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File: 6 KB, 114x70, Constellation_Labs_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11835998 No.11835998 [Reply] [Original]

Constellation Labs $DAG down 99%
All smart money is officially out, all whales dumped, nothing left but delusional shills hoping to get a quick pump and dump their shitcoin
Team is out of funding within 8-10 months
SEC violations galore, they raised over their hard cap, day traded investor funds and there is a rumor they even sold futures.
Not a single team member has any real world crypto or business experience.
Team has mostly abandoned their community and refuses to answer difficult questions

Without a doubt the most hated team and community in crypto, their delusion is unmatched

My prediction: They go under $.0001 before Christmas

>> No.11836087

It must feel rewarding knowing that your daily threads probably stopped countless investors from taking a 99% loss. I was actually interested until I saw these threads and happy I saved my money THANK YOU ANON for reals

>> No.11836118

Imagine still holding dag

>> No.11836160

Thanks man, not all the threads were mine but glad you saved your money.

>> No.11836200

Seriously I was about to invest some guys were making outrageous claims about IBM or some amazing test net code and it all ended up being a lie. I didn't believe you or them but thought it was too sketchy so I stayed out thank god. Looks like you were spot on

>> No.11836207

I've said it before, even without all the bullshit that the team pulled off, just fucking read a whitepaper for once. Things should have been very clear then.

People that lost money on this shitcoin completely deserve it.

>> No.11836439

Im really happy to hear this. Their shills were straight up lying about shit right in front of the team in TG and they let it happen like it was all true. Then day by day we find out it was all a lie or conveniently omitted information that contradicted their claims.

>> No.11836610

I tried to warn people when this project hit the market earlier in the year

Nobody fucking listened and are surprised they lost everything. It was so god damn obvious this team hadn't a clue what they were doing

>> No.11836615

Meh, holders will get their money back once the SEC destroys them. That's the new meta.

>> No.11836717

I can see it now.

>The team would like to announce we are firing our entire staff and trashing our half baked tech so we can focus on our new partnership with the SEC. We are heads down working with them to ensure our community gets the most out of our epic failure. KEK

>> No.11836750

And the shills

>The teams amazing partnership with the SEC will make the token 10000X because they are sitting on more cash than the MC. Buy DAG now its the safest bet in crypto. Main Court Date is Jan 24th and thats when we moon.

>> No.11836773

OMG I am drowning in tears right now LOL
>My sides

>> No.11836777

This might actually, unironically happen.

>> No.11836940

This is the only way any investor will see a return. SAFT round investors will get paid back, probably not token holders though

>> No.11836980

These VPN conversations are always insanely weird.

>> No.11836995

Why are you talking to yourself?

>> No.11836997

This, it's fucking creepy and it always has been.

>> No.11837006

So what did they say that was lies? Give me a short rundown, but with documentation, not something you heard or believed to have heard somewhere, sometime, maybe.

>> No.11837027

The style is something from a serial killer movie. Clinically insane.

>> No.11837082

I asked you a question within three minutes after your last comment in your nearly two hour monologue, but, as always when asked for any kind of documentation for your claims, you just run away. Pathetic, but that's your style.

>> No.11837187

100% this. I read every single one of those threads and this guy doesn't understand that his writing style is unmistakable. and its super creepy

>> No.11837388

FTM bags are getting heavveeey

>> No.11837567

That he suddenly runs away with all his weird and insane accounts when asked for documentation, while lurking silently for hours, only makes him more psycho. Hope he gets all the help he so desperately needs.

>> No.11837739

Delusional Dag team member. We've been arguing for 3 months in here and the token price dropped by 99% due to the teams constant failures.
And you are delusional enough to think one person on 4chan is causing all the damage. Did you ever think there was some truth to it, or does it have to go below zero before it registers in your brainlet head? Are you this stupid?

>> No.11837775

Hello psycho, no I am not a DAG team member. So when I asked for any kind of documentation, you, the total psycho, are using price action as sole documentation for your insane claims? Are you retarded?

>> No.11837777

2 people are clearly at play here
> "walto" - delusional as fuck and spammed daytrading BS, english is as good as of a pajeet's. You'd immediately spot him because he'll accuse you of being a DAG team member if you don't agree with him.
> "James" Mathews / Dean / Alexander - lost a lot of money when he bought $DAG at the top and appears to be a paid shill of Fantom. This dude likes to scare people with his SEC narrative. Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesDean190001

If you're holding Fantom FTM, I'd be worried as fuck now. Incoming 3B token dump in a few months and these Koreans actually held an ICO. Their tokens are considered as "securities" with no actual utility (https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/06/sec-chairman-clayton-says-agency-wont-change-definition-of-a-security.html))

>> No.11837883

You faggots are losing your minds and I'm laughing my ass off right now. You are down 99% due to mismanagement and still defending the team? You can only be team members, nobody defends these lying bastards anymore.

>> No.11837931

Lmao this is me you idiot, i sold at 230 sats you clown, I dont give a fuk what happens to this shit coin. "James Mathews"

>> No.11837940

And i dont hold any fantom you monkey, I will only hold POW coins with no ico in the future, XMR, RVN, ZEN etc.....

>> No.11837944

> Assuming I hold DAG
> Assuming I'm defending the team
> Laughing his ass off
> Turned his "India" VPN ON

Like the "daytrading spammer "as you are, I'm on a mission now to fucking expose Fantom FTM. Just wait bitch, just wait

>> No.11837949

I asked for documentation, idiot. I see you are lying your ass of regarding my investment as well. Are you mental? What a sad and pathetic life you have. If you have nothing of substance then don't bother to spam the board and waste our time, psycho. Time for you to have another conversation with yourself again, laughing and praising your own intellect in a heated conversation with yourself. Seek help, psycho

>> No.11837965


I am james mathews from the telegram chat, Fantom is another chinese gook scam coin, would not put 1 cent into that or another cent in to constellation. Sell what you have left of constellatoin and put it into something else. There is somnething called oportunity cost you dumb asses.

>> No.11837979


Awsome detecitve work btw how you find my twitter? Curious about that

>> No.11838061

1 more percent to go faggot. You will be standing there with a full loss of investment being too brainlet to understand why you're poor. Worst part is you also wasted your time defending someone fucking your ass.
You can't deny that. I'm 99% right at the moment. Let that sink in.

>> No.11838088

Your unsubstantiated rambling with yourself is insane and your speculation about my investments is that of a stupid child. Seek help.

>> No.11839147

What I don't get is anons dedication to fudding DAG - it makes no sense. we have all gotten rekt on some coin/token before but no-one really cries about it like this fucktard. I'm assuming they have lost so much money and don't know how to deal with it

>> No.11839192

My guess is he is a unemployed sociopath or secretively accumulating. Maybe both.

>> No.11839272


Obviously he is getting paid to spam this retarded fud.

>> No.11839383

"James" Mathews / Dean / Alexander could be paying this pajeet to spam /biz or could be his mate that lost 500K, don't know for sure, but it's highly likely they're connected.


>> No.11839417

I dunno, I’ve been buying DAG because of the tech and the deep fucking discount, and this fud is just helping me fill my pockets so I don’t mind. DAG is living rent free in this guy’s head

>> No.11839454


Pretty interesting, also quite tragic that they could have been some of the richest people on the planet if they would have ignored the ICO, bought the bottom and then waited 10 years.

>> No.11839505

Same here. However, I am done accumulating.

>> No.11839643

SEC is gonna rape this coin.

I just reported them.

>> No.11839708

>I just reported them.
For what?
Show us your documentation and proof that you reported them. If not, you are just rolling around in clown land.

>> No.11839900

Of course, running away again with your tale between your legs. As always. How pathetic and predictable.

>> No.11840018

I don’t give a shut about this coin I wa shut throws so wrote in the telegram one day. You won’t see me in the telegram post again or on Twitter bc I don’t give a fuk. As I said in the telegram I hope the people that lost money on this make it back.

>> No.11840037

James dean here agin lol. I was also super pizsed when that retard was fuding the coin non stop. But I sold it all ages ago when the team wouldn’t talk about the ceo shit. Anyway enough from me, any future fud you will know it wasn’t from me. My friends who lost the $500k is not even my friend he stole money off me and has gone missing and still he all the day in his eth account

>> No.11841079


Whatever you wanna believe anon. I lost money on this shit. Now SEC will rape them. Karma.

>> No.11841129

You messed up your VPN again. Do you have any idea how stupid and childish you sound when you NEVER can produce any hint of evidence for your rabid and psycho claims. You don't even have the slightest attempt to provide documentation.

>> No.11841303



I will report them also

Where can I do this?

>> No.11841357

You are totally insane and your VPN fraud is messing up your head. The fake ID you are using now is supposed to have been reported DAG to the SEC, remember?

>I just reported them.

And now you the psycho idiot are rambling about how you are going to report them in the future, if you just know how to do it;

>I will report them also
>Where can I do this?

All your comments are bullsh!t. Your accusations against the DAG team is outlandish and that of a moronic child. Completely unsubstantiated and every time people ask for proof, you just run away. You and all your fake and creepy VPN ids. Pathetic.

>> No.11841482

Once again the faggot who can't greentext reveals himself. Try to lurk moar before making yourself look like a newfagging cuck.
Nice try, Rajit. Kill yourself.

>> No.11841704
File: 2.44 MB, 1083x1312, dna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are only 2 developers working on the code base?

>> No.11841778

The whales, advisors, and all major bag holders already dumped this shitcoin for all the reasons I've stated over the months. This project has so many holes it's like Swiss cheese. Somehow you think those red flags are a buy signal.
The smart money is out, that is a fact. It's down 99% Anon which means 99% of the investors walked away. Why are you still holding?
I can answer that for you, because you were that 1% of idiots that exist in all projects that lose everything. The delusional fucks that hang on to the very end with your bingo card praying for a miracle talking about being comfy 10 years from now. The team has enough money to last a year at most. How fucking stupid can you be? Really explain how this is possible?

>> No.11842321
File: 433 KB, 1280x1916, tin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many devs?

>> No.11842347

2 devs as far as I know. I think the team only has 10 people total

>> No.11842357

>It's down 99% Anon which means 99% of the investors walked away.
Eh, no. Your math level is that of an imbecile. The market is very nervous, extremely low volume for DAG and most investors don't understand that you can be as sociopathic as you too lie shamelessly for months, every single day. DAG is clearly not a rank number 723 on coinmarketcap. This is the coin with the clearest potential and lowest risk adjusted for potential gains. Best buy of them all. Smart money knows that, weak and fragile money lose again. Not analytical enough, as your borderline retarded math skills proved so well.

>> No.11842373

Nano has de facto only one dev.

>> No.11842436

>muh smart money out
You are definitely OP. Your samefagging is so fucking obvious. You don't know how to LARP OR greentext. I will not be entertaining you retards arguing on either side of this. Sage

>> No.11842574

Here is a great question for you brainlet. The team raise $33M when ETH was at 1k. They owe $8.5M in taxes.
The biggest question you should be asking the team is what was the average sell rate of the ETH they held. They had to dump $33M ETH in a bear market. It would be fair to guess that they didnt sell all their ETH or even close and still hold quite a bit. But lets live in your pretend world and say they sold it all over the last 6 months. They likely sold at an average of $400 per ETH leaving them with $13.2M
Subtract the $8.5M in taxes and now you have $4.7M
Subtract $2M for salaries in 2018 and another $2M for all the other expenses. You have shit left. Do the math motherfucker.

You would be absolutely delusional to think they sold $33M of ETH at the top, its not even possible.

>> No.11842624

Can't argue with this. Has anyone asked the team about this in TG or Discord? Seems like a valid point if the math is right

>> No.11842631

seems they only have rayan and tyler coding how would that cost 2M a year salaries?

>> No.11842695

Did you just take those numbers out off your ass with vile speculations, just like the rest of your insane claims? If not, where is your documentation? Why do always run away from documentation all the time and must retort to having fake conversations with yourself, every single day? The delusional one is clearly you, psycho.

>> No.11842760

We are making assumptions based on available information. We know what they raise, we know the price of ETH when they raise, we know the taxes they owe on $33M and we know there was a massive bear market that at best averaged out at $400 or less.
How are you this fucking stupid you brainlet bitch.

>> No.11842863

Who are "we"?
With "assumptions" you mean vile speculations of a dude talking to himself daily with fake VPN IDs, praying himself, laughing at his own jokes, on his daily hysterical threads, yet presenting his hysteria and vile speculations as documented facts. You are delusional. Your "assumptions" are that of an imbecile and a child.

>> No.11842925

Not invested in DAG but I am sick of seeing these threads.

Post some proof or fuck off faggot jfc.

>> No.11842965

This guy may or may not be a psycho talking to himself but you are 100% a DAG team member lol

>> No.11842991

You are OP, psycho, and no, I am not a DAG team member. Just look at my English (third language) you idiot. When are you ready to present your evidence, or will you just run off again?

>> No.11843053

Remind me who is the schizophrenic one again?

Protip: your writing in defense of DAG is too formal and only someone who feels personally impugned (ie, DAG team member) by these attacks would define them as "vile speculations" (fucking lol).

>> No.11843124

No shit this is a DAG team member and he samefags all day long and its obvious. He hates any reasonable question like their current financial status or the other FUD surrounding the project. He demands documented proof to answer any question no matter how obvious the answer. This motherfucker is losing his mind and his job at the same time. I guess its understandable to go all schizophrenic when your world is falling apart.

DAG is done, everyone knows it but him because he works there and cant let go.

>> No.11843131

>Remind me who is the schizophrenic one again?
You have already been exposed as a vile psycho messing up your VPN IDs multiple times just in this thread.
>your writing in defense of DAG is too formal
I am educated.
>only someone who feels personally impugned (ie, DAG team member) by these attacks would define them as "vile speculations"
I am invested in DAG and wanted to know whether or not you had something substantial or you were just a vile psycho and sociopathic liar. You clearly are the latter, as you demonstrated so well here in this thread.

>> No.11843148

Your insane VPN masturbation will not help you, quite the contrary. You sound completely psycho, a guy no one will take seriously. Don't forget to praise yourself again.

>> No.11843157

Here is some evidence. The team wont talk about their financial health under any circumstances. The team refuses to refute the Day Trading allegations.
You are the same fucking faggot that claimed their CEO was sick or in a car accident when he disappeared for 3 months and I was fucking right about it the entire time. And just like before you demanded evidence, and then when they rolled out their bullshit story you shut your fucking mouth.
You are a lying sack of shit Constellation employee and your motherfucking company is right where it deserves to be, in the toilet.

>> No.11843164

>DAG is done, everyone knows it but him because he works there and cant let go
Yeah, "everybody" knows it, yet you can't document a single thing of your vile claims and have to run away with your tale between your legs every single time. That and your insane conversations and mutual support with yourself and your multiple VPN identities. Sick psycho. Seek help.

>> No.11843186

Forgot to turn your VPN on Faggot. You know how we know you are a DAG employee? Because your the only fucking idiot still defending this piece of trash.
You know you faggots are out of money. The math doesnt add up. And none of you fuckers will admit it because that will be the end of your shitty existence which is .0001 pennies away from happening anyway. Its over faggot, sorry you werent smart enough to create something of value.

>> No.11843208

But I am right, the investment community agrees with me. People make claims based on the very little circumstantial evidence the so called transparent team lets out.
The team cant answer, investors see the writing on the wall and dump all over your brainlet face. And there is you lying to yourself coming to 4chins with your VPN pretending there are more than one faggot who defends this shitcoin.

>> No.11843219

>The team refuses to refute the Day Trading allegations
Again you are lying, you were shown screenshots denying your claims yesterday. I didn't bother to save the screenshots, but everyone in the thread saw them. Your rambling on that I am some other guy is just more of your insanity. I accumulated and was happy for your bullsh!t making me buy more, cheaper. I am now done accumulating and I am calling out your insane bullshit.

You are now even more insane than before, with your vile psychological projection.Again, present your evidence if you have anything at all, or fuck off from biz forever.

>> No.11843237

Show me a fucking screenshot where any fucking team member specifically says NO the day trading allegations are false. Show us all you lying faggot

>> No.11843252

As far as I know no team member had made a statement directed at day trading allegations. The only statement I've seen is the team saying their lawyer told them they can't talk about it

>> No.11843305
File: 50 KB, 656x325, Brendan1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, you lying piece of sh!t. You were given it yesterday, but as always you don't care and just continue to spew accusations you KNOW are lies. You are a pathological liar. Enjoy a@@hole:

See thread

>> No.11843413

LOL you complete fucking faggot. Do you see Bendan refusting the day trading allegations? FUCK NO
You see him making a blanked statement that FUD about him isnt true while not explaining what FUD that is. There have been a million rumors about the guy including rumors the team themselves put out to deflect away from Day Trading.
This says fucking nothing. They were asked 100 times DID YOU FUCKING IDIOTS DAY TRADE INVESTOR FUNDS YES OR NO. They wouldnt answer and never will.

You my friend are a dishonest peice of shit if you think a guy saying rumors about me arent true while refusing to say what rumor he was talking about.

You sir are a lying dishonest piece of shit

>> No.11843437

This is not evidence to prove anything Anon sorry. He also said he never owned a Bitmex account which you can see is a lie just by spending 30 seconds on his Twitter account which is filled with TA

>> No.11843477

I was in TG when he posted this and found it suspicious he wouldn't outright say the trading allegations we're false. What the hell does he have to hide? Why can't they just make a fucking statement and put this FUD to rest once and for all

>> No.11843522

Because making a direct statement claiming they didnt day trade funds would land them in jail if it were true. Why do you think for the last 3 months nobody can get a team member to make an official statement even when the price continued to plummet because of it?
This is why all the whales dumped. They had no choice, the writing was on the wall. He did it, they likely lost millions of dollars and running on empty.
And the reaction by the team to the allegations was hysterical. Banning anyone who asks including their own investors. Scrubbing the TG each time to pretend it didnt happen.

I have offered 25 ETH to anyone that can get the team to make an official statement and I know for a fact I will never have to pay it out because they will never make that statement in public, not a chance.

>> No.11843579

The day the allegations surfaced the price dropped 20% and the whole TG was filled with people asking if it was true. I was surprised they didn't make a statement and still do this day pretend it never happened.

Whales dumping on everybody didn't help either. My investment is so fucked right now and I wish they would just come out and kill this story. It would give a big price boost and might get some of those whales back

>> No.11843595

Never going to happen bro, because jail. Besides if your investment base is now just a bunch of dumb shills willing to go to zero there really isnt a point to risk jail time.

>> No.11843608 [DELETED] 

>Do you see Bendan refusting the day trading allegations? FUCK NO
Are you mentally challenged? He answered regarding TRADING of INVESTORS FUND, his answer is that ANY of the FUD and ALL of the rumours are not true. How much clearer can you get, pathological liar? I also asked you to substantiate your insane claims, you could not. What company will give official rebuttals to insane, unsubstantiated accusations from morons on the street? You are also the same guy with pedo accusations and doing hard drugs. Even you realized that was too much and in your sick head you made the banal and clinically insane accusations that the DAG team (!) were behind your own rumours, just to make you look band and a complete psycho. Ha, ha, what a moron. Too bad you gave all the evidence we need here in this thread.

I have offered 25 ETH to anyone that can get the team to make an official statement and I know for a fact I will never have to pay it out because they will never make that statement in public, not a chance
You were given to opportunity to come to their Telegram and present all your insane accusations, this admitted by you. Of course, as the insane coward you are, you refused and demanded that they should answer you here on biz, knowing perfectly well that price sensitive information must go through official channels, like their Telegram, and not on some blog somehwere on the internet. You also demanded that all of your hundreds of insane banned accounts should be reinstated. You are nuts, a true psycho, clinically insane and a sack of shit. Add pathological liar as well. Present your evidence or fuck off forever from biz, douchebag.


>> No.11843645

Not a whale but hold a decent amount so my 2 cents

The 4chan community is the only place DAG is discussed outside of telegram. Regardless of any other reason they should at least do us the courtesy of making an official statement so we don't have to be bombarded with this shit daily for fuck sake

>> No.11843657

>Do you see Bendan refusting the day trading allegations? FUCK NO
Are you mentally challenged? He answered regarding TRADING of INVESTORS FUND, his answer is that ANY of the FUD and ALL of the rumours are not true. How much clearer can you get, pathological liar? I also asked you to substantiate your insane claims, you could not. What company will give official rebuttals to insane, unsubstantiated accusations from morons on the street? You are also the same guy with pedo accusations and doing hard drugs. Even you realized that was too much and in your sick head you made the banal and clinically insane accusations that the DAG team (!) were behind your own rumours, just to make you look band and a complete psycho. Ha, ha, what a moron. Too bad you gave all the evidence we need here in this thread.

>I have offered 25 ETH to anyone that can get the team to make an official statement and I know for a fact I will never have to pay it out because they will never make that statement in public, not a chance
You were given to opportunity to come to their Telegram and present all your insane accusations, this admitted by you. Of course, as the insane coward you are, you refused and demanded that they should answer you here on biz, knowing perfectly well that price sensitive information must go through official channels, like their Telegram, and not on some blog somehwere on the internet. You also demanded that all of your hundreds of insane banned accounts should be reinstated. You are nuts, a true psycho, clinically insane and a sack of shit. Add pathological liar as well. Present your evidence or fuck off forever from biz, douchebag.

>Never going to happen bro, because jail
You have been yapping about jail for weeks. What evidence do you have? Zero, right? Just more stuff taken right out off your ass and presented as fact.


>> No.11843742

That is not a direct statement and is exactly what his lawyer told him to say. In a court of law this would not be considered a statement of fact and he cannot be held accountable for saying "None of the rumors or FUD about me is true". That is why he didnt come out and say NO I have never traded investor funds.
He also said he has never owned a Bitmex account, which is an obvious lie. Do you honestly believe he has never owned a Bitmex account. His entire Twitter is fucking TA you idiot.

And the team tells us he handed over hundreds of millions of DAG tokens and walked away from his own fucking company for no reason at all other than to do something else. No compensation, nothing, just walks away. Does that not look suspicious to you? The team said lawyers wouldnt let them talk about it for months and this is their fucking answer.

You see the thing is, he was trading investor funds along with other team members. And they are out of fucking money and everyone knows it.

Why has this price dropped 99% faggot. Explain that? If this tech and team are so promising please explain to us why it was sold off by every major investor? Only scams are down this far, why is DAG?

Do the math you fucking inbred faggot.

>> No.11843756

Kek very disgruntled Constellation employee showed up

>> No.11843782

>Kek very disgruntled Constellation employee showed up
Show me logically how you reached the conclusion that I am on the DAG team "investor". I am not.

>> No.11843817

When a token price dumps this hard on 4channel rumours it's obvious this project is weak af

>> No.11843836

>That is not a direct statement and is exactly what his lawyer told him to say. In a court of law this would not be considered a statement of fact and he cannot be held accountable for saying "None of the rumors or FUD about me is true".
More insane bullshit form you, completely unsubstantiated. You whined and bitched that no one from the team denied the rumours, ever. You of course lied through your teeth again, as not only was that accusation false, you also were given this information as late as yesterday, proven once and for all what kind of pathological liar you are.

>If this tech and team are so promising please explain to us why it was sold off by every major investor?
All, really psycho? Many investors got a tax shock as trading between cryptos created a tax event, and not only going out off crypto into fiat, thus many had to dump their cryptos to pay for taxes. Smart money didn't bother to debunk your crazy and unsubstantiated mental garbage, as they could buy more for less and silently accumulate. You of course are too stupid to understand this. Seek help psycho and stop using your fake VNP IDs.

>> No.11843852

This faggot asking everyone to show proof. Heres some proof, the company folded right before your eyes and you are the only faggot still defending them.
Go ahead give us all an explanation why the project took a 99% price drop? You cant say bear market because only scams dropped that much.
If you cant find your bagholder bingo card I will supply one for you

>> No.11843874

Theres my bingo. Must be whales accumulating. Have fun at zero bitch, you are almost there. On that day you will look back and see how delusional you are. Thinking its a perfect time to buy when a token drops 99%. LOL fucking brainlet

>> No.11843875

They will go to jail, you scream homo. And when asked for evidence or at least try to substantiate your insane rambling, your only has price action. Are you retarded? And why do you spam the same mentally insane garbage and pathological lies day out and day in?

>> No.11843895

>token drops 99%.
You can't even do basic math. Show me how DAG dropped 99%, you idiot.

>> No.11843927

Did they raise over the hardcap. YES
Did they day trade investor funds YES

SEC time faggot

Were they stupid enough to hold their ETH through the bear market.. Yep

They have 1 for certain solid SEC violation by raising past $33M and the day trading will come out eventually. Why the fuck did they raise over the $33M if they sold their ETH. Because they didnt, they held it and still hold alot of it.

Between lack of capital and SEC violations they are going to zero. Everyone knows it and dumped. But not you, you are a bingo master born to lose.

>> No.11843982

Being this fucking stupid. You need proof again? Open and fucking chart you retarded faggot.
I swear to God I feel like you are here learning about DAGs failures for the first time. Are you fucking blind or stupid? Are you trying to waste my time finding screenshots and links to prove common knowledge?

>> No.11844006

Wasting your time trying to convince a DAG employee his company is dead lol. How does that work? He already knows

>> No.11844023

Did you rape that dog in front of kids. YES
Did you flunk school. YES
Are you clinically insane YES.

See, I can also post accusations with no documentation. It's fun. Only I don't do it every bloody day, all day and then have vile conversations with myself using VPN. So show us your communication with SEC then, douchebag. What is that? You have nothing? Because you know nothing and they would laugh you off the building or mabye even send you back to your good old mental institution?


>> No.11844076

The difference is within 30 seconds I can publicly refute those claims without fear of imprisonment. You faggots at DAG dont have that luxury. Your down to your last breath, enjoy it.
I know you want to see the SEC filings so you can prepare for the ass fucking. I know you want to see screenshots. It would be easier to just make a public statement but we both know where that leads. You would rather have your companies name dragged through the mud for 3 months in your only social media community rather than make a statement.
Its no surprise why that is the case. Everyone knows it, and thats why all of us dumped on your brainlet face.

>> No.11844084

Your VPN conversatins make you look complete psycho. That you can't do basic math and run around with the fake number 99% is just tragic.

>> No.11844109

The only DAG coin you should buy is Byteball

>> No.11844146

I told you, idiot. English is my third language of six. It can be easily seen. Clearly I am not from the DAG team. You are hysterical and most likely insane.

>I know you want to see the SEC filings so you can prepare for the ass fucking.
You have already given all your insane accusations. They know exactly what you claim to know. Fact is that you have nothing and that's why you can't produce even the slightest hint of documentation. All your stuff is free from your ass. Completely unsubstantiated, like from a little child. Seek help, psycho.

>> No.11844155

Post the chart and please show me Im wrong. Go ahead faggot. And no I dont use a VP, I post myself every fucking time under the same ID. I am the OP of this thread, and posted in it like 50 times. There is an argument happening here with several people. Your company fucking imploded and investors are salty as fuck. Yet somehow you think its just one man thats pissed off, and a whole bunch of DAG investors joined you to defend a company that failed.

LOL fuck you and your delusions. All evidence supports my position. All results support my position. You are just sitting there losing your fucking ass and pretending your about to moon. Keep accumulating faggot, the more you lose the better I feel.

>> No.11844204

>All evidence supports my position
Present the evidence then, psycho. Stop talking to yourself.

>Post the chart and please show me Im wrong
Learn basic math, moron, then ATH and ATL. Again you and your thread is a total waste of time.

>> No.11844220

Lets do a little recap

I was right about Brendan leaving
>You and your faggots told me i was a liar and tried to hide it for months

I was right about the reason why brendan was leaving. You can go with their official statement but you wont find a single investor or even a shill that beleives what they said was true

I was right about the token crashing and all the whales dumping and it happened.

And I am right about the day trader allegations and the fact they never sold their ETH. It isnt public at this very moment but these too will be proven true.

You cannot fucking argue with the above. These are facts. You and your bitches fought these rumors and were proven wrong every single fucking time. And now again you demand hard evidence and again it will be public knowledge in time.

The investment community has to decide how to proceed with DAG. If they were listening to me they would have saved a fortune. If they listen to you they would be as poor and stupid as you are.

Get fucked, you lost bitch.

>> No.11844277
File: 10 KB, 268x284, 1492147600121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Whoever spread the word about the controversies regarding this token did a great job at protecting bizlets from losing their money in this shitcoin

I am giggling at the utter retardedness by the shills who were emotionally invested in it. I don't see them anymore so I guess their rotting corpses are still hanging from the ceiling

>> No.11844338

People are coming and going ALL the time in start-ups. Do you have any business experience at all? That single fact is all you have, I am not even sure you were that one that broke it. Probably not. You are lying through your teeth all the time. Even proved multiple times here in the thread. You have no documentation, no evidence. Nothing. The very fact that you are presenting that you idiot don't believe the official statement as "evidence" that your rambling is true, is beyond psychotic. And that you again are using your VPN to support yourself and have a conversation with yourself does not make it any better. You only look MORE psycho and desperate, if possible.

>> No.11844365

>so I guess their rotting corpses are still hanging from the ceiling
This is one of many reasons why I believe you are clinically insane. Your conversations with yourself are creepy as hell.

>> No.11844389

>People are coming and going ALL the time in start-ups.

ORLY? First time in history a company raised $33M and the visionary founder and CEO walks away without compensation to do something else.

It has never happened in the history of the StartUp world. Pretending that isnt a big deal shows your level of delusion.

And yes motherfucker I broke that story because I knew about it before everyone else did. And I knew exactly why he left. Fucking DAY TRADING.
I know for a fact they are holding ETH right now they still havent sold from their SAFT round. Ever wonder how I know all this inside information faggot? Ever wonder how I keep being fucking right? Think about it bro

>> No.11844424
File: 16 KB, 240x196, 1475922991945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>36 posts by this ID
is this what it looks like to be 94% down from ICO price?

>> No.11844474

LOL this dude has lost his mind. No matter who posts he thinks its one person. The guy is clinically insane. Its some kind of stockholm syndrome or something

>> No.11844495

hey me! Nice VPN I got!

>> No.11844515

>And yes motherfucker I broke that story because I knew about it before everyone else did
Where and when did you learn about it? How?

>is this what it looks like to be 94% down from ICO price?
I have been accumulating while you idiot with your multiple personalities and VPN IDs have been spooking the market. Nobody actually believed you are a total sociopath with zero substantiating behind your vile and insane claims.

>> No.11844517

Is it literally just one butthurt bagholder posting about this shit and arguing with their shills?
Does anyone else actually give a fuck? Never even heard of this garbage

>> No.11844528

I have a deal for you faggot. I will make a list of questions and you can take them to the team (your fucking colleagues). You can let them answer in some official capacity and I will go away forever.
Or we do this everyday until you hit ZERO. Your choice.
I have been right about every allegation so far, and you will see by the teams reaction I am right yet again. They will either refuse to answer or give you a make believe story like the reason why Brendan left.


>> No.11844561

>The team would like to announce a new sponsor, the American Federal government. To help fund the project they are subsidizing a living space providing us FREE room and board. These guys have trillions of dollars in holdings and are very interested in our project.

>> No.11844600


>> No.11844601

You could go and present all your vile accusations on their Telegram a week or two weeks ago. Can't remember. You just had to run away as usual. Of course you could not answer where, when and how you supposedly learned this information. My guess is that you heard it early, and then presented all the rest of your unsubstantiated garbage nonstop.

Their change in tokonomics was great and a good confidence boost for the market. For me your fud was great, suppressing the market price. However, the team is doing a good job and the market cap is a joke. DAG can easily 100x, minimum.

>> No.11844608

anyone remember that one guy shilling as hard as he could everyday?

wonder how broke he is now

>> No.11844624

Same creepy conversation with yourself again and again. Every day. Nonstop. Seek help, psycho.

>> No.11844718

Yeah you dont want to know how I know all this shit in advance but happy to tell me Im lying. Does it bother you that I keep being right? Does it bother you that I have other allegations still unanswered that will be proven true as well?
Per the tokenomics sure that was a great and desperate move by the team. The market loved it so much they dumped the fuck out of it. Not just the plebs but the fucking whales.
When it hits zero do you think the token still has a chance. I mean you watched it lose all its value and there is nothing left but unanswered FUD.
Let me prove my point. Go ask your colleagues the average sell price of the ETH they raised and how much capital they have left. Tell them you are concerned for the financial health of the company and would like some hard numbers.
Be 100% sure you will be told to fuck yourself.

>> No.11844748

Tits or gtfo

>> No.11844813

1. The whole thread has been you being unable to substantiate your claims. Not even close
2. You lying multiple times
3. You using VPN to support yourself
4. You claim to break ONE story, but of course you are unable to explain how, where and when you supposedly knew about this story.

In sum. You have NOTHING. You are a proven liar, a psycho who talks to yourself. Your "facts" are stuff you take right out off your ass. You and your threads are as always a giant waste of time. Fuck off from biz, asshole or start to substantiate your garbage.

>> No.11844940

LOL somebody is trying to figure out which one of his teammates is leaking.
Its why its so obvious you are a team member and probably even the CEO. You never want anything other than hard evidence. No matter how many rumors I break you still need evidence it was me and how I did it or it doesnt count. You are never interested in reviewing circumstantial evidence supporting the rumors.

Lets use an example. I claim they are almost out of money and I know this for a fact. You could go ask the team, "he guys, did you sell all your ETH from the SAFT round? How much do we have left? I mean this is a general question any intelligent investor should ask. Why dont you ask? Because you dont want to know the answer. Its a perfectly legitimate question, ETH is down 85% from the SAFT round. For the financial health of the company an investor would want to know it was sold for sure, and how much they sold for on average. If they didnt sell all of them the company would be out of capital facing an unavoidable crash. Why dont you want to know the answer to this question? Instead you want to know how I know and want me to prove evidence of that.
Just go ask the team faggot. And for the millionth time I dont use a VPN. I posted every time under my own ID.

>> No.11845001

This makes me feel much better about falling for the Skycoin shills. At least someone else is worse off than my broke ass. Absolute meltdown by this bagholder

>> No.11845002

The market is up today. How is DAG doing? Down 15% LOL
Welcome to my pain

>> No.11845077

>LOL somebody is trying to figure out which one of his teammates is leaking.
You have been lying about sending information to SEC. You have been lying about none of the team denying your insane day trading accusations. You even were presented a screenshot yesterday, debunking that claim, but as a pathological liar you just don't care. That one team member is out, something that is normal in start-up teams, was the ONLY of your claims that could be backed up and you claimed that YOU broke the story. Of course you, the pathological liar, are completely unable to provide evidence that it was indeed you that broke the story, where, when and how you got that information.

How many times do I have to say it to you, lying psycho. I am OBVIOUSLY not a native English speaker, (third language of six) and clearly not a team member.

Not company ever will be dictated by a lying moron like you to reveal financial statements, price sensitive information, just because they have one insane sociopath spending all his days spewing unsubstantiated and false information.

Your VPN abuse is psychotic: >>11845001

>> No.11845083


>> No.11845100

Give me ONE claim you have made that YOU can document and that you can prove came from YOU! Go on psycho. Just one. But you can't. ALL you have is lies and insane claims and rambling you take right out off your ass. Nothing more. Sucks to be you.

>> No.11845131

Psychotic. How many personalities do you have? What is it with you and rabid dishonesty?

>> No.11845154

You had the opportunity to present your lies on their Telegram and they would answer you. But of course, you had to run away, with your tale between your legs again. As you always do. Pathetic. Lies, smear and slander is all you have, cowardly psycho.

>> No.11845160

>VPN abuse
desu I fucking love you, go down swinging fren

>> No.11845199

Arguing with you is pointless. You work at Constellation and this whole situation is painful.
No matter how hard you try I am not going to reveal my sources. Everything will come to light and you will see for yourself.
Besides if I laid out for you everything on a silver platter you wouldnt care anyways. You arent here to understand if what I say is true. You are clearly here just to figure out who I am and why Im doing this. Someday you will know, until then enjoy your massive losses which you somehow can explain.

>> No.11845209

This is a flat out lie. Please show me this mysterious invitation I never got? Please show me and I will believe you. I would be happy to come to Telegram and ask questions if the team is willing to answer. Say the word and get the team to invite me and I will show up ready with questions.

>> No.11845244

Oh I don't think the team wants you asking questions in their telegram. They don't even want investors asking question in their TG. I hope this happens I would grab some popcorn and laugh

>> No.11845315

Sure, not ONE thing could you substantiate. Including you going to SEC. That you have been exposed as a liar multiple time just in this thread says everything I need to know about you and your "secret" information, aka slander taken right out off your ass with zero substantiating.

>Please show me this mysterious invitation I never got? You made a thread about one or two weeks ago, whining and bitching why you would not go to their Telegram. Can't remember how they got in contact with you. I really don't care. I always knew you are a dishonest idiot.

My DAG investments are a small portion of a larger portfolio. I don't care that much abut short-term fluctuations, especially not when I am accumulating. Anybody can go and look for themselves:

DAG is clearly severely undervalued with a market cap a little above 1 million USD. Anyone not investing deserves to be poor.

>> No.11845326

They would have to un-ban me to make that happen. I wonder if they would make an exception

>> No.11845418

You are a delusional cunt defending this shitcoin all the way to the grave. You are a DAG team member and everyone here knows it.

What have I done is expose the truth about you faggots over and over again.

I told everyone your CEO quit before anyone knew about it. And I even explained why but that little factoid hasnt been made public yet.

I told everyone the whales and advisors were going to dump, and behold they actually dumped.

I told everyone this coin would crash and burn down to zero by Christmas. We are a month away and I am 99% of the way there.

I claim that they never sold their ETH at the SAFT round and still hold ETH to this day. This will be proven soon enough.

I claim that they are almost out of funding and I am 100% certain they do not have the capital to execute their plan. This too will be proven very soon.

You can call me whatever you want, but dont call me a liar just because I wont share my sources. As I said before, those in the community who listened to me saved themselves from serious financial damage. And those that listened to a bunch of dishonest shills samefagging in my threads lost their fucking asses.

The proof is in the pudding faggot. You cant argue with the facts. You can just keep saying over and over again I am a liar and I will just keep proving you wrong.
This conversation would be alot more fun if you didnt spend it trying to figure out who I am.

>> No.11845616

You are a proven liar with zero documented claims. All you have is vile accusations, speculations and sociopathic slander all day long, every day of the week. I couldn't care less who you are, but guess you are this sore ass loser:

Thank you for your vile and hysterical FUD, so I could accumulate at very low prices. That this great coin and team has a market cap a little bit above 1 million USD is a joke. "Feels like stealing", and not in a Nano way.

>> No.11845653

how they execute on the blockchain building with only 2 dev

>> No.11845716

Over the months you have guessed at my identity at least 10 times with 10 different names claiming 10 different reasons.
When this many people hate you this much it's time to look in the mirror.
So what's up faggot are you going to get me invited to TG for a Q&A with the team. I'm ready to rock your world faggot let me in

>> No.11845724

Nano has de facto only one dev. When the bear market is over they can easily hire more devs.

>> No.11845752

>Over the months you have guessed at my identity at leas
I have hardly ever commented, idiot. I told you I stayed away and was happy for your chronically insane fud, as I accumulated silently. I couldn't care less who you are. DAG is only a fraction of my portfolio, but the upside is insane and downside pretty much non existent at these prices. I saw you run away from their invitation some time ago. No idea why you pretend to be tough guy now, "James Dean".

>> No.11845811

LOL that's what I thought. Piss off faggot

>> No.11845877

As I have stated earlier here in this thread, dishonest pig, you made a thread some time ago stating that you would NOT go to their Telegram and present your claims. You were running away. I have asked multiple times for you to substantiate your insane rambling and accusations and you always had to run away. Tell me, idiot, is it a prudent investment or not when the market cap is little over 1 million USD for DAG, taking into consideration the substantial potential upwards. Yes or no, fool.

>> No.11845989

No this invitation never happened and nobody on the team has over requested me to come to TG, I was in there asking these same questions and they banned me. Many others have been banned for the same reasons and it's right there in their TG history so don't even try to lie.
And fuck your opinion about the value of your shitcoin. If you don't have the capital to survive it doesn't matter. You don't have the capital, therefore you lose.
Whales and top advisors dumped your shitcoin and didn't buy back in. Your token price is the exact same as a confirmed scamcoin you cannot fucking deny what is public knowledge.
Go shill somewhere else, even your colleagues will agree you need to shut your fucking mouth. You more DAG look worse than i do kek

>> No.11846016

There is only ONE idiot fudding DAG day in and day out, that the is YOU. Sorry to see you had to run away, so cowardly. Is it a prudent investment or not with a market cap a little above one million USD, taking into consideration the substantial upside potential. Tell me, show me how good you investor you are psycho. What is your probability estimates? Don't be a coward, tell us.

>> No.11846034

Low MC does not mean a good time to buy 2017 is never happening again braintard

>> No.11846105

What potential upside? Let's say I'm making an investment into a company. I analyze the cash balance, the team, the community and the tech.
Cash Balance: a fucking mystery and questions they won't answer about their ETH and when they sold and what they held. They never replaced their COO after 3 months. What team doesn't have a fucking Ops? Dumb or borke both scenarios unexplainable

The team: zero business or crypto experience. That alone scares away any intelligent investor.

The tech: not much released and many people think the concept has little chance to work as a business concept even if somehow they pull off the programming.

The community: fucking dead

Sure dumbass that's some amazing upside. The only upside is SAFT round investors getting whatever they have left in a lawsuit. KYS

>> No.11846114

Market Cap is the dominant investment factor, relative to team, fool. Who said anything about a mirror of 2017? Why don't you dare to answer under your own ID, psycho? Are you too stupid? To ashamed of your mediocre analytical skills?

>> No.11846143

Of course you will not answer. Your generic answer is amateurish gibberish. So what cash balance did Bitcoin have? You forgot your probability analysis. To say that with a market cap of a little over 1 million USD in this coin
https://constellationlabs.io/blog/ is a bad investment, is absurd. Make that claim, psycho, so we can laugh a little bit.

>> No.11846435

Re-read above and the KYS. MC only matters if the fundamentals of the company are solid. Every motherfucker that knows Constellation knows they are a fucking mess.
Are you seriously trying to shill this peice of shit? Do you think you are winning this argument? Those fools who invest in MC alone probably have as big of losses as you. You are a fucking retard

>> No.11846521

It's not fair to compare BTC in it's early days to DAG not even comparable
Dumb analogy kid

>> No.11846567

butt hurt baglets

>> No.11846591

Ah, the usual VPN abuse where the psycho are living out his many multiple personalities. Stupid answers. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about and knows next to nothing about investments. No wonder you lost all that money. You at least are not so stupid that you openly state that investing in DAG https://constellationlabs.io/ with a market cap only a little over one million USD is a bad investment. You KNOW you would sound insane if you said that out loud.

>> No.11846666

Nobody can post in this thread without being part of my vast VPN network LOL. You are the definition of delusional bagholder. Screaming BUY BUY BUY for months.....then 90% losses later and still going strong.
So your calling me out saying I know nothing of investments. I got out 3 months ago and you lost everything.

Your lack of self awareness must make it hard to function. You think I would sound insane dissing this low MC shitcoin? Your shitcoin lost 15% today while the rest of the shitcoins rebounded. How the fuck do you cope?

>> No.11846710

My man you know nothing about investing in crypto this is a failing project with a low cap

>> No.11846763

>It's not fair to compare BTC in it's early days to DAG not even comparable
You don't understand the fundamental flaw in "his" meaning yours, argument. That's why you didn't dare to answer.

In your usual psychotic style, 666 digits, you are hurling insane accusations with zero substantiating, making up your own warped and insane fairy tale land, detached from reality, just like you do with DAG. I told you, douchebag, I have been accumulating lately, and never bothered to really comment on any DAG thread, as you were a useful idiot with your hysteria and fake FUDing. You are the twitter idiot with a 50% loss I referred to, right? See how easily you lie about me in your comment? You know nothing about me, yet you present all that garbage taken directly from your ass and present them as facts. Seriously dude, you are a pathological liar and insane. You waste weeks on your rabid and rage-filled vendetta against a coin that you lost money on. Creepy and psycho.

And yet another fake VPN ID. Sigh. What a moron
>My man you know nothing about investing in crypto
My ROI says otherwise. Psycho. They have a very good chance of pulling this off, and when they do, the upside will be insane. A market cap with a little over 1 million USD for this coin is peanuts. https://constellationlabs.io/
If you can't see it, you deserve to be poor.

>> No.11846785

>Your shitcoin lost 15% today while the rest of the shitcoins rebounded. How the fuck do you cope?
Look at the price action after you were exposed as a psycho and a total moron. Not saying there is a clear causality, but your stupid rant, incoherent rambling with zero substantiating of your insane claims, sure as hell did not help.

>> No.11846811

If you don’t see the value in DAG, you can’t be helped, anon. This is like buying ETH for $0.02

>> No.11846844

There is no way to argue with an idiot that works for the team. Keep wanting to yourself. Meanwhile explain why your token Lost 15% today while the whole fucking market rebounded
Nonody thinks this is a good buy. Nobody has ever thought this was a good buy. Anyone who has ever invested in DAG has lost money that is a FACT

>> No.11846929

I have explained it to you so many times, pathological liar, you can just see at my third language (of six) English, that there is no way in hell I am part of the DAG team. Yet you keep harping on that lie again and again, just as you do with DAG. Don't you understand that when you so clearly expose yourself as a psychotic and pathological liar, all your credibility is out the window forever. You had a good run, as few people really can believe they are dealing with as sociopathic and pathological liar like you. But here we are, with you fully exposed for all to see. DAG is up 18% from 22 to 26, after you exposed yourself as a psycho and most likely a clinically insane pathological liar. Good luck with that strategy long term. Thanks for the cheap DAGs.

>> No.11847158

Dayum a whole new level of crazy. How much did you lose fren?

It's like your soul is broken

>> No.11847665 [DELETED] 

I dunno about money but it's clear he lost his fucking mind. That's a whole new level of bagholder desperation. Still I don't feel bad for his heavy losses. He just doesn't understand it's not 2017, having a low MC means nothing unless you P&D. For long term holders a low MC is a serious risk. He thinks he's going to hold Dag for 10 years when they only have the cash to survive 10 months at best

>> No.11847700

dunno about money but it's clear he lost his fucking mind. That's some very real bagholder desperation. Still I don't feel bad for his heavy losses. He just doesn't understand it's not 2017, having a low MC means nothing unless you P&D. For long term holders a low MC is a serious risk. He thinks he's going to hold Dag for 10 years when they only have the cash to survive 10 months at best. Nothing you can say to convince a brainlet down 99% sure a golden bull run is coming tomorrow morning