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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11740151 No.11740151 [Reply] [Original]

>normies and coworkers have all started talking about crypto again
i-its going to crash isnt it...

>> No.11740167

No one is talking about crypto actually

>> No.11740170

Nah I see it to, people want to get in. They want to ride the ponzi with us and transfer wealth to us NEETs.

new money needs to enter before this can go up again else we'll just trend lower as old money keeps recycling the same events.

>> No.11740178


>> No.11740180
File: 563 KB, 850x858, Screen Shot 2018-08-26 at 22.29.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well they are in my office.

i remember in december when everyone was talking about crypto and we pumped 100% but then got JUSTed straight after

>> No.11740190

what are they saying about it anon? are they laughing at you??

>> No.11740203

they are asking where to buy ripple and stellar because bitcoin is "too expensive"

>> No.11740212

tell them to buy Bitconnect, it's at ATL

>> No.11740217

Please might I suggest link xir?

>> No.11740221


Nigga let them buy ether. Fuck I need it to moon badly.

>> No.11740237

Yeah i over herd someone at work talking about buying chain link on coin base. The retarded state of people these days. Dont they know that linkies are only on binance

>> No.11740238

Basic math is not a requirement at your workplace?

>> No.11740243

Crypto will be used in the underlying systems/services/appliances of everyone in sooner or later, you should educate them about it.

Will not crash, welcome them to our family.

>> No.11741158

Nice LARP. Nobody gives a shit about or talks about crypto.

>> No.11741169

how young are you? this is a ss from fast times at ridgemont high. the best fucking scene from the 80s.

>> No.11741553


>> No.11741591

That's exactly why etf will get normie attention.

So they can finally buy $100 worth of btc every month.

>> No.11741625

No they're not

>> No.11741945


>> No.11741973

>Will not crash, welcome them to our family.
fucking YOU fuck you fuck you fuck you were wrong!!!!

>> No.11742143

Welp. You were right.

>> No.11742170

Just tell me who that is

>> No.11742231

its one of the vixen girls

>> No.11742264

they all look the same and cant tell if one of thems her or not

>> No.11742287

Many of the normies I have talked to lately just say "Ah, but it's too late to invest now isn't it?"

They will come back, but not until we are back down at $2000 BTC or less.

>> No.11742388

y dont you just use google?

>> No.11742403
File: 656 KB, 736x730, Screenshot 2018-11-14 at 16.56.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11742404

i tried reverse searching and couldn't find it

>> No.11742502

abigail mac

>> No.11742524
