. Slightly skilled labor jobs like welding and driving vehicles is a lot more engaging then playing with numbers on a spreadsheet for hours.

I would much prefer working in infrastructure rollout (running cables, checking ducts, solving physical problems that block an end goal.)

>> No.11851728

>implying you choose to be a retail cuck
Fortunate people discussing low-salary jobs are like colorblind people discussing color.

>> No.11851740

Any job where you can step back and say "I did this" is better than an office job.

>> No.11851754
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this 100%

>> No.11851771

>implying office jobs don't do anything

>> No.11851787

Can you explain me what you are doing ?

>> No.11851801

By "comfy office job" you're probably talking about grunt-tier pencil pushing. Anything above middle management where you're actually handling impactful shit is going to seriously suck out your soul and emotionally and mentally drain you while you bear the burden of a huge part of the company.

Fuck that. I'd rather I only think about the truck I'm driving and what's inside and staying awake. Maybe I'm only making $80k but it's a simple job and if I'm not called to work I can actually spend time with the kids and the wife.

>> No.11851812

Never said that. I would much prefer working with a small team building something (hardware or software (physical or design)) then do repetitive brain numbing work.

My forklift job doesn't require deep thought but it is a highly brain engaging job where I need to plan movements and stay alert constantly (causing you to stay engaged in your task.)

>> No.11851838

People who stay in minimum wage entry level jobs do for several reasons:

They're retards.
They're slackers.
They're illegals.
They're incompetent.

Pick one, or a couple.

I worked at a company once, where I made WAY more than the warehouse people did. I smoked back then, so I'd go outside and eat lunch and smoke with them. I'd listen to them complain about how little they made, how everything sucked, blah blah blah. And all of them were one of the above. They were losers. I tried giving them advice, but they spent more time making excuses than listening, so I gave up. Fuck 'em. Someone has to be the bottom of the pile, and most of them could barely get through life, why should they make $75k a year like me? I went to college, busted my ass, paid dues, to get that job. All of them could have gotten a better job, but complaining and wallowing in their self inflicted misery is easier. Not my fault you're 50 and lifting boxes for minimum wage.

>> No.11851850

Making money

>> No.11851857

Yeah, but I bet you don't get paid minimum wage to do it. We're talking the guys who sweep the floor after you drive past with a pallet of shit.

>> No.11851860

>all of them could of gotten a better job

>> No.11851863

Because some people are on the left side of the bellcurve.
That's just the nature of things.
We live in a society though where we import millions of low iq brown people to compete with the low iq people of our own society, and then after they have their wages compressed due to over supply of low skilled labour, after they are priced out of the housing market thanks to increased demand, after they have their schools, hospitals and social services overwhelmed and standards driven down, we tell them that if they don't like it they are racist and should just get better jobs.
Politicians have rejected their duty of care to the most vulnerable people in their own society.
We must physically remove the political eliete and the (((giant capitalists, media moguls and banking interests))) who control them.

>> No.11851871

Yeah I make more then $19 per hour. I'm also taking classes here and there to finish my bachelor's.

>> No.11851872

If your advice do not resonate with people, it's because they are shit and the good effect you think they have are the result of you living in a special purpose bubble where effects of failure aren't as severe.

>> No.11851881

You forgot one category
Former criminals.
If you've got something substantial on your criminal record you're gonna have a rough time getting most jobs that aren't total shit. So all the jackasses who have an assault or drug dealing charge or some shit on their record end up lifting boxes too.

>> No.11851892


>> No.11851896

Based and redpilled.

>> No.11851899
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another warehouse worker checking in. better yet I work night shift.
>these comfy levels shouldn't be possible.

>> No.11851907

Most of them could have. And the only reason they didn't was their excuses. I watched them look at want ads, and talk each other out of applying. Complete crab bucket mentality.

At that job, I used to get proofs delivered to me, from a printing company, to sign off on. Their driver was a total sweetheart, but he made at least 3 times what they did, driving a van - and he was a complete moron. Nicest guy ever, but he was dumb. He delivered some to me outside on a break once, and one of the losers asked him how much he made. Instead of going "Hey, if that guy can make that much, maybe I can?", they stood around and complained how bad that job must suck driving around all day, shit like that.

Crab bucket, 100%.

>> No.11851918

What the fuck are you babbling about?

>> No.11851946

Your idiocy and self-congratulatory lack of awareness

>> No.11851952

Yeah, felons are fucked - but they'd take a better job, if they could. These people, you could lead them by the hand to a better job and they'd find an excuse to not take it.

There are just people who are losers. And they love wallowing in misery.

I later worked at a company where a guy in a wheelchair was one of the top salespeople in the company. The guy got 3 degrees, because he likes to study, and he had periods where he couldn't work, because of his condition. He was typing with a pencil in his mouth when I left, because he loved to work, and succeed. This guy got dealt the shittiest hand in life, and still rose up.

But let's feel sorry for people who won't help themselves.

>> No.11851955

This. So many older black guys who are floor sweepers got arrested on drug charges. Honestly it's a sad effect of the drug war.

It's easy to forget the USA has the largest incarnated population in the world.

My father has a comp sci bachelor's. He drives trucks because he hated the office workplace. Ni became he "couldn't do it".

You are right about people's mentality, most just accept their position and become complacent. I guess I'm the only (half)black person around here that realizes genetics, environment, and conditioning are critical factors in human development.

>> No.11851959

>not because he couldn't do it

>> No.11851960

but driving is fun.

>> No.11851963

Oh, you must be a pajeet, mangling English like that. Nothing more pompous than a pjeet, who thinks the world owes him.

Fuck off, pajeet.

>> No.11851965

In some cultures, the consequence of failure outweigh that of success. Too risky to be made a social pariah if you fail, mocked relentlessly and hated for basically stating you're too good for your tribe.

It's terrible but real nonetheless.

>> No.11851968

Your dad is NOT who I'm talking about.

>> No.11851970

I make $38/hr in trades right now, which is more than most of my friends in office jobs. Why would I go to some shitty entry level office job making like $14-20/hr?

>> No.11851978

>Nothing more pompous than a pjeet, who thinks the world owes him.
>blatant projection, as seen in the pompous, self-congratulatory posts earlier
kys retard

>> No.11851983

Culture is most interesting in that regard. Just look at Japan and how the people (even the low labourers) understand that the serve a purpose for the national interest.

>> No.11851986

I thought I told you to fuck off, pajeet?

>> No.11852000

This was US, white workers.

They're just losers. People like that exist. I stopped feeling sorry for them when I realized the only reason they were miserable is they wanted to be miserable.

>> No.11852012
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>> No.11852013

I’d blow my brains out if I had to stay in an office all day. I’d rather stay on the ambulance and get my daily dose of adrenaline.

>> No.11852037

Police officer here,
Even for 100,000$ I wouldn't change my life

>> No.11852041

So? You have reasoning ability of a mentally retarded dog, and you command the same amount of authority.
gtfo and kys

>> No.11852042

Im european. Did previously marketing, management and basic office jobs. Over years it got really boring, became anxious , back problems etc, now im in to painting houses and dry lining. Actually earn more than previously since im on my own, no company etc. and its really fun for me. I can choose my own time when i want to work and when i dont, do vacations whenever i want and choose how fast paist i work. Sooo yea idk im good in my case

>> No.11852052

It's not a choice. It's a result of not measuring IQ.

University is not needed, it's just an illusion to convince the plebs that the genetically higher iq should be allowed to lead. It also filters for agreeableness now, but that was from letting too many dumbos in

>> No.11852064
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I'm a landscaper. I made fuck all but I'm only 19 so it's not to bad.
30 minutes of hard work then sit in the ute for 5-15 minutes driving to the next job checking out all the hot art hoes in town.

Not bad at all, considering I am basically getting paid to get /fit/

I used to be a fat pasty fuck and now I am muscular and tanned.

Except now even when I am not working when I walk past lawns I judge it to see if it needs mowing and what height to mow it on. And when I walk past a garden with weeds in it I feel the urge to pick them out.

>in town with gf.
>see weed in a driveway.
>pick it out randomly.

>> No.11852069

I know the type of people you're talking about.
They're the type who might go to college only to spend their entire time there slacking off and eventually dropping out. Building up a student debt for no reason and failing their course purely because they simply didn't even try to pass.
Then they go out and get a job and it's the same thing, they go for the easiest jobs and slack off as much as they can. They just do the bare minimum, if they ever do get a decent job they're only there briefly and then get fired for slacking off, thus eventually ending up in the dead end bottom rung jobs again simply because they can't be fucked to even try.
At the end of the day it can be traced back to a single factor. A complete and total lack of motivation, these people deep down don't even want to succeed, they're actually happy in their shit job (or I guess 'content' would be more accurate), they only complain because they want more money while slacking off just as much.

In the end, they have no motivation to do anything beyond the bare minimum to survive.

>> No.11852083

non-professional cope

>> No.11852086

I wanted to become a cop before I injured my knee snowboarding.

>> No.11852092

Should get into hardscaping. You make more money and it opens up a lot more potential for side jobs. If you can put in patio/walkways/retaining walls/etc along with redoing flower beds n shit you make a lot more money.

>t. did landscaping and brickwork for 3 years after graduating highschool

>> No.11852099

More like a freeing feeling of an accomplishment (even if is a slight one.)

>> No.11852112

How hard did you injured it?
Most of my collegues are in a bad shape.

>> No.11852113


THIS, so much this. I worked at a wal mart warehouse for 5 years while I was in college, and every non college student i worked with there who was older than me was simply lazy, lacked ambition, or was clearly too dumb to do anything else. I always told them they needed to learn valuable kills, they needed to learn how to invest, etc, it all falls on def ears. We have to except that some people will always be in the permanent underclass, they are not smart enough for anything else.

>> No.11852118

i don't like having to dress up, look a certain way, police my language, or make small talk and be excessively pleasant with others
probably have forgone at least 200k in wages so far because of this

>> No.11852121

Shut the fuck up weeb

>> No.11852124


Whoops that should say valuable skills, not kills, haha

>> No.11852133

Bruh, you work at Wal mart, they are just like you but with 30 years more. Stop coping

>> No.11852134

I don’t like having to “fit in” with a bunch of trashy thugs covered in tattoos with IQs lower than the room temperature.

>> No.11852162

>you will never know the feeling of fixing a 500k machine tool and putting it back to work
My morning accomplishment.

>> No.11852178


No, I worked at wal mart when i was in college, i finished my masters several years ago, re-read what i wrote, I have a semi comfy accounting job now, although the work can be as stressful as any other job ive had. Office jobs depend entirely on who you work with, they can be easy, or absolute hell.

>> No.11852181

Blue-collar cope is so hilarious. They act like they know... ANYTHING about the other side, but the reality is that nobody who knows better would waste a second of their life doing blue-collar work.

>> No.11852189

someone gotta do it so you can enjoy your life of luxury
thats just the order of balance

>> No.11852192
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How do you fix a complete lack of motivation? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11852200

Your life suck as much as theirs
The only difference is: they don't have stress about their job.
Stop coping seriously

>> No.11852203

Min wage job are for dumb people. Plain and simple.

>> No.11852212

I can't run more then a mile before it becomes evident and bothersome. :(

>> No.11852227
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>> No.11852245

That depends entirely on why the person lacks motivation.
It's really best to talk to a therapist about it, as there are various strategies that can be implemented to help you motivate yourself and change your mindset.
Barring that, try setting goals then working towards them, start with goals that rely only on your own input like exercising following a specific schedule and such. From there move to goals that involve other factors like applying for jobs ambitiously. Constantly tell yourself "I can do this, I will do this", literally say it to yourself, it will help psyche you up and keep you motivated.
Don't break schedule, breaking schedule is the bane of your motivation and your productivity.

>> No.11852287

What can I get with an AAS in Criminal Justice that's comfy and will support me living alone for the rest of my life in an apartment? Was thinking applying for the BLM since they have a lot of useless overpaid bureaucratic positions.

>> No.11852300


Not true at all, I have money, they don't, there is no coping for them, their lives are essentially over.

>> No.11852406

Lmao at morons comparing their jobs and calling others who do different jobs trash.

For thinking that you are better than anyone, you are trash yourself.

Nobody gives a fuck about your job or your degree. You just manage to cope as conformist NPC in a herd, that's all.

>> No.11852413

I used to work in an office before my current job (I'm process development engineer for microelectronics). I was doing quality management. It was awful.

I can understand anyone prefering a low manual job over a shitty desk job.

>> No.11852437

Working is for niggers. Jews don't work or they pretend to work while they have some underlings do the actual work and they're the richest ethnicity in the US.

>> No.11852451

freudian slip right, haha

>> No.11852455

I get 21 p/h to build cargo going on planes, basically driving around in a forklift picking pallets from the racks, I work around 3-5 hours on average and spend the rest on breaks or just chilling.
Much better than any office job, and most get paid less anyways.

>> No.11852467

I work in an office and it could be a lot worse. But the best job I ever had was delivering billiards tables right out of school. If the money wasn’t so shit I’d quit my office job and go back to doing that tomorrow.

>> No.11852473

Because most of the time its seen as an inbeetween until the reality hits you that the industry you want in at requires 3 years experience in a role that is the base level that you trained for.

>> No.11852477

Office job sucks.

>> No.11852533

In my case i was at 4/6 year of mech engineering and suddently my father got bedridden and my mother developed cancer, i got JUST in uni because i had no funds to cover both uni and my house and with no other qualification than high school diploma i was forced to work guarding warehouses at night to survive

>> No.11852535

>Nobody gives a fuck about your job or your degree
Whatever your personal opinions somewhere between 90 and 99 percent of people do

>> No.11852538

I work for state government. So my benefits are set in stone unless the gov goes bankrupt. 401k/pension/medical. Vacation/sick time. Can retire after 27 yrs w/full retirement. Which for me means I'll be 50 yrs old and "retired" A cool thing is that you can use your sick time as a means to cut down or increase your service time at time of retirement. Any Vac time you have they reimburse you at time of retirement.

My job is dirt simple, yet it also keeps me up and in shape (print shop worker). I make just under $27k a year. But the col is low and I live close so that $27k goes a long way. My real talent lies with computers/networking. I've got certs plus hands on exp with both. Reason I'm not in IT at the state is due to them outsourcing 90 % of it. So I'd have to toss all my benefits and the ability to retire early out the window.

>> No.11852617

> Need 3 years office experience to get an office job
> Can't get office experience without an office job
> Office jobs pay less than manual work (thanks, union!)
> Office politics due to higher percentage of women
> Moving all day, so you don't get fat
> Get to play whatever music I want

>a simple, physical job over something where you have to think and are under some kind of pressure or responsibility
Spoken like someone who's never worked for a living.
Constant pressure. Constant need to think. Big responsibility to not fuck up.

This. Office drones just type for 9 hours (not paid for your lunch hour, expected to work through it regardless) and go home, repeat the next day.
When you've actually done stuff, there's a sense of accomplishment.

Okay, so what DO you do all day?

>so I'd go outside and eat lunch and smoke with them
You were listening to smokers whining about being poor and unhealthy because they smoke.

>> No.11852627

>wake up to an alarm clock when it's still dark out
>spend hours of your day commuting uncompensated
>have to buy a bunch of "business casual" clothes and shoes or the boss yells at you
>chained at a cubicle for 8+ hours
>get paid shitmoney
>barely time to eat and sleep before repeating it the next day
>Folks who have been doing it for years are unironically braindead.
Typically. I listen to audiobooks all day so I'm actually increasing my intelligence. Most don't listen to anything, or if they do, it's just music. The ability to do this is the only benefit of this shitty job.
Most of my coworkers are absolutely braindead hyper-NPCs. They're actually fucking retarded, and they have those dead eyes where you know all their hopes and dreams have been long since shattered.
Every old guy I know who worked blue-collar suffered some sort of horrible life crippling injury. Office work may be shitty but it doesn't injure you.

>> No.11852643

Are you familiar with the story of Cortez and the burning of his own ships?

You put yourself in a situation where your only two options are to do or die. You'll find the motivation pretty damn quickly. You're just too comfortable in your mediocrity.

>> No.11852660

what job you have? Id love to listen to books all day and get paid for it

>> No.11852686

Because I work for $60/h as a carpenter and I love my job. I'm 26 and I never even finished middle school. Why the fuck would I want to get an office job where my body would rot away from a sedentary lifestyle?

>> No.11852698

I know, I worked for one summer doing data entry for a bank. I know the dead fish eyes of the ones who've done that too long.
I've also seen the eyes of those who stared into the human abyss answering customer complaints on phone for too long. There's no coming back from this, they all were on pills or alcohol.

Officecucking is worse for the mind than making missiles.

>> No.11852748

Wage cage feels comfy after building walls on a river banking.

>> No.11852771

sorry guys we are automating your jobs in our comfy desk jobs. agvs will make you pointless. soon even mcdonalds will be fully automated so you can't even flip burgers.

>> No.11852789

>"comfy desk job"

>> No.11852812

I bounced in and out of minimum wage jobs and waiting tables for my entire 20's. Didn't go to college, dropped out of high school to move in with my gf at the time. Moved into probably 4 or 5 gfs houses throughout my 20s. Didn't begin getting my shit together until 30. Don't regret my decisions at all.

>> No.11852822

Apparently AI is gonna put office workers out of business eventually.

All you white collar faggots are going to die off and work for people like me, with like 5 trades

>> No.11852825

>MAYBE I’m only making 80k

weird flex but ok

>> No.11852831

Look for any data entry tier job. Most accounting work is just data entry... If it wasn't for /lit/ reasons it would be shit. Luckily I can pirate all of the audiobooks and give myself a good education while wagecucking. It's like being paid to read books all day. Usually no one bothers me, I just do my work and drink free office tea.
It's still stressful and I want to get out of it eventually. I hate the commuting and the lack of personal time. It does have remote potential though, in five years I think it will be very common to do this remotely. I want to move where the cost of living is dirt cheap and collect these wages, the retire after like 5 years max. I had one offer for a remote job but the company was a flaming shitpile and it was only part time hours.
My coworkers are just hollow taxcattle. Definition of the lemming. They'll tell you the same exact story 5x a week and not realize. They're literally NPCs.

>> No.11852848

can you describe what a day for a data cuck is actually like? I understand that you entry data, but what kind of data? how is the interaction and overall environment? stress? is it repetitive? is it some sort of same type of data all the time? what does the company actually do

>> No.11852869

I'm a project scheduler and i ask myself this every day as i assign shitlip retards to paint walls and shit from my comfy desk while listening to podcasts and sipping on vanilla lattes

>> No.11852893

Min wage shitter here.
Am lazy, that's it.
Life got some hiccups with me and my brother getting several chronic illness and tumors.
My motivation got replaced with depression, I dropped out of college and just do the bare minimum now.

>> No.11853096

>come in, load computer
>data entry tasks for 8 fucking hours
>go home
Maybe twice a week my coworker needs to go over an error I made or teach me something new, maybe. Usually not. It's low stress but tedious. Personally I just allocate like 10% of my brainpower to doing it as a background task, and I listen to my audiobook or daydream.
Every company has this kind of work.

>> No.11853120
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>a literal holocaust is better than an office job

>> No.11853124


People do min work because it's work, and work it's satisfying.

And it controls you.

>> No.11853150

you are me. I literally just punch shit into spreadsheets all day while listening to podcasts and drinking free coffee. I've been going through the Shakespeare plays lately.

>> No.11853167

I couldn't live in an office job. I do trade works. Machining I love it

>> No.11853168

Why don't you learn to code and double your salary?

>> No.11853180

Alteryx workflows can automate a lot of stuff. At my office, we're strongly encouraged to come up with automations using Alteryx and UiPath.

>> No.11853192

All the machine shops I've been in had horrible air quality due to the cutting fluid. Not terrible to sit through but it can't be good long-term I reckon.

>> No.11853199

Recommend any /biz/ audio books?

>> No.11853206

You're retarded. First coding is pajeet tier monkeywork, not a goldmine. Second you can listen to shit off your own device, but the computer is company property and you can't have your own shit up on screen or work on whatever you want while there. You can't even check your personal email on the company computer. And you can't bring your own laptop and work on that on the side, you'd be fired instantly. Even checking your phone has to be on the sly.
Audio is free game, but last time I checked you'd have a hard time learning to code by listening to fucking podcasts on it and never actually coding or seeing code.
Fucking retarded unemployed NEET. Fuck back off to /g/.

>> No.11853353

Holy shit imagine being this much of a good goy. You are obviously not an asset to your company at all. When you actually become worth more than just your menial job employers usually stop treating you as their slave

>> No.11853390

I'm sure you're just a 6 figure CEO and get paid to hold gangbangs in the hallways and can't be fired even if you dragged in a puppy and killed it in front of the interns, amiright?

>> No.11853438

Damn, you just described me to a fucking T. Only thing that doesn't apply to me is this:
> they only complain because they want more money while slacking off just as much.

I work 24-hour weeks at a grocery store. I could easily ask for 40 hours but what's the point, I'm not doing anything with the money anyway.

>> No.11853474

Those people don't fucking matter. Why would I want to spend my entire life impressing a bunch of faggots who only care about me depending on what career I'm doing? That sounds miserable

>> No.11853497

To add to this most of this thread seems like a bunch of people shitting on each other just for the sake of it. It's like /pol/ where all they do is shit on each others flags, or /v/ where they shit on each others choices of games instead of actually playing them.

You people seem miserable, and it makes me miserable. I honestly don't know why I come here anymore.

>> No.11853519

>You put yourself in a situation where your only two options are to do or die. You'll find the motivation pretty damn quickly. You're just too comfortable in your mediocrity.

yes. and do it while it is still a hypothetical situation before life actually puts you in the shit for real

>> No.11853554

I used to do IT and found it both soul-crushing and annoying. People looked at me like the 2nd coming of Isaac Newton when I got their headset working with Skype. Now I apprentice as a toolmaker in a machine shop. I come home almost everyday covered in filth but I learn a lot everyday and generally-speaking love what I do.

>> No.11853560
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>tfw neet with 20k LINK stack
>Will never have to wageslave or collegecuck for the rest of my life

>> No.11853568

>Big responsibility to not fuck up.
I worked in a warehouse where if you didn’t meet quota of orders picked 3 times in like a quarter, you were terminated.

There were guys who had been there for years as a temp. They never made a mistake. 10 hour days, hundreds of items a day.

Office jobs you can yak at the cooler for half your day for months on end before anything pressing comes up, and even then deadlines get pushed back and nobody gets in trouble.

>> No.11853621

Your job fucking sucks ass. If they actually fire you for browsing the web or learning stuff, just dumb. I’ve worked in offices where they let dudes borrow oscilloscopes equipment, etc and build stuff for fun at their desk when there’s downtime.

Some entire projects at companies are started this way.

You can smoke weed at work at some tech companies, some even have an open bar.

>> No.11853690

Lots of possible reasons:
1. They realize there are more important things than money.
2. They're doing it temporarily, while e.g. studying or looking for other jobs.
3. They don't have a lot of expenses.
4. They enjoy it.
5. They've had bad luck.

>> No.11853797

Sounds like an awesome job. I'm almost six years older, but I'd rather be doing that than working in a chair like I do now; even if I'd be making far less money.

>> No.11853837



hell yes

>> No.11853963

Quit and become a farmer

>> No.11853989

Not enough jobs to go around

>> No.11854048
File: 37 KB, 465x369, 1538884699822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need money for a car to get a slightly less shit job on the career heiarchy

>> No.11854125

i used to help out my uncle with landscaping work back when i was in high school. he would pay me 80 bucks a day and we would do a bunch of random shit from tending peoples gardens, irrigation installtions, tree planting, concrete laying etc. unironically learned more working those weekends then i did in 4 years of hs.

>> No.11854153

manual laborer here. I did office job. I kept falling asleep. I honestly would rather do physical wage cucking than being slouched over a computer typing boring shit.

>> No.11854173
File: 143 KB, 1919x795, nightcrawler_Car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, there is nothing more comfy than driving alone at night on a highway with virtually no other cars.

you won't be able to automate my crazy ass job for at least another 15-20 years

>> No.11854175

>Working a shitty-ass office job where you're bored all day for meager pay

Nurse master race checking in

>> No.11854180

>You're retarded. First coding is pajeet tier monkeywork, not a goldmine.
Your perspective on the matter says everything.

>> No.11854247


>> No.11854326
File: 54 KB, 750x563, 51ba50a669bedde84100003d-750-563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Bob, I wanted to catch up with you about your TPS reports...

HR is laying off more people and hiring more robots...

I'm going to have to make some space for the Central charging unit and we're going to need your cublicle...

We're going to need you to move down to the uh, sub-basement level- next to the boiler room....

>> No.11854371

Yeah, we the coolant and rust prevantative are a bitch, and probably no good long term. I suspect that it makes your hair fall out, but my boss is bald so maybe he preferences highering dudes that are bald/ing

>> No.11854388

>implying smart contracts and AI won't automate you too

>> No.11854427

You have go to back

>> No.11854458
File: 37 KB, 658x492, Image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bob, lets make sure we fill out those TPS reports... also, my database shows you have an additional 15 tasks that are overdue.

Bob, I have noted that you spent a 0.75 minute overage on your break today. This will be deducted from your overtime regular hours.

Bob, Happy Holidays from the staff and owners of the firm. Everyone will be looking forward to your Secret Santa gift in the conference room at 3 o' clock.

>> No.11854479


>> No.11854531
File: 7 KB, 195x195, 1538773468528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just join the army if I had the citizenship of literally any anglophonic country. Much better than wagecaging in a warehouse or typing numbers into excel like a fucking chimp.

>> No.11854565

Enjoy getting raped by your superior officers

>> No.11854578

I said anglophonic, not Russian.

>> No.11854631
File: 86 KB, 754x503, file-20170710-23474-1ywk3bs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Bob. I'm your replacement. Clean out your desk and hit the bricks buddy.

I'm willing to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with zero downtime.

Don't worry, your severance will include a book of coupons. Take your romantic partner to a nice Italian restaurant, for 50% off. Have a great day Bob and remember, we appreciate your year(s) of service.

>> No.11854646
File: 85 KB, 354x350, 1516867374866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wagecucks hate him!

>> No.11854699

robots have rights too. just wait. companies will be required to meet a minimum quota of robot workers.

>> No.11854714
File: 1.33 MB, 1281x1079, depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kek'd
i realized that this is a reality and that it will happen in my lifetime

>> No.11854739

Based and redpilled

>> No.11854742
File: 12 KB, 376x216, ahdha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob is 0.00126 minutes late to work today...
>smart contract exec 0x1168095a7690f0770d8e90 -time_deduct_pay 0.00126

Bob is 1.27540 minutes late to work today...
>smart contract exec 0x1168095a7690f0770d8e90 -time_deduct_pay 1.27540

Bob is 2.71629 minutes late to work today...
>smart contract exec 0x1168095a7690f0770d8e90 -time_deduct_pay 2.71629

Bob is 3.10872 minutes late to work today...
>smart contract exec 0x1168095a7690f0770d8e90 -time_deduct_pay 3.10872

Bob is 4.92714 minutes late to work today...
>smart contract exec 0x1168095a7690f0770d8e90 -time_deduct_pay 4.92714

Bob is 5.77812 minutes late to work today...
>smart contract exec 0x1168095a7690f0770d8e90 -time_deduct_pay 5.77812

Bob is 6.61998 minutes late to work today...
>smart contract exec 0x1168095a7690f0770d8e90 -time_deduct_pay 6.61998

>> No.11854750
File: 267 KB, 1000x800, waggggga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>office job any better

>> No.11854757
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>> No.11854794

I actually chose retail, but I picked a union job. I get like four weeks of paid vacation, going up to five, guaranteed raises on a schedule, just got paid sick leave this year..

I could be management, but they're salaried, and salary is the true scam.

>> No.11854797

>get office job
>fall asleep at work all the time, feel like I’m trapped indoors, hate the tense atmosphere

>find a retail job in a pretty cool shop
>hate dealing with stupid customers, bosses get mad at me cause my mood reflects this

>work in a warehouse
>back problems, stood up all day, too tired to do anything at all after work, and weekends are just recovery days

Do I just kill myself? I hate working. With people or for people. I hate losing 8 hours of my day and being tired all the time.

I realize it’s all my own fault, but I just fucking hate work so much that I don’t think life is worth living any more.

I browse /biz/ in hopes of finding some way I can make a bare minimum amount to live off every month but no luck so far.

>> No.11854815


If it was supposed to be fun it would be called "play"

>> No.11854831

the secret to customers is to stop having expectations. You know that NPC meme you guys are so hot for? This is the time. Literally assume they are complex scripts written by a guy trying to troll you.

The job is, literally, to navigate stupid. Make that your goal, and not the obstacle to your goal.

>> No.11854862

Drink beer.

>> No.11854869
File: 14 KB, 400x266, emma-the-robot-masseuse-gets-to-work-in-singapore-1513929733-1881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that we've rid the office space of men, lets find a replacement that is dignified and respectful of women's issues and equal value.

>smart contract exec 0x197a97d889ef0917442 massage_nonsexual -1

>> No.11854893
File: 256 KB, 900x601, robot-at-work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emma, here is a cost-reduction report generated by deep analysis of our company database.

In summary, fire all men.

>> No.11854988

Kek iktf. Doing residential construction made me become super critical of peoples houses.

>> No.11854995

Get on disability for depression. Did it for 7 years.

>> No.11855003


>> No.11855039

>t. never talked to a therapist

>> No.11855161
File: 184 KB, 940x1413, 65416515654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in K-12 it felt like everyone was equal, because we were told as much. Sure, some kids did better than others but I felt like as long as kids learned what they really needed to we'd all come out the same in the end. It wasn't presented to me that the choice of higher education basically established your socioeconomic status for the rest of your life, these counselors and whoever would sugar-coat just about anything so as not to discourage people from local junior college, tech school, etc.
Over the four years of undergraduate school those egalitarian beliefs were slowly stripped away, many people dropped out but they were out of sight and out of mind, so I never bothered to think what became of them.
Once I was out of school and in a well paying job the reality that we live in a cruel animalistic society hit me like a brick wall. I was running into former classmates and acquaintances on the other side of the cash register at Walmart. Life is bad and sad for most people.

>> No.11855214



>> No.11855218

What is iq.and we need good blue collar men. Don't look down on them

>> No.11855219

Office jobs just sound so fucking boring to me

i prefer lifting heavy shit and bring stuff to my clients instead of sitting on my ass all day

>> No.11855403

you can make good money doing manual labour.

My dad is just a tradesman, no education required, and makes between 150 - 200k a year depending on over time. My mom has a STEM masters and makes like 75k, and I know she does a very good job. On the flip side though, I know she would hate doing manual labour type work

If you aren't the type of person to want to sit around all day, doing a trade is a very good profession. I know people say it ruins your body, but it has benefits too. My dad is nearing 60 now and is still very strong and in very good shape because he is always exercising.

>> No.11855490

Inserting data into data is far easier to automate than complex processes which involves movement

>> No.11855577
File: 68 KB, 598x415, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 years of college
>mongoloid tier writing skills

>> No.11855658

Why not?

>> No.11855695

Damn, you just ruined his self-esteem

>> No.11855702
File: 1.30 MB, 1600x1200, proxy.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I worked in a warehouse where if you didn’t meet quota of orders picked 3 times in like a quarter, you were terminated.

>> No.11855722

How the hell does a job like that even retain workers?

I'd fucking walk out on a principle.

>> No.11855762
File: 15 KB, 500x375, 3-developmento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear that forklift crushed your toe, Bob, it says here the insurance adjustment in your case is a $5k payout- hope that covers at least some of your deductible.

While we were talking to the insurance rep, he informed us this is an inherently unsafe work environment and upper management agreed, and decided to cut all the floor positions... unfortunately, your position is one of the ones to go.

The new robot can perform all the functions you were doing plus, will work a 24 hour shift so we'll be laying off Sally, Ed, and Jim as well.

Sorry to see you go, but, you understand, thats business. Take a moment to fill out the corporate exit survey on your desk before you go

>> No.11855786

I had lots of good experiences. I played video games, made friends and loved women. I lived the way I wanted to. Eventually my time ran out and I was forced to get my shit together, but those were amazing times.

>> No.11855790

My day to day duties aren't hard, I'm moving around doing shit mostly the whole time I'm there. There's no bullshit or paperwork that I have to deal with. Just go in on time, do whatever comes up, then leave. Rumor is that the state IT branch may be taking us over sometime next year; funny in a way. Here I am wanting into IT and yet at the end it just comes to me. We have deadlines, jobs that come in that the customer wants asap. So there are times where your rolling full bore 8 hrs or more (overtime) trying to get it done. Bur all in all it ain't bad. They basically pay me to stay in shape; why bother paying a gym when I get all the exercise at work.

>> No.11855794

Your “good advice” is only good because you live in a vacuum.

Pls sterilize yourself. Thank you! :^}

>> No.11855844
File: 517 KB, 350x197, robot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The robot takes 3 hours to open a door if it doesn't fall over in the process. Fucking know-nothing reddit twats. Try building one.

>> No.11855899

>Yeah, but I bet you don't get paid minimum wage to do it.

I used to drive a Forklift for minimum wage, this is the state of the UK right now.

>> No.11855936
File: 1.46 MB, 2048x2048, AE189BA0-09B3-4255-AF0E-5A116A6457BA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stock product at night, listening to music, podcasts and audio books never having to talk to anyone if I don’t want to and slowly have been getting /fit/ while doing it
>or a shitty pencil pusher job for the same amount of money

>> No.11856034
File: 847 KB, 280x158, CalculatingNaughtyKarakul-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave, Bob

>> No.11856134


>> No.11856306

>Second you can listen to shit off your own device, but the computer is company property and you can't have your own shit up on screen or work on whatever you want while there. You can't even check your personal email on the company computer. And you can't bring your own laptop and work on that on the side, you'd be fired instantly. Even checking your phone has to be on the sly.

Only if you work in very shitty companies. My coworkers and I can do whatever we want the office at the office (listen to music, watch youtube, play video games, etc.). Boss doesn't care as long as the work as get done.

>> No.11856320

I can tell you've never actually worked a programming job. So obvious.

>> No.11856415

I am 33, and I have been only doing entry level jobs since I graduated in 2012. I am somewhat intelligent, but not very, and I am socially really anxious. Other than that I have very low self esteem. I am one of those dudes that is nice usually, but never really shows his true self because of shame. I can talk to anyone though, as long as it's a somewhat predictable conversation. When it goes to 'hanging out' or just staying there with some other people, I freak out.

I exercise 3 times a week, I eat alright, and I do a lot of creative stuff in my free time. This life is just not for me, I imagine I would function better in a natural environment instead of an urban.

Anyway, perhaps this gives you some insight into why some people still work minimum wage. I bet it's either stupidity or mental issues. And they're not mutually exclusive.

>> No.11856423


stop fapping

>> No.11856746
File: 44 KB, 409x409, comff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's almost weekend wagies.
relax, unwind, have a good time and prepare for another week propelling your career and life towards succes and happiness.
you can do this, you're going to make it and you'll get that promotion, im sure of it

>> No.11856972


>> No.11857119

They don't, that's the point.
They were a spin-off of Caterpillar for the sole-purpose of not having a union.

>> No.11857184

So, you’re still just a slave after all those years. I’m sorry

>> No.11857251

Seriously. My dad is an office cuck and I'd like to see him climb a ladder or crawl around on a roof like my old boss did, and they're the same age.

>> No.11857403

Surgeon here, can confirm

>> No.11857581

office jobs are more soul destroying than labour jobs

>> No.11857614

I didn't read the thread, is this the thread where all the low-IQ /pol/tards cope about how "office work" is onions and "not alpha" and how much more proud they are of being a plumber (i.e. handling literal human shit all day)

Just curious

>> No.11857655

i work minimum wage, never trained to do anything besides purely menial shitty jobs as ive spent my entire life pissing away every opportunity so far on gambling.
poker, horses, crypto guessing etc

im smart enough to know im doing it to myself but not smart enough to stop apparently.

>> No.11857706

eye roll

>> No.11857714

plumber detected

>> No.11857720

I work in sales

>> No.11857756

this, but i'm not a programmer, 3d artist, spent work hours drinking and chatting with coworkers, some studios people smoke weed in the office, spend down time working on personal artwork and learning more programming skills or anatomy etc. Don't understand the people that wanna sit still at a desk for 8 hours though, pretty sure its more effective to get up and refresh your mind a bit.

>> No.11857793

also tbqh plumbing isn't that bad. My neighbor is a landlord and he paid me $100 to fix one of his tenants sinks. It was the little level that opens and closes the drain. Took 10 minutes and a trip to the hardware store. If I could do that 10 times a day I'd be fucking set

>> No.11857801

Rather work with old ex crims than desk wankers

>> No.11857838

They dairy guys at the supermarket I work at are both ex-roadies that worked with pretty big Australian bands and are now grandparents who run a local soccer team. They don't make a lot of money but they seem pretty happy. it's all perspective

>> No.11857884

Any company/boss worth your time views people as a human being first and a growing asset second, not as a number on a balance sheet.

If you let an artist sketch/or a programmer learn some new language, brush up on some fundamentals they might be rusty on, hone a skill, etc - you are paying to keep your people fresh and ready to go. It just isn't structured/can't easily be measured. And also people are happy when they're not micro-managed, they're supposed to be professionals - they don't need to be treated like problem children.

This is like 90% of the reason to "get an education", to work around people who understand this concept - not treat you like some robot who just cranks out widgets. This is one of those "how the other half lives" type of things, that people who don't have an education never experience.

I was in utter shock the first time I worked a job nobody gave a shit about punch cards or whether I was "keeping busy". If there's shit to do it's clear (but still flexible), and if there isn't, just do whatever. More often than not people choose to sharpen their skills because that's their profession and they like it.

>> No.11857946

Hey is me
Except I've been forced to do 40 hour weeks, so now I've decided I may aswell save up for a house

>> No.11857979

I've had both and now sit in my own office at a decent wage and lots of free time. However, there are days I wish to go back to manual labor. There is a different kind of satisfaction to actually seeing the result of your manifest physically instead of just getting a pat on your shoulder.

>> No.11857994

>work one easy job
>plumbing isn't that bad

>> No.11858022

But plumbing is one of those jobs where you do the shitty work for a few years until you start getting the easy/non-poop involved jobs. And it just goes to show that you can make a ton of money overcharging certain customers. So yeah, not that bad. Just like being a hot shot is not the same as being a data entry slave even though they are both "OFFICE JOBS"

>> No.11858045
File: 109 KB, 900x280, dt181107.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Need 3 years office experience to get an office job
>> Can't get office experience without an office job

>> No.11858523

>implying your white collar job isnt far more easily automated than manual labor

>> No.11858647

ITT: Buttmad Desk Jockeys

>> No.11858783

>the feels when you're a highly paid Indian American programmer
>feels when you get paid more in bonuses than other people make every year
>feels when you're a machine learning specialist deploying models to automate aspects of white collar jobs
buckle up buddy boi

>> No.11859241

Office jobs are the only real jobs. You know, the ones non-NPCs get

Manual work is for the NPC min-wagecucks

>> No.11859307

So you're saying being an astronaut is not a real job?

>> No.11859346

it isn't
the guys on earth are the ones doing everything

the astronauts are just physically capable, but all they do is take orders from the ground people

>> No.11859407

>Data entry is the most inhuman job ever.

>get to have a normal sleep schedule
>get to sit inside a climate controlled building all day

kys faggot. You have no idea how bad some jobs are.

>> No.11859440

>being an atronaut is easy, just some movements and stuff, nothing to do with flying rocket ships and controlling a spacecraft

Fuck off you 15 year old cunt.

>> No.11859589

First non npc post here. You have to find a job that is your hobby. Some of us are like that. I can't wagecuck either. Ended up starting my own medical research firm

>> No.11860206


you are not your job

>> No.11860252

programmers cannot resist falling for this bait

>> No.11860854

What exactly is a comfy office job

>> No.11861034

Office work is a nightmare to me.

>> No.11861078

I feel like as long as you have things in your life that you enjoy doing you can handle working a ahit job for a while.

>> No.11861124

Get out, zoomer.

>> No.11861135

I'm an actor getting $110,000 a year.
I'd an hero if I had to work a minimum wage job that would have be doing 3x the hours I am now.

>> No.11861185

>he thinks desk jobs wont be some of the first to go

>> No.11861287

I worked manual labor throughout my twenties and enjoyed it. Finally got a office job as investigator for the government. Got to work from home and had a fancy badge. Quit in 6 months and went back to manual labor. I have a paid off house, car, no debt and I am partially off grid. Manual labor job for me is just keeping me fit and allowing me to meet people while getting a little extra spending money. Office settings, wearing a suit, worrying about policy all the time, feels very unnatural. You can stare at your cubical while I drive around on a beautiful spring day listening to my music without a care in the world.

>> No.11861288

that's old, they can easily open doors now

>> No.11861298

buy DAPS

>> No.11861443

Are you serious?

>> No.11861530

Someone has to do that type of work in order help enable others to have their physically more comfortable jobs. Also, many people do not stay on minimum wage since they do get pay raises so the OP is using a false dilemma.

Also, getting into a university obviously does not guarantee a job. Many go in and plunge themselves into debts they cannot pay off especially since companies focus more on work experience than degree. Then there are cases of people getting jobs because they were part of a certain fraternity or sorority or they knew the right person in the right manner.

Oh and there have been cases of college graduates who got turned down for lower wage manual jobs because they were overqualified. As a result, they cannot get work at all or have only one part-time job that gets them nowhere.

>> No.11861778

I'm white, educated with degree, and I work manual labor job. Better than min. Wage but not great. The job relaxes my anxieties. I could get a job where I go the corporate route, but that's not me. I would rather learn how to trade and make way more.

>> No.11861809
File: 67 KB, 960x731, 09F32E390A10484B88EFC21F484C96D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apply to uni
>Apply to college
My spot is taken for diversity quota

I want to die guys.

>> No.11861835

how do you get denied from uni theyll take any idiots money these days

>> No.11861848

I get paid only $15/hour but I work at a bank so I get to sit down all day and shoot the shit, while having great hours, no after hours calls, and have scheduled time off so I can go to school to finish my bachelors.

It's a lot better than my previous $60k job, which was high stress and making me miserable.

>> No.11862070

im like you :) 29 now and just finishing college next year. I dont even know if its possible to change something this late in life... social anxiety got the best of me

>> No.11862161
File: 331 KB, 1000x666, 1525833424730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dabs on your societal structure*
I'm ready for the robot overlords when y'all are

>> No.11862281

I'd need money for them to take in the first place.

>> No.11862310

Motivation is like the rain, you literally can not change it, however that's ok because you can make yourself determined.

>> No.11862319

>You have to find a job that is your hobby

A job is a lifestyle, it is crazy there are so many people who don't realize this. Nobody works for money they work for the lifestyle. Some people like being a police officer, for others they like office jobs, others want manual labour. 90% of jobs fit within a narrow standard deviation income bracket. Only some people get lucky or purposefully choose lucrative jobs e.g. Geologist during the 2000s Perth mining boom.

Its why every interviewer wants to know the same 2 things in the end: 1. Are you competent enough to do the job. 2. DO YOU FIT THE EMPLOYEE CULTURE 2nd one is even more important.

>> No.11862337

Are you a hard core son of a bitch that can do push ups in the mud while getting four hours of sleep a night if you are lucky? Can you do this all day, every day?

If you actually can, then go for it.

>> No.11862357

>Except I've been forced to do 40 hour weeks
I end up working 50 hours minimum, on my "part time" jobs.

>> No.11862373

This is actually true.
Fitting the culture simply means you enjoy doing what you do. Some people find meaning in filling spreadsheets with mostly meaningless numbers, some people prefer manual work even if it's hard on the body.
Wine (or chocolate) tasting may be one of the comfiest job in the world, if you don't like wine or chocolate you'll be fucked doing that.

>> No.11862379

>Why don't they get skills and a comfy office job?

Because at the end of the day, I can present a varied portfolio of traceable projects, each one with a tangible end product, reachable client, and measurable success criteria. And I can directly relate my work experience and skillsets to every intimate detail of each project I am selecting to present, because most people cannot convincingly bullshit their way through highly specialized terminology and work structures.

Because if you are anyone short of upper management, your credibility relies on your portfolio of foggy, ambiguous, tape-ridden, internalized experience claims. Claims which have a net credibility factor of zero if the higher-ranking desk jockeys in your organization feel that you haven't polished their cocks hard enough, and that your efforts and skills aren't yet worth commendation or recognition.

>> No.11862453

Fuck, just kill me now...

>> No.11863183


All jobs suck man. You're a proper human and an aware one since you're aware of the reality of jobs. You'll make it.

>> No.11864117


I'm the same, although I'm currently a NEET because my social anxiety prevents me from functioning normally and I just gave up.

I was originally pushed into work by my mother who had (what I now believe is a false) belief that there were basically no jobs and I should be glad to take anything I could, she also wanted me to work so I could contribute towards rent. So I started at a job which was technically BELOW the minimum wage in Australia (some industries aren't covered by the various min wage laws). I was very socially isolated and pretty oblivious so I didn't realise that what I was earning was terrible pay... I kept at the job for a few years too thinking that my boss might advance me (my mother was the one who suggested to me this false belief). So for quite a while I was earning minimum\below minimum wage. Eventually got a higher paying job, but it was just 'entry level' pay - and then dropped out entirely because I saw I was going nowhere and couldn't function.

>> No.11864282
File: 80 KB, 640x360, p01l55bs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone seen BBC's 'Human Planet'? I feel like it's relevant to this discussion.
It a mini-series about the worklife of people around the world, and how they adapt to their environment. It's utterly breathtaking stuff because I'm seeing these bangladeshis putting their life on the brink to collect honey with primitive techniques from aggressive bees. I feel like I'm being shamed for making a living by turning up to quiet air conditioned office every weekday.

>> No.11864460

Good post, this realisation hits me every now and then. The fact that some malnourished dude with nothing but the clothes on his back will do back-breaking crazy shit like this 8+ hours a day just to sustain himself.

And here I am not even working at all

>> No.11864587
File: 51 KB, 630x630, 2596535_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw work as a gig rider 30 hours a month to get 300€ which is enough to pay food.

>> No.11864673

>1 post by this ID

>> No.11865594

and that would be coding as freelance? i want to enter the coding market but i dont know where to start (my office job i can do whatever i want as job gets done)

>> No.11865644

>Office work may be shitty but it doesn't injure you.
Oh but it does, it does and I am not talking mentally.

>> No.11865758

people who have the ability tend to get promoted fast

>> No.11865799
File: 109 KB, 746x556, 2E3DA8EC-DDEF-4EE8-8C78-E23CC73C6C34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people without degrees subhuman /biz/? Ever since getting a comfy white collar office job and a decent salary I can’t help but look down on tradefags and retail cucks doing manual labor because they were too dumb for uni. Last week at the grocery I had to put one of them in their place:
>checking out
>cashier cuck asks me how my days going, I act like I don’t hear him and ignore the question
>grocery’s are piling up at the end, he asks if I am going to bag them as there is no bagger today
>explain to him I’m a paying customer and not a grocery bagger and that if he didn’t want to bag groceries he should have gone to college
>goof crosses his arms like he’s not about to do his job
>ask if I need to speak to his manager
>he does as he’s told as I smirk

>> No.11865804

what about the people who always look for some type of shortcut than trying to do honest work?

>> No.11865822

what job are you doing that isn't salary?

>> No.11866027

They are supposed to be stepping stone jobs. When it comes to manual labor/low skill, There has been an influx of migrants of flooding the market from developing countries that abuse the system. I have been pointing this out for years and with automation taking over at a more frequent pace, it's a matter of time before the west is 3rd world. Some cities already are.

>> No.11866057
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Nope, it's actually a lot of college educated, white middle-class and now even upper middle-class kids working in these jobs because they can't get their foot in the door anywhere. You have no idea what's coming.

>> No.11866064

The flip burgers still at mcdolalds? I thought the came fully cooked by the corporation to the stores.

>> No.11866067
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my only real hope for a job prospect is to be a chainlink node operator
that's a job r-right?

>> No.11866085

Yes, but they are not nearly as subhuman as idiots who base their self-worth on old status symbols whose meaning is deteriorating more with each passing day.

>> No.11866094

I'd much rather do some shit labouring job than be stuck behind a computer screen in an office all day every day.

>> No.11866156

There are not middle class or upper middle class kids, they may come from families that are. For instance, I researched before I went to college on fields and went into a STEM field and have no problems. Even when I was laid off in 09, I was out of a job for a grand total of 6 business days. BTW I came from a low class broken single mother home. No excuses.