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11806387 No.11806387 [Reply] [Original]

Job Interview question. I had a 5 hour on site interview on 7th so almost two weeks ago. The recruiter told me 3/4 of ppl say I am the top candidate and they are waiting to hear from the 4th person. Should I still consider myself as in the running or not?

>> No.11806415

Is the fourth person the hiring manager or something? I'd be blowing my recruiter up everyday telling him to do his job.

>> No.11806461

The highest ranked person said I was the top candidate. She is hiring for her team, other person is like a senior developer that better my accounting experience

>> No.11806801

Please tell me I am still in the running

>> No.11806837
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>two weeks

>> No.11807197

2 weeks ago? You've been eliminated.

As they say, job interviews really are like dating. If they are interested in you, they will let you know, and they will do it fast.

You were on the back burner. Companies will frequently interview you just to give their HR department something to do. You'll know a company is interested in you when the hiring manager and/or an executive contacts you directly. If the onsite interview included the hiring manager, thats a different story, but they'll let you know quickly after the onsite interview if they are interested. Time to move on.

>> No.11807367

The recruiter keeps texting me every day telling me they are waiting on the one person and that I am the top candidate. Is that all BS then?

>> No.11807488

Well, then no. Why are you posting here? If the recruiter is texting you everyday than it looks like the company is in deliberation. However, I wouldnt get your hopes up, it isnt a yes until its a yes.

>> No.11807543

> wasting 5 hours of your life on an interview to not even get hired

KEK the absolute state of wagecucks

>> No.11807615

Look at it this way -- even if you are the top candidate, you and/or your position is still not important enough to the 4th person to merit a fast response (<24hr). (It's useless speculating about the reasons why -- perhaps you could be actually 2nd place and they need to hear back from the actual top candidate first; or perhaps the position you'll be in actually won't be needed until after the holidays, so they want to delay putting you on as long as possible; or perhaps there is further negotiation going on with the 4th person about your impact on their role; etc.)

So take it for all that it is and don't put all your eggs into one basket.

>> No.11807799

>perhaps you could be actually 2nd place and they need to hear back from the actual top candidate first
That's probably why. Clearly there is a delay. If a company wants you, they'll hire you fairly quickly. Like I said, you're on the backburner. They are lying to you. The recruiter just wants to make his sale, so its in his best interest to keep you waiting and free rather than going for another job.

>> No.11808094

So do I tell the recruiter I have another job offer. I currently have a job so am not desperate, but this new job would be a literal 5 minute commute. I would rather them tell me yes or no.

>> No.11808293

Why do that? Theres nothing you can do. Just forget about it and hope for the best. Apply for new jobs or stick to your current one.

>> No.11808295

Could be indicative they the company is a shit show. The budget may have been cut for your position.

>> No.11808411
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>5 hour on site interview