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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11760753 No.11760753 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11760760


>> No.11760771

insider here... buy SV

>> No.11760799

Im sorry. Ive really been trying to follow this whole drama and am completely lost. Is there a quick explanation of what is happening here with this hash war? Its ABC vs SV (craig wright?). What does each side want? Is it first to mine 100 blocks wins? Can someone give me or link me to a tldr here?

>> No.11760816
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>> No.11760845

did they use the shotgun?

>> No.11760856
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Yes im but not sure what effect it's having

>> No.11760874

the next few days are going to be pretty fun

>> No.11760875

it seems to cramp abc miners style badly somehow. some sort of ddos attack on the mempool?

>> No.11760964
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the transaction that saved bitcoin

>> No.11761182

>1 minute ago
>2 minutes ago
>7 minutes ago
>12 minutes ago

>> No.11761208

Some say Sminem himself was driving that car.

>> No.11761584

woah didn't expect that roger is such a big player

>> No.11761881

>10 blocks ahead
ABC won.

>> No.11762110
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>Bitcoin ABC is currently 12 blocks ahead

>> No.11762294

this is bullish for SV

>> No.11762557
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>> No.11762594

How many block does ABC need to win?

>> No.11762636

I don't understand jackshit, pls someone explain

>> No.11762655


>> No.11762669

jihan is wiping the floor with craig as predicted

>> No.11762739

I mean, either one of them wins or they blow themselves up and lose, making bitcoin the winner. Someone is going to winning eventually.

>> No.11762776

cashie VS cashie
delusional cultist VS dumbfuck cultist

>> No.11763176
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>Bitcoin ABC is currently 21 blocks ahead.

>> No.11763364

>ABC is X blocks ahead
You are going to see the biggest reorg in bitcoin history when SV releases their privately mined chain after all of the extra BTC hash leaves ABC. They will rewrite days (100s of confirmed blocks). Any exchange stupid enough to let users sell their BCH ABC is going to lose millions or go bankrupt.

The shock to the market will probably crash the whole market unfortunately, but ABC brought this on everyone.

Wait for the fireworks this weekend.

>> No.11763438
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>Latest Bitcoin ABC Blocks by Mining Pool
>SVPool 16.67%
wait... what?

>> No.11763467

Oh my god. Is this the future? Craig utterly embarrassed but still shitting on about muh masterplan for days, weeks, months and eventually years? Muh secret master plan that only me and some random faggot brainlets on biz know about for some reason.
Jesus christ twitter was a mistake.

>> No.11763471

Basically Craig Wright is waving his vagina around pretending it's a penis.

>> No.11763488

You're fucking deluded if you think a reorg is possible.

>> No.11763491

>late adopters actually care which chink airdrop token becomes the "official" chinese airdrop token known as bcash

its nice knowing none of you will ever become rich thanks to crypto

>> No.11763498

CSW and Ayre had so much hashpower that Roger and Jihan had to temporarily steal BTC pool power to fight him.

Yet you still think he's just bluffing and full of hot air?

Get ready to get BTFO.

>> No.11763518

Read the whitepaper. Understand how bitcoin works. It follows the longest proof of work chain. You can reorg 1000s of blocks if you have enough hash power. Someone could reorg all of BTC from the genesis block to now if they had enough hash power.

>> No.11763541

>yet you stibl tink a heb a bubbing
>a bloo bloo bloo
>pee pee poo poo
Hmm yes, yes very intelligent points anon, I'll be sure to take them into consideration.

>> No.11763564
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Craig started posting on /biz/ pretending that there's organic support for his shit wallet implementation.
He got pussywhipped just like everyone with a brain expected.
Whoever sold SV at $200 made mad bucks, I only managed to sell at 80-100 but I'm still happy.
/biz/-tards bought at $200 and are now poorer than digimarines

>> No.11763580

i dont really care either way, but i fuckin hope this happens.

>> No.11763615

I like how everyone knows every details on SV. So fake. I laugh picturing CSW shit posting on biz.

>> No.11763730

to do a reorg he would need a hell of a lot more hash than he has

>> No.11763750

dude abc will be more than 100 blocks ahead by the end of day it would take craig a year or more to catch up with that operating at loss assuming the hashrates don't shift out of favor of him (allies leaving him to hang new miners joining abc fork).

>> No.11763773

Seriously though... what is wrong with ABC's DAA? Spitting blocks out every 3 minutes for hours now.

>> No.11763789

craig called for a hash war and got one
end of story
enjoy the show!

>> No.11763869
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>Bitcoin “Adjustable Blocksize Cap” allows node operators to adjust their block size limit.
>They all start farting out tiny Kb sized blocks.
>Bitcoin SV falls way behind mining Mb sized blocks

>> No.11763887

You don’t understand how any of this works. Go learn the basics of bitcoin before you post here please.

>> No.11764145
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I know that SV and ABC are on the same network but does anybody know if they share the same difficulty?

I think not, the difficulty should be calculated from their own chain and be adjusted after every block (compared to every 2016 on BTC).

Then it's kind of weird that ABC is so far ahead. The average block time should always be 10 minutes no matter how much hashrate each chain have, at least if difficulty is adjusted every block (which it is for BCH). I have to read up on how far back BCH looks to determine the new difficulty.

>> No.11764260
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"It's a simple moving average over the last 144 blocks I believe."

This means that the ABC and SV chain should never be more than 144 blocks apart from each other.

It also means that when bitcoin.com's hashrate goes away tomorrow there will be 144 blocks of higher difficulty on the ABC chain, making it easy for SV to catch up.

Remember that it's not the number of blocks that decides which chain wins, it's the amount of hashpower that produced those blocks (the amount of work behind them). That's what actually secures the network.

ABC could be running at 10% of SV's difficulty but they would still be on the same number of blocks.

>> No.11764317
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Also I'll mention that Craig Wright intends to restore BTC's difficulty adjustment on BCH eventually (once every 2016 blocks):

I guess this makes sense since miners are incentivized to upgrade their hardware every two weeks to get an edge and it also helps to kill off competing chains without a lot of support.

>> No.11764329

explain plz

>> No.11764395
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what does "Pending" mean?

>> No.11764451
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that the block has not yet been mined on that chain

>> No.11764462

It means blocks are not even getting confirmed. SV is dead.

>> No.11764511
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>> No.11764552

So what's going on with BU tho?

>> No.11764658
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the one on the left is the old chain that people upgraded from, it has no miner support at all and will probably be removed from coin.dance very soon

>> No.11764715

BU's new node software is to the right of it and is winning

>> No.11765054

Bitcoin.com pool can't keep mining BCH forever.
They'll have to go back to mining regular Bitcoin, then the SV fuckwits will use a 51% attack to irredeemably shit things up.

>> No.11765087

roger and co got with exchanges and put in checkpoints to prevent deep reorgs. wtf?

>> No.11765134

bitcoin is dead

>> No.11765256
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>Bitcoin ABC is currently 40 blocks ahead.

>> No.11765271

yup seems like it

I learned something about bitcoin today, didn't know you could put checkpoints that prevent a reorg.

ABC released a patch already checkpointing the split so it's impossible to reorg it out of existence now. They could still fuck with it just for fun but it's not looking good for SV. I don't know how they pull out of this.

I'm guessing Calvin admits defeat eventually and tries to come back into ABC and Craig implodes in rage on twitter.

>> No.11765284

i see why so many people hate that faggot. i think im going back to btc tbqh. i still honestly believe csw is a part of satoshi but the battle is too big to be won now

>> No.11765293
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This. Seriously. I didn't really care about Craig's character (lots of shilling either way) but he at least fought for Bitcoin. Core and Bitmain have bastardized it into a worthless piece of garbage. If SV dies, crypto really will be nothing but a giant ponzi, like its detractors argued all along...

>> No.11765303

its weird how people dont realize that abc was using the exact same tactics and arguments that blockstream was using to keep blocks small. Im starting to think roger is a plant used to create a divide to buy more time for the elite to get more btc

>> No.11765306

And then the final step: Jihan and Ver gonna dump their BCHSV bags and make SV miners obsolete

>> No.11765324

Checkpoints ain't new thing, btc had them as well
ABC has won in the hashwar, now it's time to secure the victory

>> No.11765330
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I have been all in Link for 8 months. And havent given a shit about anything other than that. Bitcoin forked again? Should i care about this "hashwar" at all. Graig is that bitcoin cash dude if i remember right?

>> No.11765380
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it's not really a straight-up "attack" if there are 2 competing chains, SV is simply defending their own chain. if there is 1 chain and someone tries to rewind it then it's absolutely an attack but now it's only an attack depending on which side you're rooting on

you don't have to like it but bitcoin works this way

>> No.11765410
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>I'm guessing Calvin admits defeat eventually and tries to come back into ABC and Craig implodes in rage on twitter.
i wouldn't count on it this early. it really is super duper early. expect this to go on for months, these guys are laughably rich (at least one of them).

also remember that by the looks of it in 12 hours SV have two times more hashpower than ABC again. antpool isn't performing on par with the bitcoin.com pool right now, meaning that the rumored new hashpower from Jihan wasn't that great

>> No.11765446

Well if SV is gonna die at least I guess I can finally move on from my autistic obsession with holding the real bitcoin and start actually making money.