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File: 28 KB, 220x279, 220px-Free_willy_two_the_adventure_home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11762159 No.11762159 [Reply] [Original]

Shit's about to get real in the next 48 hours

>> No.11762173

Nice larp

>> No.11762194
File: 161 KB, 450x291, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't buy anything, not a swing trader, most of us shouldn't even try.

>> No.11762195

explain plz broke anon here waiting for 100x long

>> No.11762223
File: 35 KB, 432x289, 216260E2-3469-4F48-8E23-87944184A574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11762227
File: 125 KB, 1000x655, dims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if by "bought" you meant downloading and cataloging hundreds of Free Willyᵗᵐ images for the purposes of trolling /biz/ in the coming weeks
then yes

>> No.11762229

Tripcode is from previous thread
Hello mr. Willy
A bit more info?
We are not going to 1.5-3.5k?

>> No.11762270

down or up, thats all i need to know, thanks for the tips so far, made me some nice profits.

>> No.11762301

Do you like free willy 1 or 2 more?

>> No.11762302

LARP. The real Willy said he’d never use trip codes.

>> No.11762313

>The real Willy said he’d never use trip codes.

>> No.11762315

He never uses trips

>> No.11762330

Well, the "real willy" must be retarded as any rakesh could easily sway anyone on this board. A trip code is necessary for this type of distribution of information, on BIZ of all places.

Lets be real, do people really trust what they see on here anymore (other than the occasional new fag)? It's just literal rakesh and pujeets trying to sell you their coin. This dip was excellent, as it brought life back onto this board.. For how long I wonder?

>> No.11762358

He said we'd know it's him by his prose.

Have you ever given a good call me Free Willy #2

>> No.11762387
File: 332 KB, 750x1334, 17A90510-1618-4015-B3E3-08B350F06368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong trip

>> No.11762406


>> No.11762412

but I fucking toadaso

>> No.11762516
File: 628 KB, 945x614, BB563D9B-8899-45A5-98D6-02058CF3A0F0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did yes but faggot fakes like this faggot larper made me change my mind see the thread linked here >>11762406

>> No.11762523

Hello my friend please come here

>> No.11762529

Btw we’re probably not going back above 6k for a long time ;)

>> No.11762536

Looked a little bit into the "moon phases" bit from yesterday. Very interesting.. thanks for that info

>> No.11762551

>Btw we’re probably not going back above 6k for a long time ;)
So probably shouldnt throw money in crypto right now? Wait for 1.5-3.5k bhottom range?
Anything about XRP? It seems that XRP now moves somewhat disconnected from BTC

>> No.11762552

Tell us more willyanon

>> No.11762569

That's it? That's your reasoning?


>> No.11762588

You’re welcome
I’d chill out for now temp bottom around nov 23 but still a ways to go down from here 3-5k range ideal we need hard capitulation still once the reddit crypto subs are dead and msm reports a “crypto suicide” or a few that’s the buy signal a few in my group are looking for, as I’ve said before very likely there will be no bull til mid to late 2019 at the earliest
See above

>> No.11762605

so should i be buying here or what is it not going above 6k?

>> No.11762612

If you’re a trader use the coin volatility to your advantage, if not sidelines are your fren

>> No.11762618

So mid 2019 start looking for the whale to jump over the sell wall. FREEE WIILLLLY
thanks for info though seriously

>> No.11762619

whats gonna happen to link through all this

>> No.11762632

What do you think about coins like LTC IOST ZIL or XLM? Again, thank you for all your feedback

>> No.11762633

I see thank You very much
But anything on XRP? ;)

Thanks for Your insight

>> No.11762642

Seems like all the big whales are buying now, is willy the smartest one or the dumbest?

>> No.11762660

>Seems like all the big whales are buying now

>> No.11762662

Just Willy sir with the free Willy imagery, free Willy 2 is a larping faggot trying to be me.
Might hold up better than most coins do to the cult like holders but it also ran up a lot these past few months so a dump back to 5k sats ain’t outta the picture just yet
Shitcoins don’t interest me at all
I don’t like XRP and dumped everything at 2.50 earlier this year and stopped following since, it’s become a haven of pajeets and normies which can be good or bad. You have a massive shill army but its a retarded shill army
Whales are selling now

>> No.11762687

Which coins besides btc would you suggest?

>> No.11762717

EOS and bchsv I picked up a few bchsv at 70-80 today and some Eos at 4.35 but i am already selling those now. fiat is your friend for now.

>> No.11762755

all these trip codes are confusing me i dunno who to beleive which WILLY IS THE REAL WILLY

save me whales

is it possible to have 2 tripcodes if you pay for 2....what if the 2 willy whales is the same guy, and one of them will be right no matta wat


>> No.11762766

>pay for trip codes
Hello new fren, I’m the “real Willy” autists will be able to tell it’s me by the tone in my writing.

>> No.11762787

I’m Willy 2, my only purpose was to get the real Willy bro to make a trip code. Ask him he can confirm

>> No.11762796

how low is this going or is it going high, give it to me straight famous celebrity whale

your old fren

>> No.11762824
File: 5 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11762830


>> No.11763529

>Shitcoins don’t interest me at all
Would you consider hot to be a shitcoin?

>> No.11763584

only faggots get shaken out. stay poor

>> No.11763611

This is not how willy actually typed, kys impostor

>> No.11763673

A’s per last posts 3-5k with possible wicks to 2k
Designated street shitting coin
Correct but chads preserve their wealth and buy back more cheaper
You believe what you want to believe

>> No.11763812
File: 6 KB, 284x178, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may i have a bitcoin mr whale sir



>> No.11763823


Do you really think Craig Wright can outgambit bitmain in this hashing war? It seems like the only way SV can win now is with a zero-day exploit of some sort unless they've secretly outhashed bitmain.

>> No.11763859

Nice sirs just sent 100k ;)
Long term yes, bitmain is in the midst of an IPO so there is some strategic game theory going on as they need to be profitable, also look up squire mining and probably grab a few shares of their stock in the dips too.

>> No.11763873
File: 36 KB, 693x443, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir whale, is it time to buy back in or stay in stablecoins?

>> No.11763877

Wait, you think Craig will win the war?

>> No.11763893

>whales are selling now
Show data
My info proves the opposite

>> No.11763920

Mid to late 2019 unless you’re a trader
He has a chance yes, time will tell.
Look at the charts. Ain’t average joe that brought us down to 5200 earlier today.

>> No.11763961


Bitmain's going to be bleeding money defending ABC but Jihan Wu has verbally committed to backing ABC

>> No.11764002

>Ain’t average joe that brought us down to 5200 earlier today.
that was an obvious attempt to get cheap btc, and it bounced back immediately, so obviously it worked
stop bullshitting. whales are buying.

>> No.11764134

Then go all in what do I care?

>> No.11764198

Have you ever been to asia? Naive

>> No.11764229


I'm an HKer and working for one of the few non-scam Chinese projects. I was just literally stating facts.

I don't think bitmain can win a drawn out war but they don't need along one to make things very difficult and expensive for craig wright

>> No.11764269

Link to previous thread: >>11750250
And before that: >>11713415

Random strings of numbers and letters

>> No.11764548

red queen?

>> No.11765014

lmao what a fucking idiot
screencapped your shitpost

>> No.11765085

This is true, I never use trip codes. OP is an imposter FreeWilly.