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File: 631 KB, 1138x1200, boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11833334 No.11833334 [Reply] [Original]

>stupid currencies that contributes to global warming is dying

/sci/ here, we are laughing at you.

>> No.11833373


>global warming

>> No.11833385

>cant even get dubs
sad piece of shit you are op, and please keep in mind this is a blue board

>> No.11833410

AGW is a fraud. The sun warmed fucking Mars and Pluto.

>"But 99% of scientists whose careers rely on grant money and agreeing with their peers agree!"

Why do you assholes go jack off to epicycles you collosal faggot.

>> No.11833421

>global warming is real because smart guy at my indoctrination institute told me so
>t. npc

>> No.11833423

I browse /sci/ frequently and nobody is laughing at /biz/ except for the occasional bitcoin thread like once a month.

>> No.11833424

are you kidding me you fucking brainlet
if you're a scientist who can reliably prove global warming is horseshit, every oil company in the world will suck your dick and give you hookers made of diamond for your research.

>> No.11833431

you got a poadonkadonk gurl dont hurt nobody!

>> No.11833433

idiocracy is real

>> No.11833438
File: 19 KB, 657x527, 1538686890222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep laughing, you're not gonna have any electricity for your science projects by the time we're done

>> No.11833453

we'll have to kill half the population to stop AGW. you will never force 3rd world countries to follow your doctrine. it's over, we're all dead.

>> No.11833492

don't you mean /pol/
99% of /sci/ is now /pol/ arguing about eugenics

>> No.11833494

/sci/ here. bitcoin will be powering on well after the AGW fraud is relegated to history and everybody distances themselves from it.

>> No.11833532

Putting bounties on sustainable energy sources is not a bad thing inherently. If we unlock something like fusion or plasma energy the creator will be rich. Huge incentive.

>> No.11833561

>/pol/ pretending to be /sci/

>> No.11833585

Bitcoin mining generates 3 billion for mining a year.
Calculate how much electricity you can buy with 3 billion.
Then come back and talk about how it contributes to global warming.

>> No.11833635

10/10 ass

>> No.11833651

Hurr Durr muh SUVs on Pluto.

>> No.11833663


>bitcoin is dying

>> No.11833665

me in the back

>> No.11833672
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>Business majors can't into basic scientific reasoning
Can you be any more unexceptional?

>> No.11834421

>exit scam/10 footwear

>> No.11834462
File: 61 KB, 1354x889, 1512196718141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

earth is flat faggot, go back to your containment board

>> No.11834469

>Humans contribute to global warming

>> No.11834562


>> No.11834591

>Global warming.
God I thought /sci/ IQ was higher we are truly the most INTJ/P board across the chans.

>> No.11834662

They wouldn't if we had clean energy

>> No.11834679

Time to change /sci/ to /dumb/

>> No.11834839

Correct, good job anon

>> No.11834875

can't believe have many of you science phobic republican chucklefucks post on this sub. scientists all agree that global warming is real and it's the biggest problem that our species faces. read a book for once in your miserable racist lives.

>> No.11834900
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>scientists all agree

>> No.11834913

>Expecting majors from biztard
Way to overrate and overevaliate the local autists.

>> No.11834931

>scientists all agree...
Gonna have to stop you right there fag

>> No.11834943

You guys are real faggots
Global warming is caused by humans but surely /sci/fags are not too dense or autistic to not see the usefulness of crypto and blockchains

>> No.11834979


>> No.11835067
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>global warming is caused by humans.

>> No.11835145

I think you're giving them a bit too much credit.

>> No.11835154
File: 33 KB, 318x297, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this bullshit, 4channel.

>> No.11835242

I need BTC pls whale based


>> No.11835252

don't act like you didn't come here from r*ddit during the election

>> No.11835274
File: 46 KB, 791x520, iq5 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science phobic

The left has that covered these days.

Go read "On the Origin of Species" and tell me how all populations are cognitively the same after 60,000 years of evolving in different climates.

You're not doing science. Everything you think, you think because of emotion and peer pressure. Your stupid AGW hoax, your oh so PC radical egalitarianism, your unprovable string theory crap. It's all psuedo intellectual trash. It's going to unravel and you'll all be exposed for the little grant and tenure seeking conformists you are.

>> No.11835285

I've never used reddit in my life.
Fucking ironic, the first thing /biz/raelis told me when I created my own ponzi platform was they lost faith in the project when they found out I don't know how to shill on reddit.

>> No.11835354

You'd like to knock boots with her. You know you would.

>> No.11835376


based and redpilled. modern """science""" is a joke. they're basically welfare queens.

>> No.11835441

Based, good OP.

>> No.11835455

yet all of you take fuckin totally unsubtle bait

i almost can't even enjoy the (you)s anymore

>> No.11835578

Didn't you get the memo? 4chan is all about denialism and contrarianism now.

>> No.11835817

Theres only one ism 4chan will ever be about and that's autism

>> No.11836341

based and redpilled

>> No.11836561

What will you do when the Earth is proven to be flat?

>> No.11836580


>> No.11836602


>> No.11836622


>> No.11836629

I had the same problem, apparently you can't say plebbit anymore

>> No.11836632


>> No.11836643

fuck that shitcoin it's all about ethereum


>> No.11836650
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>> No.11836713
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Better than pic related.

>> No.11836981

it's climate change, not global warming.
since some parts of the world actually got cooler because intensified rainfall

>> No.11837029

>it's climate change, not global warming.
So they admit that the scam that they were shilling for decades is a farce now?

>> No.11837035
File: 96 KB, 1542x594, 1521394963242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought /sci/ was supposed to be a high-IQ board
>global warming
even if global warming is real, satoshi's proof-of-work model is a fucking godsend for incentivizing the creation of highly efficient, decentralized energy generation devices
left-wing politics are an utter fucking joke

>> No.11837159

>Not believing in AGW = Racists
You wonder why we think your insane

>> No.11837253

>ranting against string theory

that's a step too far matey, that's just outright stupid. Not everything you are too stupid to understand has to be nonsense. Physics is the most redpilled subject in existence.

>> No.11837288

>global warming is not experimentally reproducible
>convince everybody that it is real so that everyone cuts back on emissions and you can test your hypothesis
The eternal /sci/ jew

>> No.11837320

> scientists all agree that global warming is real

Please provide the names of all of these scientists. I'll wait.

>> No.11837352


>> No.11837771

>still uses the term global warming
It's climate change you mong. Your handlers changed it when they realized global warming doesn't exist

>> No.11837786
File: 73 KB, 540x718, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP is unaware of the East Anglia Uni.....Pic related is OP

>> No.11837794

obvious bait

>> No.11838133

If global warming was fake, why all the geoengineering?

>> No.11838193

You dumb faggots can’t even recognize we’re headed for global cooling

>> No.11838204

Fiat banking systems require a lot more energy consumption

>> No.11838226

blockchains are inherently shit, holochains are the future

>> No.11838463
File: 835 KB, 937x895, Off_by_one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad luck buddy

>> No.11838473

you are right, that statement is just totally wrong. Whoever repeats that phrase doesn't know what he is talking about. E.g. Dyson, Lindzen are outspoken critics.

>> No.11838534

still uses less power than centralized banking.

>> No.11838826

Ah but that energy isn't easily measurable so it's ok. Also the CO2 emissions from transporting physical money enriches the atmosphere.

>> No.11838931

You guys are either trolling or are absolutely fucking daft. I can show you plenty of irrefutable evidence that both climate change AND global warming are real. And for the guy who named Dyson and Lindzen - L O fucking L. Dyson is a fucking physicist, not a climate scientist, AND ON TOP OF THAT he admits global warming is real, he just thinks the current models for when it fucks us in the ass are off. And Lindsey is a total quack, he’s a nutcase. He has said things proved with 100% to be wrong time and time again and has been fact checked and destroyed time and time again. Recently all of his colleagues got together to write a letter to urge Trump to not listen to him because he’s off his rocker. But no, he’s the one guy you want to believe, right?

I honestly have a hard time believing there are people in this world with such low IQ they listen to the propaganda at /pol/ instead of actually doing any research and reading on their own. Literally can’t refute climate change and man made climate change if you do even one days worth of reading about it.

>> No.11838959

Cool to talk about it, but the world does not give a shit about climate. Don't get me wrong I do. But the big guys are responisble like car manufactors. Volkswagen still emits like 40-80× times the CO2 that they tell you it emits.

>> No.11839010
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>> No.11839024

>proving a negative

>> No.11839039

But Anon, global warming can't be real! The world is not a globe!

>> No.11839892

based non-argument
kys as penance to the great Molymeme

>> No.11839918

fake news my man

>> No.11839955

Top kek

>> No.11840514

Math > science

>> No.11840650

you hopeless fucking inbreed degenerate worms, guess you're all strongly believe in flat earth too. you shouldn't have a right to vote because it's degenerates like you that is making this fucking planet so miserable.

>> No.11840776
File: 1.12 MB, 3000x1955, niagara-falls-frozen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain pic related, ya fag.

Also if something like the Holocaust can be faked on a massive scale, why can't a phenomena like global warming be?

>Experts selected and control through credentials
^^This already happened to race scientists

>Peer-pressure group think
Nigga they told people the earth was flat for centuries
One guy redpilled the globe on that scam

>Politicians needing a big problem to tackle
(Al Gore making millions with carbon footprint shit)

I ain't saying global warming isn't happening,
I just find it far fetched that the gas from a cow's ass is gonna end all life on the planet.
Also, pretty strange that by eliminating dairy farming, you'll affect the health of white people... HMMMMM

But please, could you post the evidence and hard data to prove that global warming is because of human?

>> No.11840811
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Gay and brainwashed.

>> No.11840813
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fuk wrong pic

>> No.11840814

PoW is cancerous, I know.
Not every CC relies on PoW though.

>> No.11840833

If you think that contributing to the hypothetically anthropogenic global warming is a problem, there's a really good place to start. Take the kys pill.

>> No.11840849

Not to mention 3000+ alternative and free energy parents are confiscated under national security because the companies that own USA are too tied to oil. You're living in a Jewish money circus and you're just a rat.

>> No.11840920

based frogposter

>> No.11840971
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>you shouldn't have a right to vote
Thinks voting changes things

>> No.11841746

I thought methane from cow braps was the biggest offender

>> No.11842039

i-it's all r-russian and SJW p-propaganda !!
w-we have to keep buying cars or china and north korea w-will i-invade us !!!

>> No.11842074

>Also if something like the Holocaust can be faked on a massive scale, why can't a phenomena like global warming be?

no wonder you retards are poor

>> No.11842105
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>global warming

>> No.11842129


>> No.11842157

You mixed up your memes there friendo

>> No.11842194

In a year from now we will be on the moon while you are still on the government dole. Climate cucks get fucked.

>> No.11842275
File: 366 KB, 900x720, secrets_of_mana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what contributes more to global warming:

> Bitcoin

> Inefficient and wasteful economies in every country of the world thanks to governments repressing free market, protecting monopolies

be honest with yourself

in "first world" countries, we waste 15 or more years of almost every human's life by sending them to government brainwashing factories

we force every working citizen to donate 20 to 60% of their time/money to centrally controlled governments. That's nearly half your time spent working for a government on which the only control you had was put a red/blue ballot in a box one time every five years. and then we expect these weird governments to somehow, magically care about protecting the environment ?

if there's one thing that can save the planet, it's Bitcoin, and the free market and Democracy it will give rise to. The pathetic little elite-spawning constitution you treat as a godly relic won't work for you, they're fine now and their children will be fine in 2100 when 7/8 of the population has been decimated.

>> No.11842277
File: 6 KB, 200x200, clamcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now get back to the hole you came, and return only after 1-2 weeks talking the same shit like

>Hurr Durr Bitscoins use electricity enough to power 2 earths

>> No.11842384

If global warming is real, tell me, why banks are beach house real estate market is booming areas, which in 40 years will be underwater?

there are no flaws in this argument:

>> No.11842611

> why banks are beach house real estate market is booming areas

It'd be easier if you rephrased your sentence in english but I'll try, assuming you meant:
"why are beach houses a booming market".
It'd also be easier if you had any links to data, because I'm not sure where to look for that.


Reason 1. Middle-term investment horizon:
Growing middle class from developing countries means more leisure tourism -> higher rent -> possibility to totally recoup your investment and turn a profit in way less than 40 years

Reason 2. The market price of an asset is only a reflection of human decisions, it doesn't say anything about the underlying reality of the assets being traded (ever heard of cryptocurrencies?). Buyers can do whatever the fuck they want, including believing global warming is a scam (feedback loop?).

Reason 3. Is this really happening ? I have never looked at data but the first advice my rich-family friend told me when I got my first million was "don't buy a beach house, it'll just be a money sink". I assumed these assets don't appreciate.

>> No.11842752

why not a single investing prospective is warning about danger of buying real estate in coastal areas? Not a single one!
not my argument, but vid related, I think it's very compelling

P.S. Sorry for retardation in previous post

>> No.11842958
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>banks being able to see further than their own noses