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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11832627 No.11832627 [Reply] [Original]

It was nice trading with you /biz/, but I'm going to kill myself later tonight. I'm already alone in this world. This was my last chance to make it, but now it's gone. See you on the other side, frens.

>> No.11832643


karakuri circus is so good omfg

>> No.11832662

someone isn't going to stop until the whole catalog is about anons killing themselves, ironically its still better than the typical day here

>> No.11832673

I sold everything but I don't have the guts to kill myself. I am such a loser.

>> No.11832736

As a 47 yo oldfag, I just don't understand this mindset. I'm alone, I'm poor, I'm a wagecuck, I'm a two time divorcee, I don't have kids, I don't own my own home. But I'm not going to fucking end it. Wtf. There's always a chance at something great happening tomorrow, and if it does happen I don't want to miss it. I know tomorrow will probably be the same as today and I'll go to work and then go home alone and microwave a pizza alone and then shitpost on 4chanz alone. But that's my life and I accept it. What I wouldn't give to be your age. Fuck I would give anything to be young again.

>> No.11832762

You don't feel overwhelmed with shame at your broken promises and wasted potential?

>> No.11832864

No. I don't feel ashamed at all. I've made plenty of mistakes, some huge ones. But so has everyone. I used to chase money and stuff and even had $500k in the bank at one point in time. I thought if I married a hot girl I'd be happy. I thought if I gave her stuff she'd be happy and then I'd be happy. I thought life was all about having nice stuff and lots of money and that was the key to happiness. But everytime I started to rise to the top, it would all be violently washed away. And now, while I'm not happy, I'm most certainly not miserable. I'm content. And the reason I'm content is because I accept my life the way it is and I accept myself the way I am. I don't care what other people think about me. I know I'm a good person and I know that some day God will bless me. Maybe not in this life, but in the next one.

>> No.11832882
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>tfw white collar mid six figure wagie
You could just get a real job anons. I like making good money.

>> No.11832949

I just started as one out of uni with a low six figure job in law. A wagie is a wagie. Job forces you to keep up with the joneses, play the office game, destroys your self esteem and you’ll never buy a house without debt in your city anyway.

>> No.11833074


so what would you recommend to some young dude who is still young but doesn't know how to use that potential, i lift but have 0 social life, seems like if i keep doing what i do everyday i will just get old and do nothing at all with my life

>> No.11833135

It's not about the money, it's about the freedom. The only way out of the game is to make your own startup.

>> No.11833136

Good posts fren. I love you

>> No.11833213

Well, I can't tell you what to do because your path is your own. However, I always took risks, lots of risks. I always lived on the edge and had a lot of close calls. I traveled a lot, I partied a lot, I did everything. I gambled tens of thousands of dollars in casinos, the stock market, crypto, sometimes I make a shit load but most of the time I lost my ass. But I was never safe or comfy. I always had to hustle. So I got really wise to the ways of the world, lots of street smarts, lots of humility, and honestly, a lot of faith in God. So my advice is to take a shit load of risks and never stop because you will never understand what potential until you start overcoming challenges you face. There are so many challenges out there. Don't run from them, take them on, and overcome them. Then you'll look at yourself in the mirror and like what you see, because you won't see a quitter or a failure, you'll see someone that knows that nothing life throws at you will defeat you.

>> No.11833256

right back atcha fren

>> No.11833266

I enjoy what I do though. I get to design things.

>> No.11833279
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what you dont understand anon is that you are insanely wealthy with time (the most valuable thing)

any 75 billionaire would give it away to be you right now.

killing yourself is like taking the most valuable thing in the world and setting it on fire like the joker with that fucking big pile of money. this isn't even factoring in all the other negative aspects of killing self. it's effect on people who care about you will be negative and make that will tricle out making the world a net negative place. it's a cowardly act as it basically means you can't handle the uncertainty of tomorrow (weakbitchtits maximally unmanly) lasly but not leaslty there is the very real threat of HELL. grab your bible anon, this is your chance to maximally level up your soul thereby making you tougher here in the earthly realm. what is the earth other than a spiritual obstacle course?? and suicide is thee WORST form of failure. get tougher and max out your stats and contribute something instead of being a net drain with an exclamation point at the end

>> No.11833304

Good advice

>> No.11833369
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rest in perma-hodl, op.

>> No.11833446

>any 75yo billionaire would give it away to be you right now
This is 1000% true. It honestly does break my heart a little when young people take their own lives. It's not that I don't understand their pain, because do...and then some. But I was never told at any point in my life that it would be easy. In fact, my dad would always tell me that life is a helluva lot of suffering. And damned if he wasn't right about that. But so what. Suffering is just a part of it. Pain is just a part of it. It's life. It's not supposed to be easy all the time. But we do live in a society that runs from pain at every turn. Pills, drugs, booze, suicide...anything we can do to avoid pain and fear of the unknown. But everything is unknown. Everyday is unknown. Tomorrow is unknown. If you see someone who acts like they have it all figured out, they are a fraud.

>> No.11833480


>> No.11833500

better luck in the next life fren

>> No.11833746

Don't do it man, your life can be beautiful if you just give it the chance.

>> No.11833749

whats hindering you anon? tell us abit about yourself first, your age, situation, family & shit. also your "net worth & assets" as this is a business forum.

>> No.11833825

farewell anon

>> No.11833951

this. i was a millionaire, and it was kinda cool but i wasn't ready for it. the money came too quick (crypto) and i got kinda douchey. started dating materialistic girls that made me feel lonely. now this last year has humbled me and i think it was for a reason. i've been thinking about the spirt more and more. became a christian. yea it hurt to hodl and watch my million roll down the decending triangle, but i needed to take the hit and be humbled. hopefully i'll tell this story to my grandkids and it's cool that i have a relationship with god now. i honestly think that makes the financial thing way less painful

>> No.11833973
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based and red pilled

>> No.11834034
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>> No.11834058

>I got brainwashed by a kike religion that taught me to be a cuck
>now I don't mind losing money and hope to lose even more

>> No.11834089
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>> No.11834147


I think I'd rather be blue collar and have a fucked up back than be sitting at a desk all day. The money isn't as good and the work is hard, but I'd be less depressed. I'm still going to school but I think I'm making the right choice.

>> No.11834188


It was God's way of telling you that he wants you in heaven. Nobody rich will make it to heaven. And even if you made it, you must give it all away to be admitted to heaven so there's no getting around it. Being humble is one of the greatest virtues of humanity. It's also better for your health and spirit.

>> No.11834195

one way to look at it is everything means nothing
another way is that everything means everything

the only reason the first position is so popular is because it makes it mentally easier to deal with the natural negative aspects of yourself. being lazy, mean, selfish and rejection of truth is just as preferable as their opposites if all is just a dream.

i believe everything means everything. i can handle the burden of that and it also gives me strength because you can't get muscle without resistance. relativity is the moral, metaphysical equivalent of doing pushups in zero gravity space.

>> No.11834250

i mind losing money

i have more strength now though to deal with those sorts of things because i have a stronger spiritual foundation. materialists will always suffer more than a person who has a relationship with the transcendent because corporeal timelines are full of chaos and end in tragedy

>> No.11834299

It's like the twentieth best anime this season.

>> No.11834318

i think this may be true. that said, i'm still hodling with the hopes that in a few years i'll be a millionaire again.

i don't know how to square that with the "Nobody rich will make it to heaven" thing. i guess i gotta pray on that.

>> No.11834333
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congrats anon, thank God. And it was worth all the money.

>> No.11834371


No one could possibly type this out on a message board only to ruin any chance of sympathy by using anime reactions.

>> No.11834430
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>materialists will always suffer more than a person who has a relationship with the transcendent because corporeal timelines are full of chaos and end in tragedy

>people who fantasize about intricate delusional copes are less affected by reality
back to prepping your wife's bull. it shouldn't bother you because your kike religion said you'll go to heaven

>> No.11834446



>> No.11834492
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>> No.11834493
File: 283 KB, 1084x656, jewschristianitychosenpeople.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating someone because they've found meaning in life
What a distinctly Jewish thing to do

>> No.11834513

how much link? Can I haz?

>> No.11834601

you sound like you are suffering a fair bit anon. idk what to tell ya. jews reject Jesus and don't believe in an afterlife, you don't either. as far as i am concerned you have more in common with jews than i do

>> No.11834658
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>implying trancendentalism is a religion rather than a philisophical ideology

>> No.11834731

good larp, see you on this board tomorrow faggot

>> No.11835261
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