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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11831615 No.11831615 [Reply] [Original]

>(((they))) are pushing bitcoin below $4k and normies are selling
>mfw when I will be able to pick a bunch of cheap coins again along with (((them))) for the next bullrun as they accumulate OTC to hedge against the nation-state clusterfuck and low IQ mongs still unaware of what Bitcoin is
>mfw mass suicides will ensue in 3 years when people that had 21 BTC club status for the last time achievable didn't buy

>> No.11831878

I have 17 BTC and I'm not selling...

>> No.11831887


>> No.11832008


>> No.11832761
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>> No.11832813
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>> No.11833392

Damn... that used to be $289k

>> No.11833422


> (((they)))

Bitcoin is the most obvious ponzi scheme in the history of finance. You're literally just giving someone money for nothing and hoping that some sucker down the line pays you even more for nothing. If Jews are against this then that just confirms my theory that Jews are actually the smartest and most beneficial people on earth.

> Inb4 you're a jew

No I'm pure goy

>> No.11833434


>> No.11833436
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>> No.11833441

Cringe at the use of italics kys

>> No.11833458


>> No.11833519
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>> No.11833706

Unironically KYS.
If btc drops under 3k I'm selling my house to buy more unironically thanks to your comment, I know you are on Tel'Aviv.

>> No.11833732


I'm actually in fucking Newfoundland, which should tell you how Jewish I am, and at any rate bitcoin is going straight to $10 or so (I don't say $0 because I do think it has a legitimate use case in the black market, but nothing about that justifies these multi-thousand dollar prices)

>> No.11833763
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>> No.11833779
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>> No.11833919

Your reading comprehension sucks dude

>> No.11833949

you are braindead if you think (((they))) are going to buy your bags.

how many crashes before your delusion wears off and you kys?

>> No.11834046

If OP doesn't sell and rides his bags into hypothetical fiat crashes laying ahead than they have no bag to buy as that bag becomes the fucking currency. Jesus fucking christ between you and this retard >>11833732 the literacy and average collective IQ of this board is dragged into the negative double digits.