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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 263 KB, 1075x1297, Screenshot_20181113-111616_reddit is fun golden platinum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11729924 No.11729924 [Reply] [Original]

Not only does reddit steal memes, but they also call us retarded

>> No.11729939

>Wow this is really funny, who made it?
>Haha they're so stupid, look at this funny meme we made

Redditors are disgusting creatures

>> No.11729973

Maybe you should go back to said website and discuss it with them, looks like you already have an app for it

>> No.11729974


>> No.11729983
File: 70 KB, 673x1024, Oh soy!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whh do you hate us so?

>> No.11729997


>> No.11730002

I only lurk on reddit, some of the content other than the politics isn't bad. I don't want to get caught on 4chan at work too

>> No.11730040

This. Fucking retards hanging out there all day and then crying about "muh redditors huhaha". You're one of them, now go back.

>> No.11730077
File: 124 KB, 642x880, gaping maw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is remarkable just how much of a fucking black hole of taste and inteliigence leddit is. Any goodness or light gets sucked right into its gaping maw.

>> No.11730080

Is this what fucking bothers you? What websites I go on? You think you're so spacial because you browse an anime board and nothing else?

>> No.11730083

You ARE a redditor you retard. How do you not realize that?

>> No.11730151

You get so caught up in your internet forums that you actually get mad when you see someone that uses several different sites to get their information

>> No.11730190

Pnly redditors pull this shit thats its "just another site"
YOU are a redditor
YOU may not be able to tell, but your mindset and posting style is different
YOU are watering down the quality of discussion every time you post on this forum

>> No.11730197
File: 236 KB, 600x579, 1465514734922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11730221
File: 23 KB, 393x375, C_Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved_Images_1528135765297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you even browse that shitty UI without puking?
Cant even read decently with how things are structured.
How can you even browse that site without getting headaches?

>> No.11730264

>uses social media sites to get information

>> No.11730372

And you think every post on here is the fucking apex of the internet? Look at the catalog, 90% off it is either a link thread, a pink wojak, or a just thread.

>> No.11730390

>call someone a faggot
>get banned for homophobia

>> No.11730392

>90% off it is either a link thread

Typical nolinker ledditor.

>> No.11730409

I actually do own link. I'm not stupid enough to bet against 4chan

>> No.11730417

>what is mobile posting

>> No.11730437

>Look at the catalog, 90% off it is either a link thread, a pink wojak, or a just thread.
As it should be. The free flow of information in a non-censored evironment is natural and beautiful.

>> No.11730449

Let them do their thing. /biz/ will keep on trucking along regardless of what they do, and that's a good thing! Rest easy knowing they will be fomoing into Link soon.

>> No.11730478

Every time someone talks shit about the redditors flooding this site, you should feel personally attacked
You aren't different from the rest of the blubbering retards who come from there

>> No.11730506

there's a reason why you disassociate from 4chan. it's because you don't belong here. just go back already

>> No.11730596


>> No.11730710

How does it feel that I'm going to be as rich and powerful as the rest of you?

>> No.11730778

Fuck you op