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11766667 No.11766667 [Reply] [Original]

1st world countries will never use Bitcoin as their main currency. It was proven tonight that too much trickery can be done with Bitcoin. If a war breaks out and a group of countries decide to take all of your Bitcoin it can be done. Hell I wouldn't be surprised to see PoSM reddit threads eventually steal some criminals money right out of his wallet.

You were lead to believe the Bitcoin can't be censored and is immutable but really there are a select few people or groups running the show and they can do almost anything they want.

Bitcoin could still see a multi-trillion dollar marketcap if it scales well and allows for easy micro-transactions but it will NEVER replace fiat.

>> No.11766681

Who would ever imagine a virtual currency for buying assassinations and drugs would turn out to be a meme

>> No.11766706

>a group of countries decide to take all of your Bitcoin it can be done
Only if you're talking about a faux bitcoin that isn't the global hashrate leader.

>> No.11766715

If there was a way for the bitcoin protocol to actually be set in stone from day 1 maybe it could work.

But when a fork can just change the protocol rules and everyone goes along with it then it's really just a big game of social media consensus and anything is possible. BTC could fork and take all of Satoshi's coins next month if they got enough social consensus for it.

The bitcoin experiment has failed.

>> No.11766732

who even stole anything today?
if anything it proved its a lot harder to fuck with bitcoin than it seems
even at a super low hashrate like bch had.
imagine if every country was mining, you would have to collude with half the world to even try to fuck with anything.

>> No.11766735

You weren't paying attention tonight. Hashrate doesn't matter as much as everyone thought. Any chain with a bit of hash behind it can fork, change their protocol rules and add benchmarks to prevent any hash attack reorg.

>> No.11766755

Imagine America, China, Europe and Japan all use BTC as their global currency. Each has 25% hash rate. America goes to war against the other 3. They use their 75% hash power to fork and change the protocol rules and take all of Americas BTC.

Do you see why it will never work?

>> No.11766771

You're definitely a deluded bcashie retard who thinks BCASH is BITCOIN.

> 1st world countries will never use Bitcoin as their main currency.
We already do.

>> You were lead to believe the Bitcoin can't be censored and is immutable but really there are a select few people or groups running the show and they can do almost anything they want.

What happened to Bcash can't happen to Bitcoin. Bcash is centralized - if the recent events haven't already proven this, then no wonder you're a bcashie - stay stupid.

Bcash's hashrate is around 10% of Bitcoin.

Roger Ver can easily do a 51% attack because he has the majority hash power. CENTRALISED SHITCOIN.

>> No.11766777

>> 1st world countries will never use Bitcoin as their main currency.
>We already do.

Name one 1st world country that gave up it's fiat and went 100% Bitcoin

Are you retarded?

>> No.11766799

>implying the us wouldn't just nuke those cunts again
but really why would the us go to war with japan and the eu?

>> No.11766809

the more adoption it sees the more stable it will become.

>> No.11766811

if anything tonight showed that consensus works and a madman spouting threats of doom can't put a dent on bitcoin can't even slow it down.

>> No.11766823

>You weren't paying attention tonight. Hashrate doesn't matter as much as everyone thought.
what the fuck did you watch anon? abc got the more hash and abc won by a landslide. you are talking utter nonsense.

tonight showed that if you call jihan to a hashwar you get a hash war you never forget.

>> No.11766872

Isn't that exactly why it WOULD work?

What you have described in that scenario is exactly why we have had a half century of relative peace, following the invention of nuclear warfare.

>> No.11766883

>countries are going to willingly give up their power and hope the other countries dont fuck them over

yeah never gonna happen

>> No.11766888

This has been a half century of nonstop warfare dipshit

>> No.11766961

> Name one 1st world country that gave up it's fiat and went 100% Bitcoin



>> No.11766986

The same could happen to Fort Knox if there was social consensus to overthrow the government. History is written by the victors.

>> No.11767015

>> 1st world countries will never use Bitcoin as their main currency.
>We already do.
Are you actually delusional?

>> No.11767025

i agree with this guy governments would never ever in a billion years go for bitcoin if there is any alternative including even creating a new crypto from scratch.

>> No.11767039

Mutually assured destruction rebuilds trust. Unaccountability murdered the financial system in 2007-8. Everyone wants stability back.
Small tactical skirmishes aren't real wars, snowflake.

>> No.11767062

Yeah I guess Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Vietnam, Israel, Egypt, Somalia, Bosnia, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Argentina, Grenada, Jordan, and Libya were all just "tactical skirmishes" fucking kill yourself retard newfaggot nigger

>> No.11767073
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>> No.11767188

Literally all tactical skirmishes, brainlet.

>> No.11767447

Plus the fact that there’s a limit to how many bitcoins can exist is actually one of the worst aspects of it and probably the main reason it can’t ever be main global currency. The deflationary bias would make credit and investments unfavorable.