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11724909 No.11724909[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fellow neets and wise bizraelis, I require your help. I recently rejoined the bliss of neetdom and my fiancee is trying to take away my freedoms.
She's on the rag right now I can't stand it, I was having an ok day, showered and shaved, worked on the tv warranty, we made lunch together, watched some stuff together and at 7 I tell her I want to take a nap and she's against it because she's all it'll throw off your sleep and I'm like well I'm tired I'm going to do it anyway, so I do.
She finishes work at 8 so at that time she wakes me up to take the dog out with her which I'm like yes sure
We get in the elevator and she starts going "I noticed you didn't have dinner ready for me at 8"
What I say, you didn't ask me to or anything
Starts going on saying she shouldn't have to and that because I'm not working I should be preparing the meals and cleaning the house during those 8 hrs I have free
To which I reply I'm happy to help with what you need but I think those chores should be a team effort
She disagrees, says it's unfair
I disagree with her, she keeps saying my argument makes no sense
She becomes adamant that her opinion is correct
Gets pissed off, stops talking to me
We get to the front door of the building she goes I'm going to go get groceries can you take the dog up? I go ok if that's what you want
And she leaves.
She's being unreasonable right? It's not like she's paying my rent or paying for anything of mine

Pic is an ass I might do all that bullshit for

>> No.11724990
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Guys I need help with an argument so I don't have to do this bullshit and be her fucking slave just because I'm jobless

>> No.11725008
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In a way she's being unreasonable when it comes to "you put in x, she puts in x". It's not like you really owe her to put in more to chores than she does just because your source of shekels isn't from mr shekelstein like hers.

On the other hand, try to see how she sees it. She's probably envious of how much free time you have and feels like you could use some it easily to just make her life easier, as she's probably a bit exhausted from work. If you adopt a view that you can make things easier for her, it might be good for both of you, because then there are no chores for her to do when she comes home and you can both focus on enjoying your time together and your relationship. It will probably improve her general mood and quality of life. Not because of satisfaction that you're doing as she thinks you should, but because she feels truly free from labour when she comes home.

If you do take that attitude, do tell her that this is why you do it, though. So she knows that you're doing it to create the best life for the both of you, not because you think you owe her or anything (but don't specify that last part. just explain your motive).

Nice taste in brappers. I do wish people would stop posting sexual content on blue boards, even when sfw, however.

>> No.11725030


>> No.11725035

she will start looking for a new man if you don't get off your ass op
sounds like cracks are showing already

>> No.11725048

1. youre a cuck
2. she's not going to get groceries shes going to get fucked by tyrone or chad, because you've lost all value to her now
3. youre a cuck

>> No.11725053

sounds like shes jealous lol
just dump her

>> No.11725073

Ur fuked m8

>> No.11725076

if you were working and your gf did nothing at home you'd probably complain about it as well
if you want to be a house bitch act like one or hire a fucking maid.

>> No.11725080

In all seriousness OP you need to sock her one in the jaw.
Thatl teach'er.
Also telling her to "shut up" should help.

>> No.11725082

i'd leave her because of her fragile ego
"omg its unfair you dont have to work"
lol such a baby

>> No.11725087
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Apologies for any offence for posting fine brappers on a blue board
I'd like to add that she works from home, compounding the problem.
I am fine with putting in some extra effort for her since I do have more free time but she's making it sound like I should be doing everything since she's occupied from 12-8 and it just feels like no, if you want the household that nice it should be a combined effort
She can be a terrible slob while she's at home working, and I get that little things get ignored during those times but I feel like she wants to abuse the privilege of having me clean up after her just because she is earning
And I just don't kike how she sandbagged me in the elevator about it and made our dog walk so awkward

>> No.11725089


Lol look at this fag tryin to get inside that bitch's head

>> No.11725114

She's back with groceries and she has no sex drive
Should I just start writing and leaving the comfort of home for 8 hours to avoid thos unpleasantness?

>> No.11725130

>And I just don't kike how she sandbagged me
How fucking often are you typing kike anon?
Polcel larp detected.

>> No.11725135

maybe question why you wanted a gf in the first place, what motivated you to do that

secondly if you want to be a neet look for a better one that doesnt get jealous

>> No.11725140
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I am not at your level yet Anon but plan to be soon.

I almost have the townhome paid off and GF pays all utilities and groceries. After paying off my home next year and saving a bit more, I plan to become a NEET. Basically she'll be paying for everything and the only thing I'll be paying is the property tax, my car insurance, small hoa fees.

I am expecting her to be resentful of my NEET lifestyle. She already is envious that I WFH 90% of the year and makes comments I should do more at home. I can imagine how bad it'll get. So I plan on learning to cook more and better meals and do more of the home maker stuff. I think the better cuisine and the fact that I'll be keeping her happy thus not touching my retirement accounts will be worth the extra effort.

We can't all live with our mommies Anon so I am expecting to have to compromise with my GF to live a NEET lifestyle.

>> No.11725146
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I don't use autocorrect, k and l are beside eachother on a qwerty, calm down

>> No.11725154

yeah pretend you're working but go sit in the park and smoke weed all day

>> No.11725160

not a good sign.
you know what you gotta do anon.

>> No.11725172
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>> No.11725174

Post any sort of proof you have a gf and I will apologise right now.
Go ahead you larping incel faggot

>> No.11725178

Ah, I see. If she's that entitled then stand your ground with the 50-50 logic and if you end up breaking up over it then it's on her.

You could try to reason with her and say you don't feel like you owe her 50-50 and be very clear about it and say that when/if you put in more effort than her, it will not be because you owe it to her, but because you want to.

If she never comes around on this, you might want to bring up to her that if her attitude about this stays the same, your relationship together is likely to pay a heavy price over time, and might not last.

>> No.11725189

>no sex drive
no sex drive for you my friend.

>> No.11725192
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GF is bringing the dough
>you're a houswife now bitch

You bring in the dough

>> No.11725198
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That sounds like bliss, fren
I could even go to some cannabis lounges but some of them blast music constantly which can get annoying
I am hoping my crypto holdings will allow me to rent an office space at some point wherein I can just do me and still be at "work" so she's not all up in my grill

>> No.11725252
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I really don't care enough about what you think to make the effort so enjoy whatever satisfaction you get from thinking you've "caught" me in something because of a common typo
>it will not be because you owe it to her, but because you want to.
I do like this line of thinking because it makes it feel less like I'm acquiescing to her demands and moreso like I'm being generous
You know your shit well
Trust me
We split the bills evenly

>> No.11725273

yeah do a Larry David
get an office and hire a minimum wage secretary and just hang out all day pretending to manage assets or whatever

>> No.11725303

Do I get the feeling both of you are "well to do" because you are or because im poor?

>> No.11725306

Absolutely intriguing. I can't wait for the smash hit broadway musical starring Marilyn Manson and Brendan fraser.

>> No.11725311
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I want that so bad
I already manage both of our crypto holdings, fucking hope bakkt lights the fire this dec

>> No.11725330
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She makes like 40k and I have my parents and a tiny amount of neetbux propping me up during this unemployment
We live quite comfortably but have friends who make far more

>> No.11725345

It's pretty fucking simple anon. She pays 100% of the bills, you do 100% of the chores. She pays 50% of the bills, you do 50% of the chores.
If she can't accept an even balance she's a fucking bitch that you don't need, get out now.
If you accept an uneven balance you're a total fucking pussy and will be doomed to spend the rest of your life miserable with a bitch who walks all over you.

>> No.11725379

Im on ipad, what happens to her

>> No.11725405
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Cute face massage

>> No.11725413

Found the newfag

>> No.11725414

If the shoe ever ends up on the other foot you are seriously going to regret not doing the chores, esoecially if you have a kid and she decides to take a year or 2 off.
I would just do them. Women spend way more time being unemployed than men, generally.

>> No.11725445

>10 posts by this ID
>hurr I don't care what you think now back to my rambling MGTOW fantasy

>> No.11726140

You're retarded

>> No.11726312
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Never trust anything coming from a woman's mouth.

>> No.11726380

>She's being unreasonable right?

Yes she is.

>> No.11726385

shut the fuck up butthurt faggot.

>> No.11726389

>she has no sex drive
Just save time and leave her now.

>> No.11726402

Can't believe all the cucks in the comment section. OP, tell her if she isn't happy to go find someone else. Grab your balls and be a man. Don't ever let a woman tell you what to do like that.

>> No.11726466
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She's smart, beautiful, super sweet when in a good mood, incredibly ambitious, I can't let all of that go just to have a partner that wants my cum. Strangely I don't feel as unloved or unfulfilled in the absence of a lot of sex like I have in other relationships, which is why I proposed.

>> No.11726497
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Mf I'm trying to avoid problems, not create them. Given the advice in this thread and upon further contemplation I've decided it's best to placate her and tell her I'm considering it for the sole reason of it giving us more time for us and not out of any sense of obligation for her retarded argument

>> No.11726518

Install gentoo and stop dating 3dpd faggot

>> No.11726522

She's right. Unless you have justification, as in you were job hunting all day, you're a shithead.
>imagine not working, preparing food for yourself and specifically NOT care to prepare enough to last for two people.
It's like you were trying to be stupid.

>> No.11726554


Basically this. If you're paying your fair share, then you cover your fair portion of the chores.

>> No.11726555

>>imagine not working, preparing food for yourself and specifically NOT care to prepare enough to last for two people.
I didn't prepare anything for myself
Load Tane

>> No.11726594
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I was leaning towards this but if I go firm on it it'll make her feel as if she lost or can't get through to me or that I can't compromise, like I said if she thinks I'm considering it and Doing it for a different reason, ie as a gift to her, it'll smooth things over nicely while denying her retarded logic

>> No.11726601

Also I'll just start leaving the house more and eventually get my crypto office

>> No.11726617

That anon just mindfucked you. You're going to come off as petty no matter how cleverly you word it.
>im not doing this because you want me to, im doing this because i want to myself
At the end of the day you caved to her demands and she will have lost respect for you. As it is, she already lost respect for you.

The problem isn't that you aren't doing your fair share or that it's too hard for her. The problem is that she feels like you're lazy. Women never fucking say exactly what they mean. They only have a feeling and then make up some shallow reasoning for it after the act. If you spent your time doing productive shit that wasn't bitchwork around the house then she would never have brought it up. Best thing for you to do is figure out a meaningful way to occupy your time so she doesn't feel that way anymore.

Oh, and if you go to doing more chores than she does, you can kiss your relationship goodbye. You'll be even more pathetic in her eyes than just a lazy neet. She'll feel like she's not engaged to a real man anymore. Don't set a bad precedent now.

>> No.11726621
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My Girlfriend has also a low sex drive, but she is the perfect girl nontheless. I am still young and chad (19 and 100k link stack). Altough I dont want to lose her, I still want to experience other women.
what do?

>> No.11726625

Is he actually chewing manually? No wonder he has sperg superpowers.

>> No.11726638

Women don't have retarded logic, because they don't have logic at all. They only have feelings. Either she feels like you don't recognize how hard she works or she feels like you aren't man enough to provide a stable life for her. Read between the lines my dude, you can analyze what she's FEELING way better than any of us can. Get to the emotional root and plan your response from there.

>> No.11726645

You have more free time.
Chores take free time.
Every chore takes relatively more of her free time than of yours.

This is the unfairness. It does not take into account how many dicks you suck to earn your neetbucks, of course, so maybe tell her how sore your knees still are.

>> No.11726676

Bro you're young you could easily break up someday over anything, when you get truly bored you'll probably cheat on her and if you tell her you did it'll end and you'll be free to fuck. Love is a special thing but truly hard to understand at your age

>> No.11726687

break up or cheat behind her back or convince her to let you experiment either alone or in a 3way/orgy... These are your only options. The only option i recommend against is cheating.

>> No.11726690

>because they don't have logic at all
Just like men have no self-awareness about how retarded they are and sperg-out when told directly

>> No.11726702

>I didn't prepare anything for myself
Understood why doing something for another person is something you find completely alien. kys

>> No.11726706

>At the end of the day you caved to her demands and she will have lost respect for you. As it is, she already lost respect for you.
I see this side of it but I still don't buy that I was mindfucked or that she'll lose respect for me in trying that route.

>problem is that she feels like you're lazy
Well it's this and the jealousy because she wants to have the freedom to be lazy, she's literally stated this and I've mentioned it ITT

>She'll feel like she's not engaged to a real man anymore
Yeah no, you're leaning way too hard into the MALE DOMINATE type of relationship which is not the type we have. I told you, she's smart, she doesn't have the sort of simplified needs of a regular woman

>> No.11726710

women are plagued with feelings of status and insecurity, and very few will ever accept a man just being home and not overtly active
there's no logic that can win the argument here
either you do some work, and that work must be validated socially, or you're going to have her nagging at you
this is true whether you're on welfare or living off 8 figures investments. male idleness triggers something bad in the female brain

>> No.11726712

Some good advice, I'll second it

>> No.11726720

What are you talking about you 'tard? Make some fucking sense or fuck off

>> No.11726728

Fair point, god it's tough being a nonsingle neet

>> No.11726730
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>she doesn't have the sort of simplified needs of a regular woman
The same way nice milkies don't cause you have an erection, because you're above the needs of the simple man.

>> No.11726740

She's not jealous. She resents that lifestyle, it's disgusting to her. How can somebody just lay around, nap, do nothing at ALL, all day? You're missing the point. It's not about male domination, it's about simple dynamics of man and woman. No woman wants to feel like they're tethered to a lesser driven man, or a man who is complacent in idle times. She wants a go getter, a self motivated person. The fact that she's telling you to do more chores is a really bad sign already. She doesn't think you have the capability of self determination in a way that is helpful to the relationship. She's being your mom.
>well if he's going to waste time all day he might as well do chores

>> No.11726741

Your mom's milkies give me an erection

>> No.11726745

You seem emotional. Understood the post got under your skin.
Good. Now kys.

>> No.11726751

Oh look, the OP is an emotional tard.
>muh rational discussion

>> No.11726757

I dunno man when I met her she was neeting and she loved it and always talks about wanting to live a life of leisure again, I see what you're saying in that women are more attracted to ambitious men but I do truly think she's jealous of my position, it's likely a combo of the two

>> No.11726767

Your mom's milkies make me emotional
I imagine many men have become emotional over them after a seasion or two of MMMMmmmmm *POP*

>> No.11726817


Thank you for your advice, I‘ve been thinking about breaking up but I dont want to break her heart. I cant just say that I want to leave her just because she doesnt put out often.

>> No.11726843
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Can you give me your opinion what love is?

>> No.11726929

But we are brothers. Why the fuck are you fucking our mom?

>> No.11726940

If she doesn't want to have sex with you, you are not attractive to her, period. She also doesn't love you, and you are just friends in the guise of a relationship.

>> No.11726949
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It's a hard way to break up without feeking like a selfish asshole and also really hurting her, I was able to get out of one such relationship by moving (I also dumped her before the move citing dissatisfaction with the types she was hanging with)

I think it's different things for different people. For me I know I always wanted a pretty blonde who was down for cuddling and was clever. I wanted hot sex too but over the years my priorities shifted, having had a promiscuous and wonderfully experimental youth I feel less of a need now for sex all the time.
I still jerk off like crazy, can't stop adding thots on fb, msg exes, and look at escorts online and I feel like I might cheat on her for real one day but the fact that it hasn't hapoened and it's been years lead me to believe that I have aomething special.
With frigid exes I didn't feel loved because I they wouldn't fuck me
With her I feel loved despite that she doesn't want to fuck that much

>> No.11726958


>Can you give me your opinion what love is?

A decision.

>> No.11726993

You have a vivid fantasy about fucking mothers. Thinking you don't really feel like you're in a relationship with your GF, just your mom. Therefore you have sex with her on your mind all the time.

>> No.11727000

Wtf if ur truly a neet, and shes working 8hrs. Why sont you just fucking make the dinner and do the chores? Are you really that beta. Be a fucking alpha and listen to your woman. Out of ur 8hrs of neetdom im sure u can do the groceries cook and do chores all in 1hr max and still have 7hrs of neet. Dont be a lazy fuck. If u respect her then shes ur otherhalf, and what she says should matter to you. She will see that you respect her words, and she will be attracted and fuck all the time asking for ur cum. Bitches are psychological, they need to feel that you want them and do everything for them. But hey if u dont respect her to listen to her then tuck that, find one you can relate with and make sacrifices on your part because its someone you respect and value, where giving is more important to you. Oh and buy link

>> No.11727041


I think we‘re in the exact same position. She is really clever and always wants to cuddle/show me affection. But damn sometimes I‘m just angry when I have to cuddle a whole evening without fucking. When I tell her she just gets sad and cries

>> No.11727070

>cuddle with a woman
>it doesn't end in sex
You are not attractive, in personality or physique. The fact that you try to shame her into sex means that it's the personality that's to blame most likely.

>> No.11727087

What is even the point of roasties
Just fuck some whores and if you get the paternal urges then just adopt or spoil your nephews or something

>> No.11727094
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It's fucking tough but like I said you're young, I'd ride it out and push for more experimentation/an open relationship. Sex is something you should explore while you're young but if you have a good thing don't just flush it down, try to make it work and if one day you break up for whatever reason you'll be free

>> No.11727099


So she demands your time but gives nothing in return.

>> No.11727121


I seriously doubt the woman would have enough money to split the bills in that case.

>> No.11727131

I think you‘re right to some extent. I am used to girls chasing after me, therefore I‘m more of the passive one in the relationship. I‘m much nicer to her now then in the beginning of our relation, but when we started out we used to fuck all the time. I think because im Passive I look more interesting to women in general, but maybe its not good for a relationship

>> No.11727134


>Every chore takes relatively more of her free time than of yours.

Well she also has a lot more money than OP since they split the bills. It's absolutely no justification in this situation.

>> No.11727139

Hmm interesting, maybe we're not so alike as I agressively pursue sex

>> No.11727171

10 insane posts by this id
what are you a roastie or some kind of insane white knight who's never thought to google red pill

>> No.11727181

Of course sex is my goal but in my situation I pulled more girls with the passive approach. When I was younger I pursued girls more activly but it never worked out perfect

>> No.11727183

Which one is insane?
If you want to truly 'red pill' yourself you need to know both sides of the story.
>imagine thinking that men are blameless because some minuscule creatures orders them around

>> No.11727187

Hey felloanon!

I cant be arsed to read all of these replies but i guess you got some good answers there. Also dont listen to every advice here because its probably NEETs, teenagers or 20 years olds who think they will make it with crypto. There are some wise men here so i hope they have given you advice.

So what you are seeing right now is a classical case actually in a working environment. I dont know how old you both are, but judging from your text im assuming around 23-25 years of age? There are many conflicts here going on so lets start from the beginning. First of all your woman is an NPC. Yeah all of our women are NPCs we have to deal with it. Now the problem with that is that they get jelly. She is jelly that she has to work and slave while you dont. Now a normal anon would say gz man! I hope you are doing well. The NPC people do not understand happiness for other people. They get jelly if someone is having a better life and you are. They get jelly if they are happy, you are. You see the pattern ay? The counter is to act sad and morbid around NPCs but then i ask, do you seriously want such a gf to pretend who you are? Yeah...

So the next thing im seeing from your post is that you are letting a person lead who doesnt know how to lead. Eg. you are a beta pussy cuck. She clearly is asking for leadership with those "Why wasnt food ready?". "Im going to go get grocies, can you take the dog up?" which you reply like a pussyboy "I go ok if thats what you want". Thats not what she wants to hear. She wants:

"Hey woman, go get the groceries and i take the dog."
"Ok hon."
"Hey woman im going to bed, i would advice you to take food from a fast-food joint"
"Ok hon."
"Hey woman i bought some ready meals for home. Eat them. Im going to bed to rest.
"Ok hon."

You see these examples are both the same in information, but the way its handled is completely different. TLDR: You are a pussyboy and she senses it.

>> No.11727207

Part 2.

Its going to get worse man so if you dont take the leadership point here you are in for a rough patch. You are going to have different scenarios played out here and eventually she will cheat on you with a man i described above, who takes the lead and leads the woman. The majority women like to be lead. They dont DONT DONT like being in this weird confusion phase on how to lead. They despise it. They just dont compute. Yeah sure there are some women out there who can lead, but those usually are very aggressive and i wouldnt recommend that.

Now the cleaning part. If your woman starts nagging about such stuff you say

"Hey woman, i know im not working right now, but you need to listen to me. Im having a rough patch and i need to take time for myself. I need to think things through. We (the WE part is very important) need to find a better path here so i can get a good salary job. Im actually searching for jobs (you can lie here) right now to find a better job so we can bring in more money to our household.

"Ok hon."

But as a beta fuck you probably are like. Yeah im just chilling at home watching TV while your bitch is working hard and knows that you just dont do anything.

Obviously man, you act like a child and not a man. Thats why she is throwing the fuss at you. She feels like she needs to grow a boy into a man. She will dump you eventually (in a year or so). She will start giving you advice and test you how to be a man. Its already happened reading your post. There are more tests coming believe me. It will get worse. Eventually she will start talking to others about "How anon doesnt work, sleeps all day and doesnt clean the house". Believe me it will come.

Solution: Man up, take leadership and even pretend if needed. That way you get her back in line. Godspeed!

>> No.11727233

This is part of it. Also, the fact thay you are homebound means you are not a threat to her. When you are out working a woman has a healthy amount of anxiety regarding your desirability. You are socializing, and interacting. There are going to be other hotties that you banter with platonically who will admire your personality and who you engage with some degree if light flirting. This builds your confidence and helps keep your bunny in check. It keeps some excitement in the relationship like she "won" you. Its quite important to never be complacent.

>> No.11727244

>when I met her she was neeting and she loved it

So she may be jelaous that you and her are a couple and you made the neetness possible only for you.

>> No.11727264

This anon also knows!
+1 bro