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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 854x960, FB_IMG_1542834563894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11844247 No.11844247 [Reply] [Original]

PSA: Ayn Rand was a literal retard who lived off welfare and markets don't give a shit about your smoothbrained attempt at ideology.

>> No.11844260
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>> No.11844269
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ancaps BTFO

>> No.11844278
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>> No.11844285
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>> No.11844291

The modern woman depends on the state to provide wealth to her so she can survive. If the modern woman dislikes this and wants a return to patriarchy then she needs to find a husband to submit to. Thus, women can only be authoritarian left or authoritarian right.

>> No.11844292

Better that smarter white people receive welfare than dumb niggers do.

>> No.11844296
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>> No.11844302

Retard americans

Its "Bund Deutscher Mädel" not "Deutsches"

>> No.11844305
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>> No.11844310


>> No.11844320

Ayn (((Rand))) was a kike. Stop calling her by her shapeshifted Anglo name

>> No.11844568
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Ancaps are cancer

>> No.11844592
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wrong board noobs

this is a yellow fever board. White roasties need not apply.

>> No.11844632


>> No.11844656

AHAHAH this world can burn to hell for all I care

>> No.11844674
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>continue ze domp

>> No.11844695

Well, the countries are just big non-profits but nobody calls them that. Instead they are glorious, sacred and totally uniquely beautiful countries. What a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.11844702
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>> No.11845151

green face over there is literally screaming PLEASE! SOMEONE LOOK AT ME! I'M SO LONELY

>> No.11845549

/biz/ = making money & asian girls

>> No.11845570
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>> No.11846407

at least corps care bout profits to their stakeholders, which reduces costs and makes operations more efficient
modern countries only care bout increasing debt

>> No.11847465
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>> No.11847500

Now imagine these fine ladies 5 years from now when they try to find a job and somebody digs up this pic.

>> No.11847628

found the s()yboy

>> No.11847721

I'd hire them on the spot

>> No.11847760

in five years you're going to be at the bottom of a grave

>> No.11847783

Women shouldn't work until their kids are old enough to support themselves anon.

>> No.11847808
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but they would be perfect for my nazi maid cafe

>> No.11847811

I can’t believe white women actually fall for this retarded nazism. They really need to stop all of that and start dating brown men and become more liberal.

>> No.11847847
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agreed, who the fuck would want this bearing your children.

>> No.11847848
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>> No.11847855

you'll be allowed to operate this place entirely to entrap neet nazis for the regime

>> No.11847870

t. seething jew, makes sense given this is the /biz/ board

>> No.11847876

Incidentally are there still people who are unironically lolbertardian in the current year?

>> No.11847890

the only alt-right people i know invested heavily in BTC so im just checking this dumb board to see if i can catch them offing themselves

>> No.11847899

I think its funny this is the mindset of a wagie.

>> No.11847920
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Any lolbertarian with an IQ above 71 has realized by now that it's a self-destructive ideology in light of mass immigration of low IQ third worlders

>> No.11847950

>a megacorporation that owns all of the land and natural resources
but, it's okay when government claims all of the land and does it

>> No.11847963


I'm libertarian but I just gave up on the idea of one country being perfect and became an internationalist or a nomad or something.

My goal now is just to move around the globe and get my freedom via just going to whatever country offers whatever particular freedom I am looking for at that moment. Feel like shooting tons of high powered firearms. Off to America it is. Feel like fucking tons of hot prostitutes? To SEA/Europe it is etc. Feel like smoking weed. To Canada it is.

I never became a libertarian because I cared about immigration in the first place to be honest. It was the personal freedoms that I want. And those personal freedoms are way more important to me that the ethnic make up of whatever country I am in.

>> No.11847985

I basically was you 5 years ago and actually did this. I'm Natsoc now. At a certain point it becomes undeniable that certain races can function under any economic system, and other will fail under any economic system,

>> No.11848007

Your personal freedoms are granted by governments that are comprised of white Christian men, who are voted in by white Christian men and women. You don't have personal freedoms in China, Venezuela, or Niggerabia, where you are either actively oppressed by some totalitarian assholes, or are forced into slavery just to put food on the table. Once white Christian men no longer run our own countries where we currently have these freedoms, said freedoms will vanish.

Like I said, self-destructive ideology.

>> No.11848055

Cringe, kys

>> No.11848092


I am not denying that certain races can't function. I know they can't.

The thing is I don't give a shit. I'm not a collectivist retards like /pol/ is. I am an induvidualist. I don't really care about my next door neighbour. I like travelling to third world nations. I like being the only white person. I like being that white god that is worshipped and respected well.

BTW it's sad that you became natsoc. But it also means at some level you always deeply valued your ethnic community and racial homogeneity, and that means you were just a limousine libertarian from the start. You never had enough individualism in you to remain a libertarian even when things got tough for "your people".


Completely retarded. I feel more free when I visit the third world than the first. Freedom via incompetency and technological backwardsness is a thing. Can't get tracked down by the government spying on your internet usage when they care barely police their own country in the real world.

Freedom comes from money. If you have a lot of money. The laws of the nation become less solid and more malleable. My goal is to just accumulate as much money and value as possible and just scoot around the globe to whatever place is giving me the most freedom, and just do what I want. Probably gonna shop around for citizenship in a tax haven and start some business there as well as hobbys and projects so I've got something to do as well so it's not all just hedonism. Gonna have some meaning in my life. But man I am just so over giving a fuck about immigration. It's such a normie issue now. I just want freedom. I just want to do what I want to do with no government boot on my face. If having to have a few black people around me is what it costs for that freedom, so be it. If one of out hundreds of nations collapses. So be it, another will rise in it's place. I can just fly elsewhere on the globe. Poor people worship money. Money is the key to freedom.

>> No.11848113
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>I feel more free when I visit the third world than the first.
That's because you're retarded

>> No.11848124


Bet you have never set foot outside the west.

>> No.11848149

This. Stfu if you've never visited another country outside of burgerland

>> No.11848153

You would bet wrong. I also have family who lived in communist countries and would be glad to smack you up side the head for saying such stupid things.

>> No.11848175

When times get tough and economic collapse occurs, those third worlders will fight over your carcass.
Just imagine if the world were full of carefree pixies like you
I had family in soviet armenia, it was not a nice place.

>> No.11848181


AHahahahaa your only real life comparison to the western world is actual communist shitholes HAHAHAHA HOLY FUCK. I;m not talking about communist nations retard.

Lad. The entire world outside of America is not communist. All you have to do is literally not visit cuba or Venezuela or eastern euro shitholes alright.

There are so many third world countries out there right now that are not communist, but are capitalist, and fairly democratic and they are just so fucking good. I love all of them.

>> No.11848192

Cringe. Imagine having such a pathetic life that you think saving your race is (one of) the most important thing in life.

>> No.11848205

What do you think is the most important thing in life?
moving the goalposts...

>> No.11848211


Oh look, another fear mongerer.

>what if the whole world and every system of economics and governments just collapses huh, what are you gonna do then!?
>that's why I am smart for building my secret bunker innawoods and am hoarding ammo and rations and living off grid

You people waste your whole life's missing out of life and opportunities because you are scared of bad things happening. So you go to great lengths to avoid possible tiny fucking risks.

I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees. I life of hiding out in the west, scared of foreigners and never doing anything or note, never exploring the globe, never experiencing all this world has to offer is not a life well lived.

>> No.11848237


No I didn't move the goalposts. I said life outside of America is great, so he went full retards and said "b-but what about that ONE communist country".

It's a fucking retarded argument. I never said the west was the worst place in the world. It's not. But fucking christ there are tons of great places outside of the west. And you fags are missing out because you think everything is as bad as some communist hellhole. There are hundreds of counties existing right now and only like 2-3 are communist hellholes.

>> No.11848242

>like being that white god that is worshipped and respected well.

post a pic of urself

>> No.11848252

What's the point of this gay fucking thread?

>> No.11848253

>What do you think is the most important thing in life?

Having unlimited personal freedom and financial freedom and then using that to achieve your personal goals in life.

>> No.11848263


Nah fuck off CIA nigger. I come to this site for a reason, and it's because we are anonymous.

>> No.11848266

>hurrr durrr communist countries don't count because I said so
And I suppose middle-eastern countries don't count either (especially if you're gay or a woman or a non-Muslim). And impoverished nigger/pajeet countries don't count too, right? I bet you don't permanently live in one of these glorious third world countries. I wonder why.

Your ideology is literally based around self-gratification and hedonism at the expense of everyone else around you. It's not even really an ideology; it's more like a 14 year old's shallow philosophy on obtaining happiness as a nihilistic sociopath. You are beyond brainlet status.

>> No.11848268

Libertarianism fucking birthed crypto you fucking noob. The cyberpunks were heavily related to freedom and lack of governmental centralized control you utter prick.

Assange and Szabo being perfect examples of early members. This us like saying I like Communism but I dont like Marx. You fucking brainlet spewing your brainwashed onions boy muh Aryn Rand bs you just learned off tour wanky friends and lecturers like yesterday in college and now u think u understand the fucking world.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck offffffffff

>> No.11848292

You're making a lot of assumptions, do you seriously think having a political opinion is a full time job for me? get real.
He did not mention which countries he has been to, all he did was answer your question, which was that he has been outside of america, he did not say his only experience outside of America was a trip to one communist country.

>> No.11848298

>that ONE communist country
Imagine not knowing anything about the last 100 years of world history

>> No.11848324

have you been to africa

>> No.11848344

It's "cypherpunks". The "cyberpunks" didn't do much for crypto unless satoshi was somehow inspired by anime titties.
But thanks for dropping dem *knowledge bombz* all the same kek

>> No.11848358


This is the worst argument I've seen in my life.

>if one country outside America is bad then they all must be bad and you must be specifically talking about that one bad country and therefor you are wrong I am staying in America.

Suit yourself retard. There are shitholes out there because they are poor, and there are shitholes out there because of dangerous ideology and religions ruining it. Just go to the shitholes that are poor and you will have a great time.


If the first thing that comes to his mind when he thinks outside of America was his family relative in a communist shithole. It's the only place he's been.

You don't just suddenly forget trips to Canary Islands/Hong Kong/Bahamas/Ibiza/Singapore/Carribean retreats/Cancun/Thailand/Japan/SK/Tahiti/all the tons of other great places outside of the west. So many cool little islands out there. Even in big third world nations like Chile, Brazil, Argentina, even African nations. There are nice places to go. But you've never been to them.


Imagine not knowing realizing you don't live in the last 100 years of world history you are only living right now in a time when communist nations are almost extinct.

>> No.11848369


Yes, I have.

>> No.11848379

you're fucking moron. I've been all over the world and the idea that you'll be worshipped ANYWHERE for being a whiteboy is fucking laughable.

BTW anywhere that's not a white country, is, in fact, a fucking shthole. It might not be immediately obvious to you, in fact they might even seem downright charming at first, but if you spend any extended amount of time abroad the charm wears off quickly. Latinos are lazy as fuck and can't organize for shit, Northeast asians are good at organizing but are fucking soulless, work obsessed zombies, SEA's are crooks and scammers, and niggers are just niggers. Spend a year anywhere and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. You're basically the emobdiment of the old /trv/ meme of the kid who thinks he's going to run away to Japan and all his troubles will be over with, who then comes back a year later complaining about what a shithole Japan is (and he's right).

>> No.11848408

Well put, those niggers will smile and serve for your cash, but as i said before: if you go there empty handed they will cut you up for parts.

>> No.11848413

>This is the worst argument I've seen in my life.
>proceeds to argue a retarded strawman
really made me think

> Just go to the shitholes that are poor and you will have a great time.
No anon, you will not have a good time living in India, Columbia, or South Africa. You will end up with malaria or Hep-C, or getting raped, shot or mugged for sticking out like a sore thumb. You sound like you were projecting with that whole never stepped foot outside of a western country comment.

>> No.11848416


I've been on overseas trips for 6 month period at a time and the worst thing that happened was having to return home.

If I'm rich and going on a holiday somewhere, why the fuck should I care if some Jap is a work obsessed zombie. Christ I don't care about my own white anglo saxon protestant neighbor back home. Why would I care if the Latina on my south American holiday is lazy.

You collectivists spend WAY WAY WAY to much time worrying and thinking about other people.

Just stop caring about them. Enjoy yourself. You'll be so much happier.


Do go empty handed then retard.

>> No.11848428


>I'm a scared little bitch something will go wrong so I will just not live my life at all I will stay safe in my bubble

Not my loss faggot. Enjoy your non life though.

>> No.11848432

oh look its leftypol arguing with themselves again

>> No.11848436

>i spent 6 months in a rich area of a second world country so I know more than you do about the world
holy shit i wish you could comprehend how much of a gigantic faggot you are

>> No.11848458


>I spent my whole life in a bubble in the USA while being told about the horrors of communism outside the west

You are coming off as a massive retard right now anon.

>> No.11848463

I dont think he said that. You wouldn't visit the nigger parts of town in America why would you hang out in the slums of other countries?

>> No.11848476

Ok faggot. Go to any fucking expat bar in the WORLD and ask any of the grizzled old white fucks sitting there getting drunk at 10am what they think of the place they live in. You just can't get shit done in foreign countries. You can keep traveling if you like, but that gets old as fuck too.

But then again here I am arguing with some fuckin 19 year old liberarian faggot on 4chan so I guess the jokes really on me.

>> No.11848498


This is what I tried to get across when I pointed out you don't have to go to communist nations but they considered that moving the goalposts.

Should I just start posting pictures of detroit and say if you live in the USA you must life here, doesn't matter if you have a mansion in the hollywood hills, the niggers from detroit will rob you blind if you step one foot outside your gated community.

The people in this thread have fucking no life experience. It's so easy to go to third world countries and stay in nice areas. And no, staying in nice areas of third world countries is not some cheating method. It's the smart thing to do. You don't go to brazil and visit a fucking favela like a dumb shithead. You can go to Brazil and stay in rich touristy areas and have a fucking fantastic time. It's not fucking different than staying in nice white areas in the USA you fucking retards.


I already went to tons and have done that already. Expats are old poor retiree's living off welfare. I am not going to be that. I want to be a nomad that doesn't stay in a particular place too long. I would revisit certain favorites often sure. But I'm not gonna join some faggy expat community.

>> No.11848506
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First you have to physically remove jews, niggers, lefties and other dissidents.
Then you can form ancap communities and have true freedom with no need for goverment.

>> No.11848508

Making money, retard

>> No.11848524

>. Expats are old poor retiree's living off welfare. I

confirmed zoomer. I was in my 20's doing that shit, and most people in my peer group were as well. I've actually fucking done what you're talking about and I'm here to tell you the truth. It's a good experience but ultimately you'll realize why people immigrate to America and not vice versa.

>> No.11848546

He's not wrong, cryptocurrency is a libertarian invention. Fiat currency is inherently anti-Libertarian

>> No.11848559

I think it's a severe error to assume that cryptocurrencies will somehow actualize True Libertarianism. People said that about the Internet too and the opposite happened. All this crypto-anarchist shit is an autistic fantasy based on seriously flawed liberal assumptions about how society works.

>> No.11848588


I'm in my 20's and doing that right now too. Difference is I go out of my fucking way to avoid white people on my journey's. Old boomers aren't as bad to hang around with but I know they complain about everything a fuck ton. So I sometimes talk with them.

But other travelfags in their 20's and 30's can fuck off. I don't want anything to do with them. I travel alone.

Besides I am not travelling to find a new home like you were. I just want to travel for fun and to have a good time. I stay long times in places I like, then I move on. I don't know what the fuck you were doing to get some hung up on third worlders being lazy. Did you fall for the work on your holiday meme. Did you actually fucking try to work in a third world nation. Kek. Did you get sent overseas as part of your job and that's why you get mad at third worlders?


I'm sure it was just a spelling mistake anon. I mean cyberpunk's don't actually exist yet. It doesn't make sense to use that word. At this point it's just a genre of fiction.

>> No.11848595

>actually thinking that there is any objective point to life
>not ever realizing that life by its very nature is suffering
>calling others brainlets
keep telling yourself you aren't but a mere slave to your corporeal existence famalam

>> No.11848647

>life is suffering
you must have a pretty shit life, senpai

>> No.11848738
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>> No.11848838

Everybody has desires, and is constantly seeking relief from those desires (happiness). The problem is that your desires and also the world around you are constantly changing. You can never be truly sated/at peace until you die. That's the philosophical aspect of it.
For Buddhists it's way worse because they believe in reincarnation and shit, so you just keep respawning endlessly, until you achieve nirvana. I feel bad for those guys

>> No.11848847

>1 post by this ID

What's being slid?

>> No.11849030

Libertarian here, why can't we just compromise? We'll give you an ethnostate as long as you give us a free market.

>> No.11849088

Of course i meant Cypherpunk.

>> No.11849150

Why even say such retarded bullshit like this?

Bitcoin by its very fucking nature creates the kind of sound money untouched by gov influence that is key in most Libertarians thinking. No one has said its gonna create a Libertarian Oasis but it is i concept free and sound money. Its per to per nature makes this a fact. And look at how wikeleaks is funded now paypal cut its funding channel. Crypto is Libertarian in nature....dont go putting your fucking stupid Bernie Sander bs on top of bitcoin.

>> No.11849176


This. Turn the government into a set of mutuals. Operate like a corporate (efficiency) for the benefit of it's owner-customers (ie citizens).

>> No.11849197

>sound money untouched by government influence
This is what I was talking about.

>> No.11849205

Libertarianism is literally the only viable threat to the social justice movement

>> No.11849243


>> No.11849264

NatLib gang

>> No.11849613
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women does not belong in the military. they distract the men and only becomes a burden. this is true even if we pretend the male and female brains are exactly the same.

>> No.11849654

Corporations have nothing to do with anarcho capitalism