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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 697x902, intj-profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11727296 No.11727296 [Reply] [Original]

LINK is the INTJ coin. This is the most bullish sign.

>> No.11727321

Ive never known what it stands for. This is me.

All In Link and whisky investments

>> No.11727397

I actually think this is true. Being INTJ is a curse (foreveralone.jpg) but also a blessing. INTJs are usually overachievers and this is because we really are just competent at everything that we do. That’s because self improvement and achieving the best result in our niche is basically our life purpose. Becoming the best at whatever weird thing we decide is super interesting becomes our identity. That’s why a lot of INTJs are scientists. We also are extremely future oriented. We have the ability to synthesise all the information, discard what is irrelevant, and allow our subconscious to make the best decision. This is exactly what’s happening with Chainlink discussion and FUD. You will find that most genuine FUD comes from people who get caught up in the little irrelevant details. The INTJ *just knows* what is best because our subconscious is based. It can annoy other people because we can’t necessarily explain why we know we are right and can appear to be hubris. So I get it why lesser types hate linkies on biz.
If you’re an INTJ I’m sure you can relate. I always trust my intuition because it’s never failed me. I know it won’t fail me this time with chainlink either, especially since an ARMY of INTJs has all come to the same conclusion.
I’ve been having a lot of relationship difficulties recently because of my manner which can appear cold, classsic INTJ struggles, but at least I still have $1000 EOY.

Also I don’t think the Myers Briggs classification is necessarily 100% fact but it’s still extremely useful and spookily accurate.

>> No.11727452
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My fellow INTJ autists. All in on LINK since it first hit 45 cents and holding until at least 2020. We're gonna make it, friends.

Also, have some helpful vids on MBTI and understanding yourself better:

>> No.11727468

Wasn't the Myers-Briggs debunked like a hundred times already?

>> No.11727488

Not really. And Just because a model isn’t perfect doesn’t mean it useful and doesn’t mean there aren’t nuggets of truth in there. If you struggle with personal relationships then figuring out your personality type and that of everyone you meet will help you communicate effectively.

Pretty sure 90% of link holders are INTJ. There’s a reason for that.

>> No.11727497

INFP master race

>> No.11727541

Holy shit, litterally me. All in LINK too

>> No.11727548

>figuring out your personality type and that of everyone you meet will help you communicate effectively.
or you could just, you know... learn actual communication skills and skip the "find your astrological sign" step entirely?

Seriously tho, glad you understand that models are tools, just there are better ones out there, like big5/ocean etc...

>> No.11727578

>learn actual communication skills
Different types of People communicate in different ways. Most people have shitty communication skills. Some types communicate in different ways. If you know their type you can understand what they’re trying to say much easier. You can also know what kind of slant to avoid on a topic.

>> No.11727581

As far as determining business related personality attributes or your personal level of maturity within your type, perhaps.
But it can be an immensely valuable as a tool for personal development and better understanding yourself and others if you take it as just that. Check the channels I linked above for your own type and see if it clicks and describes possible strengths or flaws that you could work on.

>> No.11727589

I immediately disregard the opinion of anybody who refers to MB as horoscope. You think you are clever yet are so predictable.

>> No.11727600

This. Horoscopes are Barnum statements that are so vague they could apply to anyone. MB is spookily accurate. Totally different.

>> No.11727602

the vast majority of 4chan is INTJ; Link holders aren't special.

ENTP master race putting my link gains into semi-retiring, starting online sales and becoming a fulltime artist

>> No.11727618

THIS >>11727546 is exactly the kind of nitpicking attitude that non-INTJ fud takes. He thinks he’s smart because he’s picking apart all the little details but the INTJ just *gets it*, it just clicks. Once you understand smart contracts, oracles, everything it just clicks and these silly little arguments can simply be discarded.
Truly the master race.

>> No.11727639

>But am low IQ and a NEET
>Browse 4chan all day and accumulate link
Wow, we truly are the elite.

>> No.11727654

Imagine what we could do with our LINK profits, yacht parties, festivals, private penthouse parties. Full Bilzerian lifestyle, but not... because we are nerdy INTJS

>> No.11727665

at least for me, im not complaining tho. I will buy my dream car and hopefully could afford to buy a licence so i could have my passion as a job, thats what i want from life, fuck lambos

>> No.11727681

Our ENTP friends will throw the parties. We can attend and sit in the corner being awkward.

>> No.11727705

It's catch 22 - you need to communicate with people first to discover their type to know how to communicate... that is why I think having communication skills and strategies that not relay on the types is better.

>> No.11727713

These types are the biggest scam since link. Real chads analyze all personalities in real time and adjust accordingly. Thinking everyone fits into 16 types is a joke

>> No.11727717

ISTP masterrace reporting

>> No.11727732

Gas yourselves. LINK is an ENTJ crypto

ICX and IOTA and more suited for INTJcels

>> No.11727776

playing a devil's advocate here, it's more like a spectrum - when I had the test done (not by professionals) it was explained to me that there are not "perfect" types, they just looking for a "dominant" one or something, and that it may change over time or depending on the context (same people who get it done at job interview get different results at family consultation etc..) - even if I'm skeptical about the test myself, I had to admit that "pigeonholing in 16 categories" is doing it wrong

>> No.11727860

You have no idea what is forever alone

>> No.11727870
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>ENTP master race
The only true master race are the individuals who master their functions and self-actualize as the best version of themselves.

I'm not buying anything but my freedom. I plan to use my time to work on art, education, and philosophical enlightenment.

It's sixteen primary types, with three different sub-types each, that break down into a unique configuration of eight different functions that a single person may or may not be using (healthily or unhealthily) or even aware of depending on their own personal life experience and amount of introspection. It's hardly something you use to pigeonhole anybody, and the more you understand it, the more you can see both the differences and similarities in people sharing types.

>> No.11728070


>> No.11728132

Although you are correct MBTI is less accurate than Astrology, you must remember that the MBTI fags are extremely pious zealots.
It's cultish thinking, similar to marxists. They use this new found hammer that describes an average that doesn't actually exist and apply it with force to everything and everyone around them.

>> No.11728193

21 year old ENTJ with a 168k stink stack here. Ready to lead the world.
What to do anons, entrepreneurship or politics?

>> No.11728332

>being anything E and expecting to be a master race
Extroverts are all perfect wage slaves. Will sit there and talk and do their work. INTJs are incapable of being wagies. They desire something greater.
>parties with lots of stimuli
This gave me anxiety just reading about it.

>> No.11728393

Isn't the vast majority INTP? Also isn't it just a modest majority? Some anon on here compiled a giant list and concluded it was INTP as #1 and INTJ as #2 iirc.

>> No.11728478
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this, and we intps are confirmed highest iq to boot. the intp/intj biz coalition will become the new global elite. intp high iq coupled with intj sociopathy is literally unstoppable.

>> No.11728482

INTP checking in, all in on LINK

>> No.11728491

INFP nocoiner here, how do I get enough money to invest in LINK

>> No.11728512

Sometimes i feel like intp will all be drug into the streets and burnt with gasoline

>> No.11728535



>> No.11728560

I appreciate the reassurance, but keep your eyes peeled fren.

>> No.11728569

I always got intp on these tests but since I started nofap and got a spiritual awakening, I dont know who I am anymore

maybe entp or something

>> No.11728654


>> No.11728704

>no thots, only girls
>food buffet, healthy and junk
>free drinks and pot
>about 100 pcs in Lan connection
>some arcades and OG Pinballs
>same amount of consoles covering every system hooked up from the New to the Ps4.
>same amount of TVs to watch animu marathons
>Rooms for everyone invited
>no timelimits.

One can only hope

>> No.11728748

>relationship difficulties recently because of my manner which can appear cold
i'm an INTJ but man being warm in an intimate relationship is the best f00kin thing
just getting my girl and hugging her all the time, nibbling her ear while i'm lying behind her, etc.

>> No.11728881

Surely a bunch of INTJ's can master the art of mixing a few simple, standard drinks and roll a couple good spliffs.
It's all you need to have a good time at a party and breaking the initial ice, which we all know is the hardest part of any social interaction

>> No.11728903

Nolinker INTJ. Going to let COSS accumulate me LINK from 2019 onwards.

>> No.11728918

cause intp is not the type to be doing the dragging and burning.

>> No.11728933

>They have a low tolerance for spin or rampant emotionalism. They are not generally susceptible to catchphrases
This resonates with me. I always felt that normies, especially really extroverted normies, are retarded like that but never really put that feeling into words before.

>> No.11728943

Why do you speak lile that

>> No.11728958

that would be probably /g/ or /r9k/
biz is a little more sociopathic
Nevertheless, we INTPs should unionize and contain all the extroverts in some sort of animal reservations.
And exterminate our only contender, the faggot INTJs.

>> No.11728995

Yup. For the feels

>> No.11729022

50k isfp here, how can i profit off my mbti after the link moon?

>> No.11729026
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Hello NPC, back to FB with you

>> No.11729045

build communities in low-income countries and help innocent kids. Consult work with diplomacy and VC for poverty-eliminating technologies.
t. INFP masterrace

>> No.11729048

LINK whale here and I'm an INTJ. Took the test tons of times and always get the same answer.

>> No.11729050

>tfw INFJ and all in since before sibos 2017

>> No.11729062

90% of 4chan is INTJ. The anonymity is compelling.

>> No.11729066

penile dysfunction

>> No.11729070

fuck you all desu
>t. ENTP

>> No.11729077
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INFJ master race
Specialist reporting in.

>> No.11729079

INTJ are the worst

>> No.11729109
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>> No.11729501

you ever been on the receiving end of INTP anger?

>> No.11729520

entjs and entps are alright

>> No.11729553

Absolute rage it is. Actual rage. You can see the breathing and feel their fear.

INTP reporting in! All in on LINK. This board might indeed be filled with wild INTP unleashing their weird sense of humor while autisticaly digging intels. Totaly INTP stuff to do. That might also be why I can't stop coming back here. Feels like home somehow. The only thing that bothers me is that, we I meet another INTP in real life, must that person think exactly like me, it's all coldness and crude jokes. The warmth can only be felt in the underlines.

I love you frens.

>> No.11729557

Someone slap a fucking plaid shirt on that mother fucker

>> No.11729577

What's the difference between a knight and a paladin? They both use white magic at some point.

>> No.11729585


>> No.11729695

Paladin: casts heals
Knight: casts defense buffs

>> No.11729760

Any degenerate infj/p want to go whoring and boozing? I’ll make it up to you by going on that Himalayan trek after.

>> No.11729804

This just proves that LINK is the patrician coin

INTPs and INTJs have the highest IQs among the 16 types

Big 5 correlates with MBTI. Tell me your MBTI and I can predict your big 5 with modest precision

>> No.11729884
File: 252 KB, 2048x1365, 20626450_10155631793394516_3940402429610447129_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ppl who is unironically """""investing""""" in link is below average IQ - whoever the fuck your person profile is

>> No.11730152

>It can annoy other people because we can’t necessarily explain why we know we are right

It takes too much time.

>> No.11730286

INTP but I wish I were an ENTP. That seems like the God race.

>> No.11730367

Why would you desire normalfag interaction?

>> No.11730377

everyone wants to have sex.

>> No.11730400



>> No.11730401

Not INTP masterrace kek
But seriously, you don't need to debate for that. "E" is for pillow talking mostly.

>> No.11730402

Sex is an illusion.
You can pay to fulfill your basic biological needs or you can just take away a girl you like and do the deed provided youre brave enough.

Go fucking pay a prostitute you fucking faggot

>> No.11730403


>> No.11730436

ENTP here, been buying LINK since last December and all in since May

>> No.11730469

Kek. 'How to the fuck up your values' the post

>> No.11730498

Case in point: trying to explain why to buy chainlink to friends and family.
They will never understand.

>> No.11730533

I’m ENTP and this is where I come in. Because all my friends have bought Link, my dad owns 2k, my gf owns 2k.

>> No.11730557

Funny enough though my friend who is the most into crypto has not listened to me. He’s an accountant for a major firm and is their head of blockchain, I’ve reminded him month after month and he still hasn’t even looked into it. I feel bad for him.

>> No.11730583


>> No.11730584

INTJs can’t explain what they just know. We are also basically always right. So we just come across as arrogant know it alls. Not very persuasive.
My best friends are ENTP and we can have good conversations. I also really like ENFPs but they can be flaky.
Trying to relate to NPC tier personalities like ISFJ is impossible.

>> No.11730984
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The real INTJ coin is XRP. Anyone else saying otherwise - well that’s also their own opinion from their own analysis and perceptions from the interpretations in logic from their upbringing.

>> No.11730995
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>INTJs can’t explain what they just know. We are also basically always right. So we just come across as arrogant know it alls. Not very persuasive.
Fuck, this is so true.
Tried to shill some normalfag "friends" (they are more like contacts than friends these days, they are all obsessed with wagecucking) into buying LINK and noone did it. I even showed them how to easily buy it, how Binance works and so on...but they all just looked at me like "Oh look, little genius anon over here trying to act smug again."

>> No.11731052

more like
paladin conjures spiraling hammers
knight gets thrashed in melee combat

>> No.11731089

It’s pretty difficult to do, the people that I’ve shilled the fundamentals on and explained what oracles are and smartcontracts didn’t buy. All the people who bought are friends and family who blindly trust me because they consider me the smart one and they know nothing about crypto so they will buy whatever I tell them to buy. It took almost 9 months of me talking about Link almost daily to my gf until she finally bought 2k last week... good thing she finally caved. (I’m entp)

>> No.11731099

INTP master race. Your feeling don't matter.

>> No.11731101

Sounds about right.
Just trying to be helpful to the people I actually wanna help make it in life and it somehow backfires and makes me seem like a know it all twat.

>> No.11731133

Fuck off faggot. I'm sick and tired of fags like you helping the poverty fags. They belong there. Help the middle class instead you worthless fuck

>> No.11731160

>t. loser on 4chan

>> No.11731186

ENFPs are fun to bang, but don't try to marry one.

t. INTJ, LINK Sgt Major.

>> No.11731219

>t. Fag who wants to "help the poor" like every other NPC

>> No.11731225

I was with an ENFP but they just left me out of the blue saying it “ just wasn’t right”.

>> No.11731318

Yeah, I was always fighting with the one I dated because I liked to have things somewhat planned out and she liked to keep things open and spontaneous. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

>> No.11731353
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Don't forget us ENTJ's.

Just because we can lead the normies doesn't make us one of them either.

>> No.11731397

Honestly Myers-Briggs is worse than astrology for me. A few years ago when I first took the test, I got INTJ. Then, it changed to INTP, then INFP, and occasionally ENTJ. It seems like for me it depends mostly on what website I take the test on and how I feel that day. At least my zodiac sign is always the same.

>> No.11731484
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I did it 3 times in my life and always got INTJ.
Going to do it right now again and reporting back in how it turned out.

>> No.11731496

I think most people get the same thing each time actually. I just have no real personality or something

>> No.11731527

The online tests are really bad. I'm pretty good at figuring out what type my friends and family are. Results have been very mixed when they have taken online tests.

When I show them the type I have intuited them to be, they're almost always blown away by how accurate it is.

>> No.11731551

ENFJ chad here

i will lead you to glorious victory my intj brothers

>> No.11731554
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Are you people actually take these serious or is it a huge meme?

Why label yourself?

>> No.11731574
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yep. its the same again.

>> No.11731580
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Mage boy reporting in

>> No.11731628

ISTP. 6% npc.

>> No.11731707

I’m an INTJ and ignored everyone of your shills for link, as it is useless information in this thread.
One point you missed is that we are also taken to have a lack of emotion, as we don’t entertain others idiotic ideas and skip to the facts.

>> No.11732168

provide micro loans instead, excessive donations are unsustainable and will only destroy your ability to help those is need in the future

>> No.11732200

damn didnt realise it before but you're right. Get weird looks whenever I tell my mates 4chan is fun

>> No.11732320

hey yall
intp here
100% link here
luv u

>> No.11732418

Best place to test whether I’m intj

>> No.11732431
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I have two of these friends. One even said he'd give me 10% on every $10,000 he brings in thanks to my crypto advice.
I got drunk and mentioned LINK to him a while back. There's no chance he bought.

>mfw no comped LINK in the future

>> No.11732534


>> No.11732808

Hear hear. ENTJ are the ones who have their names written in history books. Also the highest earning of any MBTI type.

t. ESTP who got ENTJ on his first test and dont know what I clicked differently but wish I could get ENTJ again