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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1179477 No.1179477 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 23 and hit 100k in nw today.

I used to fuck tons of broads, and now I haven't in almost six months. I also stopped drinking around that time and now I'm getting depressed.

I thought chicks liked money

net worth thread I guess?

>> No.1179554

my net worth is about the same.

>im 22

>> No.1179558



kissless virgin who still lives with his parents

>> No.1179566


mm about 20k in savings, another 20k in stocks and 16k in student loans but i own my car outright so that negates that

so 40k i guess

>> No.1179580

you have to actually spend it if you want girls to be impressed

>> No.1179591

fucken jelly m8 good for you i turn 24 next month, you cocksucker

at least things are only getting better for you? lets go try and pick up chicks together, i live with my parents too

good, not bad

i'm cheap af but i always was back then too. i have a pretty new car and nice clothes and shit and stuff so no one knows... but i do live with my parents

>> No.1179596

>100k networth
>thinking whores give a fuck
Remember my friend, they're whores for a reason.

>> No.1179601

this, whores live for the excitement of the moment. sometimes that comes from money, sometimes drugs/alcohol, sometimes just being in shape and taking off your shirt, usually a mix of all three. having money definitely doesn't get you automatic pussy

>> No.1179612


true, i used to be exciting when i was in uni, broke, and boozing/whoring all the time. i actually mostly scored nice girls too somehow.

>> No.1179639

The kind of girls you're after care more about shallow displays of wealth than how much money you actually have.

Who do you think is going to get more looks at the club, the McDonald's employee wearing new Jordans and a fake Rolex, or some average looking dude with 100k in index funds?

If wealth alone attracted women, Ebeneezer Scrooge would have been drowning in pussy instead of living alone as an old man.

>> No.1179759

I'm 24 and flat broke because I couldn't afford college outright and medical problems make it difficult for me to work certain types of jobs.

Shit sucks.

>> No.1179814


72k net worth

>> No.1179824

I'm in the same boat my amigo.

Just keep making money, worst comes to worst you can retire in thailand and fuck whores all day while snorting lines of columbian bam bam.

>> No.1179857

good point. i'd like to find a nice girl anyways. i threw the last one away, which seemed like a good idea at the time (when i was a drunk)

good luck, we're all gonna make it
save everything you can and put it in stocks!

gj m8

you and me both man

>> No.1179862

31. 20k. Art degree.

>> No.1179864

But I've at least slayed the snatch without buying a whore once. Go team

>> No.1180040


>1.5k cash
>9k stocks
>20k student loan
>70k salary

Pretty much negative net worth

>> No.1180092


I wish death would take me already

>> No.1180103
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34. Broke, unemployed. Own a bunch of books, high-end shortwave equipment, two guns, and an '07 Ranger. Spent my savings ($8k) on parts to upgrade my 20yo vehicle ($6k) with a V8 & drivetrain.

Needless to say, I am single. But I've had several lovers, and know what I'm worth. Tbqhwyf relationships are more trouble than they're worth. Sharing a life with someone means compromising on yourself, and I'm too interesting to do that.

>> No.1180108

Just simply feel the Illinois

>> No.1180111

This is like wanting to ride your bike without hands while using 3 wheels. You're fucking up in something or you just have a lack of confidence (with grills).

>> No.1180114

I have $16 in my 401k, $1 in my wallet and $4 in my bank account

I've fucked maybe 9 women total (multiple times)

Working on a new business idea.

Once I have actual money coming in, I'll be able to afford a newer, prettier model (women as a truck joke)

>> No.1180122


> Assets 450k
> Net 315k

1/3 of the way to become a millionaire :3

>> No.1180129

kawaii :3

>3.3 million

1/3 of the way to eight digit club :333333

>> No.1180143
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They do they charge $3-500 AUD for sex/

>> No.1180157

20yrs, 2.5k€ in stocks, 2,5k cash, paintings worth 1k+

>> No.1180159

is expected inheritance count in the net wroth?

>> No.1180160

ru blueblood or started from scratch?

>> No.1180174

1.5k in stocks,
Roughly 6k in bank,
Japoy truck worth 5k
And a design/cnc fabrication start up 2 months old rolling roughly 35k in equipment between my partner and I.
No debt.
So...20k or so, much more when the biz starts picking up. Already have some clients and products in design.
Oh and about $500 in vinyl...

>> No.1180348

ill hit 100 before turning 24 as well, sitting around 85k

>> No.1180364

Stop putting your fucking cars into your net worth. Unless it's actually a collectible car it isn't with shit.

>> No.1180373

23, juuuust about hit the 10k mark, also "arts" (film)

understand the pain. no debt and a car though at least so i dont have anything tying me down. only problem now is i have no experience and no portfolio to speak of because NOT ONLY did i get a useless degree, i barely even did any work in my field.

>> No.1180385

barely worked - difficulties to survive (doing web stuff) living on a 200€ budget, and the day I miss a web job I will be kicked out from where I live (150€/month for this room I live in)
shit family in general and;
parents so butthurt of their childhood they pay it with their children's childhood and as adults, they still try to get you down (now my mother even appear in the news for being a liar bitch, probably going to jail or a big fine)

The Spanish culture, my friend.

AFor those of you saying unemployed blah blah, You guys are pretty much gifted - having a bad family and health issues is the worst, money is important, pussy is too, but these last 2 ones are out of your mind (you don't even think about these) when the first 2 other reasons (health and family) are missing.

Good luck team.

>> No.1180389

And* for those of you ---

>> No.1180409




I like to think it's because I'm from a poor family in the south, but I know it's because I'm a retarded loser.

Where do you live? I wish people just put location in these things.

>> No.1180426

You are a retarded loser, for not marching away from mommy and daddy's comfort.

go build yourself a little wooden boat and sail away, off to the best country, number 1 in the entire world. economically and in every other aspect.

Good luck, hope you know how to swim bro.

(let's get real, you're not a loser for being given birth inside of a secured jail in which once in, you will never go outside)

>> No.1180428


When my mummy dies I'll also get a house and like 2 mil.

>> No.1180430


In other words;

How can you be a loser, when you were not even given the chance to be a winner, in first place?

I thought losers are those who had the chance to win, but then lost. thus becoming the loser.

>> No.1180434

OP the kinds of girls who will fuck you because you have money expect you to give it to them. At much greater volumes than a whore. And eventually the sex dries up once they realize you've developed feelings for them. And will fuck around on you. Even worse, they fuck around on you, with peasants.

Go find a nice girl. Leave the sluts in the gutter.

>> No.1180435

20 and mine is -$5000 sigh....

>> No.1180437


About 40k in savings and stocks.
Lots of stuff, cameras, microphones, guitars worth about maybe 20k.
A nice apartment and a qt gf.
Go to a nice university studying business.

I'm doing ok.

>> No.1180446

$4000 in the bank, also own a sailing boat worth 27k which I'm planning to live on so 31k all up

>> No.1180456
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>parents paid for your college
>parents bought you your car
>finish college, save for 2 years no expenses
>"Sup bros I'm 100K net worth, you?"

>> No.1180463

20k in savings (dropping but I'll get to that)
-30k school loans
-8k for truck

So I'm negative about 18k

I was in the oil field saving them shekels until it blew the fuck out. Now I'm in school for computer science with 30 to graduation after this semester. Fuck being a single white male though because I get no fucking assistance with school

>we're all gonna make it

>> No.1180471

Exactly, ahahaha

>> No.1180478

>goes from oil to compsci

developer here, what made you want to switch to computers? besides the blow out.

>> No.1180486

21 junior in uni (IT student)

Always have at least 7/10 gf
3000+ hours on league of legends

$700 in bank
$500 in RH
$500 in cash
$~2000 in electronics (TV, speakers, computer, camera, phone, laptops, etc)

-$800/month for rent + food (paid by parents)

no debt (will graduate debt free (thank you based blue chip))

I have worked 5 months total in my life (I am a hacker for a private company)

Idk /biz/, what is my net worth?

>> No.1180494

40 year old bartender
Net worth maybe around 30k in cash, stocks, IRA
Own a 10 year old Toyota outright.
Don’t need money to get chicks because bartender. Have probably slept with over 100 girls and can get one anytime I want to put the energy into it but they are only a temporary pleasure and don’t bring any lasting fulfillment. My life is pretty good but I’d like to have more money especially now that I’m getting older and don’t want to work until I drop dead. Trying to learn how to invest and find other ways to generate revenue like a side business.

>> No.1180500

I like how people talk about; "sexy-ratio" for my gf (as if they were a hot commodity they could exchange at any moment, for instant profit - that's pretty funny haha)

Let's go team.

>> No.1180504

Under £2,000

23. I'll make it one day.

>> No.1180515
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>jobs your whole life working for other people
>starting something of your own is so fucking difficult
escape wageslavery brothers. someday

>> No.1180521

20k in the bank
No job
500 month rent
have fucked around 200 women, like everyone else says it is just a temporary pleasure. Nobody that is gonna fuck you that easily is worth sticking around with desu, but I guess that could be said of me too.

As far as things go, I just have a 33 inch tv and a computer I built myself that is maybe worth 300 now, 500 when I built it.

My goals are to invest the money I have into a business or something to generate passive income to live off of. Stocks are too risky for me.

>> No.1180539


about 70k€

literally did nothing for it except for a bit of part-time work while in school.

got 50k from my grandma already and im the only heir on the paternal side so Ill probably get 2 houses and some apartments.

Feels kind of weird and undeserved but oh well

>> No.1180781


>> No.1180799

paid off house @ 24

feels good mang

>> No.1180807

living with parents is something a lot of grisl don't like. they want to get spontaneous cocking without worrying about if your parents are out to dinner or not. I also live with my parents.

mirin that nw.

>> No.1180964

undeserved if you did bad things to them,
but if you didn't do good things nor bad things either, then that's what you deserve for not being bad with the family then.

you were just lucky to be born in the right family,
but you still deserve it if you didn't do bad things to them. infact I'm sure they want you to have it and so do I if you were good to them. family should the most important thing for someone along with health.

Enjoy your journey bro.

>> No.1180983

23 years old

$8k cash

$5k car

I made a lot of money but then I lost it all so I've started over.

>> No.1180988

6 year old
$20 from my grandma

>> No.1181114

I'll hit 100k before I turn 23.

>> No.1181206

how did you lose it lad?

>> No.1181233

>about to finish uni
>$5k cash
>slender and tall as fuck
>can't find g/f because they think i'm goofy
>scared all hope is lost

>> No.1181551

Like 5k dollars.

I'm 24

>> No.1181574

19 yrs old, About 38k. No joke.

>> No.1181576

>$600,000 in Ethereum
>$150,000 in pepecoin

>> No.1181590

>saved up for beater
>got full ride
>graduated to high compensation job

>> No.1181632


>spending your life savings on a car

You fucked up

>> No.1181659
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>/mu/tant in thread that has a sufjan imagine

no surprises here

>> No.1181665

b-but where?

fug I wait tables now. haven't fugged any chicks from it yet but pulled a couple numbers.

>> No.1181668

thanks m8, i think you're right..

>> No.1181776

Net worth around 350k

I used to pull chicks all the time when i was younger. ive been with my gf now for almost 4 years. We broke up for about a month, i went to the bars with some friends and realized i am no longer good with women nor do i care to be good with them

I want to be worth over $1M and have enough passive income to travel around the world non stop and shit post on 4chan whenever i feel like it

>> No.1182095


>> No.1182098

>parents weren't deadbeat losers who used "muh building character" as an excuse to explain their poor financial abilities and disregard for your education.

>> No.1182262

>55K in stocks, ROTH
>3K in Peer to Peer lending account
> 13K in savings
>I don't count my car but I guess if you did it would be another 8 grand
>Plus I have awesome pokemon cards

>> No.1182313

Do we count in the house I own? If so, I have about 130k $.

>100k $ is my apartment (one bedroom, 34 sq.m. footage)
>~12k $ in savings.
>20-30k $ is my salary (freelancer)

Honestly, don't know if I'm doing okay or not.
I'm 23.

>> No.1182420

can listing gf rating along with your assets be a new dank meme

>> No.1183287
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i have the same goal but i'm quite a bit behind you.

you're doing pretty good, but work on getting your salary up, or work PT or something man. if you can squeeze in a couple years of high savings now you'll benefit many times over in the future.

>> No.1183473

I'm >>1182313 (in case my ID got reset after turn off the PC)

To be quite honest with you, I'm Russian. And before sanctions hit us hard, the exchange rate was very different than it is today.

Essentially, you can double the money I posted above, my salary was 3000-4000$ per month before. So, there's nothing I can do about it.

I am trying to squeeze in some odd jobs like tutoring and stuff like that, but it takes time, like any job, I guess.

But on average, our minimum wage right now is 238$, so for a guy who only has a degree in Linguistics, I think I'm doing fine.

Although I'm thinking about moving countries to earn more dosh. But I'm not sure someone would need a Russian-English interpreter/teacher.

>> No.1183490

Where do you find a $3 hooker?

>> No.1183492


Around 350k net worth inherited

I am a recovering NEET

>> No.1183543
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no car
no gf

>> No.1183551
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>sticking financed cars and housing in your net worth

>> No.1183615

Roughly £101,600 net worth.


Not including material possessions like TV, PC, Laptop, guitars etc but it does include my car.

>> No.1183622

Not if the car gives his life meaning and value. Maybe he goes muddin'
That's what a lot of broke rednecks in vermont live for

>> No.1183634

well m8 if you're in Russia then that's a whole lot better. How much does it cost you to live per month? where do you live?

housing yes it's an asset that historically rises even. cars no

>> No.1183651

Well, like I said, I own my apartment, so I don't rent (which is like 250-400$ per room/apt.), food is embarrassingly cheap since we produce it (I cannot spend more than 60$ per month on food), I have two casual get togethers with friends on a weekly basis, which costs me 100$ per month in total. And I spend about 50$ for entertainment like videogames or Netflix and shit.

So, about 200-250$ per month is my cost of living. Pretty good, no?

Therein lies my conundrum: do I leave Moscow for another foreign city? Or do I stay here and spend little while earning about 1500-2000$ per month? Mind you, I'm a freelance interpreter, so I work like 8-12 days per month tops.

>> No.1183656


+$50k cash
-$10 debt
=$40k net worth

eye-contact-less virgin with no friends.

I wanted to own a business but I'm realizing that I may be too autistic for that to ever be an option. feels like I will never escape the grind.

>> No.1183662


>net worth is just over $46k

None of my money was inherited, and I have no debt. Since I currently live with my parents, every dollar I make goes to savings until I can afford a decent place to live.

>> No.1183682

25 years old

55k net worth

I'm below the curve probably, but it's the best I was able to do.

>> No.1183686

>Stop including your valuable material assets in your net worth.


>> No.1183713

29 - finance

own a business that spits me 300k ish per year in net profit - god only knows how you value that

outside of that i just bought a house, own the car, and about 50K in financial assets

party once a month in VIP with sluts - had 30+ sexual partners last year...god bless tinder

I am going to say NW of about a mil.

>> No.1183728

What exactly does someone in finance do day to day?

>> No.1183746

Finance is very diverse, I happen to be in financial services so my job boils down to two primary functions:

1) the finance side:
invest portfolios
develop investment models
trade on active disciplines and triggers
run financial planning software
monitor performance

2) The human side:
building relationships with current clients soliciting business from new clients
talking people off the ledge when they want to sell their investments because they are down
convincing the mass affluent to trust me and i will deliver them to their goals

the finance side is the easy part and unfortunately a small fraction of my day....most of the time i am waging psychological warfare with my clients over the phone / in person.

combining money / emotion / greed / and an unknowable, uncertain thing like stocks is a volatile mixture. I keep the clients from harming themselves (mostly)

>> No.1183854

>$85k salary
>$5000 savings
>$8000 401k

I don't think I'm doing it right...

>> No.1183856


Do you give out financial advice? I'm still trying to figure out how to get the ball rolling, so all I have to do is pour money into my investments. Can't even get my head around index funds. Do you ever work on a case basis of "I'll make you a lot of money, and you give me x% of it"?

>> No.1183875

not a lot of people have more in their 401k than savings, but kudos bro.

>> No.1183901


Honestly your best bet is to go to betterment.com and let them figure it out for you while you learn.

save a constant percentage and never decrease it and never touch your investments....ever.

yes, we have "fulcrum fee" / incentive based investment models; but they are really bad from an incentive basis.

you give me your life savings to play on the roulette table so we swing for the fences. if it hits i get a proportion of the profit, if it doesn't you are blown up but I am fine.

% of profit business is our most profitable BY FAR.

>> No.1183904


Oh, this service looks great! Got a referral link? If not, I'll just sign up right now. That's all I want, just someone to be like "Hey, you should do this and this while you're young. Learn more, and tweak it as you like, but at least get something rolling. Don't want to be 40, with no investments".

>> No.1183916


No, we have an institutional relationship with betterment for the small fry, but its not worth my fee that I overlay on top of betterment ;)

>> No.1183930


My first goal is to save $13k? Jesus. And it doesn't sound like it's a normal savings account, sounds like they think they can beat the typical 1% ROI on most savings account. This could get interesting! Going to split my 10% savings, into two. 5% goes to my normal savings account at 1%, the other 5% goes into Betterment. After a month or two, we will see which is on top.

>> No.1183964

Same hopefully, except I get dad's Lexus LS460 once he decides to upgrade. Graduate next year guaranteed at least 60K starting, but obviously going to keep looking.

>> No.1183976

If they're getting into a relationship for constant cocking they're not worth it anyways.

>> No.1184917

> just turned 21
> 15 - 20k
> 6-7 gf, sex is good tho

Motivation starts to fade a little, need to find a new goal / make a new plan

>> No.1185214

just got that sweet tax return holla

>> No.1185216

embarrassing desu

>> No.1185294

Same goal here

>> No.1185326

Age: 19
Net worth: 270k in private equity from parents for mortage deposit
Job/Education: Offer from top target school equiv to Ivy League in the states

>> No.1185372

That's so cheap man - stay in Moscow! You have friends and a job where you save most of your income... I'd stick it out there for a while, and keep saving money and researching other options. How much is your apartment worth if you had to sell it?

same m8


that's fucking awesome compared to average people. Bear in mind the savings rate in the US is like 4% and most people don't even use a 401k.

>> No.1186367

Well, before the sanctions came - my apartment was valued at 230k$. Now it's half that amount.

My problem is - I spend very little, compared to all of you, but I also cannot save as much as you do due to a fucked up exchange rate.

I have no idea how to get a passive income which I desperately need to hit my target of earning at least 800$ in passive mode.

So, what options do I need to research, financebro?

>> No.1186452

if you're going to brag about NW and include "living with parents" please shut the fuck up and check back in when it gets real. Retards.

>> No.1187104

>tfw barely 1k in net worth

how do you guys even..

>> No.1187235

About 9k
Car, Phone, Laptop, I also have a bottle of vodka from the 80's worth about £100
Virgin, not kissless, have fingered a girl
Live with parents

net worth: about 18k

>> No.1187237


14k euros

>> No.1187318


> won't bite like 2g for a car


>> No.1187369

Had a shit job in my gap year, currently doing Biology at uni.
Never tried to be /biz/, never had my own business or invested or anything. Will try and do so with what little money I have.
Not exactly sure what to do but this will be the start of my trip.

>> No.1187414
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Anon, have Hope!

Age: 30

2016 - $457 K
2011 - $43 K

Some financial setbacks (Marriage #1, Divorce #1, Marriage #2), but on-the-whole positive.

Should have a cool million by 35.

>> No.1187436

Because of all the angst, this includes housing, because it should (house paid off), and two cars (paid for, valued at $6K and $8K in the KBB Private Sale category). Also in these numbers is $25K in solar panels*.

*almost certainly worth less than $15K (who buys used solar panels?), but produce $130/month in electricity (equivalent to $39K in investments), so I'm just calling it even.

>> No.1187919

Well i'm not brilliant, i'm just a 23 year old kid in canada who saved nearly all his money and worked two jobs. You should try ebay or international trade, and make the exchange rate work for you?

I really do'nt know man. what kind of freelance do you do russiabro?

>> No.1188011

29 78k, traveling the nw away for this year, and finding easy pussy @ PR and TX

>> No.1188032


Be attractive retard, been fucking a slew of 19 yr olds lately.

>> No.1188160

Define "international trade"?

As in "go around the world, buying shit and importing it to Russia for extra dosh" trade? Or just buing shit off Ebay and AliBaba and reselling it to the Russian buyers? Explain, pls.

I am a simultaneous/consecutive interpreter. For instance, yesterday I had a really easy contract - I showed up for 17 exact minutes, translated some shit and collected my 165$ paycheck. But shit like this only happens once or twice a month. Usually I sit all day long in my booth and interpret my ass off.

But I like the job. I can either turn it down or ask for more, depends on the complexity of my translation, but sanctions made it impossible to look for more translations - int. business has shrunken the last year. I can only work so much as an interpreter - 8-12 days per month.

Any ideas on what I should do? Do I put my savings in a deposit or invest? What about int. trade and scamming exchange rate?

>> No.1188365

How the fuck does everyone have such high networth why am I so cucked.
>55k salary
>2nd year out of uni
>62k student loan
>900 dollars to my name
>shitty car that needs a bunch of work done
Seriously how do I save and grow my networth
>inb4 just done spend money

>> No.1188367

100k is just enough for a downpayment for a home at a swank suburb.. it aint much, but not bad for your age.. give it a few years and you can move out of your parents'

>> No.1188370

cut your expenses.. that basically means living like a miser jew

Invest all your savings

>> No.1188398

>300k/year income
>have a loft in japan and 2 villas in USA, also an appartment in London
>ripped body like zyzz, but natty
>i have 3 gfs right now
pssh nothing personel, kid
ps: also iam bi

>> No.1188607

Not him, but invest in what? Any tips on how to make right investments?

>> No.1188615

real estate, precious metals, stocks, ETF's.. just take your pick

>> No.1188623

Real estate is tad too pricey for me. Can't buy a flat, famalam.

But I do have one 33 sq.m. one bedroom apt. that I rent out for 400$.

I'd love to buy another but that's difficult to do with my salary.

>> No.1188640

if you have a rental unit, youre in real estate.. even if its a small one..

Too many things out there to invest in.. But my fave is real estate.. It requires alot of work tho.. I hate dealing with tenants

You can buy stocks and commodities with what little you make.. Theres no shortage in things to speculate on.

>> No.1188647

30 yo
$45k 401k
$10k brokerage
$5k HSA
$15k collector car
$50k equity
$1k PMs/gunz

$380k mortgage
$8k student loan

$135k combined income
$5-10k inlaw benefits per year

$10k per year daycare

>> No.1188905

>12k savings
>2012 Nissan Titan

Feels like shit I want more out of life, I hate being a wage cuck. Maybe moving somewhere else would help any tips? I have some business savy and I have a great work ethic but just can't be motivated

>> No.1188934

>Finance is very diverse, I happen to be in financial services so my job boils down to two primary functions:
>1) the finance side:
>invest portfolios
>develop investment models
>trade on active disciplines and triggers
>run financial planning software
>monitor performance
>2) The human side:
>building relationships with current clients soliciting business from new clients
>talking people off the ledge when they want to sell their investments because they are down
>convincing the mass affluent to trust me and i will deliver them to their goals
>the finance side is the easy part and unfortunately a small fraction of my day....most of the time i am waging psychological warfare with my clients over the phone / in person.
>combining money / emotion / greed / and an unknowable, uncertain thing like stocks is a volatile mixture. I keep the clients from harming themselves (mostly)
thanks for the insight

>> No.1189655


God bless the third world.

>> No.1189670

Chicks love financial retards that have a high income.

>> No.1190007

DESU i don't know much about international trade but a buddy of mine buys and sells a lot on ebay and took advantage of canada's dollar dropped over the past two years. you could check that out.

If you don't work too much and you like your job, then it sounds like you have it made! Once the economy picks up (hopefully) you will have more work and your money will be worth more.

I don't know how to invest from russia man. I normally suggest people invest totally in the US, but I don't know how you would be able to do that and if it would be a good idea. The ruble-dollar exchange rate could really fuck you.

total market index fund m8 boring but it works

i noticed.

>> No.1190037
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dad has 30 mil tho :/

>> No.1190042
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>ripped body like zyzz, but natty
prove it faggot

>> No.1190043
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>great work ethic
>cant get motivated

>> No.1190101


I'm 20. I have a little more than 100k but most of it is going towards my education (planning on med or grad school for a PhD in clinical psych). I'm a little bit bummed honestly, I won't have a decent income for about another 6 years. The money I have all comes from my parents who are pretty rich but yeah. I regret not pursuing something like engineering. I never really had the math so that's what made me decide to go for something else.

>> No.1190107
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I'm 32, paying cash for a house in 2 days so it'll be closer to 0 next week.

It's a sad end to 6 years of saving.

>> No.1190147


My mother just bought a house for 2 million and it's a piece of shit. I wish houses were 250k here.

>> No.1190274

12k or so in savings. I want to invest that money but I have no idea where to start. I have been reading on the subject but I don't know whether or not I am ready.

>> No.1190305

You've made a big big mistake my friend...

>> No.1190319




>> No.1190461

I'm going to sell my one room apt. to buy a larger one with two rooms with the money I've saved. I could potentially rent that baby out for some 750$ (from 400$ that I rent out now), so double the money. Good trade, I suppose, no?

Only downside - I would have to wait until the apartment gets built, since I'll be buying a newly constructed apartment - they are far cheaper than the built ones.

Can you tell me more about investing in cryptocurrency, bro?

I'm a new guy to /biz/ but I've noticed many people claiming that they got rich thanks to Ethereum. Is that true or is it a meme?

I was actually planning to go to Shanghai (China) for a year or two. Open a business there and then make something here in Russia to tether it to my Chinese enterprise.

>> No.1190679
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just turned 30

1.2M USD

just got a good job out of university and live on about 12K a year, that's it.