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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 531 KB, 1536x2050, 8F8D0F66-B8CA-497C-A1AF-E908788CA462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11803348 No.11803348 [Reply] [Original]

Post here only if you made it. No crypto ponzi doesn’t count

>> No.11803359

>two try-hard salesman cars
>post here only if you made it

>> No.11803361
File: 487 KB, 750x635, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11803385

Let’s see what you drive faggot

>> No.11803401

>makes worst investment possible with two shitty euro-beaters
>still thinks he made it

>> No.11803431

'making it' isn't about what car you drive. Loser.

>> No.11803451
File: 140 KB, 756x1008, 20181113_174057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every night

>> No.11803461

He would have been better off buying some real estate. That is a pajeet level garage right there.

>> No.11803484

way to roast yourself, moron
only low IQ retards pride themselves for owning depreciating assets
not to mention the whole blur the plates... yeah buddy i'm sure you're so really important autists would search for you
this whole "i'm afraid of getting doxxed" is a sad pretense you're relevant to anyone but your inner circle (if that)

>> No.11803485
File: 763 KB, 1125x2045, 4C2AD0FB-9945-471B-AFEA-11CA8AB33CF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I already own 5 houses and have a trust fund. Kek at the poors

>> No.11803498

I don't know what's considered by making it
I created freelancer organization called yourpersonalworkforce
Have about 20-50 people working on and off on projects ( sales, marketing, digital marketing, virtual assistants etc). Things that people don't want to do anymore or don't have time for. Or simply expanding their businesses.
8/10 small businesses fail, so i fight hard to make that number smaller

On top of that I have two great kids and work 4-6 hours per day with weekends off

I think I made it
Although I never have much money, I still very much enjoy my life. I was never good with money anyways.
So again it depends on what your view on making it means, to me it's all about family and spending a lot of time with my kids out in the open. Going to summer vacation, winter vacation, being outside, working from anywhere that I want.

>> No.11803512
File: 106 KB, 900x596, amg-gtr-web-2305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own 9 houses in 8 different countries, pic related isan actual pic of my car

>> No.11803513

You literally drive refugee cars, you can see our drug dealer refugees in germany by those cars

>> No.11803521

That gay fubu nigger said 20-30 milo is rich to him
But not wealthy

>> No.11803533

This anon gets it.

>> No.11803560

>0 debt
>made 125k this year
>on track to make 250k 2019
Not enough to make it but I’ll be very well off by the time I’m 30.

>> No.11803563

You don't own any of the houses in your picture, you just searched for expensive houses on some app in a postcode. God this is a shitty larp

>> No.11803578
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He doesn’t realize Who I am

>> No.11803585

Some fat autist, what do I win?

>> No.11803586

Well it depends on what people think for them is making it.
I can't eat houses, I can't enjoy cars and don't care about them.
Used to be car salesman and drove every fucking beast in 08 that I wanted.
I have some real estate but it doesn't bring me money, houe, office, house at the sea in another country and that's more than enough for entire lifetime.
And besides to me money if just for spending, I need it to eat and live normally, that's why I spend it all. That's why I don't get it when someone says look I got a Ferrari, yes but you also have a fucking depression, mental disorder , anxiety, etc.
I feel as people are growing into capitalism they are losing their sense for life. It's all about money to them.

>> No.11803618


>parks his shit tier euro cars in pajeet garage
>lives in shit tier state
> posts Zillow screenshot of houses he will never own
>probably wears a hairpiece for confidence boost
>still thinks he made it

People who made it don’t post on image boards looking for self assurance. You are either a Pajeet, larper, or a rich faggot who has no life despite his money. In any case you haven’t made it, and are most certainly a faggot.

>> No.11803653

If dubs he is pajeet , if trips he is a larper, if quads he is a rich faggot
If singles he is just a faggot

>> No.11803685
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, 5E0ADEEB-2891-46CA-B13E-0F1EFB35D808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine being this poor and buttblasted

>> No.11803776

>eating off a board

>> No.11803814

You have to pay taxes anon

>> No.11803890

car isn't an asset though, why waste money on it if you're not filthy rich. this could be an asset for you if you're a uber premium driver, I don't know. are you a taxi driver anon?

>> No.11804007

yor dads lol

>> No.11804046

i like burgers in general but it boggles my mind how they behave like the literal brown scum in our countries sometimes
like the faggot haircuts with shaved sides favored by both ghetto muslims and american white nationalists. what's up with that?