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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 300 KB, 610x445, house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11796829 No.11796829 [Reply] [Original]

Im sick of seeing you lazy faggot millennials posting about "muh global real estate crash" threads. ITS. NOT. FUCKING. GOING. TO. HAPPEN. Literally the fiat system is fucked, prices will never drop. There is too much currency out their.

>I own my own detached home

Also, why do these faggot millennials think just because they flip a burger, they have the right to own a home in a city that took hundreds of years to build (and contributed nothing but diabetes to)?

>> No.11796918


The problem isn't housing prices though. It's land. And as long as you can afford it, it shouldn't matter if you're a burger flipper or a business owner. If you pay it for yourself, you should own it fair and square.

>> No.11796941
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well someone is nervous lmao

>> No.11796953

Im sick of seeing you lazy faggot boomers posting about "muh Bitcoin crash" threads. ITS. NOT. FUCKING. GOING. TO. HAPPEN. Literally the fiat system is fucked, prices of Bitcoin will never drop. There is too much currency out there waiting to get in.

>> No.11796971

You sound like a secure, well adjusted person OP and totally not like a faggot clutching to his fragile understanding of his position in the world without regard to his mortality

>> No.11796982
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OP just bought a house with a massive loan.
He is trying to convince himself.
Just ignore this bubble surfer.

>> No.11797018


>> No.11797059
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kids these days...

>> No.11797114

Even though it already happened

>> No.11797125
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That was the point

>> No.11797146

My dad bought a house in the 90s for 35k
Why cant i do that?

>> No.11797253
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it has already begun

>> No.11797291

because you expect to buy in a tier 1 city.

>> No.11797302

Felt like cope to me

>> No.11797322

60% of millennials have more than $1,000 saved. Boomers and old folk own all the houses, but boomers are entering their 60s now, and with boomer lifestyle, I doubt most of them will live far into their 70's. So tell me, who is going to buy all these houses from these boomers and old folk trying to sell them and downsize, or buy them from the banks or their children when they die? Is it the 80% of millenials that have less than $5,000 saved? Have you ever heard of supply and demand, OP? What happens when there is a sudden massive surge of houses on the market but no buyers?

>> No.11797326

People will ALWAYS need a place to live.
People do not need long strings of 0's and 1's

>> No.11797338

REIT investment firms will buy them. And rent them out at cash flow positive to millennials. And they will rent them out, EVERYONE needs a place to live.

>> No.11797341

my home is much bigger than THAAAAAT

>> No.11797346

It was a jab at OP for claiming that the housing bubble won't pop, just like people used to say about the bitcoin bubble in january.

Fuck you for making me explain an obvious joke

>> No.11797349

Mid-America Apartment Communities (NYSE:MAA) literally owns 101,000 apartments. They would be happy to add some more.

>> No.11797428

Gen x'ers were unfortunate enough to get indebted to boomers but millennials and especially zoomers won't fall for the same trap.

>Some mega realtor business will buy up all the houses and will keep the price artificially high SO MY PROPERTY VALUE WON'T DECLINE
Wishful thinking & COPE

>> No.11797448

with what money?

>> No.11797453


>> No.11797516
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I'm somewhat of a misanthrope myself

>> No.11797522
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>> No.11797537

Macro headwinds include chinese capital controls and rising rates. Rates are the more worrying because it A the denominator of your discount model goes up making those streams worth less B investors can get safer returns through bonds and C downward pressure on mortgages as their rates climb up.

Oz is rolling over and that could be the canary in the coal mine...the US looks similiar in a few regards, especially for primes cities.

Which leads me to believe this is boomer cope. I’m open to the bull case for house prices though, but even the NYT is open about the uncertainty (“why the housing market is slumping”).

>> No.11797557

I'm going to save up for the boomer holocaust. I don't care if it takes 10,20,30 years. These fuckers have to die eventually.

>> No.11797614

I am intrigued by the idea some people have that a large population with limited housing always means high house prices.

No. If there is no cheap and available credit mechanism (loans from banks) then what you have is India or any African nation.

Canada and Australia are experiencing a reductuon in bank loans, tighter regulation and interest rate increases, and so prices are dropping.

>> No.11797733

Looks like someone thinks a massive crash is going to happen. Bad news buddy you need to study some history

>> No.11797828

thanks faggot xgener with faggot $400 a month bmw lease payment. WHAT NEXT tell us to contribute to a 401k?

>> No.11797859



10 years ago senpai

>> No.11797887


That crash was forced and controlled. It won't happen again for another 20 years. You can literally see all the deregulations that caused that to happen. If anyone had any idea how mortgages worked would have seen this from a mile away.

>> No.11797919


...the profit they get from other rentals and money stored in other investments? There's always an investor able and willing to buy a house if they know they can get a positive return on it.

>> No.11797987

the only thing "forced and controlled" about it was not allowing it to actually happen with full force by printing even more money.

>> No.11798141

Housing crash won't happen overnight, it starts slowly with rising mortgage interest, rising delinquency, rising inventory, resulting slow price drop.

>> No.11798151
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>> No.11798204
File: 182 KB, 582x1064, 1FCD906D-4925-4C18-9A79-F864AB3506A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see no charts or statistics to backup your claim. All I see is a boomer who most likely got burnt by some millennial chick and wants to rage out to anonymous users on 4chins.

>> No.11798346

Um OP.... prices dropping for everything is a good thing. Not sure wtf galaxy you live in where artificially raised higher prices are a good thing.

>> No.11798484

>complaines houses are too expensive
>complains when prices drop
Bravo Millenials

>> No.11798521

>doesn't understand quantitative tightening and what is going to unfold.
>hasn't noticed that stocks and bonds and metals are getting soaked at the same time
>isn't mentally equipped to exploit the new flavour of productive recession the world is going to witness.

>> No.11798535

There's more than enough Chinese who need to get their money out of their country to buy up all of the property. Here in NYC they're fighting each other over who gets to buy, I've seen houses listed for 670k have people fighting over them and these houses end up selling for 800k. It's absolutely ridiculous that we allow foreigners to buy property as investments while locals are priced out. This should be banned

>> No.11798620
File: 912 KB, 1294x616, 08444C4C-A92B-46E0-ADAC-805567856CD8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww op does your wife’s son not want to move out?

>> No.11798633

LMFAO if thats ur house in the picture, it looks like some fucking poverty crack house. just fucking LOL, and yes if ur unaware, multiple housing markets are already collapsing.

gl u fucking faggot ass gimp

>> No.11798665
File: 88 KB, 500x382, 1453603605973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, home from a long day at work wagie? I'll be out in a bit, if I hear one peep out of you I'll be in here for hours.
>splashes about

>> No.11798677

Sorry matey. But the vast majority of buyers in the American property market are Americans. 5% of sales go to foreign buyers. Of that percentage. Of that 14% are Chinese. Of that 14% only 4% purchase into New York.


>> No.11798685

Absolutely based

>> No.11798953

No i live outside any city. Coachella valley, houses here were 35k or less back then now theyre all 300k plus.

>> No.11798976

And then it gets propped up again by bankers

>> No.11799061

productivity is still low, fuck you mean?

>> No.11799160

to add to this, there will be a soft housing crash, 30 year fixed rate mortgages recently reached 5%, this is an 8 year high, this comes at a time where housing prices are also at decade highs. One of my buddies who used to be a buy side trader for G.sachs is shorting, REITS, Financials, and auto manufacturers. Whether he believes this is gonna be a recession tier crash or not, housing will be affected by rising rates and other macro factors. He thinks that as soon as all these loans start rolling over, with the economy doing as well as it has been many people ar living beyond their means having over 100k in debt but only earning 50k. As soon as these loans start rolling over you're gonna see some shit. Although the current housing market is already taking a hit, look at places like California. Inflated prices just because it's California, and no buyers because it's expensive as fuck to live there.Brokers are beginning to complain about houses being on the market for more then a month and getting offers below the asking price. Prices on housing ARE ALREADY GOING DOWN. Wil there be another housing crash like 2008? probably not, will the overall economy go down because of housing, probably.

>> No.11799203

>why do these faggot millennials think just because they flip a burger, they have the right to own a home
Because boomers literally did