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File: 251 KB, 935x935, 96CD43BC-FBCB-4B71-A783-2D2D64C5C8D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11841070 No.11841070 [Reply] [Original]

Sup guys I’ve spent the last 10years of my life shit posting. You guys here have been the best friends I’ve ever had. My dads dying of cancer and idk what the fuck to do. Idk why I’m even making this post. Maybe to help me deal with it, this is the only thing I know how to do right now. I need you guys more the ever I think. I’m pretty sure I’m about to go down a dark spiral and idk if I’m going to come out ok. Thanks for the good times guys. I hope we are all going to make it one day but idk if I will

>> No.11841135
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Here's a reply for you fren

>> No.11841161
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Sorry to hear about your dad. Im new here but i think you people make an awesome community. Truth is everyone dies. And we're supposed bury our parents not the other way around so don't go out yet man.

>> No.11841183

He’s probably the only person I’ve looked up to. The thing I regret the most is telling him he was their when I was taking him to radiation. But he was, he was making sure I had food to eat and a place to sleep.

>> No.11841190

Step away from the computer, stop shitposting, and go spend time with your dad.

>> No.11841197

Hes going to need you to be strong. The fact that you came here, knowing that you might have to sift through the most vitriolic comments around to find the one post that gives you guidance means that you already are. Be prepared for tears, be prepared to feel helpless, be prepared to be angry at God. But you cannot forfeit the loving memories and moments of happiness that are yet to be had. Keep him close, keep your family close, keep yourself close. Be a rock for your father as well as your mother & siblings. Get to know the doctors and nurses that regularly support him, they will be your rock as well. Now is not the time to grieve, live in the moment and treasure the normal moments whenever they come along. I love you anon, because you will fight for your strength and will be a shining light for those close to you. It is okay to be scared, to be angry, to get depressed; just remember that your mission is to not let these things prevent you from doing your job here. Things will get tough, build a support network of extended family but most importantly friends. Next time you see your father, do not hug him as an ill man & don't look into his eyes with pity. Hug the man that made you who you are, the one that will continue to shape you as he shows you how strong he is in this fight as well. You can do this, and I'll keep an eye out for future posts from you.

>> No.11841207

I’m in the park atm across the street from the hospital. I need 5 min to take all this Shit in

>> No.11841230

Get your dad to shitpost with you in one last big epic shitfest. Make those memes together. There are no friends here.

>> No.11841244

Best of luck fren and God bless

>> No.11841246

There no more fight man it spread into his pertnial sack. There is literally no treatment out yet except for quality of life. Which we did. I’m quoting supportive care”there nothing we can do from an ethical standpoint”

>> No.11841252

I swear this was going to be a skycoin shill post. Would have been perfect

>> No.11841308

I'm very sorry. Be with him and ensure that he does not forget the man that you know him to be. There will be a few moments that are almost normal, almost happy. Don't miss them. This is hard, take the time you need across the street to ensure you can do it and return to him as soon as you can. We will all be here to support you throughout.

>> No.11841315

There is a cure for cancer, other people haven't found it yet, but this doesn't mean you can't do it.
Don't let the nay-sayers hold you back, don't listen to the people that say "let's be real you are not gonna cure cancer, you have no expertise in the field of medicine and molecular biology". Listen to your own voice and tune out the rest, you don't want your dad to die of cancer - so do something about it ! believe in yourself, you can do it!

>> No.11841332

Nigger ive been looking up ever study I can find. There literally no treatment to fight back when it hits the peritineal sack. The doc even tried some out of ge woods shit. Injecting chemo straight into the sack. Still that’s only for quality of liege.

>> No.11841340

Sorry to hear this anon, my dad also passed recently. If I'm being honest it almost ruined me, I was in self destruct mode for several months. It still hurts, but you will find it gets easier over time. Sending you my love, you will get through this!

>> No.11841348

I could tell I’m his eyes he gave up. I told him to fight but he was just holding on for us. He didn’t really belive he had a chance

>> No.11841413

Give him a chance to go out as the man he once was. Even if it doesn't happen, you cannot blame him or yourself. You will keep that memory alive for him by being there, because it is what he would do for you.

>> No.11841466

digits confirm that the cure is fasting

>> No.11841467


>> No.11841488

Walking to the hospital now. If the thread is still up later tonight I will post

>> No.11841518

cut out the carbs from your dad's diet. carbs=sugar which cancer exclusively feeds on. insulin resistance from high sugar intake damages cellular signaling causing uncontrolled growth.


>> No.11841538

I did the shit with him from the start. He didn’t want to do it. We even got him RSO

>> No.11841602

basically, but incomplete, what I said... >>11841466

>> No.11841628

Feed him CBD

>> No.11841652

Were you in the schlong thread the other day I took over?

t. anon who's bro died from HPV related cancer

>> No.11841676
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biz you made me tear up today
I didn't come here to feel

>> No.11841727

Hey bud. Cancer widower here. My sympathies to your plight. Fuck all these people pulling up their no sugar, cbd, coffee enema, kale "cures" now It is by and large nonsense and it is all probably too late anyway.
Your dad will probably pass. Does he realise this or is he in denial about it? My lady was in denial until a week before death, and a firm believer in a lot of alternative "cures". That was a 2 year ride that made a mess of me for sure!

If there are things you want to say, closeness you need, with your dad, then try to attain it now. I don't know your family situation but do try to strengthen the bonds with those guys now, with all of you. When my dad died when I was very young, it hit my family like a sledgehammer, and the family-vibe almost did not survive. We all went separate ways. My bros did not see my mom for decades, for example.

And when/if he passes, start writing down stuff. If one has a family member with cancer, one lives in a day to day state, like in a half-coma. I barely remember those 2 years when my wife was sick. It was all clear in my mind before, but not anymore. So yeah... write that shit down.

Wishing you strength anon.

>> No.11841783

Be strong fren. Sending some good vibes your way.

You are a wonderful human being. Truly blessed.

>> No.11841825

First comment was for OP >>11841070

>> No.11841896


>> No.11841964

I love you bro. You got this. Prayers for comfort to your dad. Be strong anon. Dont get lost in the booze like i did. Your dad wouldn't want that.

>> No.11842018
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I don’t have anything to say fren but I hope this makes you smile

>> No.11842066

That was me talking about my dad

>> No.11842160

Did she bring up Mexico and gerson? This people should be burned alive

>> No.11842213

She brought up all of it, including Gerson.

Yes indeed. These people should be murdered where they stand.

>> No.11842336

My aunt even went to go see a psychic. That’s another group of cocksuckers. Idk what to feel right now. I feel like I’m on a roller coaster

>> No.11842350

Also we lost a good month, two months trying to enroll in this shit.

>> No.11842461
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First of all, I'm sorry for your situation.

It sucks because the guy and team in my link are going to revolutionize everything with virotherapy in 10 years time. Casper van Eijck is the best in the field. Even Steve Jobs went to him, but he was too far gone.


Give it a shot and message him. This research is the real deal. Perhaps your dad can be a test person or something.

Good luck Fren.

>> No.11842474

I had a feeling it was you again. I don't have anything to add here other than to stay strong. We are your frens.

My aunt had a psychic read a bunch of us at her restaurant. Utter bullshit all of it. I bet the psychic was a woman, wasn't it? Always they are women.

Again, stay stronk fren. You'll see him again on the other side. Be ready for all the dreams you'll have with him after he passes. Don't ask him questions in the dream, just relish the moments.

>> No.11842480


I hear ya bro.
We spent months doing low dose chemo in fucking China, when she figured out that all that fully alternative crap did not work. Which brought out another load of problems. Try getting low-carb organic stuff in a Chinese town... impossible.

I think the worst stuff was cryo-needles years before. Some dude in rural Virginia that was such a "pioneer" that he had to hide from FDA. Not that there is something essentially wrong with piercing the tumors and injecting liquid nitrogen into them. But that he had to do it from a fkn barn and charged 50K dollars for it was dodgy. I think he plies his trade from Equador now.

Also, the dude that peddles detox plasters at $200 from his base in Phuket is pretty crap too. He's got an MD, as in degree of natural medicine from Colombo, Sri Lanka: I found the same plasters from Aliexpress later, at about $2 a piece.

At least I think she cost her parents less than €100k, but they might have paid more.

Line 'em all up, I say

>> No.11842605

anon your post is so sad that no one will realize im gay. dont stop believing. hold on to that feeling. street light people.

>> No.11842649
File: 8 KB, 198x264, asian girsl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the deal with the Toad ?

what's the deal with the Toad and LINK?

what's the deal with the man seated touching the Toad?

What's the deal with those NAZI's and the man seated touching the Toad?

What is the deal with me asking about this picture of the Toad and its significance with LINK?

>> No.11842705

Well, I own stock in a biotech company that might have found the cure for metastasized cancer but it's several years into the future and not even Jeff Bezos' drones could fix the problem in time. Sorry.

>> No.11842805
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I sincerely hope you get through this anon.

>> No.11843075

I lost my cousin to cancer.
Hope some miracle happens and your father is saved, OP.

>> No.11843436
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my dad had a heart attack earlier this year. he lived, this time.

reality hits you hard

>> No.11844303

He just passed guys

>> No.11844324

I’m about to go down a serous spiral I’ll stay in touch guys. We’re all here forever right?

>> No.11844375
File: 52 KB, 500x374, weregonnamakeitdesu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope we are all going to make it one day but idk if I will

Pic related

>> No.11844418
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12 years so far for me, might as well be forever.
sorry for your loss man.

>> No.11844542

I am terribly sorry anon and I sincerely hope you're gonna get better.

>> No.11844681

My condolences anon. Remember to take care of yourself during these tough times and reach out here if you need to.