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11822130 No.11822130 [Reply] [Original]

Gold remains stable today unlike most other asset classes. Everything is going down but gold is stable just as it has been for thousands of years. Feels pretty good having secured my wealth in troubled times such as these.

>> No.11822159

the real question is why gold isn't mooning? Stock market and crypto are both crashing yet silver and gold don't move, wouldn't it normally provoke a rush to these assets from investors in search of security?

>> No.11822177

Because crypto fags are too poor to buy gold
You really think your average 4chan autist, pajeets and chinks would buy gold?

>> No.11822187

Until asteroid mining takes off in 15 years and the world's supply of gold suddenly increases to billions of tons

>> No.11822195

More like in a hundred year. Stop believing fairy tales you nigger

>> No.11822206

I can't wait to buy a solid gold house for $50k

>> No.11822209

pajeets fucking love gold

>> No.11822217

I thought pajeets and chinks owned most of the gold in the world

>> No.11822224

If an autist can buy a stinky 10k link bag, he surely can buy few ounces.
And een if poorfag, why not silver? It's at its cheapest since more than a decade, mines stop to extract because it's so low it's not even worth it to mine it.

>> No.11822228

there is still a little bit of value to suck out of these disgusting wagies. once the bailout bells are ringing or the amazon workers crack their cages and move onto the streets we're taking off

>> No.11822242

Do you own physical gold or just "paper gold"

>> No.11822248

how do we suck the wagies off their last remaining shekels? I want to be in, i hate wagies and NPCs.

>> No.11822270

You would have said this to me if I mentioned driverless cars ten years ago bitch

>> No.11822282

If you bought gold two years ago on this date you would be up 1.5% (losing money against inflation).
If you bought $SPY you would be up 23%.
If you bought Bitcoin you would be up 600%.
Even a good savings account would give you 4%.

Gold is literally doing nothing.

>> No.11822289
File: 15 KB, 244x300, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I bought 14k€ of physical gold

>> No.11822297

If you're asking this you are a wagie/NPC/normie.

>> No.11822305

It's retarded to invest in something Like that.

You invest in something which you hope will give you enough ROI

Fucking retarded

Best option to invest in an asset which you control 100%, like your own business

>> No.11822334

Naked short selling by comex.

The price of gold is the manipulated paper price.

But gold going up just means the dollar is becoming more worthless.

You buy gold because fiat is a scam. Where you end up making it with gold is when there is a new currency after a deflationary collapse of all asset prices and gold is revalued

>> No.11822342

Gold "moons" when the dollar fails. Gold doesn't up much because of retail buying.

All the dollar value of gold represents is how unstable, volatile, and lack of store of value the dollar is

>> No.11822375

Gold is supposed to do nothing you retarded bigger. That's why it's been money for milennia, because it's a store of value.

You don't want gold to go up in price like you want Amazon to go up in price you brainlet. You buy gold to protect your wealth in a currency crisis which is rapidly approaching

>> No.11822380
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>But gold going up just means the dollar is becoming more worthless.
Right because when gold goes up the dollar prices of everything else in the economy goes up the same amount. Oh wait

>> No.11822393

Gold isn't an investment retard... its real savings and real money.

You are part of the dumbest down group of people on planet earth going back thousands of years.

Literal starving botswanan niggers with no formal education know that gold is money and valuable as fuck.

>> No.11822411


Golbugs are like the chainlink downies from the early internet

>> No.11822421

100 years ago 1 oz of gold equaled 20$. Both that ounce of gold and the 20$ equaled a good weekly salary.

Today that gold ounce is $1,200 which is still a good weekly salary, but that 20$ doesnt even buy you lunch for two at Taco Bell.

Get fucked

>> No.11822429

If you had inside information that hyperinflation was hitting 1 month from today. Your telling me you wouldn't buy any gold?

>> No.11822436

Imagine putting your money in an asset which you HOPE will give you enough ROI, in maybe 20 30 or 50 years or more. Have fun driving a supercar when you're old and crippled. The real way to use money is by having explosive income in your youth.
Your method is even more retarded than hoping to get your pension or playing the lottery
I've invested all my explosive income from business into my business assets and liquidated it

>> No.11822446

So you're going to wait 100 years to enjoy the fruits of your ROI? How fucking retard is that?

And who has 1 million to invest in gold as a toddler?

Dumb moron

>> No.11822459
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Imagine unironically being retarded enough to believe that this is evidence that the dollar price of gold going up means the dollar is losing purchasing power, and not that gold is just a volatile commodity

>> No.11822473

Imagine believing a bunch of bullshit about how western civilization is going to crumble any day now so you buy a handful of shiny rocks because that's what people did 100 years ago.

>> No.11822483

Nobody is saying don't invest you fuckhead. But wtf is your strategy? Have 100% of your net worth in the cheap money fueled and overinflated stock market?

Do you know how fucking stupid and uneducated you'd have to be to put all your money in the market? ESPECIALLY when we are 20 trillion in fucking debt?

You fucking morons are so stupid. Because I'm giving you fantastic advice. And the sick thing is.... you don't need to put your entire net worth into gold to benefit from a currency collapse. You literally need like 500 ounces of silver and like 10 ounces of gold and that will be absolutely generational wealth. You fucking morons could put a measly 5k in gold and silver and be sitting pretty when this house of cards comes down.

Silver is the most undervalued asset on planet earth. But hey... go buy your bitcorns internet money on sale for $4,600

>> No.11822486

The price of gold is heavily dependent on speculation. It fluctuates up and down constantly.

>stock market goes down a bit
>/biz/: "It's crashing!"
>stock market heals
>/biz/ is silent

Why do you people do this? It happens every month.

>> No.11822529

>we are 20 trillion in fucking debt?
This is the level of economic knowledge of goldfags. They think that because the US government has $20 trillion of debt that somehow "we" owe $20 trillion, when $14 trillion of that is owed TO people and entities in the US. And this is supposed to mean that it's all going to collapse any day now. Christ almighty

>> No.11822531

Are you black or just stupid? The fucking gold ounce was equal to a good weekly salary 100 years ago and 100 years later it is still a good weekly salary. Nothing chAnged. There was no ROI in that 100 years. It's fucking savings you idiot.

You worked for a week in 1918. You earned 20$ which was a good weekly salary. If you saved the 20$ for 100 years underneath your pillow today you can't buy jack shit with it. But if you held that 20$ you earned in gold and kept it under your bed for 100 years you can still buy the same amount of shit today as you could 100 years ago.

Do you fucking understand what savings is? The dollar was a horrible savings vehicle over 100 years while gold was a perfect savings vehicle.

You people are so fucking absolutely retarded. I'm spoonfeeding you 2+2=4 and you can't wrap your brainwashed heads around something so simple

>> No.11822550

Yes... the price of gold is the paper comex price. They are suppressing it on purpose. If you think $1,200 is the real price of gold your insane. Gold should be at 10-20k right now.

>> No.11822576

Say what you want faggot about the debt. You don't have any economic knowledge because you literally don't know what savings is.

You realize you throw all your money into the market (or crypto) instead of a savings account because you can't beat inflation, unironically because gold doesn't back the currency anymore.

60 years ago everyone made it under a gold standard. Today you are in crypto hoping for huge returns because you can't make it otherwise. Because we aren't on a gold standard anymore

>> No.11822613

Way to change the subject to deflect from your lack of basic understanding. Dollars aren't supposed to be a good savings instrument, nobody who knows anything thinks that. If you want dollar denominated savings, you can just buy US treasuries. You're trying to spoonfeed us 2+2=5 and wondering why nobody "gets it".

>> No.11822622

The problem with gold is the boomer who bought the line of shit that the world was going to end when Obama was elected so he stockpiles gold, food & weapons ammo in hopes that he will be able to fend off the liberal Satanist street gangs just like in the movies.
It never happened, it never will.
Fiat sucks, but it's our working system right now.
Metals are a good store of value, silver is the better of the two because goldbug boomers have the price if gold inflated.
Crypto is speculative, stocks too.
A real portfolio is diversified with bonds, metals & other low risk investments.

>> No.11822633

Wtf are you talking about? Your saying the dollar hasn't lost purchasing power?

100 years ago 20$ went a shit ton further than 20$ goes today. So the dollar has lost purchasing power.... and gold is much higher because of it!

Gold isn't volatile you dumbass. Gold is just gold. A gold ounce 900 years ago is that same gold ounce today. Doesn't matter if the fucking dollar exists or not.

It's gold that gave value to the dollar you retarded nigger. So why would you be valuing gold in terms of dollars?

If the dollar dissapeared from planet earth tomorrow morning my wealth in gold is completely unaffected by that happening.

You people are so stupid

>> No.11822639

This fucking retard is still posting?

We get it, you saw a bunch of ads for gold and were roped into thinking that entire economies are about to come crumbling down. Sorry you got sucked into buying boomer rocks you fucking idiot.

>> No.11822652

WhAt the fuck you mean the dollar isn't supposed to be a good savings instrument? That's what money is you moron. So your telling me that when you earn 100$ It's suppose to lose value?
Quotation: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson

>> No.11822655

>it's everyone else that is stupid!
>there's no way I can't be the one who is retarded, /pol/ wouldn't lie to me!

>> No.11822658

>The fucking gold ounce was equal to a good weekly salary 100 years ago and 100 years later it is still a good weekly salary.
So if we're still receiving the same purchasing power from salaries, what's the big deal? Most of that money gets spent instead of saved anyways. Why would you save money so you can buy the exact same amount of stuff, instead of just buying something now?

What you could do is invest it in securities which beat inflation. That means you would be earning money by saving, rather than merely holding value. If you bought hold 100 years ago - you would just have a week's salary - as you said. But if you invested that $20 in stocks you would have 275,000, post inflation profit.

Why do you think gold should be worth that much?

>> No.11822661

You sound reasonable. What do you mean by metals? Metals as in steel?

>> No.11822666

So gold is good if you already have a bunch of money and need to stash it...it's not good if you want to grow said money. It's not an "investment" for return as much as a "safe harbor". Growth is what most of us are after so gold serves little purpose for that purpose.

>> No.11822677

I'm saying that the fact that your shiny rock commodity tracked weekly wages on a 100 year interval doesn't mean that if gold goes up 10% next month the price of computer chips or potato chips will also go up 10% in dollars. If they don't, that means that the gold is changing in value, not dollars. Which is what actually happens in reality, as opposed to goldbug imagination land.

You've literally convinced yourself that the existence of price inflation is some deep revelation that nobody else "gets", when everybody else and their mother knows about it.

>> No.11822686


>> No.11822693

Believe it or not I want the gold price to go back to 300$/oz. because that means that our govt isn't out of control anymore.

And I wouldn't lose in real terms anyway because gold at 300$/oz means prices of everything will drop.

The problem with all of you is you've literally been brainwashed into thinking more expensive prices is a good thing. A healthy economy means DROPPING PRICES.

You morons literally don't understand why cost of living is skyrocketing which forces you to get lucky in crypto. And unironically it's because we don't have a gold standard anymore

>> No.11822695
File: 82 KB, 620x387, PF-gold-confiscati_2525827b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold is a store of wealth

>> No.11822703

The dollar is a medium of exchange, not a savings instrument, you absolute nigger. If it were a savings instrument, people would be advised to store their dollars under their mattress or in a low-yield checking account. But of course nobody does that because nobody thinks dollars are supposed to be savings. Just because you need to be marginally financially literate to buy some fucking bonds if you want to save doesn't mean there's some fucking conspiracy to steal your money.

>> No.11822716

See.... this is why we have a disconnect. You guys don't understand the importance of savings. You guys are brainwashed into debt slavery.

Do you know how investments happen? Savings. Do you know how the economy grows? Investments. No savings = no growth.

>> No.11822722

Imagine being this fucking stupid about economics.

>> No.11822760

>Do you know how investments happen? Savings. Do you know how the economy grows? Investments. No savings = no growth.
This doesn't make sense even using your own logic. You've spent the whole thread belaboring the difference between savings and investment, and now you're saying that somehow "saving" by buying shiny rocks causes investment to happen. Money saved is money NOT invested, genius.

>> No.11822791

I agree...if your poor you have to speculate. But tbis whole house of cards could come down any minute and you have no idea how important having even just 100 ounces of silver will be.

100 ounces of silver which costs a measly $1,400 right now is literally equal to 1,400 days (or 5 years) worked historically.

Silver dime or silver piece the size of a silver dime has been a days wage for hundreds of years and even in America. It is massive inflation is the reason a dime doesn't buy you jack shit today.

14 silver dimes equals 1 ounce of silver. So literally every ounce of silver you buy is equal to 2 weeks worth of work in a sane economic world. Which is why you hear reports on how 1 ounce of silver will buy you 3 months of food in Venezuela where their currency has collapsed.

But that 100 ounces of silver will be worth even more than historically because a silver dime will probably be worth 2-3 days worked because there are billions more people on the planet and much less silver available. (And of course that silver dime is converted to the new currency) not like we are going back to paying for shit in silver and gold

>> No.11822794

I encouraged saving money in my post, just in stocks instead of gold. Furthermore, it's funny that you bring up the need for investments for economic growth. How exactly is gold going to grow the economy? Stocks directly raise capital for corporations, but what is gold supposed to do? Gold just sits there.

>> No.11822809

The dollar was a savings vehicle under a gold standard. You think the dollar inflated the same between 1800 and 1900 like it has inflated between 1900 and 2018?

>> No.11822822

Trumps economy is finally kicking in

>> No.11822854

You need savings to invest brainlet. If you earn 500$ a week today it's impassible to save because prices are so high because of inflation.

People can't afford to save.

In 1964 min wage was $1.25. Gold was 35$/oz so after one week of working you could purchase an ounce of gold.

Today gold is at $1,200 and min wage is 9$.... so a min wage worker today has to work an entire month before he can purchase that same ounce of gold that a min wage worker could purchase after only a week 55 years ago.

A min wage worker in 1964 was much better off than a min wage worker today. Under a gold standard you had nobody crying "income inequality" because prices were so low $1.25 was enough to make ends meet. Today 9$/hour doesn't even put a delapitadted roof over your head let alone food entertainment etc

>> No.11822859

what inherent value does gold and silver have to the average person?

>> No.11822867

Stocks aren't saving bro. Stocks are investments.

>> No.11822901

The dollar was fixed at $35 per troy ounce of gold until 1971. Aren't you at least a little embarrassed that you so confidently spout your nonsense and you don't even know that much?

>> No.11822914

It's inherent value is that it is real actual money and savings.

your dollars are being inflated away. When you earned 20$ in 1918 and you held that 20$ for 100 years.... it buys you much less today compared to 100 years ago. What happened? What happened was the money masters stole your wealth from you. Had you kept that 20$ in gold your value was stored.

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

>> No.11822939

You aren't even trying to keep your arguments straight anymore. How do you "need" savings to invest? You're free to invest all $500 in stocks if you like, without having to buy any gold. Any money spent on gold is not spent on investing in stocks. So how are your gold savings contributing to economic growth again?

>> No.11822941

So you're saying that gold value increases at a rate roughly equal to inflation?
I mean, I thought that was obvious but whatever.

>> No.11822942


It wasn't fixed in 1918 and it equaled 20$

So 35$ fixed or not is roughly where it would of been. Let's say gold would have been at 50$ in 1964. The min wage earner back then was still twice as well off as the min wage earner today.

The ONLY evidence you need is that today "income inequality" is a top 3 presidential issue. And 55 years ago "income inequality" wasn't even a term anyone said.

So what the fuck changed? Oh yeah... we went off a gold standard

>> No.11822952

If i have food to trade you why would i give a fuck about gold

>> No.11822974

Inflation is what fuels a capitalist economy, regular money in a savings account loses value with inflation, in fact you not only lose inflation but also pay tax every year on any accrued interest despite your money being worth less overall because of inflation.

With gold the value increases in tandem with inflation. So your money is still worth in 10 years what it is worth today instead of being worth about 25 percent less.
In addition you pay no tax until you sell the gold back for money, so your value is safely stored until you need it.

>> No.11822978

The currency needs to have a basis of value.

You need savings to invest.

If your making 600$ a week. How are you going to invest?

Under a gold standard your dollar would go a lot further so you have more disposable income.

You could make min wage in 1955 and easily save and work your way up and start a business. Millenials can't even buy a house....

>> No.11822994

So you seriously think that income inequality is due to inflation, because the bottom 99% are so stupid they've been stashing their dollars under their mattresses and it an inflated away? Your arguments are completely incoherent.

>> No.11822995

Inflation is fine when you don't have a kike central bank. Natural flowing inflation under a gold standard is what keeps everything normal.

Why do you think the economy is so utterly fucked today? Because we have man (Jew) fuxking with the money supply.

Quotation: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

>> No.11823010

Read that quote above by Thomas Jefferson. And learn something from one of the most brilliant political minds. He's literally describing what's happening today under a central bank

>> No.11823021


Let's use your logic, the world isn't quite panicking for security.

>> No.11823047

Yes, I am well aware that banks are bad.
Seriously, I know, private banks add nothing to the economy and leech money from the populous AND the host economy itself.
So what's your suggested solution?

>> No.11823059

God you're frustrating to argue with, but you trigger my autism so I can't stop. Going on a gold standard isn't going to magically make everyone's wages worth more. Wages are set by supply and demand for labor. If the dollar were worth more because we were on a gold standard, the guy earning $600 would just get fewer dollars that are each worth more for the same work. It's like you're just doing stream of consciousness free association between random economic ideas you half understand and think you're making a coherent argument.

>> No.11823063

Well being diversified is the key. I have the majority of my resources invested in the market for growth, I have my crypto stack for high risk/high reward speculation, and 4kg of silver bars. Trying to make "one" vehicle be it gold, crypto, stocks, whatever do everything is just not sensible to me. Fill your toolbelt up and use everything.

>> No.11823078

Your purchasing power is dying.

Under trump people are like all happy because wages are growing finally to keep up with inflation.

Notice how nobody is asking the question why are prices going up in the first place?

Liberals are idiots for wanting to raise min wage but conservatives are just as dumb.... they say get a better education and you'll get a better job which is good advice but it doesn't get at the root of the problem of why are prices rising in the first place.

In a healthy economy under a gold standard and no central bank and actual free market capitalism prices drop and your dollar goes father.

Which is why $1.25 went twice as far as 9$ does today.

Go take 5 silver quarters to a coin shop and you'll get like 17$ for iT. So a min wage earner back in the early 60's had the purchasing power of someone makng 17$ today.... which is why income inequality wasn't a term anyone knew of back then.

>> No.11823107

The constitution is the solution.

No central bank

Gold standard

No income taxes

The Rothschild kikes got BTFO by Andrew Jackson in 1932. We left England to get away from the baking cabal. They followed us and Andre Jackson squashed the Jew. Then in 1913 they came back and got us again.

>> No.11823139

Okay but HOW.
How would you implement these changes while still maintaining stability.
Also if there's no income tax, how would public services (road maintenance and other transport, law enforcement, emergency response, etc) be paid for?

>> No.11823143

My purchasing power is not dying, because most of my money is invested. I don't give a fuck what the US dollar is worth over the course of 100 years, and neither should anyone else. Lack of growth in wages is a completely separate issue from inflation. All else being equal, if there were no inflation either wages would have been falling, or due to wage stickiness there would be more unemployment because businesses wouldn't want to continue to pay the same wage. Economics is complicated, you can't just reduce it to "everything wrong with the economy is because of a few percent annual inflation in the currency".

>> No.11823240

10 years ago? That's 2008. There were already driverless cars at that time, although at an experimental level. Being able to travel to the asteroid belt (8 years to and back), mine an asteroid etc is hundreds of years into the future, and why do such a thing if it's not profitable? Do you think a gold mine sells gold for 800 dollars an ounce because that's their break even? They sell it at spot. To summarize you truly are a moron, and it's no wonder idiots like you get sucked into trading your bank issued notes for worthless whale issued notes. Please do realize that crypto is an even bigger fraud than fiat.

>> No.11823256

Why do you think a min wage earners wages was worth more 60 years ago compared to a min wage earners today?

Because we had sound money and prices weren't inflated.

You must really be autistic. Like someone tells a joke and you take it literally and don't understand the humor...... I say this because you can't fucking understand the simple fact that we had a robust middle class 60 years ago and today we don't. What's changed? What's the major thing that's changed with regards to the money?

What's changed is there's no backing of the currency anymore. That's literally it.

Why the fuck you think the economy is so fucked? Why are white people havkng no kids?

Under a gold standard you could dricr retarded kids to grade school and have 3 kids at home with the wife raising them. Why? BecUse prices were cheap as fuck.

>> No.11823294

All you're doing is repeating your idea that every problem in the economy is due to inflation and the lack of a gold standard. You're so obsessed with inflation that you literally think that that's the only thing that has changed in the economy over a century. "Explanations exist; they have existed for all time; there is always a well-known solution to every human problem — neat, plausible, and wrong."

>> No.11823296

Yeah but you are invested because if you don't you'll fall behind. Under a gold standard you wouldn't fall behind.

That's not to say you don't invest under a gold standard but if you didn't you wouldn't have to worry about falling behind if all you want to do is save your money.

>> No.11823335

No. I invested it because I want to make more money. If all I wanted was to save, I would buy bonds. I don't believe the economy is going to collapse, so there's no problem with buying government debt. It really is that simple, no gold standard required. Your idea that everything is going to collapse imminently is a separate argument.

>> No.11823341

There's no way that buying shares at current dividend and p/e values (not to mention debt levels) is long term sustainable.

>> No.11823352

Yeah I'm repeating it because the economy is fucked RIGHT NOW. Inflation is destruction of wealth! Of course that's BAD. That's why you have to put all your money in the market because if you don't you'll have it stolen from you.

Question: if we never went off a gold standard do you think shit would be worse economically than it is right now?

I keep repeating the same things because the constitution is the answer. You fucking milennials are taught that our founders were slave owners and that's it. I merely learning and folllwing the constitution the most important political document in world history

>> No.11823384

Yeah, the investment climate is shit right now, but I only really need to beat inflation by 2-3% or so for my purposes. That's easily sustainable, and I'm likely to do better than that so I'm fine. US national debt isn't a problem for stocks unless it leads to a major crisis, and even that is unlikely to permanently kill stock valuations.

(Before goldanon asks but WHY is the investment climate shit, no it's not because of fucking inflation)

>> No.11823383

Your not making more money tho. Your making more fiat. AND prices of everything are rising like crazy so you really aren't making as much money as you think.

You know you crypto tards say shit like "I can't believe boomers thought 10% was a big return"

Well under a gold standard 10% returns 50 years ago was like 100% returns in crypto today because back then cost you a buck to fill up a tank of gas

>> No.11823428

What you don't realize is that one day that inflation is going to go up exponentially. And you and everyone else is going to take a haircut of up to 90% potentially.

THATS why having even just 10k in metals is so fucking important.

The world is swimming in debt. Your going to wake up one day and gold will be revalued to 50k per ounce to purge the debt from the system and your going to be fucked.

And since you aren't taking my advice your going to be 100 times more upset that you didn't protect yourself since you will know that I was spoonfeeding you this shit.

It's be one thing if you didn't know but you do now.

>> No.11823431
File: 54 KB, 788x699, 1540080320468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if my predictions are gud, in case of new currency issued by US, all assets will be backed by silver standard, not gold standard.
I could explain why if you are interested

>> No.11823439

>Question: if we never went off a gold standard do you think shit would be worse economically than it is right now?
I don't know, but the answer sure is a lot more complicated than "inflation is bad and that's why the economy is bad". The economy isn't even bad right now, other than inequality.

Also, I'm old enough to have missed the SJW wave in schooling, so don't lump me in with that crowd.

I've been tracking my personal expenses quite carefully and prices have been quite reasonable for the decade I've been tracking them. My fiat is serving its purpose just fine.

>> No.11823455

Of course inflation is bad. Literally the number 1 issue in the economy is "income inequality"..... how do you think that's a thing?

The number one issue is rising prices. That's it.

>> No.11823463

I own mostly stocks. During the fucking Weimar hyperinflation, stocks did just fine. Why wouldn't they do just fine during a US hyperinflation? That's assuming that it'll happen, which it won't. But even if it did, I literally own a claim on the productive capacity of the world's economy. That's worth more than money, be it in shiny rock or paper form. If you're not forced to sell during a crash, it's unironically the safest possible place you could ever store your money. If I really take a 90% haircut then the world is 90% less productive, and that's not a world I want to live in anyway. I'd probably be killed by a roving gang regardless.

>> No.11823477

Can you give me at least the slightest evidence that inflation is the cause of income inequality other than "inflation bad, income inequality bad, so they must be the same bad!" Then we could actually have something to debate.

>> No.11823480

Despite his Reddit spacing and oversimplification of economics, the problem he is stating isn't wrong. If you put your money in a savings account right now, you LOSE buying power over time. Your money basically goes negative.

Right now the reason the stock market is so high is because interest rates were so low/are so low.

>> No.11823494

USA would literally be paradise on earth if we killed all niggers and kikes.

>> No.11823517

In the Weimar republic a hotel bellcsp saved up 25 ounces of gold and bought a city block after hyperinflation hit

>> No.11823532

It's true that "savings accounts" in banks are basically a scam at this point, but it takes only minimal financial literacy to get around that. You could make the case that this is all a scam run on dumb poor people, but I completely don't buy his argument that inequality is due to this particular "problem". Rather than an oversimplification of economics, it's a reduction of the entire field to just "if only we had less inflation everything would be great".

>> No.11823539

8$/hour today puts you in abject poverty.

If you made 8$/hour in 1960 that was fantastic income.

What's changed?

>> No.11823558

The point is WHY do you need to get around it? Under a sound money system you wouldn't need to throw your money in the stock market in hopes of beating inflation.

>> No.11823570


>> No.11823584

Why don't you buy it?

How did "income inequality" become a thing today?

Whereas 55 years ago nobody even heard of the term.

>> No.11823607

That's nice, but if I can just as well protect my purchasing power in that scenario by owning stocks and also make money in the meantime, what's the problem? Maybe I'd get to buy two city blocks.
What's changed is that wages have grown, generally along with inflation even if not perfectly, and now $8 an hour is a shit wage. It's meaningless to compare income in nominal dollars.
I didn't say anything about stocks. I personally buy stocks because I want to invest. If you want to get around the "savings account problem", just buy bonds. It's not rocket science. It's also not the cause of income or wealth inequality.

>> No.11823638

Do you need me to google the question for you or something? Just type in "causes of wealth inequality" into google and you'll find a wide variety of views, and MANY causes that have nothing to do with inflation. So what is the basis of your idea that inflation is the cause?

>> No.11823644

Because asteroid mining is right around the corner and the smart money knows it. Soon the skies will rain with gold and every goldbug will be hopping up and down and throwing his hat onto the ground like Yosemite Sam when Bugs Bunny gets the better of him.

>> No.11823649

Stocks are going to crash so fuxking hard dude you have no idea. Your living in the land of oz. 1% interest rates caused the houinf bubble. All obama and bernake did was what bush and Greenspan did except on a greater scale with 0% interest rates.

Yeah wages have grown along with itand the first 20-30 years after going off a gold standard things were fine and worked well. But we've outkicked our coverage now and now everyone is getting poorer.

Why would I buy bonds? The bond market is about to implode too. You really think some us govt bond is more safe than gold bullion? Jesus man

>> No.11823670

Because inflation destroys purchasing power. If you keep your wealth in dollars you become poorer over time. Prices are continually rising and wages aren't keeping up. Wages aren't keeping because inflation is destroying the purchasing power of the dollar

>> No.11823680



>> No.11823696

There have been people saying the stock market is going to crash every single year since forever. Yes it will crash sooner or later, it always does. I have enough wealth in stocks that it won't be a problem since I won't have to sell any meaningful amount.

As for the bond markets imploding, maybe interest rates will rise, but the US is not going to default and that's what matters with respect to whether bonds are "safe" or not.

You can make a good argument for gold bullion as a hedge against very sudden hyperinflation, but that's all an entirely separate argument from what I've been talking about with you.

>> No.11823705

>If you want to get around the "savings account problem", just buy bonds.
Those haven't been paying much at all.

>> No.11823706

please explain, anon

>> No.11823712

Yeah asteroid mining is totally legit business not some shady tax heaven Luxembourg attempt to draw investment and prop up credit rating

>> No.11823718

>Because inflation destroys purchasing power.
>If you keep your wealth in dollars you become poorer over time.
>Prices are continually rising and wages aren't keeping up.
True in some cases.
>Wages aren't keeping because inflation is destroying the purchasing power of the dollar
False and nonsensical, which undermines the entire argument. What does the purchasing power of the dollar have to do with whether or not wages keep pace with inflation? You're literally just saying "wages aren't keeping up with inflation because inflation exists".

>> No.11823739

That's what you don't understand. Gold is wealth.

If you don't convert any of your fiat that your making in the market to gold then your wealth will evaporate.

I guess you forgot 2008.... the market crashed. Nothing's been fixed. All they did was fuck it up even more. Giving a heroin addict more heroin

>> No.11823748

We are literally at war all over the world because nobody wants to use the dollar anymore.

>> No.11823752

Enough to keep up with inflation, which makes them good enough as "savings" according to goldanon's definition. The only way they aren't safe is if we have sudden huge inflation. It could happen, but you're no safer holding gold bullion - if the "manipulated" price of gold suddenly tanks, it won't do you any good to say "well I haven't really lost anything because gold is real money and can't lose value" like goldanon says, because you still won't be able to buy as much with it as before if you ever actually need to use your savings. Gold tanking is a MUCH more likely scenario than hyperinflation in my view.

>> No.11823771

gold is pretty useless for normal people.
you won't grind off 50mg of gold to buy a bag of potatoes in an emergency.

Buy yourself a tube of maple leaf silvers or something like that. paying with silver coins is easy

>> No.11823786

If inflation wasn't rampant like it is... wages wouldn't need to keep up with inflation.

I understand wages have risen too..... but why are prices rising in the first place that wages have to increase?

People are saying oh this is the first time wages have risen in a long time under trump.... hooray!

Welll why are prices rising so high in the first place where wages need to keep?up?

>> No.11823791

Go die of aids, Michel.

>> No.11823800

russian(corrupt from the head and rotten from the bottom; undeveloped) market rise - gold and crypto rise
russian market stagnate/falls - gold stagnate, crypto falls

please support russian economy

>> No.11823811

A claim on the productive capacity of the world's corporations is a much better form of wealth than gold. I don't care what currency you denominate my stocks in, you can measure them in ounces of gold if you like. So long as companies have customers and make money and pay me some of that money, that is real wealth. And that's not going anywhere, short of a global communist takeover. There is absolutely no need to care about short term crashes like 2008 if you just hodl through them.
Where did you even get this idea

>> No.11823835

My personal expenses have barely gone up over a decade. Are you one of those people who believes the "real" inflation rate is like 8% or something?

Can you at least admit that
>Wages aren't keeping because inflation is destroying the purchasing power of the dollar
makes no actual sense? Then we'd be getting somewhere.

>> No.11823836

I couldn't agree more. These gullible fucking morons. They live in a fantasy world where people would prefer a privately issued fiat rather than a government issued fiat because there's a fictional restriction on supply.

>> No.11823842

Yeah... Lead & tin too

>> No.11823872

historically the gold/silver equivalence always have been around 1/20 and nowaday it's 1/80, which mean silver is really undervalued.
Also COMEX paper manipulation in silver is even more extreme than with gold, the market cap of silver is like 2$ billions, so very easy to supress for banksters.
But more important, we recently saw big investment banks like JP starting to stock a shitload of silver, and it could signify something really important.
During past history, 2 times the gold standard was suppressed and shifted toward a silver standard on a global scale, once during the venetian banking cartel domination during the 12/13th century, force by families like garibaldini or medici. And another time during the east indian company/ english domination just before the opium wars. Both time Italy and England had very bad external commercial balance.
Both times, the empire dominating the world economic and military policy decided unilateraly to shift to silver standard, making the price of the metal mooning to no end. They beforehand stacked up silver buying it with gold (with the italian florin for example), then forced this policy, having almost a monopoly on silver while others countries were piling up gold but had no reserve of silver. Then they started to buy the gold from these others states on the heap while the demand of silver was raising. Finally they swaped once again to the gold standard once their vaults were full of gold.

Now, we have the same exact situation with USA than during the crusades with Venice and England with the silk road during opium wars :
- a big empire
- a devaluating money, with a very bad external economic balance (import en masse, export nothing but liquidity)
- an economic domination (petro dollar monopoly) and a military domination (main supertanker sea gates)
- start to sneakily accumulating silver in big quantities

US could very well decide to establish a silver standard, transfering the debt to let say 2500$/ounce.

>> No.11823910
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And force others countries to adopt this standard too, taking them by surprise while they accumulated gold for the past two decades at an very big price (especially India-China-Russia) but left silver unchecked.
It's exactly how the british put China onto their knees back during the mid 19th century. And history always repeat itself.

Another important point to take into account is the fact the biggest silver mines are in Peru, Argentina and Mexico, which are all on the american continent, so US could eventually keep a very close eye to silver mining capacities and easily protect them.
If i remember well, for the first time (ever?) last year we consummated more silver than we produced. Not really because silver is rare (actually silver is a subproduct of others mined metals if you except the few south american silver specialized mines, because its 'glued' to all kind of metals, like copper and gold) but because at 14$/ounce it simply not profitable enough, if at all.
Other interesting point is silver main industrial use is for electronic components and it's impossible to recycle the silver used in circuits, so the stock is decreasing for real, while gold is almost always totally recycled.

>> No.11823963
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Bitch how much do you eat at taco Bell you fat fuck? I order a fuck ton of food for $7 Everytime, don't tell me you're getting the quesadillas

>> No.11823982

gold is down 30% over 3 years KYS jew.

>> No.11823990

just FYI there is no such thing as "comex paper manipulation"

didn't read the rest of your post because I can already tell it's going to be dumb

>> No.11824009
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>t. silverstein

>> No.11824124


>> No.11824163

Yeah, for a cheesy gordita crunch, two tacos and a drink it's like 7 bucks AFTER tax/out the door. And my asshole is blowing shit out of it for an entire afternoon on that 7 bucks.