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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11771555 No.11771555 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder, this dump only exists to shake out the last of the weak hands.

>> No.11771596

can't argue with trips

>> No.11771621

checked and red pilled

>> No.11771634

It would be far more concerning if everything was going great leading to Bakkt

>> No.11771696

That's what you said last time, skimpletong

>> No.11771718

skimpletongs on skuitide wash

>> No.11771776

we are halfway through november though what's the status on bakkt?
we waiting for coinsensus conference at the end of the month?

>> No.11771788

Nah crypto is just worthless

>> No.11771814

Not falling for this FUD again.

>> No.11771832

well they ain't doing any good job at that

>> No.11771864
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Nice trips

>> No.11771897

I couldn't agree more
Bears BTFO

>> No.11771905

This makes no sense. If BAKKT was the real deal then the market would be pumping right now. The fact of the matter is that it is a nothing burger and the bulls are full on delusional.

>> No.11771953

Market didn't respond to CME futures last year until the last possible second. Bakkt futures are bigger deal than CME b/c Bakkt is a platform where custom crypto assets can be bundled, and traded. Bakkt will bring the volume required for the ETF to get approved. We are going to make it. Just be patient.

>> No.11771986

Everything shows that crypto is going to collapse even more. I do not see any possible scenario where BAKKT saves this market. Like I said, if it actually meant something then there wouldn't be such despair and hopelessness in this market.

>> No.11772030

Tone Vays and his team of fagets said bear and dumps for 200 more days

>> No.11772035

Nice trips but the real capitulation hasn’t even started yet

>> No.11772070

Ok, I'll bite. When is the real dumpening gonna start?

>> No.11772083

lightning network is unironically being developed a lot
I'm getting 10 emails a day on the developer mailing list (used to only get a couple a week a few months ago)
I wouldn't be surprised if LN starts to grow exponentially early next year
they're finishing up watch towers and were talking about routing methods for atomic multipathways this morning

>> No.11772090
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Good call and nice trips OP. Whenever shit's about to go down, the market makers create a fork just so they have plausible cause to market make.

This fake feud and subsequent split was obviously in line with the BAKKT happening

>> No.11772093

and how often does tone get it right?
he's an amateur probably worse than the average biz trader

>> No.11772121

He has a point. If it were real they would actually be marketing it. I think no moon until etf February.

>> No.11772135

He'd probably be out of money by now if he was that bad at predicting (or manipulating and creating) buttcorn movements.

He's really fucking stupid regarding tech evaluation and blockchain in general though.

>> No.11772147

What are your thoughts on the Raiden Network fren, is there a chance LN is waiting for ETH to catch up with RDN so that atomic swaps can become a reality? Or is it LINK and oracles they're on?

>> No.11772149

>If it were real they would actually be marketing it.
Maybe they want to just see that everything operates smoothly before trying to mass onboard and market.

>> No.11772154

Yes, like all the dips before and the next one to 4/3.6k.

>> No.11772157

Bakkt is nothing.

ETF is the real deal.

>> No.11772166

>If it were real they would actually be marketing it.
we will know more at the end of the month
kelly loeffler and jan van eck are speaking november 27th

>> No.11772188

If Vays is planning to go heavily long into the next bullrun, and he is part of the market makers planning the bullruns (hint: he is) then it would make sense that he'd be publicly predicting a continuous bear market.

That said, I think the whole thing is tied up to the market makers' tax returns, so I would expect the bullrun to start in March (beginning of the next fiscal year).

>> No.11772190

I don't know I only really follow bitcoin development

>> No.11772201

I see, thanks for the answer

>> No.11772208


>> No.11772219

>shake out
>shake out
>shake out
>shake out
>shake out
>shake out
>shake out
>shake out
>shake out
>shake out

>> No.11772220

How bearish everyone is right now is a good sign desu.

>> No.11772227

They need business to use it to make money. I only heard about starbucks and microsoft and starbucks later balked and said not taking bitcoin. Plus the website for bakkt is a joke. Take note, I am not a bear or shorter, just suspicious.

>> No.11772255

With all due respect for those pristine dubs, I doubt anyone is paying crypto taxes. Many bitcorn maximalists moved to puerto toilet or tai ladyboyland.

>> No.11772292
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>Plus the website for bakkt is a joke.
yeah it's weak
they did hire several good employees though

>> No.11772309

Sir, with all due respect for these magnificent quad dubs of yours, it's easy to tax evade 5k in dollars, but not 5 thousand bitcorns. These people live in mansions and shit, they do have to actually file their taxes unless they wanna stay in ladyboyland forever.

>> No.11772310

Woah, I got 4 dubs

>> No.11772363

It’s the most fabricated fucking dump I’ve seen all of 2018. The most fake dump maybe in Bitcoin’s history. We’ve had wildly bullish news non stop- do you really think actual Bitcoin maximalists and hodlers are “scared”? We all know the fucking scoop. The real sellers are waiting to offload at 40K. We’re a mere months away gentlemen. Could see 40K by end of December into the New Year.

>> No.11772412

Name a single piece of actually bullish news that isn't fake news. There is none and everything the bulls have been clinging onto is pure hopium.

>> No.11772471


Do you get paid per buzzword?

>> No.11772557

I get paid in permabull tears.

>> No.11772679
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>> No.11772857

People forget that we literally went up from 6 to 20k in a matter of about 3 weeks. All that needs to happen is the flood gates to open up with BAKKT and that is going to look like a minor bump.

>> No.11772962

>Northern Trust
>TD Ameritrade
>Crypto desks awaiting green light

And you’re retarded enough to say there’s no bullish news. Nigger, are you even fucking trying?

>> No.11773022

Good catch lmao you may actually be onto something

>> No.11773042

A nothing burger
Will never get approved
>Northern Trust
Means nothing
>TD Ameritrade
Just feigning interest. No guaranteed plans
Thats just the BAKKT bullshit again
>Crypto desks awaiting green light
Which they will never get.

Not a single one of those things is meaningful in any way. Its just bulls fooling themselves into thinking any of this is good news. The fact is that crypto is dying a slow death.

>> No.11773080

Honestly WHO pays you? Please just tell us. Anon this has to stop. The days of buying cheap bitcoins are over.

>> No.11773087
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fucking when bro ive been waiting for this shit for months nothings fucking happening

>> No.11773107

>crypto is dying a slow death.

People said this in 2014 when there was actually a risk of crypto dying. Too much public awareness now for crypto to die.

>> No.11773168

All sorts of very public things died. Remember when Blockbuster was a household name? Crypto doesn't even have that, it was basically a flash meme normal people got exposed to for a month before it burned everyone. The only thing investors and regular people have in their minds now is that this entire market is a toxic playground for speculative manipulators.

>> No.11773177

People expected CME futures to pump Bitcoin further
It did the exact opposite

>> No.11773183

That's some beautiful paint artwork anon.

>> No.11773218

why would they pump Bitcoin just before the end of the fiscal year when they could wait a couple more months, force people to liquidate their bags for pennies on the dollars to pay taxes, then sell them for 100x to the next wave of retards?

>> No.11773246

All of this. BAKKT is the new hopium, but the real markets have no fucks to give about it. They (BAKKT), are just another project by this team, they throw things like this together all the time to throw against the wall, and see if it sticks. The entire premise of BAKKT is getting institutional money into crypto. But look at the yearly chart - nobody, and I mean NOBODY who sells a percentage as a living wants anything to do with crypto, and isn't even thinking about trying to sell the idea to their customers or their bosses. The idiots who think BAKKT will take off think people are going to have crypto in their 401ks, which is one of the funniest and pathetically sad puffs of hopium ever cropdusted over the crypto world.

The entire premise of BAKKT is: "We hope institutional money will use us."

Institutional money says: "Get the fuck out of here, weirdo. Security!"

>> No.11773248
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We are all shaking !!!
Uuuuuu !!!
Me on the right when we hit $100

>> No.11773264

LOL. Wall Street and real money doesn't need BAKKT. They want nothing to do with crypto. Look at the chart. It's a loser.

>> No.11773302

The only reason Microsoft is on board is their Azure bullshit, which it's based on. They made their money selling their crappy "solutions" to the BAKKT team. Microsoft and Accenture are making bank selling that Azure hopiumware to companies right now.

>> No.11773327

More like, now it’s been proven useless and full of scams so it’s more likely than ever to die and never come back

>> No.11773330

>this entire market is a toxic playground for speculative manipulators

And Wall St. Is full of these types of people.

>> No.11773350

And, Bitmex made more money than your entire family going back several generations gambling on the slide from 20k to 5.5k.
"Institutional money" looks at the year long slide and says "Get the fuck out of here, ya freak". Nobody with real money wants anything to do with crypto. None of the wild, pud stroking predictions of "institutional money" jumping in have come true, they've have a full year to do so, yet there the price sits, at 5.5k. For now.
Now, cry at us about USD and decentralization and smart contracts. Real money has no fucks to give. You're not getting a lambo.

>> No.11773356
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Had you any brains, you would have used a concept like VR as your example. Blockbuster was a dinosaur company, you absolute fucking dunce, crypto is the exact opposite of that.

VR on the other hand is indeed a tech touted as the "next big thing" that's having trouble getting off the ground for decades (due to existing, albeit diminishing technical difficulties).

Crypto on the other hand is something that can potentially save banks billions in operating costs, so all technical difficulties will magically disappear once the bankers have a firm enough grip on the space (ie once BAKKT and ETF's get going).

Fucking retard

>> No.11773360

And even they won't touch crypto. That says volumes.

>> No.11773381

I'm delusional, i feel like i should just hold against everything, how i can fix myself, should i short for a while so i can realize it's going downwards?

>> No.11773391

Dude, Fidelity has been fucking mining BTC since 2014. Also why do you think Goldman is working on a trading desk? They will pump BTC and then dump their bags on everyone dumb enough to buy. And I will profit from that.

>> No.11773408

yet another nocoiner retard not grasping the technological revolution jumping too soon to conclusions

>> No.11773422



>> No.11773423

You bulls are so desperate that you really expect the people crypto was supposed to destroy is going to be saved by them? I think we have reached peak delusion folks.

>> No.11773458

In terms of making money from speculation, this is exactly what is needed. BTC is useless a a currency. Goldman knows this which is why they see it as a specularion opportunity rather then a threat. I don't think goldman really maters, but they are a sign that there could be institutional money coming in. Also explain fidelity mining since 2014.

>> No.11773502


>> No.11773513

>technological revolution

>> No.11773529

Nice argument, fag.

>> No.11773687

>None of the wild, pud stroking predictions of "institutional money" jumping in have come true
False. Also misleading, considering how many funds are lobbing ETF proposals with more desperation than your fake FUD

>> No.11773751

Man, you took a long, deeeeeep huff of hopium, didn't you?


>> No.11774040

But that wasnt last dump

>> No.11774051
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>> No.11774064

Even if there is another, it will be a flash dump and a spring pump.