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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11784611 No.11784611 [Reply] [Original]

No larping please lads but I know there has to be a few anons here with enough money to buy 4chan. Please save us.

>> No.11784634

I would imagine you can count the non-larping wealthyfags on /biz on one hand. The rest of us are stuck somewhere between flat fucking neet broke and net worth of $150k.

>> No.11784658

I guess that makes me one of the non-larpers. I don't think I have enough to buy 4chan without going broke though. How much do you think it would cost?

>> No.11784659

Save us from what?

>> No.11784668

I could liquidate my portfolio and buy it but then I would have to go back to work

>> No.11784671


If Link takes off I would like to buy this site, get rid of SFW shit rules and make every board NSFW like they should be. Force janitors to wear small hats and livestream themselves when they are doing it for free, no small hat, no janny status. Also I will demod every faggot mod who ever banned me for posting brappers and lewds. You hear me you little shits? Your day is coming, 1k EOY faggots.

Also would prank /pol/ every fucking day with word filters. Holy fuck imagine the fun in creativily fucking with word filters on /pol/.

>> No.11784672
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>> No.11784674

few milli

>> No.11784683

if i bought 4chan first thing i would do was ban all third world IPs from biz

>> No.11784696

Based and redpilled

>> No.11784698

Then gib flags

>> No.11784701

I'm a bit short then. Maybe in a few years if there's anything left.

>> No.11784704

>those long threads where shkreli was making a power point to consider buying 4chan

>> No.11784713


>> No.11784727

Could do something where all Indian/Brazilian posters show a flag, so we'd know whose posts not to take seriously

>> No.11784728

Probably between 2-5mil

>> No.11784796
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The other alternative should this fail is that we make the new sfw site so shit that no advertiser will touch it with a 10 foot pole. Think the /sp/ outlaw uprising but on a site-wide scale.

>> No.11784810


Not into /sp/orts so gimme the rundown on the outlaw uprising?

>> No.11784899
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I don't even hate /pol/ I just hate when they leave their board

>> No.11784993
File: 1.12 MB, 1328x669, Spuprisingsample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of the nature of sports pre-2013 /sp/ used to be one of the best boards on 4chan. Off-season and late nights had no sports games on so posters made off-topic threads to pass the time. Lots of great discussion. There were also "event-bowls" in which users made comfy threads to watch non-sporting events like police chases. Anyways some redditor rulefags complained on /q/ and brought mods to /sp/. A group of shitposters banded together and spammed shitposts, offtopic threads and jannie threads for months. Although it wasn't successful, I think a campaign on a larger scale could be. Pic-related is from one of the days when the catalog was completely flooded with he does it for free threads.

>> No.11785109


This is the most based thing I've seen in my life. Goddamn /sp/ is based for doing that. Fuck jannies. Fuck rulefags.

Goddamn why do people who like rules come to this fucking website? The less rules the better.

>> No.11785157
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/a/ had a similar thing in 2011