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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 93 KB, 800x533, Rackbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11829085 No.11829085 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11829113
File: 4 KB, 709x70, pray for me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im been shiling till mid 2017 then turn into a knife catcher untill now sir.

>> No.11829115

If it says anything about LINK.

>> No.11829162

I throw out all applicants with a white male sounding name

>> No.11829179

can someone tell me what a cover letter is? also what should a proper resume look like? I havent made a new one in years since I always had the same job but i need to fine a new one

>> No.11829233

If I see a typo RIP. If you can't proofread your own fucking resume no way I can trust you with anything meaningful

>> No.11829260

>Name: Daiquarious Jackson

>> No.11829272

Bad layout (too long, messy, "creative"), spelling mistakes.
Irrelevant or no job experience.

For entry positions replace no job experience with no demonstrable skills and interest.

>> No.11829298

this white men are too white to encroach on my safespace

>> No.11829330

>IT related job
>uses spaces to align

>> No.11829342
File: 71 KB, 550x402, 1538756959009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was once hiring for a DevOps position and had some guy with a full Robotics curriculum and Robotics internship apply. When I asked him why he wanted to job if his specialty is robotics, he said it was so he could switch to the robotics group in a couple years and really help out the company. Problem is, I am the team and not the company.

>Hey I want to fill this position and get trained and be paid your team's funding
>Then when I'm finally worth the investment I plan to immediately leave and make you train someone all over again

Jesus dude, just lie to me.

>> No.11829442

2 pages max. page set in latex.

>> No.11829499

Not a hiring manager, but have hired people at a small business. In no particular order:

1.) Poor resume grammar / formatting / presentation (e.g., not some piece of garbage that looks like it was made 15 minutes). Doesn't need to be 'perfect' but put in some fucking effort. Download a resume template or something if you suck at basic graphic design / formatting in word processor of your choice. Don't go overboard making the resume fancy unless the position is something like graphic design. Personalize the resume to the job if possible.

2.) Too long or poorly worded. I've seen resumes that are 5 pages long for an entry-level office position. Unless you are in academia or applying for a senior/C-level position somewhere, you can probably keep the resume to one page. Also, your resume will eventually be read by a human, so put the experience / skills / etc. you want to emphasize for the position in the top half of the first page.

Most of the time a computer system will weed out your application because it doesn't contain enough buzz words or whatever bullshit your industry mandates, but first impressions are still important when a human does eventually glance at it.

3.) A lot of qualification requirements that employers list are absolute bullshit, but still try to emphasize your skills / experience that are related to what they want. (e.g., if applying for a web dev position but you don't have the exact skills they want, put down information on similar projects you've completed). Tons of resumes with irrelevant bullshit get thrown out.

4.) Sell yourself, but don't lie. Emphasize what you can do, but any blatant lying will probably catch up with you during the interview phase.

5.) Sometimes job positions will be advertised when the hiring person already knows exactly who they are going to hire and they are just forced to advertise. Shit sucks. Don't get discouraged and be courteous. Rude / unprofessional people don't get hired (by me, at least).