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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11801317 No.11801317 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.11801327

Nchain employee here can confirm Craig found the flaw and is not just bullshitting literally sold all my cones

>> No.11801757

bump. I will be re-posting this twice daily, minimum, until December 2019 (or earlier if the exploit is released sooner).

>> No.11801799


>> No.11801823
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>> No.11801824

For the purpose of improved clarity:

"Nchain employee here can confirm Satoshi found the flaw"

Guess why the Satoshi twitter account was suspended....

>> No.11801834
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o rly

>> No.11801848

>muh metabluff

>> No.11801850
File: 91 KB, 901x715, cswlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bluff is literally all he ever does.

>> No.11801862



>> No.11801941

This: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO176mdSTG0 , right?

He starts with some very vague statements, but if you jump to 17:01, he explains in detail how miners can over time be caused to stop validating the segwit signatures (because they will be trained that this gives them more profit in some cases). Then you may end up with stolen crypto and no signature anywhere to prove how the transaction happened.

Now it starts to make sense why all the Core guys insist on everyone running a fully validating node. In fact, with SegWit, miners are more of a problem to the network then in the big blocks case.

>> No.11801957

It's been known for a long time that if miners don't validate segwit transactions, the BTC fork is fucked. This isn't original research. The core theory goes they wouldn't do that because reasons, but they absolutely would because they've loudly announced their hatred for BTC and that they're only even mining it to begin with for short term profits, if they can increase those short term profits and kill BTC at the same time, they absolutely will do it.

>> No.11801973
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>> No.11801989

I think this is what the mp cult is actually planning to do to get back to what they consider "the real bitcoin", permanent shitty 1mb limit and role as the underlying fiscal instrument for a dystopian neofeudal empire and all.
Sounds like fucking horseshit to me and I just don't see them actually ever getting to a civilisation that 95%+ of people in the world would happily die to prevent, but that doesn't mean they can't necessarily fuck BTC on the way down with their stupid cult.

>> No.11802000

this is just sad to watch, did anyone really believe he is satoshi?

>> No.11802014


>> No.11802025

Sure, it's not new, but it's new to me (I'm a noob to SegWit).

Thought others might be like me...

>> No.11802081

No worries, that's totally fair enough, I just don't want you to get the impression CSW is actually contributing something useful and original here or thinking for himself.

>> No.11802103

Exactly, the video is from last year, and CSW claims he'll release the details next year.

Or maybe he's just planning to try this attack himself, and finally say "see, I told you so".

It may even be as successful as his current attack on ABC /s

>> No.11802113

Oh, and citations as well as the coretard refutations so it's clear I'm not just talking out of my ass

>> No.11802172

Thanks for the reference!

>> No.11802270
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nice logo faggot

>> No.11802285

>yfw Chainlink solves the segwit problem so it doesn't matter