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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 602 KB, 1400x1566, 100dolla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11840074 No.11840074 [Reply] [Original]

They know the new notes are coming. That's how they cope.

They know that /bizlets/ failed at tricking them to go all in. That's how they cope.

They know that JP Morgan is stacking silver to the moon to prepare for the backing of the new notes. That's how they cope.

They know that China has their back as Gold is literally range bound and locked into the CPI inflation calculator prediction. That's how they cope.

They know that a society without precious metals is the most debased society ever. That's how they cope.

They know that forks are the equivalent of stock splits. That's how they cope.

They know that altcoins are the same things as penny stocks. That's how they cope.

They know that Digital Currency Group is a leftist virtual utopia generator that they want no part in. That's how they cope.

They know that anarcho capitalists are pumping fear all in the name of fees. That's how they cope.

They know that bullion is being minted because of high level military orders to "get rid of stock piles" in an attempt to officially shut down the digital fiat ponzi casino. That's how they cope.

Behold the new notes:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmtw8grnnUM [Embed]

>> No.11840198
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>Digital Currency Group

>> No.11840228
File: 34 KB, 968x681, Henri de Castries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Blockstream))) received $50 million in funding from AXA Strategic Ventures under Henri de Castries. Henri de Castries is literally a friend of (((Angela Merkel))) and heavily involved in the Bilderberg Group.

(((Blockstream))) also got their funding from Digital Currency Group which is a venture capital firm whose board director is Glenn Hutchins of the Federal Reserve Bank. MasterCard also invested in Digital Currency Group.

>> No.11840276
File: 1.76 MB, 2988x3196, Digital Currency Group 209539860a3c9dfaff948249baf4fe80417493a79ede556342d406d37a84e51b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Revealing article on Henri: https://archive.is/ExfTv

>“Mrs Merkel’s actions during the refugee crisis were absolutely the right thing,” says de Castries, referring to German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open invitation to refugees to seek out Europe. Such generous actions “are what we stand for,” he continues.

He's pro EU, anti-Brexit, pro-Merkel, pro-immigration, etc... He's anti-white and anti freedom. In other words an absolute piece of shit.

That's the kind of people who are involved in anti-Bitcoin operations such as Blockstream, and who support garbage such as Segwit, LN, ABC, and hire shills to attack SV and spread disinfo.

>> No.11840311
File: 2.17 MB, 3612x2556, summers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their "portfolio"


Just to name a few:


Don't forget about Summers

>> No.11840347

Not everyone is an amerifat like you

>> No.11840434
File: 1.36 MB, 1169x715, tenbyten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Can't comprehend who started the UN
-Doesn't know what it means for 10/10/2018 to be right on "Q"
-doesn't understand MAGA

It doesn't matter what country you live in anon. These new notes are coming and you can't stop them. They will turn finance upside down. People will be left speechless.

>> No.11840516


>> No.11840536
File: 52 KB, 960x720, 1511124736536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling fiat currency

>> No.11840541

They are probably also behind chainlink...

>> No.11840548

what does it do?
t. not amerigoy

>> No.11840574

Ooh, nice, I've lived just 500m from that statue.

>> No.11840576
File: 206 KB, 790x445, 2408b2b60e2e46632730929ed9d3874cd8d76d27ce0fd2d37bbd5f8a4656bf2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your federal reserve note and shove it up your ass

>> No.11840589

Unlike what the entire market is priced in these days (fiat currency) the new notes are the complete opposite. How?

Fiat = paper
New notes = Polymer

Fiat = debased and not backed by precious metals
New notes = based and backed by precious metals

Fiat = not blockchain driven (endless printing)
New notes = blockchain driven (fixed amount corresponding to the amount of precious metals mined to date)

>> No.11840612

Good now our fiat is backed by PM's since the kikes have cornered the supply. What a great improvement.

>> No.11840624

You will be able to take the old notes and trade them in for new notes. The rate will not be one for one though as the new notes will be quite elevated in value. So please don't shove those old frn's up you rectum yet anon.

>> No.11840653
File: 45 KB, 1280x1003, Congressman-Sherman-HSFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me OP: Is the dollar going to go on a silver standard?
When will this happen if yes?

K thanks bye

>> No.11840662

Great lets put more plastics into the environment and into our bodies through this object that we have to touch on a daily basis.

>> No.11840708
File: 17 KB, 438x273, fake_anarchists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds like a defeated ancap

>> No.11840729

Noticed silver is shilled to fuck over the past 6 months. Time to short gold!

>> No.11840741

Are they going to be made in china?

>> No.11840770

Redpills are for debased individuals searching for certain slavery.

This thread only dishes up #80526B.

But to reply to your simple question the answer lies within the walls of JP Morgan chase who has amassed more silver than the Hunt Brothers have ever dreamed. What are they going to do with all of it? Surely you don't think it is for some silver fiat moon do you? Big players like this don't do things to play casino games anon.

>> No.11840847

It's for the reset.
The one that you will never do.
Things will continue as normal.
Life will go on in the same monotonous way, with the same grayscale tone and muted melody as before.
Nothing will happen.

>> No.11841025

>It's for the reset.
What is the first thing that happens when you reset something? The power gets removed from the system. That is the one single part that you have failed to comprehend. I don't have to do anything. Math has that covered.

And the only thing China is responsible for right now is range binding gold. They are performing that task magnificently.

>> No.11841040
File: 27 KB, 500x509, fantasy creature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in god we trust
lulz how american's can be such religious nuts while murdering so many people all over the world is beyond me

>> No.11841041

I haven't failed to comprehend anything.
I despise money.
Every single form of it is poison.
People who deal with it become tainted.
I hate it.

If you are going to do something, then do it already.
I'm waiting.

>> No.11841059

That's literally what religious nuts have done for millenia. It would be weird if they weren't running around the world murdering

>> No.11841082


>> No.11841147
File: 158 KB, 1600x1200, bb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expect better next time OP.

>> No.11841441

Where do u see this bill is legit and backed by anything, all speculation im guessing

>> No.11841500

>comes to a speculation board and demands legitimacy

This is the message anon. Take it or leave it. Your choice. Get cash and/or precious metals in hand before the digital fiat forgery machine gets powered off or be stranded in a state of misery.

Reality is never one sided. It is a fusion of all things considered.

>> No.11841626

Just trying to get as much info as i can. But why would the fed leave fiat if they can enslave everyone with inflation

>> No.11841637
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fair point

>> No.11841654
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>> No.11841656

Looks like euro trash money.

>> No.11841707

We're a christian nation you nigger. Same goes for all you other fags that are against the "In God we trust"

>> No.11841765
File: 52 KB, 980x980, anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may want to consider that zero percent interest created the crypto bubble. Once you accept this then all else simply falls into place. The fed isn't going anywhere. Your brain might be taken over by ancaps. The only antidote is #80526B.

>> No.11841786

>god hating third world nigger
no wonder you lost all your money in a ponzi scheme

>> No.11841801


Christianity is backed by nothing just like fiat money so it makes sense I guess

>> No.11841833
File: 519 KB, 1000x1000, swimsuit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm swedish, we've moved on from believing in talking ghosts since way back

i don't really mind religious people if they keep to themselves but id prefer it if they practice what they preach. you can't go around pretending to be christian while murdering people overseas, enjoying strip clubs and giving women same rights as men.

first clue to how ridiculous it all is is how god suddenly went from being vengeful to being forgiving. complete fiction.

>> No.11841838

what did he mean by this?

>> No.11841853
File: 240 B, 100x100, color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- this

>> No.11841862

>i'm swedish
Even the Swedish are making a U-turn on their cashless society position.


>> No.11841875
File: 46 KB, 580x382, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm swedish

>> No.11841894

What is the significance of that color?

>> No.11841895

We go straight up the middle. We don't mess around with big pharma poison.

>> No.11841914
File: 530 KB, 636x900, space station 13 clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been saying for years that sweden needs to make it required by law to accept paper money in your place of business.

it's almost impossible to spend paper money in sweden these days. little point of a government backing a currency if the physical representation of it can't be used. cashless society is a terrible idea and the "muh less robbery chance" is a scapegoat.

that's USA. we have muslims in sweden, not so many niggers. i'd rather have muslims than niggers so I pity USA.

and yes, we're working on the muslim problem. politics have changed a lot in the last 5 years.

no idea but it's close to my id and that's pretty cool

>> No.11841929
File: 111 KB, 707x245, Determination-of-color-detection-limit-of-cyanide-by-increasing-the-amount-of-cyanide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea


>> No.11841983

what a load of hyperbole
all niggers and subhuman must die in the name of God

t. soulless bipedal monkey larping as a sentient human being

>> No.11843283

The imf's sdr ia going to play a huge role when the us dollar is backed by silver and theres only one crypto that deep in the imf? High iq anons already know the answer, xrp.

>> No.11843758

I guess you haven't checked the USD/XDR ratio recently have you?


Once it hits parity watch out.

>> No.11843975


I'll never use a fucking 20 without Jackson on the face.

>> No.11844198

Then you might not be part of the future anon. You might want to reconsider.