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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11747434 No.11747434 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone has a quickguide on how to earn a living wage with no skills or education?

>I have basic C# skills
>I worked in a wageslave coffee shop for 3 months during one summer last year
>I am 22

>> No.11747454

make c# portfolio of cool shit
apply for jobs

>> No.11747463

>no skills
>basic C#
Which is it, anon?

>> No.11747470

I understand AI is growing; is Lisp still relevant in that sector?

>> No.11747527

>cool shit
What is cool shit, what might be cool shit for me, might be a 10 minute job for someone actually skilled or maybe not.
Almost every place wants experience of 1+ year with .NET and agile. Even the fucking intern spots. Or if they don't, a bunch of ultra ambitious looking, outspoken chads come to the interview beside you and one up your autistic ass.

>> No.11747531

Become a manager. You earn double what your underlings earn and you don't need any qualifications.

>> No.11747555

manager of what? Do I need to do a course. Why would anyone hire me for a manager position of something?
Not to be mean, but i asked for a guide not a blank statement
>LUL get a job dude

>> No.11747586

Knock up more doors. Look into smaller agencies heavy in the asp.net stack. Skill up there for bigger and better

>> No.11747605

>I worked in a wageslave coffee shop

>> No.11747704

Is there a good way I can hit up companies that don't have active offers for a job/internship on their site, so I may have less competition.

>> No.11747778

look up free udacity or udemy courses, follow them along, host the capstone projects as your portfolio, add to resume with technologies used etc.

though if i were you i'd do the udacity python course followed by a machine learning nanodegree if you can afford one, you'll be set for at least the next 20 years with that alone

>> No.11747789

Search for small agencies in your city and hit up their contact form with a polite message. "Web agencies near me" or some shit like that

>> No.11747809

hey OP, if you know js I can hire you for some projects. I can only pay you slave wages though

>> No.11747940

Is this common? That someone would hire online? I'm learning js and I'd like to work at home

>> No.11747984

it is if you want cheap labour. also, the majority of freelancers in fiverr and the like are literal pajeets

>> No.11747988

getting a job over 4chan seems sketchy as fuck

>> No.11748005

Companies don't hire off the street anymore. They take applications because they have to.

Go apply at some temp agencies. They'll find a job for your untrained, lazy ass.

>> No.11748018
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>> No.11748052

its not an actual job, you just do X work and get paid for it, then you have to find a new project

thats basically the only possible way to work from home

>> No.11748064

I have no idea about this board's culture, but I am assuming those are for sucking dick?
I am not a female(female) unfortunately.

>> No.11748081

No, it means you go into the blue collar work force and do manual labor you tremendous faggot.

>> No.11748139

That's even worse. I did that and I would unironically off myself before that.

>> No.11748184

"i-i need monies, but I can't learn skills, because I sit around all day posting on 4chan, but I demand living wages and a job working from home, because I'm a scared little boy who never learned to deal with the real world, because my cock carousel mother overcompensated and smothered me as a kid so hard I can't provide myself with the basics in food, shelter, and necessities"

>I have basic C# skills
Translation: cracked a pirated C# book once.
>I worked in a wageslave coffee shop for 3 months during one summer last year
Translation: couldn't even keep an entry level retail slave wage job longer than 3 months.
>>I am 22
Has done nothing with the 4 years since getting out of high school, except play vidya, masterbate, and post on 4chan.
Everyone else you knew got degrees, got married, worked.

And now you want an easy entry into a good job - and better, one that allows telecommuting from home, which is usually the high end contracting work - without having worked for anything.

Is that about right?

Go get A job. Doing anything. Keep it for ONE YEAR. Then come back and talk about opportunities. Better yet, actually learn to DO something.

>> No.11748196

>What is cool shit, what might be cool shit for me, might be a 10 minute job for someone actually skilled or maybe not.

It does not matter. Mention EVERYTHING C#-related (everything programming related, in fact) you have done. It does not matter that the recruiter likes it or not, the point is to show that you can do something. And since you don't have education, you need to counter that with something.

>Almost every place wants experience of 1+ year with .NET and agile. Even the fucking intern spots.

You are a faggot if you think you have to check every checkbox. Job applications are descriptions of the perfect candidate they are searching.

Do not be afraid to apply for jobs where they ask for 1-2 years of experience or technology that you don't know. What is the worst that it will happen, ignore your CV?

I would be surprised if you weren't able to find some shitty helpdesk /desk support/application support job. There are loads of those, and IT is a field where there are plenty of jobs and where practical experience alone still can get you a job. Also, try to get some online education, or at the very least some certs, as soon as you get a job.

>> No.11748290

I would be ok with a non home job.
I know a bit more c# than that
Everything else is correct. I also got strangled by her umbilical cord.

>> No.11748639

suck dick

>> No.11748647

Work full time at McDonald's and Burger King. If that's not enough put in some part time hours at Wendy's.

>> No.11748676

That's like saying
>get a job and make money
Give me some tips, how to advertise myself, get a client base
I would rather neck myself

>> No.11748738

Go find a gay bar in your town, stand next to it and offer to suck visitors' dicks.

>> No.11748741

Do you have any goals as to what you want to be? If you want you can grind it out in a shit factory/warehouse job that pays high because the work sucks but if it's only temporary i recommend doing it, good hours, good pay but not something you want to get committed to it'll break you down to a husk.

>> No.11748760

>I have basic C# skills
>I worked in a wageslave coffee shop for 3 months during one summer last year
Have you tried Java dev?

>> No.11748769

>>no skills
>>I have basic C# skills
so you have skills...

>Almost every place wants experience of 1+ year with .NET and agile
that's what they want, not necessarily what they'll get. as the other an.on said, just send your CV, mentioning all the stuff you have done with C#. make a github repo, upload some stuff there and put the link in the CV.

>> No.11748791

>subtle brag thread about knowing C#

>> No.11748817

>I like playing video games
I chased a pro league player career like a retard, failed uni for it, so here i am being master player after 5 years and 7 broken teams later. Having nothing to my name, but I am pretty good at one video game

Everyone keeps suggesting IT jobs, because i learned some programming in uni/school, but it's just as bland and as boring as anything for me.

>> No.11748877

I tried it enough to know it is very similar to C#, but not enough to be able to do anything.
I said basic, I have no idea how to even start to do or organize a project or how to program cleanly or maintainably. I can organize your array and put it into classes, then add basic ass visual studio buttons for it. I wouldn't post here if could use this skill to get a job.

>> No.11748909

If you're as good as you say you are you should consider streaming/making youtube videos.
That's one of my goals but my PC isn't good enough for videos and I live in aus so my current connection can't handle streaming.
But you say you're pro that's what people watch, do some coaching, keep doing what you're doing just branch out with it

>> No.11748922

>/biz/ seriously talking about wagecucking
Crypto is truly dead

>> No.11748939

If you haven't already made it, it's too late.

>> No.11749112

>he thinks i haven't tried everything to make league as a job
Open the league category on twitch and scroll until the end. There are 200 challanger players on every region + actaul pros, I might be a top 0.02% player on my server, but there is still a bunch of us and everyone wants to make it. If you look at top 50+ male league streamers all of them are consistent challanger/master players AND atleast subjectively funny to some poeple, I don't talk, and especially try to be funny and iam not a native english speaker. Why would you watch me? I am nothing special.
League is not a youtube'able game, noone want's to watch a 40 minutes of gameplay. For anything more elaborate you need to edit, that's another skill to learn and a thing I don't enjoy doing. I rather work a real job.
Again, I don't speak. I tried to coach my friends as a meme, but it's just cringeworthy for both of us listening to me to try to convey complex concepts.
>elo boosting
that's like wage slaveing. You get treated like shit from your boosting site overlords and play silver games all day to boost people to gold. You play 3-6hours for like 25 bucks. Iam not good enough to boost to master/challanger where the price range is actually good

>> No.11749142

>3-6 hours for 25 dollars
Getting paid to play a game sounds nice. You'll never have to leave the house. Outside is scary

>> No.11749170
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day trade low float stocks under $5.

>> No.11749194

>day trade
>day trading low volume stocks and not forex

>> No.11749197

it's not once you do it. The player I need to play against are like bots, Imagine playing the same game over and over again where the outcome is the same and you have to do the same thing and do it for 7days a week 11 hour a day. You start to hate the game real quick.

>> No.11749220

But you get to stay inside all day. seems like the dream to me

>> No.11749311

Lol yeah you'll be set for a career of upward trajectory with your meme online code course and zero background in college math you will be a great artificial intelligence engineer

>> No.11749318

Whoever said he was going into AI? You brainLet.

>> No.11749343

it's as mind numbing and depression building as wage slaving.
You have to deal with dogshit teamates and act nice so you don't get chat restricted(or you are fired) and explain them basic concepts and how to win. just like you have to smile and talk nice to customers in a McDick even though they are as retarded as silver players. You have to literally clock in every day on the bosting sites and actively boost. You can't play 2 games then take an hour break, then return. You have to come and do a job or atleast 4+ hour of boosting. You have to focus on the game, because your pay depends directly on your results, so you can't browse 4chan or watch youtube.
If I could boost 1 account to challanger every 2 months for 10 grand I would do it. But I cant

>> No.11749355

no skills or education
pick up an apprenticeship in construction I guess.

>> No.11749364

Get a part-time job at almost anywhere and don't buy anything but necessities. You will then have tons of free time.

>> No.11749375

>get crippled at 35 because of back problems

>> No.11749451

I don't even want upwards trajectories. I want to move from home into a 1 room apartment, eat not fast food and have some money for my shitty hobbies i want to try out.

>> No.11749479

I see you're ignoring my post as well as another anon's post. We literally gave you the answer dipshit. Get a part time job just about anywhere and only buy necessities and enjoy your free time and figure out what you really want to do.

>> No.11749494

just learn coding and work on fiverr its not that hard bud

>> No.11749543

>Just bee urself
I don't assume you have actual links or youtube series or advice.

I read eveyones posts and take into consideration everyone's opinion, stop bullying

>> No.11749561

>stop bullying
You didn't come here for an answer. You came here for attention.

>> No.11749767

I am going to sleep.

I started to gather all the shitty projects I did for fun and university onto a github, i'll keep the most fleshed out ones for my portfolio

I deleted every video game i found on my pc

I'll search for places that offer jobs related for programming and research what the majority of them do and try to make something related to it, with the now spare time I have, to add to my portfolio.

I'll send my CV and portfolio to every place that searches for anyone related to programming.

>> No.11749825

Good night, hit me up I can help u

>> No.11749898

You'll most likely do none of that. You came here for attention, lol

>> No.11749975

You don't need to deletz your games.
Just play less and live more irl.
Learning to program is good.
Codinggame can help you too.

>> No.11750173
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>Still believing 100% in crypto.
>Have no alternative plan because investing in imaginary coins is all you can do.

>> No.11750200

That's /biz/. I don't know why I keep returning.

>> No.11750211

throwaway327671337@gmail.com mail me if you have anything good.
I really hope you are wrong.
I do have to, I can't balance shit in my life. I can only focus on one a single subject at a time. Will, also, check out the thing in the morning.

>> No.11750229

Stop with gmail, they leak your real IP and your data.

Create a protonmail

>> No.11750254

>Stop with gmail, they leak your real IP and your data
I can't imagine being pen pals with someone who thinks like that, lol

>> No.11750437

Try sucking a million dicks for one dollar each, then.

Alternatively, you could also suck one dick, for a million dollars.