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11727962 No.11727962 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11728000

Literally no reason to own an xbone over a ps4 and I don't have a shitty honda or a htc.

>> No.11728012
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>> No.11728014

replace the shitty phone with LINK and the iphone with BTC

>> No.11728020
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>> No.11728021

Ps4 pro and xbone x are about same price if you hunt for good deals
Xbone is better but oy if you get gamepass

>> No.11728025

It's the Xbox one x, it's quite a bit more powerful.

>> No.11728052

Everything in this picture is wrong

>> No.11728064

Biz and v are clearly right for everyone, they're just objectively better. I think being realistic 99 percent of o would prefer a model 3 to a 3k civic, sure they'd prefer another modern car to the model 3 but that's not what's presented. Same could be said for the MacBook and really old laptop

>> No.11728101

A smart phone is a smart phone, the difference these days is negligible
PS has always had more and better exclusives than XBOX
No sane person wants to own a fucking macbook or anything made by apple for that matter

>> No.11728124

The phone is clearly very, very outdated and slow as fuck.

Don't really know what you mean by "exclusives"? Stuff which isn't on both? Like the only one anyone seems to give a fuck about is pubg which is only on Xbox. Pretty much everyone I know plays the exact same things on both with the exception of pubg

Again, the other laptop is clearly ancient just like with the phones

Just pure delusion

>> No.11728148

PS4 has Bloodborne, one of the best games on consoles

>> No.11728150

It's still ass compared to a gaming PC and the only reason to own a console is to play PS4 exclusives.

>> No.11728156

Its certainly 100% true for me, but I'm a poorfag from a shithole country so I'm no survey sample.

>> No.11728169

>PS4 has Bloodborne, one of the best games on consoles
Literally never heard of it. I admit I'm a casual but the only game which ever comes up with friends that isn't on both is pubg.

Like all I play is League lol. Used to have a 360 which was ok

>> No.11728174

Pubg is a pc game, the xbox port is a mess
All apple products are over priced shit

>> No.11728177

yeah /v/ clearly cant afford xbone for pubg because they spent all their money on expensive PC's that don't have pubg lmao

>> No.11728184

Noone on /g/ would buy a mac even if they could afford it

>> No.11728188

>Literally never heard of it.
Listen, I'm not going to sit here and tell you video games aren't for manchildren but maybe you should not be vocal about your opinions on video games for a while.

>> No.11728200

Nigga if I could afford it I was be doing lines of blow of multiple hookers' titties. That's the first thing I'm doing after I make it, who's with me?

>> No.11728217

for me, not at all, doing pretty well thanks to link and monero ; )

>> No.11728228

I'd get one of the new $2000 Thinkpads if I could afford it. Your image is shit.

>> No.11728238

it's the only correct answer.

>> No.11728263

Sure but gonna listen to mozzart on lsd in a pitch black room first

>> No.11728327

That also sounds like a great time. Also ketamine orgies while listening to Starfucker's complete discography.

>> No.11728447

>Literally never heard of it.

How is this possible on any level? I mean fuck video games but don't talk about them if you're like this. It's like like giving strong opinions about bitcoin vs. ripple and then being like "what's ethereum?"

>> No.11728456

what is ethereum?

>> No.11728458

This looks like it was made by someone in a third world country.

>> No.11728467


>> No.11728493


>> No.11728529

I've heard of most of them, definitely heard of dark souls. It sold 3 anyway, it's clearly a niche thing

>> No.11728532


>> No.11728533

Xbox doesn't have any good exclusives though. Might as well just stick with the computer you're already using. PS4 still has a couple good exclusives that make it worth owning... Xbox has none.

>> No.11728812

Noone cares about power in a console, otherwise they would buy a PC, people just care about exclusives.

>> No.11728985
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Apple products last longs, retain their value better and has less bloatware. Apple products are a good investment and they simply work. I don't recommend buying the last released product, exception being if the last 1 - 2 older generation can't cover your needs. So if you feel like 8 Plus is not enough for your needs please do with the latest model.

Nvidia latest graphics cards are just a waste of money. The nex RTX feature doesn't add up and you'll probably need 2 for a a better experience. Personally I recommend buying 4x 1080 to to cover all your needs.

A car is not necessary, a car requires maintenance, you can use cabs.