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11733451 No.11733451 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking give up.

I am down 90 % of my initial investment, and I will cash out tomorrow. Crypto is a giant fucking scam and I fell for it. it will never ever recover and there will never ever ba another bullrun like in 2017.

I am not even mad, anxious or suicidal at this point.

Just completely empty, hollow and neutral.

At least I will get some of my money back before crypto shits the bed and goes to literally 0$.

>> No.11733456
File: 545 KB, 1125x1876, 08E40B00-EF53-4EB5-934A-A8BC08EEC004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sad about money
>when /mu/ discovers a gem before /biz/

>> No.11733465
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Nice shitpost, enjoyed reading. 6/10

>> No.11733474

Anon, Im a December seller. You know what its like to fly around the world having the best brappers sit on your face why they jerk you off? It feels good. I just wanted to say that though it may hurt to lose some of your money, it feels exponentially better to gain it so that the overall world happiness has increased, its a net gain for everyone.

>> No.11733476

Sorry to hear, you should've put some of that 2017 bullrun money into some steady income streams
Wait until January you fucking cunt

>> No.11733494

Complete the cycle
Buy high
Sell low

>> No.11733506

I'd rather sell low than sell lower once this entier ponzi scam collapses and these internet chuck-e-cheese tokens are worthless.

>> No.11733508

Same as telegram ico

>> No.11733522

How the fuck are you down 90%? I bought on December 17th and I'm down only 15%

>> No.11733538

Dude it’s already lost, all of it. Consider it all gone and fucking forget about it for 5 years.

What have you even got to lose at this point 10% of your initial? Enjoy buying a nice dinner for two with what’s left over.

>> No.11733556

bitcoin is getting fucked because no one wants to make any progress to actually using crypto

buy LINK and enjoy the ride bröther

>> No.11733568


just put all in link

>> No.11733668

what did you buy?

>> No.11733675

Altcoins / ERC-20 Tokens

I am too embarrassed to tell which ones, because I'll just be bullied.

>> No.11733681

come on, you're an anonymous poster on the internet, let's us have this

>> No.11733688

well u fucked up so yeah...

>> No.11733690

Should probably source your opinion of where the price is going from something other than emotion

>> No.11733711

See >>11733675

The shitcoins I bought are not obvious chinkscams, but they are still worthless.

Feels bad man...

>> No.11733720

come on you're killing meeee just tell us what you bought

everything went down at least 70%, we wont bulli

>> No.11733721


Also, I fell for the utility token meme.

I don't know what I was thinking, I am stupid, worthless subhuman who never made a single good decision in his life...

>> No.11733789

Tell us you fucking retard

It was TRL wasn’t it?

>> No.11733803

I’m going to guess it was nano or maybe vechain

>> No.11733849
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sigh guys

It was FUN and RLC

>> No.11733850

That post is right though, the domain alone is worth millions.

>> No.11733912


I feel for you. I sold my FUN, but it just keeps sinking...

>> No.11733947

don't be an idiot. what did you invest? 100k and you have now 10k? What are you gonna do with that money? Why is it even important at this point? I walked away after getting goxxed and regretted not being here through the bear market and the beginning of bullrun. It will come again. There is no way around it. Once you are out of this, you'll hear about it first when BTC hits 20k again...
fuck off with your 5k lunch money. Aynone can manage not getting wrecked by low liquidity shitcoins

>> No.11733969
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>> No.11733983

December buyer here, started with shitcoins and after 1 week I found out about chainlink, and accumulated from 1.3$ end of December to 3 days ago at 0.55$, I got a lot at 0.17$ and I think my DCA is at 0.4$.
Not all december buyers are brainlets anon.

>> No.11734004

OP next year

>Actually kills himself after crypto moons and he missed out on breaking even and then going 20x

>> No.11734014


How does it feel to know you bought my bags?

t. December seller

goddamn I'm a genius

>> No.11734017

450k FUN here. I know your pain.

>> No.11734019

buy signal

>> No.11734161

There will never be another bullrun.

Never ever.

Crypto has zero intrinstic value, it is all based on speculation.

>> No.11734214

November/December 2017 buyer here. I wised up and DCA'd Link all the way down. My portfolio just went in the green today for the first time since February. All you had to do was listen.

>> No.11734352

it’s not. Soundcloud could sue for it and win because they own the trademark.