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11791490 No.11791490 [Reply] [Original]

hey /biz/ i don't usually post here and wanted some advise.considering purchasing some precious metals (silver and or gold). initial purchase will probably be around 3K USD. any good ideas? coin, bullion, bars? where from, should i get silver, gold or both? thanks anons

>> No.11791531

Gold will be more valuable if we ever go back to asset backed currencies. Since global debt is at an all time high compared to GDP, we might have a reset.

What will probably happen is that we will get a new reserve currency backed by a basket of commodities and forex, but it will be overweight gold, oil.

>> No.11791556

thanks for insight anon, so if i'm reading your post correctly, acquire gold now and wait for currency to go south? sorry am brainlet

>> No.11791568

good luck with the creditors

>> No.11791570

There was a recent episode on the investors podcast that did a good job explaining this. You should check it out

>> No.11791582

what do you mean? Please elaborate.

>> No.11791597

Gold will be more valuable but silver will see a larger % increase and be much more liquid of an asset. Pretty much everyone agrees silver is very undervalued and can't really drop much lower as well

>> No.11791619

If you want to reset global debt, you need to get the acceptance of creditors. Not rocket science

>> No.11791632

investors podcast? will try to find it. thanks for the tip anon

>> No.11791637

Prioritize the most liquid form, find out what your local coin shop or jewelry shop would buy any day.
Usually 1 oz silver coins and 10g/25g gold bars are the most liquid but DYOR.
Precious metals are multi decade wealth preservation. If you are more interested in 5-10 years profit speculation also look at semi numismatics.

>> No.11791641

that's kinda what i've been seeing around, silver is at or near bottom, hence why i started thinking about trying to get some now

>> No.11791652

any recommendations on where or what website to purchase silver?

>> No.11791694

North America: apmex.com or sdbullion.com
Europe: europeanmint.com
Asia: bullionstar.com

>> No.11791700

Heard that silver will go up to 10:1 ration with gold
So you buy silver first and then after it pumped exchange for gold
But research this
I dont guarantee anything

>> No.11791742

>should i buy silver or gold?
the general answer is no unless you feel sexually attracted to precious metals.

>> No.11791747

>if we ever go back to asset backed currencies
that would be a serious step back a monetary devolution in every sense of the word. we should go forward and remove the state from behind currency.

>> No.11791775

Fuck off fake Willy

>> No.11791783

>We should make money even more worthless
Going off the gold standard was a huge mistake

>> No.11791816

Good luck with that one lmao. The point of an asset backed currency is that it creates a gridlock that prevents excess printing of money since youll need to have a certain amount of reserves to do so.

Its basically a capital control on Central Banks, so they cant endlessly print.

>> No.11791883

>The point of an asset backed currency is that it creates a gridlock that prevents excess printing of money
but it doesn't what it does is it cements in central authority and trust as the basis of the monetary system. show me a historical example when that authority was not abused eventually the trust in the currency wasn't betrayed! you can't. asset backed currency is bullshit. asset backed crypto is the biggest fucking bullshit.

>> No.11791909

Going off bimetal standard was a huge mistake, currency backed by a single commodity still prone to market manipulation of said commodity.
Currency board system backed by a basket of commodities is probably the best idea.

>> No.11791921

>crypto is the biggest fucking bullshit.

>> No.11792055


>> No.11792101

nah crpyto is the next step in the natural evolution of money. however asset backed cryptos are two steps back instead of one forward.

>> No.11792111

just think about what you are saying for a moment, think what backing means in practical terms and hopefully you will see how retarded the idea is.

>> No.11792126

Currency is not backed by shit anymore; the people are "trained" to think it is. Not so. Used to be but it ain't really feasible anymore. The Treasury could wipe out the whole US debt if it wanted by firing up that press and no one would be hurt. Long as you kept the paper in stock. Or hell just do it electronically; wire transfer the funds to wherever. All modern currency is nothing but zeros and ones in a computer. Long as the central bank or whatever bank said "ok you have X amount" then really your golden.

>> No.11792143

>Currency is not backed by shit anymore
that is a false statement and just shows you have no fucking clue what money is

>> No.11792178

Oh, well think about this; say everyone ran to the bank (s) to get cash from there accounts. The whole system would fail due to lack of physical money on hand to cover it all. Same applies to currency being backed by "anything"; there is not enough "whatever" to cover it all. The US is what a few Trillion dollars. Somehow I doubt theirs enough Gold to cover that.

>> No.11792190

>Same applies to currency being backed by "anything"; there is not enough "whatever" to cover it all
actually anything can cover the whole total of money supply at the right price. even beanie babies could.

>> No.11792443

How many oz of silver to make it in 5 years?

>> No.11792522

Gold and silver is the only real form of money. Anything other than those two elements are just scams. Crypto is a fiat currency just as much as the USD and therefore will never succeed in becoming a stable long term store of value. The free market chose gold and silver as money all on its own and will do so again when this failed fiat experiment ends.

>> No.11792570

I wouldnt say crypto is fiat...and you certainly cant compare it to USD which is controlled by a state...a true fiat currency

>> No.11792574

Personally, I'd go with silver, but I'm a little biased on that front since it's been my favorite ever since I was a little kid. Everyone liked gold better, but I think they got caught up in the millenia-old meme of hurr gold pretty. Realistically though, you want both for the complete experience.

If you don't mind me asking, why are you buying them though? The games are almost two decades old and ROMs are a thing. It's not like you lose anything by emulating nowadays. Also, be sure to pick up the remakes as well, there everything the originals were but better.

>> No.11792586

Is it possible to buy uranium as a commodity? I dont mean having physical uranium shipped to your house, but possibly in the form of a certificate or something. Or is it just better to put money into mining companies? I'd like to be able to bet on uranium as a whole though

>> No.11792608

Jm bullion has been great for me. Can also pay with btc (Nice way to store bitmex gains for a burger)

>> No.11792633

Buy mostly silver. Like 85+%

>> No.11792655
File: 37 KB, 662x461, JP-Morgan-vs-SHFE-Silver-Inventories-NEw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The games are almost two decades old and ROMs are a thing
I could see silver spiking within 2 years. Not to the moon, but I could see it hitting $100 optimistically, $50 conservatively, just on its current value in relation to gold alone. You won't see 1000% gains but I think the opportunity is there to triple your investment. I doubt JP Morgan and China wouldnt be stockpiling it en masse to make money 20 years from now, although I guess they could be playing the long game, I have a feeling they're thinking more short term.

Pic related is old news now, but you get the idea

>> No.11792656

5-10% split between gov minted gold/silver is all you need to cover any crisis.

Easy to unload because they it's trusted by everyone. No one but scrap dealers will want your generics after charging you for testing them.

>> No.11792669

i'm sitting on 100oz just to remind me whenever i look at it that the bottom is a lie and never listen to doomsday cucks.

>> No.11792692

no crypto is not fiat it's sperat

>> No.11792756

Buy gold. Alot of countries are increasing their gold reserves and putting fiat in jeopardy. If you are buying in dollars you are in a good position because the currency is deflated enough to get more. Not sure about yuropoors.

>> No.11792802

Creditors have no say, faggot. Everything (debt, assets, and liabilities) can be measured in the new form of currency no matter what it is.

Not rocket science

>> No.11792817

>thinks abandoning gold standard and confiscating everyone's gold was a mistake

You are the definition of goyim

>> No.11792847
File: 34 KB, 817x443, smartas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys 100oz virgin bricks
>still less than 2 portable and concealable ounces of chad bars

>> No.11792858


>> No.11792940



>> No.11792953

>I dont usually post here
>heres the silver thread I make every single day
kill yourself, and take all goldbugs with you

>> No.11793247

The government taking away citizens precious metals is never ok, but having a currency that is worth less every day because "lol just print more money" is equally not ok. You're getting jewed either wag. Instead of stealing from its own people I don't understand why the government didn't just offer 10% above market value for gold then after they got a bunch make off with like 30% profits instead of 40%. Still a lot, and you don't have an entire country's elite hate you quite as much.

Or if you're worried about the gubmint stealing your gold/silver just get it made into chains, jewellery is exempt from government stealing.

>> No.11793449

i got gold too obviously i mean once you go retard you better go full retard.

>> No.11793683

the only people that think gold will make a comeback are braindead boomers and literal tinfoil tards that think the world is gonna end

>> No.11793822

i agree gold will never be used as money ever again. it was retarded shit. it might sell okay in a few years, altho stocks will probably outperform it by a magnitude.

>> No.11793840


>> No.11793891

I'm at 75% silver 25% gold in $ value. Silver to gold ratio is still high at like 85. So I'm focusing on silver atm. Mostly American silver eagles. Pick them up on eBay during 10% eBay bucks deals.

>> No.11793935

I have some gold just in case the system collapses. Dont buy it as an investment

>> No.11793960
File: 33 KB, 649x365, bc6e4a2c0ec6d10c4d7729217edd4dde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots honestly believe paper money is sound money if you think gold will never be used as money again. Fucking goyim cattle, kill yourselves for being so stupid.

Eventually 1lb of fiat of any country will be worth less than toilet paper.

>> No.11793982
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>aaaany moment now the world is gonna collapse guys!