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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 151 KB, 1024x683, matcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11793732 No.11793732 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you drinking the nectar of the gods, /biz/?

>> No.11793738

i want to like it but it just doesn't taste good.

>> No.11793750

Because I am not a deluded addict who believes the false religion of psycodelics

>> No.11793762

Retard. It's fucking tea.

>> No.11793770

It's a meme. kys

>> No.11793785

Shit is disgusting af. And acts to similar to oppiates. Gives u the fucking rush like opiates and the melow feeling. Its really strong af if you get the concentrated form. Pretty much legal dope. The real money is selling it not using it

>> No.11793791

I do but it's too fucking expensive to drink every day.

You're probably making it wrong. Don't use too much and don't bring the water to a full boil.

>> No.11793792

>doesn’t have the mental capacity for psychedelics and fears them

>> No.11793795

Does drinking green tea on regular basis really help the brain to function more effectively or Im just falling for a meme here?

>> No.11793799
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but I am

>> No.11793811


I love this stuff.


no it's not.

Just buy it online

>> No.11793823

Is it matcha or kratom?

>> No.11793826
File: 652 KB, 2048x2031, D1EB8224-A32C-4EFA-A9E8-03848565AC60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I am, I literally import and sell the stuff.

Pic related: my retail brand I’m about to launch

>> No.11793831

are you illiterate or does it say it in the file name?

>> No.11793847

I do.
I get it from work for free because we importit.
1-3 teaspoons a day in a 100% raspberry smoothie with a tablespoon of hydrolyzed marine collagen.
Pro AF

>> No.11793857


Going to make it.

>> No.11793864

Tries to justify his substance abuse on an anonymous mogolian midget porn forum. F

>> No.11793872

Took 4 grams of maeng da this morning. Felt so comfy.

>> No.11793890

So what does this stuff do and is it legal in the UK?

>> No.11793892

>so new he doesn’t know how to greentext
>still wants to judge people on said Maldivian pointalism newsletter

>> No.11793898
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 585DA1B8-6C8B-45AF-9051-818D113A9FC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to church little bitch

>> No.11793902

Our simply, it wakes you up and calms you. It’s also one of the most antioxidant rich substances you can consume.

Look up L. Theanine to understand the calming aspect of it.

>> No.11793912


>> No.11793918


It tastes like absolute shit and triggers my gag reflex.

>> No.11793925

>Thinks himself an edgelord Reddit expat for using a greater than symbol.
Literally this whole thread belongs in

>> No.11793934

My matcha >>11793826
Is going to be sold for 25$ for 4oz. That’s 30-45 servings. You could spend 25$ a month and have matcha every morning.

>> No.11793946

Look up how to make a matcha latte. Never seen anyone not like it

>> No.11793947

>shitskin tea
no thanks. I'm white.

>> No.11793956
File: 293 KB, 700x849, patchouri sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started the tea threads back in 2012 on /jp/ and worked in the tea industry for a few years. I was going to start my own online retail shop, but decided against it because honestly, I didn't want to deal with customer service, and I didn't have the kind of startup capital that I could hire help. So I put that money into crypto instead.

Still drink tea every day.

>> No.11793958

You realize your on a forum with a format created by those exact same shitskins right?

Also, any tea you drink was fits made by shitskins... coffee too. You sound myopically retarded

>> No.11793992

drink it daily. good quality is a little hard to come by. most taste like shit, but the good stuff is mild and slightly green tasting. very palatable. one of those with a pinch of rhodiola rosea and I'm feeling golden.

>> No.11794019

>You could spend 25$ a month and have matcha every morning.
I spend about $3/month on one coffee every morning.

>> No.11794036


Also going to make it.


Legal everywhere. It enhances your mind in every facet.

>> No.11794056

Tastes like dogshit, which was such a surprise and disappointment when I finally tried it.

I drink a green tea called Tie Guan Yin... Tastes amazing, and doesn't oversteep if you just leave the leaves in the cup.

>> No.11794067

Ahh, you’re from a country with very cheap coffee then. I don’t think that’d be possible in the states.

>> No.11794070

The problem with matcha is that, out of Japan, is really hard to buy decent one without paying a lot. I was in Tokyo last week and literally they give it for free in many restaurants. Now, most of the time I buy it here in Europe it gives me acidity problems, probably because they mix it with some Chinese crap.

>> No.11794090

Man, everyone is selling matcha now a days.

>> No.11794139

It's matcha, not kratom. Kratom tea is fucking vile tasting. The buzz is nice though...

>> No.11794177

I’ve been doing it for 3 years (wholesale). One of my customers put my stuff in a drink that’s in Costco now. But yeah, the market is getting saturated (mostly with garbage though)

>> No.11794185

What is this? Where to buy? Is it legal in Europe?

>> No.11794389

>not drinking this plus kombucha

>> No.11794425

I refuse to believe that you are being serious now

>> No.11794468
File: 325 KB, 2362x2362, patc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cashed out in January. I have nothing left in crypto.

>> No.11794562

>u the fucking rush like opiates and the melow feeling. Its really stro

thats matcha tea not kratom you brainlet

>> No.11794585
File: 17 KB, 819x827, 1541900901948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drink green tea everyday

>> No.11794639

we have unlimited green tea in the mini kitchne

>> No.11794667

its estrogenic.

>> No.11794701
File: 409 KB, 888x1025, 1542389818042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, i didnt know biztards are tea lovers!
Cheers anons

>> No.11794702


Have you considered switching to matcha?

>> No.11794750

I just have little green tea bags and then sencha loose leaf. I like matcha but dont have any, not sure what the best brands are to get in the US.

>> No.11795036

I am, it comes from my girlfriend's ballsack.

>> No.11795128
File: 244 KB, 650x778, 1535238318082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based poster

>> No.11795227

Its Japanese tea. It just comes with a shit load of caffeine and anti oxidants. Thing is that most of the crap online is a scam or diluted heavily. You can pay quite a bit for the good quality as its quite expensive to make.

>> No.11795280
File: 50 KB, 498x663, 1535087141493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i am

>> No.11795334

So dumb he needs > to think in green text while reading green text

Never gonna make it.

>> No.11795522
File: 176 KB, 1277x717, tea setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers m8.

>> No.11795619

Its not too far off if you buy the large tins for like $10 (here in canada, probably cheaper south of the border) and only make small 1-2 cup servings. Those things usually last me an entire month at least and I drink like 2-3 full pots a day.

>> No.11796578


So Cal herbal remedies. Can get a 250g bag for about $25, which will last a couple months if you're not a complete degen.

For what it's worth, I use this maybe three times a week and have used it on and off since 2015. Really helped me out in social situations and break through some walls.

>> No.11796615

No it's caffeine that's in tea that people mistake for an increase in "brain function"

>> No.11796656

It helps me feel better after I consume too much sugar. Supposedly helps prevent diabetes which is great as insulin resistance runs in my family. Also great in desserts.

>> No.11797106
File: 723 KB, 1000x785, 3b3cefca23f9abad08c928ba9a06d6bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's L-Theanine, present in all real (Camilla Sinesis) teas. Google it and you can easily find studies and articles about it.

>Green tea polyphenols and polysaccharides are effective in lowering blood sugar. ... EGCG may also help diabetics by mimicking the actions of insulin and inhibiting the liver's production of glucose, thus lowering blood sugar.

>> No.11797587
File: 205 KB, 1920x1290, bp9vxoavp4701[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once drank matcha for like 3 days straight when I was staying with my parents last Christmas. I was having a lot of anxiety around that time and decided to marathon Avatar the Last Airbender to calm my nerves, and figured some fancy tea might help as well. I sat down on a big recliner and blitzed through the first 2 seasons, and it was probably the comfiest experience of my life.

>> No.11797723

looks good anon. where will it be available? I'm starting to run out of matcha.

>> No.11797886

Because the gook that emptied his balls into it is laughing at you

>> No.11797892


>> No.11798602

I drink green tea everyday. It’s super good for you plus it’s perfect to have while fasting and especially right before you go to the gym to do faster training as it helps when you are on a cut.

I want to step up to matcha but am struggling to find a good brand that isn’t just filled with trash like heaps of the new brands are

>> No.11798718
File: 571 KB, 992x1187, patche fasting after a workout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: have tea and fast after the workout, not before. The last thing you want to do is take a stimulant when you are getting your heart rate up. If you fast after a workout, you will greatly enhance natural hGH production, which for reference is one of the secret 'fat burners' of pre-contest prepping pro bodybuilders. Life extensionists have known about this trick for at least a decade now, I can remember reading about it in the mid-00's.

>> No.11798821

Was always an espresso or cold brew guy.
dropped it recently for tea, mostly herbal...
But when I'm feeling the need for caffeine I've been doing matcha.
Good as an almond milk latte, the girlfriend got me on those.

I'm a fucking fan though. Good stuff. Sustainable energy without the crash, and that's not even mentioning the health benefits.
Better be that stone ground good shit though

>> No.11798848
File: 380 KB, 1000x727, 1519794295825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It look like nasty green slime
And for that, me am of out

>> No.11798911

Oh no. You're still here huh.