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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1165374 No.1165374 [Reply] [Original]

What are you going to college for /biz/? What do you plan to do with your degree?

Comp Sci major here, hoping to just become a code monkey and run a few side businesses until one takes off.

>> No.1165378

The old adage, "It's not what you know but who you know" is absolutely true. Companies tend to hire the people they know first, the people those first group know second, and if you're lucky, they might give third group of recent grads an interview (but only after 5 years of experience which those grads got magically somehow).

>> No.1165384

Accounting, about to graduate. I want to do audit. Have audit this semester and fell in love with it. Like being a detective, only for white collar crime. You also get to travel? At least to the corp you're auditing. Better than same office every day?

Kind of fucked because I didn't apply last fall. Well shit I didn't even know I liked audit last fall. Pretty ridiculous. I'll settle for whatever in the meantime, temp job, $15 an hour or whatever, I give no fucks.

>> No.1165385

nice to know some anon who made an image thinks my degree is unbelievable tier

>> No.1165386

software dev. it's like comp sci but I don't have to try as hard

>> No.1165395

>Criminal Justice
Pick one. Also, Law schools are moving away from accepting Pre-Law or CJ majors in favor of people who have had more broad and intensive courses of study, like those who have studied History. This trend is being repeated by business schools. History is quickly becoming one of the most competitive undergrad majors for a variety of seemingly unrelated graduate programs.

Also, it says at the bottom that "jobs are rated by employment", when these are not jobs, they are majors. Most jobs that require college degrees at all will accept a vast assortment of them for the same job, with some being more competitive than others in the employment process. Some jobs just require a college degree, and the employers don't even care what the degree says on it.

>> No.1165431

>tfw I'm a social work graduate among a family of electrical engineers and MBAs

Don't get me wrong, it's something I want to do, but my parents are trying to steer me back towards being a vet technician

>> No.1165469

im a PhD chemistry grad student. I want to work in industry, but if that doesnt work out go into patent law.

>> No.1165498


Maths and Physics joint honours

I want to work at the Goldman Sachs

>> No.1165577

college is for suckers.

Good luck being replaced by a fucking computer you dope.

>> No.1165589

This. I only wish I had realised this when I was younger and gone into business much earlier than I did.

>> No.1165753

when it comes to choosing a major follow you passion, happiness will follow.

Not even meme-ing.

Don't forget most wealthy people got their wealth through entrepreneurship, not screwing themselves into a major they hate, to become a wageslave.

>> No.1165759

>tfw my degree is in unbelievable tier
>tfw 3.1 GPA
>tfw unemployed since out of school more than a year ago

>> No.1165765

do you honestly believe a non-college graduate with no family wealth can raise the capital to start a business these days?

You need a degree for ANY mediocre job.
And you need a mediocre job in order to get capital. because no one is going to loan some poorfag without a college degree any money at a non-payday loan interest level.(exception to this is student loans, but you can't transfer those funds cost effectively into a business)

>> No.1165766
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>have a passion for the economy, economic history, and just knowing how things work in general
>major in economics and focus in math/econometrics
>super depressed about the world and bleak future of the international economy/marketplace

>> No.1165780


You're correct. One caveat is, if you have extraordinary skills in computer science you gained from college, you can have a viable business needing less capital than ever to start nowadays.

But it still goes back to the main point, you need that college degree. Not just the degree, but all the learning about CS theory etc.

>> No.1165784
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>have a passion for the economy, economic history, and just knowing how things work in general
>major in economics and focus in math/econometrics
>super depressed about the world and bleak future of the international economy/marketplace
>Realize I just got a well paying job out of undergrad doing Business Intelligence
>smile and feel less bad
Feels good man

>> No.1165825

I once saw a job listing such as "$10/hr, must have bachelor's degree!"

>> No.1165836

Finance/ computer science

I work for a neural network trading company. The shit they do with AI seems pretty cool. These are obviously a longshot, but it's the best chance I have at success (I think).

>> No.1165839

tfw economics major is the biggest redpill

>> No.1165848

It can get really depressing. I'm taking an economic impact of public policy class this semester and its getting harder and harder to be an idealist. Good thing i'm doing private sector and and not public. Plus I think it pays more.

>> No.1165849
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I'm not feeling it, spongebob
it's been almost a year out of undergrad and the only two firms offering any kind of position like BI at entry level in the county, yeah that's county and not a typo, rejected me after the first interview and everybody else wants a minimum of 2 years experience.

>> No.1165860

I am majoring in women's studies.

>> No.1165862
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Can you move to another area? If you mean county in the american sense that's not too bad. if you mean country that's quite a bit harder.

>> No.1165868


The fish industry (salmon) here is great, so im going to try to work my way into that goldmine

>> No.1165879

nah, I aint got no vehicular transportation, or connections in better cities to pull that off. [when you're stuck in a shitty part of Ohio, you're really fucking stuck]

though, I'm fixing that first thing by working two [2] part time jobs. helping truck drivers deliver cases of beer at one and working from home doing google searches / marking google maps for a mental health agency for the other isn't exactly hard (or helping me gain experience) but it is slowly pushing me towards that car so at least I'm getting somewhere and not a NEET.

the only way I see of getting myself out of this mess is starting my own business.

>> No.1165916

Ahh I see. I wish you luck my man.

>> No.1165924

lol I stopped be an idealist ages ago, I think it's insane to be anything but a realist

and going into the public sector would be suicide

only thing left at this point is to get rich as fuck, retire early, and disappear with a massive gold stash

markets can be too much fun though

>> No.1165935

>need college education to learn CS theory

>> No.1165948

I would really like to do research but the private sector has really cool jobs economists can do. Especially with econometrics or statistics.

>> No.1165966

Bio degree, now an hplc monkey for pharma. Meh, I'll see how it goes

>> No.1166537

Is there any point to getting a BA degree that isn't STEM or fiance related?

Supposedly those who possess BA degrees earn more than those that do not have degrees, but it seems like more trouble than it's worth to major in something like Criminology just to say that one has a BA.

>> No.1166557

>tfw information systems

Anybody else not even on the chart?

>> No.1166571

>god tier

top kek just fucking no. The guy who made this has no fucking clue.

There's definitely some areas in physics (especially applied physics) that belongs in god tier though, no doubt. But not fucking astronomy.

>> No.1166725

Marine Biologist. Graduated end of 2015. Working as an aquarist while I plan my next research project. Not earning big dollars but 5 years as a student taught me how to be frugal so I'm able to save.

>> No.1166849

Did you call just to laugh at them?

>> No.1166891

Not really. More sad that a lot of companies in their field are not giving new grads a chance so they have to take those shit, unrelated jobs. It's really puzzling that job listings indicate that they expect experience for entry-level jobs. Do they not know what entry-level means?

>> No.1166899

going to my local community college for my classes to start my electrician apprenticeship

hopefully i'll be making some decent dosh in the coming years.

>> No.1166902

It means you should have gotten an internship or worked a summer job. Why can't millennials understand this?

>> No.1166955

Economics major, Computer Science & Math Minors

Planning to run the family business and become and trade the money I save up.

If that doesn't work out I'll buy up properties and rent them out to try and get some income.

If all else fails, I'll become a wagecuck normie.

>> No.1166971

Everybody is getting interships. Not sure it means shit anymore. Companies are just doing it for free labor anyways. Not really as a way to train people.

>> No.1166989

Starting university in Moscow next year. Trying to decide whether to go finance or accounting. I'd like to intern at Deutsche Bank if that makes any difference.

>> No.1166998

>free labor
Sure, if you're a fucking Women's Studies major. No respectable internship would not pay you.

>> No.1167037

Black Studies.

>> No.1167077

Accounting and finance major, hoping to go into risk analysis.

>> No.1167085

>computer science
>computer programming

Just how shit is you CS program

>> No.1167124
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>psychology student
hopefully I won't get cucked too much, my mother basically manages nurses in my county and got me a summer placement at a fairly high security mental-health joint, hopefully with that I can do an extra year at uni to get a masters in occupational psychology, then go into industrial/HR. Alternatively I could try for clinical since it's closer to the experience that I'd have but I hear that's way more competitive and i'm not sure I've got it in me basically. Could also apply for post-grad med school but 5 extra years at uni without as much govt loans would be tough to say the least.
Of course, the dream would be to get a pretty lucrative job without having to pay for another year at uni, but I know what they say about Bachelors in Psychology

>> No.1167287

that's not even that bad of a GPA if you're an engineer, you must have a crap resume

>> No.1167292

some companies ask for the equivalent of multiple years in the industry, it is somewhat bullshit

>> No.1167293

I have MSci in Geophysics. It is shit tier. No jerbs with oil in the shit, and only other career path is Academic/Government all of which requires PhD. Fuck this shit.

I'm going to sea as a merchant mariner instead.

>> No.1167296

You do know they still accept people with less than that experience, right? Like, people do sell themselves and HR are willing to look over some requirements. It happens literally all the time. Your generation really lacks critical thinking, thanks Obama.

>> No.1167397

aerospace engineering.

>> No.1167418
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Is there any money in oil?
Is petroleum engineering a meme or not?

What about geology in general and mining, other raw materials and energy related majors?

>> No.1168400

>audit will be fun and exciting
it's not physically impossible that you will feel this way, but i wouldn't get your hopes up dude

>> No.1168432

>Petrol Energy
>Above suicide tour


>> No.1168442

Are you sure?

What about hippie fuels, is there money in those?

What about other digging in the ground related stuff such mining for precious minerals? Are there any left?

>> No.1168499

Does a double in Economics and Finance combine into a god tier?

>> No.1168527

It's true. Fossil fuels are, in fact, dead.

>> No.1168537

Just started classes to become a paramedic. I've always wanted to do something medical without a gargantuan amount of school, so this should be nice.

>> No.1168538

>he fell for the STEM meme

>> No.1168546

Probably this, try to talk about more about them and how you can help them on your resume, also follow with a call a couple of days after they received your application

>> No.1168549

im last year of my god tier chemistry degree but I will just give it to my mother because she nagged me to do something 'useful' instead of international business. I wont do shit with my degree will prolly be a millionaire with cryptomemes and daytrading.

>> No.1168587
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18 year old Seniorfag here. I plan on getting a bachelors in aerospace engineering than commissioning as an officer into the Air Force. I also want to minor in finance, but should I take student loans and get my finance degree before I commission or should I get it after I'm in the Air Force?

>> No.1169014

Aerospace Engineering, second year.
Want to work in the slave industry. My dream is to be with NASA.

>> No.1169027

just do ROTC. They pay for the whole degree before. The loan forgiveness caps at 50k.
While the rotc pays and you still get GI BILL.
Also all college is free while Serving.
Also If you enlist, THere's 150 slots at each of the Military academies for enlisted folks. Only like 20 apply. So you're a shoe in.

>> No.1169034

>that pic
I love the Venetian. In fact I love the ambiance of Vegas in general. Has a magical aura about it.

>> No.1169171

Try actually going to Venice. It's amazing.

>> No.1169178

>investment bankers
>replaced by a computer
Nope. Sure a lot of lower level IB work is grunt work but even at the analyst level, I don't see AI's taking over any time soon.

>> No.1169179

>maths and physics joint honours
>want to work at Goldman Sachs
Either drop the math or drop the physics. Double majors are a waste of time and bankers don't care much for them.

>> No.1169182

>not bad if you're an engineer
Top kek. Unless the average GPA of engineers is 2.0 and the average GPA of employed engineers is 2.8 then that's a shit GPA.

>> No.1169427

bachelors in applied math. can't find any work with it, what a fucking waste of time and money.

going back for my masters in accounting at a private school in the greater philly metro area. my goal is to work in public accounting at a national or big 4 firm. long term, im not sure. if i like public then ill probably stay and try to make partner at a regional firm, or start my own firm. if i hate it, ill go to industry.

>> No.1169446

Studied biology for fun. Changed my mind too late and just stuck with it. It was a waste of time for the most part but the certificates I got during it weren't.

After a year of shitty labor and food jobs I got a nice office job which pays pretty well. I just work with data and maps all day.

As soon as I get some experience under my belt I'm probably getting out of this commuter town though, hopefully for some government position out in the woods.

>> No.1169453

>B.Sc. Biochemistry
>Going to Graduate school for Organic/Organometallics
>Will be taking a few chemical engineering classes on the side

Hopefully its enough to make me marketable.

>> No.1169457

Does it matter what college you go to?

>> No.1169459

how many internships have you done? 0? that's what I thought.

>> No.1169483

I may attend a university to teach me about energy and raw materials with the option to get into petroleum, geothermal or mining engineering
Also some other geology and energy related stuff I could choose instead

Am I going to fuck myself?

Please advise, I'm scared I'll end up an oil person when there's no oil left

>> No.1169495

>Pharmaceuticals not in "Unbelievable tier"
fucking what?
The second you're out of college, companies bend over to let you fuck them, and a near-six figure wage on day 0 is guarantee.

Is the industry so bad in burgerland? I feel sorry for you all.

>> No.1169504


there's literally 1001 ways you can finance your startup nowadays starting capital has nothing to do with it

>> No.1169507

18 here,starting to study economics and want to expand it later with a master or a Phd,doing some financial things also etc,love economy and banks i know native spanish and fluid english(studing for first certf) in the future i would like to learn chinase but i know it's A LITTLE BIT HARD

Am i following a good way?

>> No.1169510

/biz/ is mostly /r9k/ and /pol/, and then a shitton of poorfags with delusions.

Look up national resources instead. Interviews, statistics, articles about degrees, anything you can get your hands on.
Naturally, also take anything with a grain of salt there. (College says they are the best in the country? Double check with other sources.)

>> No.1169611

>law schools are moving away from pre-law and CJ

Can confirm. I'm a law student and the school is paying me to recruit at engineering career fairs. The administration isn't even bothering with the CJ program on campus.

>inb4 no law jobs

Yes, for most. Patent's still an open field, while everyone else is fighting each other for pro bono criminal work. Plebs.

>> No.1169634


Of course Anon you are right the point of my comment it was just to discuss and see if i could get to chat with another economist student or something(even thought i cant trust) i mean a comment on this page won't make me change my career or something if you mind

I do a lot of research about the degree,i did so much research than i end up changing accounting for economic,at least i think i would work better for me.In the close future i hope to get to speak to some advance economics students or a graduated one

>> No.1169635

biochem major and math minor with a 3.6 gpa. Still have no clue wtf im gonna do with it and im finishing up next year

>> No.1170580

Are you not a native english speaker?

>> No.1170589

Cool shit, pham. What do you think of getting a bachelor in chemistry and then getting an MBA? If that's even possible.

>> No.1170657

Yes if you can get into it
It's dead af here don't do it.

>> No.1170659


That's right,my native language is spanish

>> No.1170691


>> No.1170697

Physics Major here.
Third year bachelor atm, plan to get a phd.
can become anything.

>> No.1170699

Video and live events broadcasting. I can tell you for a fact they don't give a shit about school knowledge. Knowing the tech and terms will get you wherever. I'm only 22 and have a director postion nailed down

>> No.1170703

oops nevermind

>> No.1170975

My passion is for chemistry, but the job market sucks and there is little room for starting your own business with the skills this degree will give me.

But I like it, lab work would be fun.

>> No.1170993

Respond to me and tell me what to do with my life.

I haven't declared my major yet, and I'm also interested in Comp Sci, MechE and math but not the extent of chemistry.

>> No.1171026


Mechanical Engineer > Aerospace Engineer for job opportunities.

>> No.1171034
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>graduating in May
>majored in business administration
>only job offer is for an intern position that pays $10.00/hr

>> No.1171039


You should've done an internship suring the summer for the last 2 years bruh.


Can you handle a double major? Do
chemical engineering and comp sci.

>> No.1171054

>business admin
>we literally put our cukette admins on this to get apprentice grants
>flood the marketplace with shit qualifikaroos
>top cuck kuekeroo

>> No.1171055


At my uni of 30k students, Asians are 4% and 40% of them are business admin students. If that trend is consistent across the US. I can't imagine what China will be like in 20 years.

>> No.1171078


Well shit, bro. It's like detective work or solving a puzzle, right? Or at least checking people's shit to make sure they aren't being shady. That sounds fun.

Your opinion then; tax, audit, or corporate?

>> No.1171090

I'm doing forensic computing and security
Modules include ethical hacking, digital forensics and such

Going to make it?

>> No.1171113

"We're all going to make it brah."

-Edward Snowden

>> No.1171125


>> No.1171128


>> No.1171131

Fags, I have the option to go to a mid tier engineering uni and do Computer engineering basically or I could go to the best in my nation and do a bachelor of engineering in materials science

What are your thoughts? I don't really want to do materials science, however, I'm sure I would have the option to transfer out of that major in to one of my top engineering preferences like chemical or computer.

>> No.1171759

Chemical engineering sucks, I'd sooner double major in comp sci and mechanical engineering.

>> No.1172020

Tfw pressured into "following my passions"
>Doing a Music BTEC diploma (UK)
>Started realising after it was too late that there is probably not going to be a career for me
Have I fucked my life up already

>> No.1172105

If you're saying that, then you probably have other passions, or possibly other stuff you could get interested in. Just because it's a passion of yours doesn't mean you have to necessarily get a degree in it.

>> No.1172152

Accounting & Finance is better

You can't do meaningful Economic analysis for a bank w/o a PhD.

>> No.1172156

Materials science is awesome.

>> No.1172242


In general that might be true, but there are exceptions. The director of International Relations at the University of Melbourne was doing research for Goldman Sachs with just a bachelor's in Economics.

>> No.1172262

Do you think I should go for it?

>> No.1172264


>> No.1172271


>the college meme


>> No.1172279


Lolwut? I'm a 20 y/o college dropout with my own business. The argument that you need a ton of capital to start one is retarded. Everybody thinks that to run a business you need to have the best idea ever and pile up millions before even delving into it.

>> No.1172309


Figure out whether you like it or not. There's also the consideration about whether you actually really, really like Computer Science or if it's just mildly preferable to MS for you.

>> No.1172527

It's more preferable, but, I'm sure I can transfer to my prefered major after a year or something granted i get the marks (only like a 65 in my math classes so it should be alright)

>> No.1172612

International Relations, thinking of changing it to international business but we'll see. I plan on going into the military and then working in field operations fro US gov. agencies.

Thinking of having an emphasis on business so I have a fallback,though.

>> No.1172617

Business finance or accounting.. can't decide which.

idk work for some company I guess, save up and invest and get rich slowly

>> No.1172621

Currently photography/video. It's completely shit except for the art related stuff but I'm changing to international business. Get a masters in Europe and work in the film industry. Not a shoddy plan but hopefully it actually takes off.

>> No.1172726
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Majoring in Accounting but want to switch over to either Finance or International Business. Any help regarding future job markets or potential of those degrees would be appreciated.

>> No.1172732

I'm taking a prelaw course, am I fucked?

>> No.1172779


If you go into international business there are usually generalist roles offered by the major banks that could make use of those skills. You could do business/strategic analysis or supply chain management.

>> No.1172819

Medicine here and it's the one and only god tier degree, not saying others aren't fine but Medicine just trumps them all. Highest salary, lowest unemployment rate.

>> No.1172835


Highest cuckold rate as well.

>> No.1172837

Mad because you didn't get into med school?

Surely your economics degree will get you into a CEO position in 20 years, right?

>> No.1172841

>Going to college
>Not learning a skilled trade and making six figures with fantastic benefits starting out
Plebs. You're trying to be middle class, you might as well do it the easiest way possible.

>> No.1172899

Anybody move from audit to consultancy?

I might be getting an offer from pwc advisory at the Tokyo office. I've only got a year of audit experience, though so I'd have to put getting my CPA on the backburner since I can't fulfill the experience requirement.

>> No.1172908

go back to school?
how does one get an internship without finishing their degree?
so what do you suppose is the best thing to do besides an internship? just wondering

>> No.1172911

im planning to take psych as my major for my science degree, coz im not too keen on medicine or engineering, is that advisable? i mean what are the job prospects like?

>> No.1172932

I'm not saying you need millions,but you need a job that pays at least 20 dollars an hour to be able to scrape enough money together, to start a business. If you are a poorfag from a trailer park and don't do trades or college, you will be a poorfag for life.

>> No.1172962

please teach me your ways master

>> No.1172974

anyone can start a business, whether it will last 5 years down the track is another story.

>> No.1173182

>implying medicine is harder than economics
lmao, okay. STEM babbies upset me cause they're so blue pilled and think they're gonna have it any better

1st year econ major here. from what i can tell, employment has more to do with your geographical position than educational background and nobody seems to be accepting this.

A medical doctor/ surgeon in Belize makes as much as a McD's assitant manager in NYC.a janitor in the US makes as much as a restaurant manager in belize.

>> No.1173184

also a CEO position isn't the only aspiration of most economics majors. my aspiration is central banking desu

>> No.1173221

Of everybody I knew in my Senior year doing an internship, about 25% of them got paid. It is cheap, disposable labor that is more and more becoming the next "meme" step after HS degree, a BS degree, now you need 2-4 years of internship experience, soon you'll need a fucking Masters to do entry-level, and then a Ph.D in robotic engineering to work the automated job machines of the future.

>> No.1173225

whats your major, pal?

>> No.1173229

But technically Half Bio/ Half Neuropsychology

>> No.1173232

you wanna surgery?

>> No.1173234

No, because I don't have straight A's to get into med school or the desire to come out in 200k debt. Probably a fool's errand of a major but it was interesting, and I learned a lot of Bio, Psych, Stats, and some Chem.

>> No.1173318


>> No.1173328

Are you really asking this

>> No.1173346

have fun working literally anywhere

>> No.1173359

Got B.Sc bio major last year, nothing hiring that doesn't require the usual 2-5 magical years of experience so I've done nothing with it so far. Originally was going for family doc but my marks weren't all there (3.4 GPA) so I figured I should change.

Going back to school to study medical laboratory technology and work samples in a hospital, then get my M.Sc and work my way up to manager positions.

Once I start in the hospital I'll pay down my debts and start investing. Hopefully I'll make it one day.

>> No.1173363

I'm a nurse and don't get why more men want to become one.

>Requires you to be more of a people person. No you aren't wiping ass and changing Depends on old people. That's the CNA/LPNs job.
>Can easily continue education to become specialized in fields making up to six figures.
>Only requires a 2 year degree at a community college, which can be payed for by a full-time job.
>If you have to get loans, they can be forgiven because it's a public service job.
>Can get through school pretty quickly. Takes about 5 semesters to complete.
>You can get a job literally anywhere. You don't have to move to a city if you don't want to.
>The pay is great for a 2 year degree.
>Will only get hired mostly in ER/ICU being male. 3-4 days off a week, at the compromise of long shifts.
>Surrounded by mostly attractive women, but can be obnoxious because you'll always be dragged into their gossip and drama.
>Women in public will always assume you're a doctor. Easily bumps me from a 5 to a 8. I get new dates once or twice a month just by going out to the grocery store or pet store after work.

>> No.1173367
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Literally tripping over pussy

>> No.1173370
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Haha, I wish buddy. I'm not even a stuttering autist either, finding a job is 70% luck and 25% first impression.

>> No.1173401
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>Statistics major
>No idea what job I can get with only a BA
>Need to get masters
>bleak prospects at getting a funded master's since only a few schools do it

>> No.1173702

accounting if you want to get a job
finance if you're delusional and think you can get corp finance or investment banking jobs. (hint: unless you go to a top 20 university, you can't get those jobs.)

>> No.1173709

>$200-400k in student loans
>11+ year educational and training pathway
>60-100 hour weeks at all hours of the day/night for 3+ years of training on salary
>50+ hours a week for the rest of your life
>terribly high divorce rates
>terribly high career dissatisfaction rate outside of the cushiest of specialties which, coincidentally, are nearly impossible to match into because they're so competitive
>compensation tied to decisions of bureaucrats (ama/specialty society rvs update committee)
>decreasing autonomy
>increasing training and educational requirements
>finicky job markets that can turn to shit with just a few years of over-trainin (e.g. non-interventional cardiology over the past few years, diagnostic radiology for the past 10 years, pathology for the past 10 years, nuclear medicine for ? years, etc.)

yeah, it's really god tier.

t. US MD med school drop-out

>> No.1173741

Yeh im a male nurse let me shed some light. So its not a porno , hotter women arent attracted to nursing - so yeh youre around lots of chicka but who cares? I could go to meetup dot com to gind activities with women around

He's right that its the easiest way into the middle class but wrong about how easy it is to get a hogher degree and make more , you maybe (national average) increase your income 25% to 50% going from an adsociates degree to a masters but you could have spent the same effort to get a masters in comp sci and be at double pay

A lot of my job is them paying me to just be frustrated.

>> No.1173742

Oh and on the women note - yeh you can for sure pull tail , even if they get it right and knoe youre a nurse you just presented nurturing value without having to open your mouth , I married another nurse and shes awesome but for the most part - aside from my observation that they arent hotter than average women , they ARE crazier - think about the motivations to do this for a career from a womens perspective and then the reality of the stress? It breaks em - makes em clingy and neurotic , also above average single moms (since its a good paycheck to raise the kid)

>> No.1174641


>> No.1174642

Pharmacy school are saturated. A lot of graduates will be unemployed unless they move to middle of fucking nowhere.

>> No.1174647

Why don't you learn programming then move into Big Data shit. Become a business intelligent analyst.

>> No.1174649

how much do nurses make?

>> No.1174821

Why tho, history is easy as fuck? Names and dates and motivations that's it.

>> No.1174962

History is how you understand human nature and it teach you how to be a great leader.

Names and dates aren't important. Less than 1% of ancient works survived to modern time. You better believe those that survived have something you could learn from. Modern education is specialized to produce wagecucks, so importance of history education have been de-emphasized.

>> No.1174975

It doesn't teach you how to be a great leader. It teaches you patterns in social groups. History is like getting a story from your Dad, with him hoping you don't fuck up as badly on the same mistake he did. You're going to hit the same snag every time. It just won't be as bad because he told you about it. At best History can teach you how to be a leader for a certain point in history.

>> No.1175362


I knew zero people in college who were paid for their internships. I interned for a congressman and recieved nothing.

>> No.1175364


This entire post is bullshit.

>> No.1175398

Reposting from other thread, because its more relevant here. I can't decide between business management n analysis and finance. Can someone give pros and cons for each?

>> No.1175416

Shit school then m8. A friend of mine had a 2.8 gpa in economics and got 17$/hr for an internship.

>> No.1175424

Answering for him: 50k RN with 60k 2 years exp, Nurse Practitioner 100k (its a masters and capable of working as a doctor in 90% of cases and independently). Its probably the last remaining legitimate bachelors except for possibly EE or CS but those are dodgy.

t. a guy who has been reading a fuckton about jobs lately really bored and unemployed

>> No.1175427

Thanks unemployed guy.
I should look into nurse practitioner.
I've been looking into O&P practitioner but I've been finding it may be a farce, and fuck med school.

Could I get in with a BS in Kinesiology?

Jk I'll look it up, but seriously who here knows what else I can do with this degree?

I had a paid internship at a start up in SF helping make AK sockets for amputees. Made a lot of friends in prosthetics, but the practitioner field has gone to shit for too many reasons and opening a clinic is nigh impossible

>> No.1175435

For anyone interested, yes, you can become a nurse practitioner without a nursing bs through an entry level masters program.

>> No.1175604

>believing these charts
you're honestly moronic if you think there is a hierarchy.

>> No.1175626

you're honestly moronic if you think there aren't worthless and meh degrees.

>> No.1176005

Will a bachelors in comp sci will get me into middle class?

>> No.1176010

Learning how to spell might do the trick

>> No.1176015

you can also start on the field as an emt, and move up that way

>> No.1176251

Computer Science and Economics here

About to finish my first year and I want to kill myself.

I'm far behind the prerequisites for major courses and I'm going through a cyclical depression. I just want to drop out but I have no Plan B. I can't do that.


>> No.1176271

Drop a study if the courses are growing tough, it can be revisited later in life. Self-advocate a counselor for more information.

>> No.1176503

What do you guys think of getting a BS in nutrition, then getting a PhD in Kinesiology and Nutrition and then med school if i want? I understand STEM is where its at but kinesiology and nutrition (and psychology), within the sciences, is what im interested in

>> No.1176516

If you don't have the interest in STEM, don't go for it. I think you still have to do some math to go down medicine and you need to do statistics in psychology.

>> No.1176529

I'm preparing to start college and have enrolled in a chemistry major. I've loved science since I was young, and I've aced all my chemistry and biology classes in high school.

What are some good careers to consider once I've graduated? Also, I'm twenty years old because I wanted some time to reflect and work before going to school, was that a mistake?

I'm nervous as hell.

>> No.1176755
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BS in data science, minoring in computer programming

It's never on any lists but I'm sure it places at least in the middle

>> No.1176779

I'm 28 and presently a Shift Supervisor with a decent ambulance service.

I'm thinking of going back to school because there's a chance we might lose our contract in the next 2 years. Was thinking Respiratory Therapy or Healthcare Informatics...thoughts?

If I could do it over again I would have considered Finance and gone towards Financial Advisor. Is that still something I should consider at this point in the game?

>> No.1176797

Dual degree, B.A International Economics and B.A Political Science, French minor

Heading into a Masters in International Security and a Corporate Law JD

>> No.1176814

Japanese Major here. Probably will spend an extra year to get a Master's degree in accounting to do bilingual accounting for Japanese manufacturers in the US.

Aka never unemployed (unless I fuck up my job obvi)

>> No.1176842
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>mfw it isn't even in the chart
>Manufacturing Engineering

How would you guys rate it?

>> No.1176864

look out peasants, Electrical Engineer coming through. You may now input your mouth on my 8x6 mux cock and I'll output some cum ;)

>> No.1176879

Recruiter here, good engineering degree for quality, industrial, process, etc.

You'll never be unemployed as long as you dont hop around too much.

>> No.1176891

literally any engineering degree is useful

>> No.1176903

Physics major here, getting a math degree is pretty much a couple of classes on some theoretical shit and it's done and it really never hurts.

>> No.1177137
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Economics and Political Science double here.

It's made me realize how stupid ideology is and makes me incredibly cynical about all politics, but I'd rather know what I don't know rather than pretend like I have any solutions to the worlds' problems.

But I have a job lined up with Morgan Stanley starting this summer so I'm good personally.

>> No.1177164

lookin at these.. I feel a bleak future, fellas

>> No.1177176
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I signed up to major in a field that I am convinced doesn't have a future and that I have absolutely no interest or talents in

Lectures apparently start next week, I still haven't sent them all my paperwork, I don't have a place to live and I missed the "welcome week" thing where they apparently explain where to find food and stuff

boy oh boy

>> No.1177208

Freshman worry about the dumbest shit.

>> No.1177243

what major

>> No.1177256

Physics is so fucking underated

>> No.1177258

then don't go to fucking college/uni

What the fuck are you doing. Don't go to college for the sake of it, you are wasting tens of thousands of dollars. Go to fucking trade school or community college.

>> No.1177268

This is all very new and frightening to me.

The bachelor has some vague title about energy and raw materials but basically I will end up some kind of mining or oil person/ geologist.

I'm pretty sure me getting a masters degree in petroleum engineering is me setting myself up to get fucked

I'm not American, there's no college debt here

>> No.1177274

o okay, go to college and then transfer to a degree that you have interest in and you can make a living from.

I will get you started:
Engineering Disciplines
Whatever it is to become a doctor

>> No.1177281

Besides petroleum I can also do mining or geothermal engineering, but I lack knowledge about the different engineering fields and have no idea if that's any good if compared compared to other engineering disciplines
Also I'm worried about the math

Wouldn't Psychiatry make more sense than Psychology since it's a medical thing and all that?

>> No.1177285

Well, where I am from you need to do 8 years of uni + supervised training to become a psychiatrist.

Much more secure job and pay in psychiatry (only do the 8 years if u are really interested in it or u will burn out and want to kill urself).

So, if u want to be a psychiatrist you should go for it. Free uni as well lol.

Well here are some of the big engineering disciplines

Google the different engineering disciplines and what they end up doing as a job.

>> No.1177327


Don't take advice from this anon. He is a meme.

>> No.1177336
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>tfw Architect

How fucked am i biz?

>> No.1177338

Stop buying into memes. It doesnt' matter if you major in fucking philosophy. At my final interview for an investment bank there was someone there who majored in goddamned nutrition. There are plenty of companies that just dont' give a shit and care about the impression you make far more than your major.

>> No.1177341

I majored in Biopsychology in college. Now I'm going to medical school.

>> No.1177366

What's your thoughts on aquaculture?

Do you think it's going to really pick up in the next decade or 2? I think it's inevitable.

The benefits in my eyes are numerous in particular the relatively low cost on start up compared to the beef industry, the fact that white meat is a lot healthier for humans (better fats, minerals etc.) I think if done right it will be infinitely more humane to consume them compared to land mammals.

>> No.1177371

I feel you homie, Im doing the australian version of community college in software dev, hoping to move to an established Uni with the credits and get into CS and econ next year and do the exact same thing run the senpai business if theat fails il go the normie route.

I wonder if its a generational thing, it seems like no one wants to be a wage cuck or maybe its just I spend all my time on here.

>> No.1177397

Makes sense, law is going to be heavy involved with technology in the coming years.

I've also watched a video on youtube where someones talking about their cj major and he asked a cop about it and the cop laughed at him for majoring in CJ.

>> No.1177399

Thinking of doing a double in mechatronics and cs, but I figured the mechatronics already has sw engineering. Either that or mech.eng and economics because I've started a few businesses since I was a kid. Nothing major but I realised how important economic principles are in business. And how it separated me from the competition.

>> No.1177404

Well I think it's fucked up how you're working to rob people of the money that they've worked hard for. Who says the government should be entitled to it.

>> No.1177407

At the end of the day it does not matter what you study, is where you study, at least here in the UK. English majors at Oxford get jobs in McKinsey etc

>> No.1177422

>History is like getting a story from your Dad, with him hoping you don't fuck up as badly on the same mistake he did.
This is a great quote and sums it up great.

Basically learn from the mistakes we made in the past.

>> No.1177431

This really isn't true in the US. Sure, Ivy-league will give you better connections, but the vast majority of companies are fine accepting qualified candidates from your standard state university.

>> No.1178095

Engineers have the highest average salary
Psychology in nations with high taxes is good (i'm assuming that because he said he is from a country that pays for tertiary education) because retards can always just go see them and charge it to the government so you have supplies
Law is just more competitive, as long as you are interested in it you will beat all the chumps that are just doing it for a prestige thing

>> No.1178121

>Engineers have the highest average salary
I'm sure all of my engineering friends struggling to find employment take solace in that.

You literally have to be a PhD to be a psychologist like you're implying. And we have a surplus of psychologists.

If you're not getting into a top 10 law school you're completely screwed.

>> No.1178265

>want to become a rich businessman studying economics and finance
>be 5'7

There's no hope for me, is there?

>> No.1178328

Computer Science and Math ideally, but right now I'm just getting my general education credits out of the way at a community college.

Want to go into AI and machine learning, not quite sure what specifically within that, whether I want to just work as a programmer or a private researcher or teach it. It'll depend on how well I do I guess. Those that can do...

>> No.1178424

Going to a liberal arts college (St. John's) and will major in secondary history education then probably go get a masters somewhere. R8 H8 and whatever. Parents are paying for everything btw

>> No.1178485

Stupid fucking weeaboo

>> No.1178512


Damn wasted your inheritance on a worthless piece of paper. Oh well right?

>> No.1178523

Double major in economics and mathematics...

Will I get a better than average starting salary? Wasn't really thinking of financial prospects when I chose my degree

>> No.1179058

Aerospace engineering. 2nd year

How do I succeed in this field? Do I need more than just 1 internship? What does a firm look for in grads?

>> No.1179091

how about you ask a person in the field from connections at your universityor a career councelour rather than people on the internet much less fucking 4chan

>> No.1179092

Yes, you will.

That's a god-tier combo in terms of potential. And yes both degrees have higher than average starting salary by themselves.

>> No.1179099

I go to a top eng school & the average GPA for engineering majors is 2.7-2.8.

Anyone above 3.0 easily gets interviews.

>> No.1180177
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CompE over here.

Planning to round up my courseload and experience with stochastic processes, communications & control theory, signal processing, and numerical simulations to shoot for a finance/quant/trading job.

Is this feasible? The only downside is that nobody seems to care that Illinois is supposedly the #5 program in the nation - as in it's basically unknown, especially in the East where most of the jobs are located.

Have I been memed by the rankings?

>> No.1180216

You aimed for a quant/finance job by majoring in CompE? Nigga, you realize there are only tangential connections between the two?

Its feasible, but you would've needed to diverge heavily from the typical CompE curriculum. More math, more CS mod/sim courses, and most of them wouldn't overlap with your major-required courses. UIUC definitely is upper-tier, your school name isn't a problem.

>> No.1180238

I've been told you need more than just a bachelors to become a quant (as in you would need a math and an engineering, or a CS and a math or idk some other combo like that).

What do you think about a double bachelors of engineering and finance?

>> No.1180246

There is a business model that teaches you at the same time while requiring little startup and doesn't begin with you paying off tens of thousands in student loans, read "Business of the 21st Century" By Robert Kiyosaki

>> No.1180429

What do you guys think about a dual degree in both Physics and Philosophy? I thoroughly enjoy bith subjects (physics nit as much) but the way i see it is ill be able to have qualifications for lots of jobs and also enjoy dissecting philosophical text

>> No.1180432

physics is probably THE best degree imo
You can be a quant/do banking stuff and you can also do engineering stuff.

>> No.1180462

> tfw biology major but was depressed/absolutely no drive
> tfw was thinking about double majoring in business and focusing on investment because it seemed interesting but I currently know fuck all about it
> tfw the plan now is to become a dentist because parents kept asking me wtf I wanted to do in life that makes decent money
> tfw just said dentist because they mentioned it
> tfw shit gpa but trying to bring it up

Im a pro at fucking my own life up

>> No.1180506

people will tell you that its impossible to get a job without a higher degree in chem, but its not. just very very hard. those that do get a job start really low salary but usually get a pay bump over the years quickly. i dont know anything about MBA. sorry anon

>> No.1181435

They're not required, but I have 2 years of electives. I chose those areas since they're the most math heavy areas that still satisfy electives and I heard of many parallels to applications in finance.

CompE here used to be different, but recently they changed it so it can be a bastardized CS degree if one wants it to be.

>> No.1181480
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Mining engineering here.

100% job placement
Starting salaries of at least $55k(retards) up to $85k(good students)
All the old people are retiring so career advancement is looking really good for new engineers
When the global economy comes back coal companies are going to be giving out 6 figure bonuses again (not all coal is for powerplants, fuck Obama btw)
Get to wear jeans to work every day
Get to blow things up
Get to play with big toys
Get to travel
Can work in software, mining, banking, or academia

Truly the mustard race

>> No.1181490

>100% job placement

lol. you might want to talk to recent alumni.

also, you have to live in shitholes like elko, nevada or bumfuck, west virginia.

>> No.1181496

I have, it's actually 95%, one of our guys didn't get a job last year. He was a fucking retard though, so I can see why nobody wanted him.

If you want to work in aggregates you can find a job near literally any city in the entire country.

>> No.1181547

entry-level now does not imply a low barrier to entry, it means the lowest possible way to enter the company's work force, and entry-level as a strict definition varies from company to company based on what they need.

honestly it's now a shitty word to use because it's so variable.

>> No.1181573

pharmacy and what I assume he meant by pharmaceuticals, ie. pharmacology are different

>> No.1181664

>Also, I'm twenty years old because I wanted some time to reflect and work before going to school, was that a mistake?
Not at all man. I'm mad jelly

t. 19 year old who's wasted two years in college doing fuck all and getting a bad GPA

>> No.1181678


Right now I'm in a double major in applied mathematics and statistics, with a concentration in finance, specifically actuarial science.

Basically the /sci/-/biz/ dream, hopefully going to get a masters in actuarial/statistics afterwards.

>> No.1181781

I wish I could do this as well, but the math/finance/actuarial science program at my place isn't very well known or respected as my current major.

Out of curiosity, what program do you attend?

>> No.1181794

So I work at a larger DOD contractor as a Software Engineer ( majored in CS). There are many Areospace and Mechanical engineers here and they can't find other jobs. They're not really doing what they want, some have been looking for alternatives for years.

The problem is unless you're in the top of those fields there are too many of those majors for the "good" work. Yet there are not enough for all the "bad" work. Good and bad is what I consider high paying real engineering vs desk and paper shuffling work. I would have absolutely no problem finding another job.

>> No.1181800

I should also say I believe the high end in compute science / software engineering is roughly equivalent to high end aerospace and mechanical engineering.

CS just has a better mid band for people who are realistic and not corporate martyrs working 80 hours a week.

On the other hand I don't have a solid grasp on this field but I feel Electrical Engineers have the best pick. There are plenty of high end jobs that have you doing real engineering and you don't need to be in the top 10% of your class at a ivy school to get them

>> No.1181835


I'm in Canada, University of Calgary. It's not Waterloo or McGill, but our industry connection is pretty comparable. Undergraduate education is by and large not really that important (If you couldn't prepare for the actuarial exams by yourself, I don't see how a university would), but connections and internships/research does. I do plan on going to America for my graduate studies however.

If your program isn't well known/respected, try to do as well as you can and transfer with scholarships.

>> No.1181851

I'm doing a masters in information systems and working in an unrelated field. Not sure if I fucked up.

>> No.1181872
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Master's in Accounting with a minor in Finance. Probably going CMA/CPA certs as well.

Planning on getting out of school and having to start around 60-70k. Work and get experience for a few years then move out of the shithole state I live in (Illinois).

Will likely turn the minor into a major slowly and get another degree in econ because why not.

>> No.1181876

Internal audit is actually pretty boss from the companies I have talked to. They fly you all over the country/world, and you don't do the same thing twice.

Basically you walk in and start a new job every time you have a new project. These were all massive corporations though.

>> No.1181895
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Redpill me on going to college online.
Seems better for my financial situation desu

>> No.1182029

Don't waste your time. 2 years community college and transfer to flagship state school.

>> No.1182038

Why tho?

>> No.1182050

Currently getting BSEE, planning on going for MSEE in electromagnetics. Tryin to work with antennas or something.

I wish i could go back in time and double major in EE and economics tho

>> No.1182052

Employers will never take you seriously if you have an online degree.

>> No.1182067

the bureau of labor statistics says that EE has a 0% 10 year job growth rate. EE is a dying field -- despite our ever-increasing using of electronics there are too many EEs being produced for the amount of EE jobs out there.

>> No.1182082

Fifth and last year of college.
In corporate finance.

Already signed a permanent contract as a financial auditor in PwC Luxembourg starting in september.

>> No.1182106

Hey pham. I'm finishing my undergrad in Information System. Focus is in either Business intelligence or Networking/Security.

Any advice? Did I fuck up?

>> No.1182226

Go figure. What that really means is it's all being done in china, Korea, and taiwan.

>> No.1182274

Not really except arguably your first job.

>> No.1182302
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What do you guys think about interaction design with focus on ergonomics/human factors? I plan to work in big companies creating the user interfaces for their products/devices.

>> No.1182308

If your goal is to get into the oil industry then major in petroleum engineering and minor in geology.

Source: I work and have worked in the industry for a drilling company for 6 years.

>> No.1182314

That is a beautiful dash

>> No.1182315

This is 100% false. I don't have an online degree but I'm probably going to one an online masters soon. Of all the schools I've looked into, theres no difference in classes whatsoever between their online vs IRL programs. The piece of paper you get is exactly the same- it doesn't say "online" anywhere on it. On your resume you just put the same degree name and school anyone does. Your employer wouldn't even know it was an online program unless you tell them it was.

>> No.1182938


Business analysis seems like a good route. I'm concerned that the cloud is going to rape all the database admin jobs.

>> No.1182942

Same, graduating this Summer.

I don't think we have enough Maths to do risk analysis.

>> No.1182949

There are only 2 good business schools in my country, I got a conditional offer for Msc Finance from one of them.

Hopefolly, I will get into corp finance or Inv banks, as 95% of the students from that school get a graduate job 6-12 months after graduating.

>> No.1182953

My cousin is 5'7 and is making at least $120k a year with the same degree

>> No.1182959
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He's lying to you.

In truth he found diamonds in the mine that he and his like operate

>> No.1182964

I know a 5'4" multimillionaire.

>> No.1183647
File: 76 KB, 687x720, Me8xJnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking international economics and finance at Ryerson in the fall, how fucked am I

>> No.1183760

Starting my economics PhD in the fall.

>> No.1183783

Going to Baruch for marketing.

Hoping to go into social media marketing but those jobs are rare.

How fucked am I?

>> No.1183798

Putin is shorter than that, Zuckerberg is 171cm (don't know how much that is american)

>> No.1183802

>70% luck
You seem like the kind of person who at 18 said that "college admissions are all luck" when you didn't get into the uni you wanted.

>> No.1183874

You're not thinking that you will actually get to do anything else other than audit and reconcile when you are "traveling" with the firm... Right?

>> No.1183892

You must have gone to any Ivy League tier school. Economics was interesting but entry level job opportunities were few and far in between. Switching to software engineering later in life...

>> No.1184076

If you learn from a school with high reputation, it won't matter if it's online or on campus. On your resume or interview you don't have to tell him/her that.

It must be...

1. Free/paid by your employer /or pirate-friendly courses education like IT Certification


2. A school with trustworthy accreditation.

Because you will need connections, internship to get good jobs. Online Courses remove the social interactions that you need to survive in the job market.

>> No.1184088

starting uni in august. doing a bachelors in economics and business economics and then most likely a master's in economics.

>> No.1184112

Finishing my masters in Aerospace Engineering in University of Liverpool.

Need advice on maybe landing a job in the US so I can emigrate

>> No.1184134

Double major in acct/economics. I work construction. No debt atleast.

>> No.1184209


Why would you even want to do something so parasitic?

>> No.1184215 [DELETED] 

I am giving FREE cryptocurrency course, is worth EUR 5,000.

Contact me at info@moneystuffs.com

>> No.1184729

Patent law...scum

>> No.1185351

Yo im going to Ucalgary next year, How do you get a concentration in finance as a math/stats dual major?

>> No.1185410

Nah you're doing good. I rushed into a meh tier degree at 18 and now I'm regretting it.

My parents also paid for the school. It may be okay on my part but now I have to walk with the guilt.