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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11797370 No.11797370 [Reply] [Original]

is biz really going away soon?

>> No.11797523

Yes. Hiro is angry people are using adblockers and the massive traffic influx from Gamergate and 2016 has made it so he can now longer pay the for the hosting servers. Most of 4chan is being killed off, including /biz/.

>> No.11797532

what the fuck. when is this happening?

>> No.11797544
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this week

>> No.11797545

No, it's just 2 domains.

SFW on 4channel, NSFW on 4chan

Scammers will tell you to go to a different board.

>> No.11797550

You can buy 4chan.org with 350,000,000 Link

>> No.11797571

It's not going away, it's just rebranding to a freemium business model

>> No.11797590
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All the SWF boards are going to move to 4channel.org domains. This includes /a/, /biz/, /vg/, /tv/, and all other the discussion boards. So for example, we'll become:
All the NSFW boards are going to remain on 4chan.org domains. This includes /pol/, /b/, /r9k/, /gif/, and the porn boards.

According to Hiro, the purpose of this is to make the site more palatable to advertisers. Nobody wants to advertise on a site where you're literally one click away from unironic neo-nazi propaganda or anime girls with horse penises. It's a PR disaster, especially in today's political climate. By splitting the "Safe" boards off into their own website, suddenly ad companies will be more open to doing business with us, and the site becomes more profitable.

Many users, including myself, believe that this bodes ill for 4chan as a whole. In order to give the illusion that 4channel is a safe, sterile, boring website just like the rest of the internet, the mods might begin to crack down on "off-topic" posting, "unkind" speech, and "negative" opinions. You know, like how every other website on the internet currently does. The problem here is that it goes against 4chan's main tenet of "anyone can say whatever weird shit they want without consequence", which is what makes us so unique and fun in the first place. Heavy-handed moderation is the exact opposite of this.

Not to mention, having advertising companies pay the bills means that they get a bargaining chip.
>Hey Hiro, it's Request Network. We see that there's a lot of negative talk among your users about our new mozzarella cheese. We'd be happy to supply some of our employees to work as "Janitors" for your website, so that we can police the negative content ourselves. Please consider our offer - it'd be a shame if we had to pull our ads from your site.

>> No.11797599

Fuck this gook jew.

>> No.11797609
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soon you will get rangebanned for this. thats the world we gonna live in.
all the other boards are also already saying goodbye to the last bit of free speech.

we had a good run..

>> No.11797629

or just don't be a racist on the internet, I know it's hard

>> No.11797650

SFW boards that are "advertiser-friendly"
>/lit/ thinks any leftist litterature should burnt
>/biz/ also think the jews control everything
>/his/ believes everything after the dark ages was a mistake
>everyone on /vg/ hates other threads
>/tv/ only shitposts
>everything on /a/ is borderline porn

>> No.11797653

It's all bullshit. I paid for a stupid pass; why isn't gook moot advertising the 4chan pass more? Or setup a patreon.

>> No.11797659

thats just the tip of the iceberg, soon they will go after other dissenting opinions and this turns into reddit garbage.

>> No.11797676

the moderators and jannies will crack down on that and remove all of this.
they will enforce moderation to get more gibs from ads in and to keep the advertisers happy.
its over.

he is just a scapegoat pupper, goal is to neuter 4chans free speech.

>> No.11797697

Yeah, I know Google Adsense regularly banned sites from displaying Adsense Ads if they had anime pics because they classified them as 'adult content' if it can be viewed as sexual in any context.

>> No.11797699


Hiroshima is forking 4chan.

4channel is Hiro' s original vision.

>> No.11797717

>everyone on 4chan will either assimilate into numale culture or be segregated even more

>> No.11797743

>lit thinks any leftist literature should burn
That's the polacks invading my board

>> No.11797750

It's okay, the new domain is going to be spammed to hell from all directions with loli, gore, BLACKED, and every other horrible thing people can think up until google puts them on a blacklist. Which in turn will make literally all of this pointless and Hiro will probably just pull the plug for good since he can't squeeze anymore shekels out of this old cow.

>> No.11797794
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we gonna have to shitpost on the new 4channel like never before but in the end we just kick the can further down the road even if we win and like you said he is gonna pull the plug soon afterwards.

not sure if I want to live long enough to see that happen

>> No.11797803

theres no way they can really make biz like reddit right?

>> No.11797840
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yes they can
read >>11797590

>> No.11797985
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There is another way Hiro! Don't do this!

>> No.11798029

It's too bad the psychotic anti-semites couldn't control themselves but they are really self destructive.

>> No.11798098

No fuck this, we get some crypto devs together and make it so you can shit post using crypto. Either addons to Novusphere or separate dapps that can interconnect. Then we connect them all together and build a fucking empire that literally needs the internet to be demolished in order to take it down.

>> No.11798111

We're not going anywhere. Don't fret, OP.

Just a bunch of shitstirrers and pajeets jewing up biz for laughs. Ignore them.

>> No.11798135

So long as it means they ban brap posters who don't at least dress it up in something board specific like that sexy vertcoin anime bitch, I'm fine with this.

The paranoia about censoring speech in general is slightly warranted but if it happens, there are many enterprising people who would want to start a new chan.

>> No.11798154

>there are many enterprising people who would want to start a new chan.

The next gen will be crypto/IPFS based and it will be ultra hard to censor or even kind of fuck with. Fuck making another standard 4chan board that will be riddled with adds and shit.

>> No.11798261

>decentralized 4chan powered and paid by Linkpool shares

>> No.11798355

The problem is that most 4chan denizens are too autistic to use anything but this shithole, and too crypto retarded to use any functioning block chain and can only pump scams and retarded shit like eth.