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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11796970 No.11796970 [Reply] [Original]

The team doesn’t even have to lie anymore, the delusional REQtards are lying to themselves.

The Request Network developers, IN THEIR OWN WHITEPAPER, claimed they were developing a network that could replace PayPal. They promised fiat currencies on the network in Q2.

Now the REQtards are realizing the obvious: there’s not even a feasible mechanism by which this would ever be possible, the only way to move fiat from person A to person B is through a centralized payment processor.

So fiat transfers will never be a facilitated through cryptographic proof, meaning a blockchain. In order to “integrate” fiat currencies in the manner that it’s laid out in the white paper (sending a payment request on the Request Network and paying it in fiat), you’d need ENORMOUS collaboration with existing centralized payment processors or banks. Did the developers know this? Is that why they lied about their “partnership” with ING Bank? It would seem so.

>> No.11797464
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AbstractTornado for biggest fag in crypto?

>> No.11798328
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They're a bunch of french pieces of shit. I wish I had never invested in them, I can't believe I fell for this shit. $30,000 has turned into nothing.

>> No.11798352

The movement of fiat will be handled by Chainlink. Just one of the many shitcoins absorbed by Chainlink's grotesque, Testuo-like form.

>> No.11798397

I'm convinced the reddit mods are in on the request soft exit scam and were probably involved since the ICO

>> No.11798418
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>> No.11798422

certainly possible, considering how much they have latched on. I was an active defender of req for months until they permabanned me from the subreddit for asking questions. They're almost certainly going to keep scaling down and eventually shut down the company after selling off their funds.