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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11791948 No.11791948 [Reply] [Original]

It was supposed to be everything Bitcoin was except 100x better, yet it's still a bleeding shitcoin that no one uses. Why is it crashing to the fucking ground? Literally what went wrong? How will POW save it?

>> No.11791976

It's the first of its kind but not the best of its kind
Scalability is shit

>> No.11791988

greedy ICO companies killed it, but there's hope now that ICOs are dead and moving onto chink platforms and EOS

>> No.11791991


because it doesn't fucking work. it's too slow to actually use and they haven't been able to fix it

>> No.11792014

becoming obsolete. its like windows 95 when we have windows xp out now (still shit but better)

>> No.11792047

ETH didn't fail you faggots

>> No.11792157

1. shitcoin ico
2. nothing practical came out of it.

>> No.11792195

Cryptokitties rekt the chain

>> No.11792245

There is no demand for dapps. Out of the thousands of shitcoins launched none of them gained any traction. It also will never scale, but even if it did it wouldn't matter.

>> No.11792350

guys a lot of other coins use the eth blockchain no ?

>> No.11792387

If the SEC finds many icos are securities and force them to give back the funds they received, will they have to give back the eth or just the cash? Because if they have to give back ether that will create an insanely high buy pressure if that happens..

>> No.11792405

Don't you find that a little worrying?

>> No.11792418

The real question isn't why Ethereum fell, but why did it rise up so high in the first place. Something fishy happened in 2017. Tether might have been used to prop it up artificially.

>> No.11792621
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because paying extra (gas) to have 10 thousand computers do the exact same calculations all over the world isn't desirable

>> No.11792699

Obv Cash.

Why would SEC want ETH instead of cash?!

>> No.11792709
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>2016:pos in 2017
>2017:pos in 2018
>2018:pos in 2019

>> No.11792712

It became obvious that its only purpose was ponzi games, digital cats and illegal securities

>> No.11792742

Buy signal

>> No.11792757

ETH is good, but QTUM is better.

>> No.11792762

It rose only because it was one of the three coins on normiebase and they thought it was the new cooler bitcoin

>> No.11792795
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Eth is not good and certainly your Quntum isnt either

>> No.11792812

Because it's no CN coin.
Pseudonymity is just a bad joke!

>> No.11793383
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This. Blockchain was a mistake. At least it saved Vitalik from an obscure life as an incel programmer.

>> No.11793426


Smart contracts are great.

Turing complete smart contracts are over complicated, niche and expensive.

XLM makes way more sense to be used more often.

>> No.11793794

Link mainnet will cure Eth

>> No.11793798
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>> No.11793893


It was made by a very naive set of people, and they allowed every scammer and shitposter in the universe to build their own systems on top of their system, which has made for an incredibly bloated, almost nonfunctional mess.

>> No.11793904

Cuz it's an easy problem to solve right

>> No.11793969

>make a platform for dapps
>95% of them are scams
>the other 5% are literally "child's first computer program"
>the most famous dapp, was ponzi greater fool garbage to trade virtual cats that clogged the whole network

jeez, i wonder why it failed

>> No.11794037

I think its a good thing, a platform like Ethereum has to be open, and anybody should be able to build whatever they want. Its up to the market to decide which dApps are worthy

>> No.11794058

Also OP, Ethereum didn't fail. If you bought in at the peak and now are holding huge heavy bags, it may seem like that to you. One look at github / ethereum research github will show otherwise - ethereum is the only community of decent devs

>> No.11794116

whats the name of this blonde again?

>> No.11794120

This. Follow the devs. Al these anons saying it failed and has no dapps are looking past the fact it’s the 5th most updated hub.

The truth is that when something sticks with developers in the open source world, it simply doesn’t leave for a good while. If devs believe in it, something good is bound to come out eventually (TM).

It’ll take a while, and it’s possible that this won’t happen before the next major update, but ETH has the biggest chance of becoming the next big thing among all crypto. Dev adoption is very sticky and doesn’t move often.

Poor analogy, but people were memeing about python the same way calling it babbys first programming language and too inefficient when compared to C and Java. But it was popular and was adopted by a lot of people. Look at it now. Ethereum is rather similar because it’s pretty simple — hence the shitty dapps. It takes a VERY long time to develop a global-level large scale software application, and they will likely not come out until after Casper.

ETH is a long hodl, and it might just fail. But it has the most devs out of any crypto project and that alone should make you bullish on it.

>> No.11794200

ETH is gonna wipe the floor with other cryptos in 2019. Included BTC.
Keep buying XRP. That's dumb but funny.

>> No.11794229

There's only 1 chink platform who has a chance

>> No.11794252
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>But it has the most devs out of any crypto project and that alone should make you bullish on it.

This is why /biz/'s advice is so awful: magical thinking.


I know so many people who have lost their money because they just make up some bullshit reasons to predict the outcome they want to see. I know a guy who put all of his money into fucking Namecoin and lost over a million dollars because he kept telling himself and me over and over again that because it had a minor relationship with the BTC network and was once higher in value than NMC, it was going to suddenly get discovered and moon. He wouldn't listen to logic, he just fell in love with his idea and that was it, nothing you could tell him could dislodge the magical thoughts he conjured up. This is what I see every day I look at /biz/ and I'm sick of it. He lost everything he made on BTC, ETH and IOTA because he ignored reality.

Admittedly, there is a slim chance ETH could be worth something in the future. But its price is going to get much worse before it ever even has a chance of getting better, because it's still a shitcoin right now that can't even handle a single Dapp effectively.

It amazes me that even after everything that has happened, so many people out there are still so dumb/blinded by their egos that, after a lack of any kind of fundamental improvement in crypto network functionality for any of the top 100 cryptos, people still want to speculate on them. If you do this, then you deserve to lose your money for being stupid.

At least I feel better now.

>> No.11794333


Opening the floodgates to every scam, shitty cryptokitties clone game, ICOs, tokens built upon tokens, tokens built upon tokens that will not be used to cash in the tokens, that tie into a new 'net,' pyramid schemes, and other trash is not good.

It's also not sustainable.

>> No.11794343

based and blackpilled

>> No.11794352

>no improvement
>single most updated crypto project
Try harder.
Also, yes, it’ll probably go much lower than now.

>> No.11794362

Chainlink isn’t out yet

>> No.11794420

I'm talking about reality, not your magical thoughts. When the Ethereum network can run even a single Dapp with more than several thousand users at once without the network becoming completely clogged up, then yes, that would be an improvement. When ETH becomes feeless, that would be an improvement. Releasing the next update that has no real-world effect is not an improvement, it's busywork. If you don't understand then difference, then it's possible you're just dumb.

>> No.11794438

Ethereum is over. It's time to switch to the new standard 0xBTC

>> No.11794442

>How will POS save it?

Because POS is 100% required for a dapps platform. Once ETH gets POS the coin becomes actually functional.

>> No.11794453


>> No.11794484

POW is one of the dumbest things in crypto, that shit will never work in the real world

>> No.11794497


Ethereum's actual worth without a decentralised oracle is like $1b max. With a decentralised oracle however...All depends if there will be a better platform.

>> No.11794514

I thought he had the JUST hair lol.

>> No.11794560


>ETH is dead
>The new standard is a shitcoin copy and paste ERC20 token that runs on ETH

The absolute state of /biz.

>> No.11794575

The magical thinking issue is the number one problem facing crypto right now. I recently had a guy telling me that Bitcoin has value because the code is unchanged since its inception. As soon as I brought up Segwit he NPC blue screened. He started saying random stuff like Bitcoin has no governance, no core dev team... Then he began telling me that governance is irrelevant anyway.

Magical thinking is absolutely fucking wrecking people in this space massively. Its the worst possible mindset to have right now. Hey guys, you want to know one of the most fucked up red pills when it comes to crypto gaining mass adoption through a dapp? The price wont really go up all that much from that alone. ETH, EOS, NEO, TRX, ADA, these coins are very likely within the next 6 months to get a cool dapp that attracts normies. And when this happens its not going to moon. STEEM ended up getting a million users and the price was stagnant.

The only thing that moves prices like we are so used to in this space is a combination of magical thinking and ponzi price manipulation. Actual use cases with dapps that function properly is going to be minuscule in comparison to the random ponzi price manipulation. Everyone thinks ETH is going to be worth as much as Bitcoin some day..

Guys the reality is that even if ETH got a killer dapp tomorrow and it got tens of thousands of active users tomorrow, the price will probably continue to follow the value of BTC or simply stagnate...

>> No.11794604

>ethereum isn't an improvement over bitcoin
You're clearly projecting this magical thinking stuff. You fit its definition pretty neatly.

>> No.11794615

Resist all you want.
Ethereum scaling has failed, the new scaling paradigm will be brought through the 0xbitcoin lava wallet

>> No.11794624

Ethereum has turned into a way for scammers to print money

>> No.11794634

My perspective exactly, you wrote it out in details better than I could. I'm stealing your (tm) too

>> No.11794635

Oh look, another word-salad spouting schizo. Lern to properly think out arguments people provide you before you resort to cop-out retorts,. If you an obviously because you shown all signs of being disabled in that regard.

>> No.11794686

>You're clearly projecting this magical thinking stuff. You fit its definition pretty neatly.

He is absolutely fucking right. How many times do you see people claiming X coin is going to be the next X? That some fucking stupid deal with X millionair or corporation or bank is going to cause a coin to moon! Solid dev team! Most devs!

And the fucking price is 100% controlled by random faceless fucking whales and exchanges. HAHAHA
You people are fucking delusional.

>Oh look, another word-salad spouting schizo.

Oh look another person who is overly invested in a coin because its going to be the next X! I bet that deal they just got is going to make the coin moon! Smart money is in this coin because X after all...

Nah its just whales and exchanges fleecing you dumbasses.

>> No.11794731
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See, when you try to claim someone says something they didn't say and attack that argument, that's called a stickman fallacy.

Might also describes the poster I just quoted. Magical thinking is a necessary coping mechanism for NPCs. When they don't have the facts on their side, and they aren't willing to concede they've lost, they'll just make up whatever they think is favourable for them. But yes, you know what's up, magical thinking and market manipulation, you got it. You raised a good point about STEEM, too: even actual adoption wasn't enough to save STEEM.

>> No.11794740

Guys we already know what adoption for a dapps platform nets when you look at STEEM right now. The platform continues to grow its userbase and hit over a million active users sometime last year. The value of STEEM followed the value of bitcoin. Hell the stablecoin that is never supposed to be worth more than 1 USD mooned to almost 20 fucking dollars for ZERO fucking reason. Bitcoin bubble pops and the number of users on steem stays fairly consistent. STEEMs value is now 60 cents.

Actual use case is pretty much irrelevant compared to price manipulation. Crypto is heavily manipulated.

>> No.11794755

>so many people out there are still so dumb/blinded by their egos

For me - two most important concepts in general are "expected value" and "understanding why". Ethereum is not guaranteed to succeed, however I see it as likely to succeed.

What the other guy wrote out for you plays very well into it - developers are sticky. Its almost like economics of coding, once you master something and understand the system you do better and better work in it, you dont want to switch. I myself am a developer and I'm still doing a lot of work in the languages I started in (VB, Java,C++), and with the concepts I started in (video game development).

>> No.11794769

Haha magical linkies

>> No.11794794

The entire use case of namecoin can be absorbed by a few lines of solidity. Comparing the magical thinking of namecoin somehow being valuable to faith in Ethereums dev community is totally dishonest and misses the point of where value comes from. People create value through innovation and the most innovation happening in crypto is in Ethereum. Sure that could change next year, but so far I’m not seeing anyone jumping ship from Ethereum except shortsighted speculators

>> No.11794815

>anyone jumping ship from Ethereum
have you seen the eos devs?
go into eos devs telegram chat, and then go into the solidity telegram chat. There is like 10x more activity in the eos one...

>> No.11794822

>using the concept of an NPC seriously
>incredibly shallow analysis of an argumentation another person.
>Previous studies using a variety of behavioral paradigms have found that schizophrenia patients show impairment in their ability to attribute mental states to others.

>> No.11794867

>Might also describes the poster I just quoted. Magical thinking is a necessary coping mechanism for NPCs. When they don't have the facts on their side, and they aren't willing to concede they've lost, they'll just make up whatever they think is favourable for them. But yes, you know what's up, magical thinking and market manipulation, you got it. You raised a good point about STEEM, too: even actual adoption wasn't enough to save STEEM.

This 100%
I am sick and fucking tired of magical thinking at this point. Look at fucking places like r/cryptocurrency ... endless sea of absolute fucking morons all jacking themselves off to articles written about how crypto is going to go up in value because X. All hoping that the value is tied to its usage. Once big banks adopt the coin it will moon! Oh guys some millionaire on twitter said X! its time to buy the dip and HODL!

Most of the volatility of crypto is manipulation. When I say that I mean its ALWAYS been whales controlling the price. Propaganda and whales and exchanges is how BTC reached almost 20k. Hoping ETH gains some massive value from a popular dapp is delusional unless a whale decides to make the price go up.

>Comparing the magical thinking of namecoin somehow being valuable to faith in Ethereums dev community is totally dishonest and misses the point of where value comes from.

STEEM blocks your path

Hell so does EOS, fucking look at the ATMOS coin right now, its tied to a fully functional fucking blockchain agnostic reddit clone right now. The coin is worth pennies on the dollar and it could easily rival fucking most popular centralized social media platforms.

Fucking look at LOOM
DelegateCall is fucking awesome! And its still worth so little!

I think the value of crypto right now ha absolutely no fucking ties what so ever to its actual use. Its 99.99% ponzi price manipulation. Your stinky Linkies can end up being super amazing but the price wont reflect it.

>> No.11794876

>EOS devs too busy trolling each other in a chatbox to work on the protocol
Not surprising, since anything that goes wrong can just be fixed by the block producers anyway. What motivation is there to even give a fuck?

>> No.11794882

Its 100% like arguing with a religious person when it comes to this kind of shit. Seriously.

>> No.11794890

Bad fud.


>Lubin went on record stating: “Ethereum is far in the lead as a viable candidate for web 3.0 largely because of its interoperable and radically decentralized nature. It may be a few years before our ecosystem achieves profound interoperability and decentralization in the base and higher layers…”

November 16, 2018

>> No.11794891

> Magical think is fucking STRONG here


>> No.11794914
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Icos were using eth smartcontracts to distribute tokens. You had to buy eth to participate so that made the price of eth go up. Now imagine hundreds of ico's using this model and FOMO kicking in at an exponential rate.

>> No.11794934


This is what will happen to Holo when everybody wants to start sidechains in a couple of years. Load up those bags and HODL.

>> No.11794935

wew lad. what a way to twist words. there is no "trolling" btw. clearly you didnt even go into the chat. its all legitimate dev discussion. all i said was that there is more third party dev activity on eos than there is on ethereum.

>> No.11794958

Name any coin with more developers

>> No.11794966

Yeah just imagine it guys. JUST IMAGINE IT! USE YOUR MINDS! Its a pscodelic experience.

No motherfucker, the price does what whales and exchanges say its going to do. Its all fucking manipulation. Actual use HAS ALREADY BEEN PROVEN to not have nearly the effect of whales and exchanges have. Right now the value of Bitcoin is controlled as fuck. They are

> Shaking out weak hands


> TA is irrelevant because whales control the price anyway

Its a fucking side show. Its smoke and mirrors. The value of a coin has almost nothing to do with its use or potential.

>> No.11794976

WAVES shit all over ETH but yet ETH is top 3. Life isnt fair.

>> No.11794985

If you think price correlation to user number now is relevant to what it is going to be, you’re unfortunately just incapable of understanding technology and it’s ecnomics.

Wide adoption isn’t 1 mil users, but more like hundreds of millions. Ethereum is a platform and not just a single shitcoin, and the value of ETH is tied to the gas on the platform. That isn’t at all affected by users now, yes, and is pretty much 100% manipulated by whales. But if you can’t see how a platform crypto project that’s the most popular choice of devs is the best bet for crypto many years from now, then I just pity you. Again, this isn’t from the perspective of getting money, this is pure technological adoption.

Go ahead and spout you magical thinking nonsense. I gave you solid arguments and the core of them is popularity of Ethereum among devs, which is what leads the money eventually. That is simply a fact. Unless you don’t believe in crypto at all, which is a viable opinion, not understanding how Ethereum is going the best bet right now is just poor thinking and shows lack of understanding of how technologies evolve and get adopted. You all remind me of folks who spouted that cloud is a hack a decade and a half ago. It is not secure! Nobody would use it! People want to own their data! All despite of developers actively pursuing cloud. I pity you, and my sole advice would be to disregard your ego and follow the developers which are, and have been for a while now, leading the world economy and the direction of innovation.

>> No.11794987
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I'm sorry, you sound like a nice guy, and I've also done game dev work myself, but none of what you've said makes any sense to me at all.

>Comparing the magical thinking of namecoin somehow being valuable to faith in Ethereums dev community is totally dishonest and misses the point of where value comes from

No? Neither one of them have the stated functionality they're supposed to. ETH can barely function as a payment system, let alone a host for dapps. The only difference is scale. I happen to know someone who magically thought his portfolio into oblivion with NMC, but /biz/ happens to be full of people who are in the process of magically thinking the rest of their portfolios into oblivion with ETH.

>People create value through innovation and the most innovation happening in crypto is in Ethereum

Where is this valuable innovation you're talking about? I don't see valuable innovation anywhere, all I see is a shitcoin with more or less the same limitations as Bitcoin. Is the valuable innovation in the speed of the network, because of how speedy ETH transactions complete? Is the valuable innovation in the feeless of ETH transactions? Is the valuable innovation in how effectively ETH supports Dapps on its network? I don't see any valuable innovation there, because ETH transactions are slow, expensive and it can't even handle a single Dapp without clogging up the network.

All you have done is further prove my point about magical thinking among investors.

>> No.11795004

t. non-dev

the important things in software arent created by just throwing a tonne of devs at something. one smart dev is worth 100 normal ones. ethereum was created by pretty much just gavin wood and vitalik. everything since then has been marginal improvements. bitcoin was created by just satoshi. everything since then has been marginal improvements. facebook was just created by z u c c. etc. etc.

eth's use case should be looking for third party devs to use the tools that it built, of which there are hardly any.

>> No.11795010

>Load up those bags and HODL.

Go fuck yourself...

>Wide adoption isn’t 1 mil users, but more like hundreds of millions.

A couple million users should at least make the price kinda fucking stable or something though. Maybe it should be worth like a dollar or something by now. kek

Nope, it all just mostly follows the price of Bitcoin.

>> No.11795037

>everything since then has been marginal improvements.

Segwit is a fundamental shift in the functionality of Bitcoin to a point where it was no longer officially Bitcoin anymore. Anon either you are full of shit or you are unaware of the technology.

>> No.11795044

>schozoid shit post raving about literal who’s


>> No.11795047


>> No.11795054

ico scams killed it
I'd say over 30% of eth is held by scammers now

>> No.11795059

Tell him to buy dogecoin.

>> No.11795067

>Where is this valuable innovation you're talking about?

LOOM, its worth like 10 cents though kek
It has some cool dapps though and zero people talk about it.

I know you want this schizoid thing to stick but thats just ad hom bullshit kek
You got nothing against the actual arguments posed because there really is no actual retort other than to sigh and basically agree. If you have been in this space for any amount of time its obvious as fuck what I am saying is true.

Coins that have actual usable dapps right now are pretty much fucking ignored. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11795074

Where can one read about the effect segwit has on bitcoin? Seems pretty overlooked from how you put it.

>> No.11795075

>eth's use case should be looking for third party devs to use the tools that it built, of which there are hardly any.

You mean like the entire purpose of Consensys?

>> No.11795080

>Tell him to buy dogecoin.

That's actually a really good retort!>>11795074
>Seems pretty overlooked from how you put it.

>> No.11795102

what? how many devs are using the network to build stuff right now? the only useful dapp to come out of eth is makerDAO. thats it..

>> No.11795105

Fuck that instantly sent my response with no warning.

> Seems pretty overlooked from how you put it.

Segwit is pretty much the number one issue that spawned BCH. Its one of the most hotly contest topics in the crypto space and has been ongoing so long now that because of segwit we saw a hash war begin and all kinds of shit. Segwit is not overlooked at all!

>> No.11795125

do you own any link?

>> No.11795127

Usable dapp is an oxymoron. No your shitcoin list doesn’t have the answers to the usability problem. Best bet is follow where the best developers are, and they’re unequivocally building around Ethereum

>> No.11795132

Eth is a mess

>> No.11795151
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No. I un-Tethered and used Bitcoin as an off-ramp for the rest of my portfolio in September when it became clear to me that the market was in terminal decline, not a bear market.

>> No.11795171


>> No.11795172
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It's exhausting constantly seeing people tout Chainlink as a solution for everything. Chainlink won't be used for PSD2 compliance, there is no evidence suggesting it will be. I'm still waiting for anyone to post evidence of there being vulnerability in any oracles.

Has anyone noticed how Chainlink is only partnered with "Academic" endeavors like OpenLaw and Accord (aside from a proof of concept). Do you really think a bunch of multibillion dollar tech companies wouldn't be chomping at the bit to get this tech? Do you really think they wouldn't have horded tokens long ago if this platform was SO necessary and needed?

Link's best chance is having a pump somehow like Ethereum did. But Ethereum only has pumped because of idiots buying cryptocurrencies that don't understand them. Chainlink only has any value because of idiots buying that don't understand smart contracts and oracles.

>> No.11795191

Or the EEA, or Blockchains LLC, or...

>> No.11795209

Fucking lol!!!

> No your shitcoin list doesn’t have the answers to the usability problem.

It includes ETH in the form of LOOM you dumbass!! Look at all major dapps that can support actual use cases right now. Its all ignored in the name of the next ponzi pump and dump. We have many actual examples right now of actual dapps you can actually use right fucking now. They are all undervalued. They are all rarely talked about on /biz or even r/cryptocurrency.

They are all pretty much ignored. Because you cant ponzi a coin when its already doing something. You need that hope. You need that magical thinking. You know deep down inside that if the coin is a functional platform then you cant get a bunch of doe-eyed morons to buy your bags at the top. End of fucking story.

In order for your fucking reality to be relevant, you need to keep people focused on some future prospect. You are horrified of people facing the reality of the here and now. Because you pajeet bank account depends on it.

> Usable dapp is an oxymoron.

OMG this is ebin in so many ways. You literally have to deny reality in order to have your argument.

>> No.11795217

they could gain traction if they were serious about their business. erc20's are a stupid idea.

>> No.11795242

he has the SLAV hair, it's pretty much the same

>> No.11795288

Why wouldn't you listen the Holy Sergey instead of some virgin nerd?

>"And with this the oracle problem is as close as ever to being completely solved" -Sergey Nazarov

15.45 ->

>> No.11795336

>It's exhausting constantly seeing people tout Chainlink as a solution for everything.

Chainlink is a perfect example of what I am talking about. Even if it did get use like people think it will the price wont sky rocket from that. The best way to make the price sky rocket is printing tether and having whales coordinate with price manipulation.

We know this is going to happen because it always does. But it wont work forever because dapps that have actual use are very problematic. Not only are dapps problematic because they take away peoples blind hope for the future. They are problematic because they are disruptive to current day social media. 4Chan/Reddit could very easily shift over to something like Novusphere. A lot of people don't with deep pockets don't want that. They don't want you making use of IPFS nodes either. Nobody talks about IPFS on /biz. They don't want people uploading pictures and videos and using crypto in ways that fucks with Youtube/Twitch/Twitter/4chan/facebook. They don't fucking want that shit.

So what they will do is tell you to buy chainlink. They wont tell you about Novusphere or DelegateCall. They don't want you using STEEM. They dont want people ACTUALLY USING THIS SHIT. They want you nice and obedient. They want you buying HOLO. They want you buying LINK. They want you looking years into the future. They want you to HODL. They want to fatten you up for the next dump.

They don't want this shit to actually work.

>> No.11795357

That really made no sense.

>> No.11795368

He hasn't made sense for awhile now.

>> No.11795369


people will call me nuts for this, but i think SKY will flip ETH at some point down the line. Just watch.

>> No.11795375

>That really made no sense.


>> No.11795390

>He hasn't made sense for awhile now.

If what I am saying doesn't make sense then you are in for a bad time.

>> No.11795399

The fact there are devs working on it still, massive speculation on it, and a new index in Switzerland to invest in it I'd say it's just getting started

>> No.11795409

Did you just demand an explanation to paranoid delusions of some word-salad-speaker?

Let's start from, who is 'they'? Did the guy implied that there's a conspiracy against some technical ways of spreading information against normie friendly ways like reddit/4chan?

>> No.11795447


If this is word salad you need to learn how to read.

> 'they'?

Anyone who wants you to buy their bags for the next pump and dump is they. Read what I said.

Also on places like reddit its very common for competitors to be silenced if you try to talk about alternate options to reddit. It happens all the time with alt media. Very common to see things like Gab, Minds, Bitchute. Anyone who is familiar with alt media should be fully aware of the challenges it faces. Crypto provides another form of alt media so it faces the same challenges.

>> No.11795460

Do you not understand preventing those icos and such is being a gatekeeper to the network? Do we prevent people from using the internet now?

>> No.11795504

>Did you just demand an explanation to paranoid delusions of some word-salad-speaker?

Also you HAVE to be trying to gas light like a pro if you are actually trying to pass the argument that nobody on Biz wants you to buy their bags. HOLY SHIT that's either out right insanity or epic levels of fucking delusion. kek

>> No.11796064

>buy your bags
>nobody on biz
>assuming what people want according to your own wishes
More transparent delusions. kys

>> No.11796071

Word-salad makes sense to the speaker.
>Anyone who wants you to buy their bags
Do you assume they are all in a conspiracy and cooperate to fuck you over? This is pure paranoid delusion.

>> No.11796120

I think you are legit suffering from brain damage. you literally just described free market economics as a form of collusion. Yes in the market place, everyone wants to make money, and to do this they need you to give them your money. Its not a conspiracy dude.

You are having a super hard time with this and I feel sorry for you. You describe something as word salad. You have no actual arguments. You cant read. You cant understand simple concepts. You are bad at convincing anyone of anything.

Anon, I wonder if you can even pass a mirror test.

>> No.11796205

>inability to get the meaning of what I wrote
Inability to detect sarcasm/irony and general subtlety in communication is a legit sign of schizophrenia. Apologies if you lived your life not knowing you suffer from a debilitating disease.

Can you even make arguments substantiated by anything else than your deluded fantasies that seem obvious to you?

>> No.11796249

This dude is retarded kek
But anyway retards like this are an important part of the crypto foodchain... Maybe biz is just fucking dead right now...


>> No.11796264

You don't understand anon, it dropped, it means it's a bad coin.

>> No.11796276

b-but I wanted to get rich by turning it into d-dollars

>> No.11796298

If biz doesn't shill eth I WILL leave

>> No.11796413

people who hate eth don't understand what any of this blockchain shit is about

>> No.11796430

>u dum
Quality response, as expected.

>> No.11796433

>people who hate eth don't understand what any of this blockchain shit is about

Ok, whats it about then? Do you use crypto for anything? Whats your favorite dapp?

>> No.11796447

>Do you use crypto for anything?
You purchase things with crypto
>Whats your favorite dapp?
Eth is for writing dapps, that's true.

It's like you're purposefully retarded.