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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11738506 No.11738506 [Reply] [Original]

What are you working on /biz/?

>> No.11738517

Take this to /g/ you stupid newfag nigger

>> No.11738518
File: 153 KB, 866x660, Screenshot 2018-11-14 at 09.14.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making my own cryptocurrency

>> No.11738524

Understanding variable types in choly fuck why not just have int and float why the fuck do need lonv long short double double i mean the fuck man isnt that a bit redundant im coming from python but still jesus

>> No.11738526

t. ranjeet

>> No.11738532

no need with polkadot, wasting your time there

>> No.11738533

trying to hack into the central bitcoin database to get satoshi's coins. almost there. just a little bit more to do and then it'll be done.

>> No.11738542
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>> No.11738562
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>> No.11738574

you know it's fully modular right, so you can strip it back as much as you like and add in your own mechanisms for how you see fit, all while getting the security and inoperability of all the other chains?
how does it feel that Ranjeet can create a new blockchain in 5 minutes that'll be better than yours?

>> No.11738605

>you know it's fully modular right, so you can strip it back as much as you like and add in your own mechanisms for how you see fit,
whats the point then. if you are going to go through that much effort why not just write your own. to add onto polkadots substrate i would have to add in stealth addresses, change the way addresses are serialized, change the way the consensus algo works, change the way data is stored in the db, change the way block unwind data is stored, switch from account model to utxo model, add in merkle trees, add in a vm, bulletproofs, ring sigs etc.

at that point it just becomes a frankensstein of a codebase and impossible to maintain. your right, ranjeet can just copy and paste his own, but its never going to be as good as someone who actually knows what they are doing and have written it from scratch.

>> No.11738778

>im coming from python

you pleb

C data types reflect actual machine language data types

long long = 64bit
long = 32bit
short = 16bit

>> No.11738788

Been working on getting out of bed for the last 2.5 hours and it's afternoon already

>> No.11738824

Anyone done CS50? Im thinking of doing it and want to know if it's worth the effort. I have no programming experience. Work as a sysadmin and do a lot of scripting. Thinking this might help me break into some dev ops esque roles

>> No.11738993


>> No.11739025

no, a short is at least 16 bits, a long is at least 32 bits, etc. but their size is otherwise left up to the compiler.

this is one of the many reasons why using goofy non-stdint types is retarded

>> No.11739437

looking into getting something on one of the saas add-ons marketplaces, like jira plugin or something...
>it's over-saturated anon
I only need 300 paying customers paying $20 each month to live a decent life... and there are plenty of smaller, similar markets just starting up, almost every big saas has one these days

anyone tried this? to me it seems more attractive than being freelancer...

>> No.11739969

What kinda neural net you training?

About to start a genetic alg project for school. Gonna see if we can take in some midi files as input and create a composite output. Still brainstorming decent fitness functions. Would most likely get better results from even just a multilayer perceptron. Should be interesting though.

>> No.11739994

you programming shitnerds go suicide and animalsfucking bitches ! I am the man and u programm shit from ur shitroom in ur fucking shitflat u poor ugly scams

>> No.11740002
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World War Goo

>> No.11740266

is it normal to get stuck on trivial details as a beginner? Sometimes I could spend ~4hours on something that turns to be fucking simple

it really makes you question your sanity or intelligence

>> No.11740703

learning basic network stzff in scala - anyone unterested in learning along with me?
I'm otherwise a professional cpp coder, sadly. I do algorithm designs

>> No.11740727


>an automated reporting software for social media marketers.
>a cryptocurrency

I'm less than a year in and I'm surprised at how straightforward programming is once you're open to learning.

>> No.11740924


>> No.11740978

working on flipping burgers to buy more link. fuck off nerd

>> No.11741075
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a vidya game. 200 days put into it so far, maybe 10% done at most


>> No.11741119

what kind of video game?
how do you plan to release it?

>> No.11741175
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RTS, will try to get it on gog.com and if they don't want it ill just publish it myself on itch.io

>> No.11741186

good evening pajeet

>> No.11741731
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Are you guys working on anything finance related ?

Currently working on a startpage for when I open the browser with various links and crypto prices, etc.

Learning php and with API to replace the tradingview widget.

>> No.11742191

bumping in this sea of pink wojacks.

>> No.11742269 [DELETED] 

Illegal music downloader. It checks the bill boards for the most popular music by genre and grabs them from youtube and SoundCloud.

>> No.11742998
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last one

>> No.11743151
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my market maker bot, but kraken dont like the pressure right now :)

>> No.11743422

Isn't CS50 just a survey/intro to computer science? You'll learn how to print "Hello World" and how to make a simple text-based rock-paper-scissors CLI game

>> No.11743555

Nigger, this isn't the fucking 90's. go to fucking google and type in "Python for stupid assholes" and get 1000s of pages to read trough. Even better, buy a Udemy course or some shit like that and save thousands.

>> No.11743716

Why the rejection? Too many calls within a defined time period?

>> No.11743730
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>> No.11743812 [DELETED] 

trading bot

>> No.11743839

nah this is related to their api not being so stable when the price is volatile unfortunately, so you just get 404 responses

>> No.11743894

Nothing. I'm out of ideas.

Got twitter bots in python and node.js. Got tri angular arb trading algo and market makers for BitMEX and Binance.

Considered a gambling/dicing based DAPP, but a lot of messing around + would need to market it effectively.

Took the machine learning course on Coursera, have nothing to apply the knowledge to though. For trading it only works for portfolio management + HFT. Looks good on a CV/Resume though.

Anyone got any ideas?

>> No.11744250

working on sneaker monitor and bots

are there stocks trading api's that offer leverage?

>> No.11744273

thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.11744319

im doing some image processing with python, breddy fun but idk if its a good languge for it.

>> No.11744447

There was a decensor machine ai thread floating around either h or d that processed images ok. I wanted to try to apply that to each frame a video clip. Decensor entire videos.

>> No.11744488
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I'm working some super fundamental Java with MySQL.

I'm trying to get an array list that will add an array that represents a row of a SQL query. It doesn't like my function to add the array.

It's just another obstacle in a long line of obstacles that have been felled to this point.

>> No.11744549

sounds cool, im just doing some basic recognition/auto editing stuff. decensoring sounds like a good next project

>> No.11744578

That could start a JAV revolution. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.11744686

based mrblobby, bring me gains again