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11790982 No.11790982 [Reply] [Original]

>his wife/gf/spouse had previous partner before him
>he thinks he's going to make it.

>> No.11790996
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Go back to IOTA

>> No.11791010

Ok tell me what I’m supposed to do then?
That’s like 90% of women.

>> No.11791011


true. get ready for redditors and roasties to REEEEEEE at you though.

>> No.11791030

I took her virginity when we were 16

>> No.11791038

Ok Muhammad.

>> No.11791051

Ok mohammed

>> No.11791081

dont submit to cultural norms

bang and never marry

>> No.11791103

I'd say that a girl who had a few meaningful relationships in her past is good enough as well. Only party sloots/hookup type girls that can't/won't sustain relationships aren't that great.

>> No.11791118
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>I'd say that a girl who had a few meaningful relationships in her past is good enough as well.


>> No.11791442

Hehe. :D
Nevertheless, judge people on the content of their character, nothing else. The crazy cat lady neurotic type women reveal themselves faster than they would like to, when talking to them.

>> No.11791453
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>he routinely has casual unprotected sex
>still thinks he's going to make it

>> No.11791544

My boyfriend was with 23 guys before me but that ass is still nice and tight. Or at least it was before I arrived ;)

>> No.11791584


>> No.11791590
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>actaully believing an autistic neet that bowsers 4chan all day will find someone that has not taken any dick in her life

>> No.11791912

I love this place.
Gonna miss this place a lot when gookmoot destroys it, best wishes and hope you all make it for you and all the ones arround you.

>> No.11792340

I'll never understand you fucking incels.
'oh no I can't get laid no matter what I do'
turns into
'oh no I can't get laid except for women who have had sex before'
turns into
'oh no I can't get laid specifically by women I consider at peak attractiveness when they are virginal'
turns into
'oh no I can't specifically fuck the exact girl my first interest happens to be in before she, at some point in her life, finds someone she's interested in'

it's a never ending rabbit hole of insane entitlement. How do you go from 'can't get laid' to 'the government needs to provide me nubile 16 year olds'?

The 'roastie' thing is just cope that you can't get exactly what you want in life.

>> No.11792368

accurate critique

>> No.11792379

Those are two different complaints

>> No.11792380


Go back.

>> No.11792398

really? you think there's some financial reason why having a wife with a previous relationship is problematic?

>> No.11792603

Because time is precious, and novel experiences shared together are worth a thousandfold what can be gleamed from a roastie with body issues, low self-worth and trust issues. In short: baggage.
I don't want a weak return on my investment, and that is exactly what I will gain with a roastie. A fresh-faced and hopeful qt will provide a much better return on both time and money, as you can grow together and build a decent and honourable future.

>> No.11792624

incel nerds rekt

>> No.11792632


>> No.11792650

Unironically this. She was 15 though.

>> No.11792666

>bought the dip
>sold the top
>6 figures a year
>wife was a virgin, 17
>have a son, not a daughter

fucking winning

get dabbed on and stick to your leftovers after demargques finished cumming in your girl, cucks

>> No.11792695
File: 260 KB, 998x1500, yande.re_484668_sample_bowsette_cleavage_dress_horns_new_super_mario_bros._u_deluxe_pointy_ears_tail_tsukimaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11792830

And all the while you're wasting years that you could be using to better yourself in the relationship market, until your time has realistically passed and you become the cool weird Uncle

>> No.11792850

Women with previous partners are much more likely to divorce. This has obvious financial implications.

>> No.11792936

Nice anon keep breeding

>> No.11793430

will do, wife's tits grew a D thanks to the pregnancy too

>> No.11793483

Enjoy the tits while they perform their natural function. Will sag instantly after.

>> No.11793578

>t. Incel autism


>> No.11793590

based and redpilled fuck jannies

>> No.11793604


>> No.11793659

absolute beta

>> No.11793713

Having a woman with sagging tits is indeed beta

>> No.11793778

What coin is that? Where do I buy it?

>> No.11793829

I literally have sex almost every few months with a virgin and now considering prolonging it into something serious with my current gf. If you're too weak to go where no man has gone before then you're too weak to be giving out advice. I've had plenty of meaningful experiences from this than 7 years of serious relationships with broken baggaged goods.