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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 116 KB, 825x164, ipsxlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11818341 No.11818341 [Reply] [Original]

IPSX just announced a collaboration with Kaspersky Labs on their Telegram. They don't hype up their shit announcements like other teams do, no they just let everyone know without teasing big news.

The market cap of IPSX is much less than 1MM, yet they already have a working product and are hitting all their development goals in time. They deliver all their promises and the only reason their market cap is so low is because they don't rely on unneccessary hype. This token is extremely undervalued and its the one of the few cryptos that didn't lose value in BTC and ETH during this current crash.

They don't have any competitors and their CEO is a big name in IT who is also the founder of other established companies. Here's his LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gbunea/

This is definitely an easy x10, could be an easy x100 too. You can get it only on Liquid Exchange right now though, but according to their Telegram, we will be on Bibox soon. Buy it before that happens.

>> No.11818344
File: 26 KB, 437x291, ipsx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Kaspersky news.

>> No.11818577

What it does:
> Data is said to be the new resource of our times. At the backbone of Data Mining large volume of IPs is required for the actors implicated into the mining process to be able to perform tasks. By substantially lowering the price of IPs and solving the IPs accessibility and availability problems IPSX is targeting to become a key building ecosystem for all the fields that require larger or smaller volume of IPs and allowing complex applications from Data Mining and other fields to become more accessible to everyone.

> How it works? IPSX connects actors in a peer-to-peer network, enabling both data center owners and individual users, that will be called "providers" to rent IPs to other users, that will be called "requesters". The IPs can be used to complete different tasks requiring one or more IPs from different locations. Today, IP addresses are valuable assets with a low liquidity level due to the fact that there is not a simple solution to share/rent IPs based on a specific list of filters and IP resources are supplied by centralized providers which are constrained by closed networks, proprietary payment systems, and many other restrictions.

> IPSX core built-in feature set is a dedicated Ethereum-based transaction system, which enables direct payments between requestors and providers solving all the above mentioned problems, increasing the liquidity of the IPs and allowing any actor that has an IP on his device that is connected to the internet to take part into a multi-billion yearly business, that otherwise is closed to home internet users.

>> No.11818590
File: 246 KB, 1200x675, ipsxveen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Website: ip.sx
They will be publishing a new website and roadmap next month.

>> No.11818597

Must be some whales accumulating this. Only thing i own with positive growth last 24 hours...fuck.

>> No.11818601

now THIS is sad. screencapped for future lulz

>> No.11818661

>lelia gaes
>linda gates
ipsx run by microsoft confirmed

>> No.11818672

Same here. It's 13% down in Fiat because of the crash, but still up in BTC and ETH.

No matter what you think of the project, 700k is undervalued for what they've already accomplished. This token has huge potential and I'm surprised that the MC is still so low.

For an x10, we only need to reach a market cap of 7 million. Absolutely doable and I don't doubt it'll happen. 70 million for an x100 is more difficult, but if we go back to a bull market, we might see it too.

>> No.11818696

If there's any chance the crypto market goes back to how it was in Dec17/Jan18, even an x1000 wouldn't be that unlikely. That would need a market cap of 700MM, and even the shittiest of shitcoins had reached that back then.

>> No.11818733

unironically thinking of buying

>> No.11819080

Right now is the perfect time to get in because the prices are insanely cheap thanks to the crash.

Make sure you buy before it gets listed on bibox, which could happen anytime now.

>> No.11819175

I'm moving some of my other coins across, ipsx already had its purge last few months i think its only die hard long term investors left. I think i can still add to my staking amount?

>> No.11819317

>I think i can still add to my staking amount?
Yeah, no problem with that.

>After enrolling in the IPSX Staking Program #2, your staked IPSX tokens can be increased but not decreased. Increasing the amount of staked IPSX tokens will be reflected in the staking reward every month.

I'm in the IPSX telegram and pretty much all of us don't have any plans to sell anytime soon.

>> No.11819326

liquid.com says pw is wrong, which it isn't. fuck this site

>> No.11819476

Cucked by a shit exchange, I'm sorry anon.
Are you sure that it's the password is right though? Because I just made an account to test it with a dummy email and it worked fine. Try changing the password.

>> No.11819494

I made two accounts with different emails to be sure, second time pw was 100% correct. Can't change because I need 2FA for that :D
retarded exchange, I might buy it off idex

>> No.11820145

>Can't change because I need 2FA for that :D
Wow that's retarded.

I guess IDEX wouldn't be a bad option. Even though there's no volume, you could buy the wall at 619 gwei, which is around 3% above the Liquid price. Or put up buy walls at a lower price and hope someone sells them before it moons.

I'm going to sleep now, but I'll make a new thread tomorrow.

>> No.11820156

See you maybe tomorrow :D