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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11743174 No.11743174 [Reply] [Original]


we aree back boyyss!!

>> No.11743208

A partnership a day keeps the bears away.

>> No.11743221

until someone asks if there ever will be a product produces by this literal heap of companies

>> No.11743233

Yeah, that same question sure stopped ETH from booming, didn't it?

>> No.11743253

ETH is it's own product. It launched ICOs and SCs, that's what it was built for.

What API does chainlink provide data for?

>> No.11743254

Anoher who joins the list of whos

>> No.11743255


>> No.11743260

And without Chainlink, 90% of ETH's ICOs are useless.

>> No.11743265

KAIKO? didnt you read?

>> No.11743274


>> No.11743275

where? All I see is more promises on top of more promises

>> No.11743283


>> No.11743285

is this cope? This looks like cope

>> No.11743317

You're like a child.

>> No.11743331

I'm sure there is *some* ANYTHING I can use to look at a chainlink secured API, right?

Oh wait, nevermind there isn't.

>> No.11743412

wtf am I reading

>> No.11743452
File: 106 KB, 517x210, 595738f2d2d3db52ae04e139_img slide - 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a picture explain it to you

>> No.11743497

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.11743506

tyeah because kaiko just partnered with CL stating they are indeed working with SWIFT, and SWIFT actually denied ripple...LMAO muhh no evidence, are you dumb? you think kaiko are playing a game? they have their reputation to keep cuuck.

just read the article nigger

>> No.11743513

Everything boomed in the bubble. Crypto is different the prices can only go down.

>> No.11743522

You should lay of the drugs bro

>> No.11743531

>muh public oracles
>muh providing data to smart contracts

still waiting for any example of this ever being implemented.

>> No.11743538

>Everything boomed in the bubble.
But everything didn't boost to the number 2 spot on CMC, trenchbrain.
Oh, and ETH was a large part of the reason for last year's boom.

>> No.11743560

>Kaiko is a digital assets data provider covering all top cryptocurrency exchanges. We collect, normalize, and distribute cryptocurrency market data from 30+ exchanges and 5,500+ currency pairs. Based in Paris, our international team combines years of expertise in finance, distributed systems, and cryptography to optimize its work. Whether you are a financial institution, quant fund, academic, startup, or regulator, it is essential to have a deep understanding of this complex market. Kaiko provides the raw and aggregated data you'll need to gain a competitive advantage in this volatile market—and a deeper understanding of the forces that shape it.

go hand yourself plz

>> No.11743643

still up in sats today lmao

>> No.11743676
File: 142 KB, 1063x1407, 1530260223679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha! Mainnet isn't out yet! Checkmate Linkies!

>> No.11743677
File: 427 KB, 927x941, 1523854478641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, new paradigm

>> No.11743785

>still waiting for any example of this ever being implemented.
lying is a sin

>> No.11743951

Whaaaaa? don't tell me someone would just come and lie on a dolphin cum trading forum